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“You HAVE to Chase What You LOVE or You’ll REGRET It!”

you found the thing that makes you come
alive yes that’s the whole game you’re
so lucky you found it yeah most of
America never finds it you have a job
that you love most people hate their job
it’s at least you’re making money you’ve
got a job you love have your family
figured out you’ve done a lot of
self-reflection like you in a really
great spot and create the most people
you should have the thing that you love
doing now you have to you have to you
have to chase that consistently because
otherwise you’re gonna get you in your
life and regret it there’s a company
that my good friend and I are gonna
start it’s called the gem Alliance okay
and I’ve been doing gemstone jewelry Oh
okay 2005 good to see you earrings in
yeah and I love a design and of course I
left a brand and business and this is
one of this is like my passion project
okay and it’s involves people like
interviewing people’s stories okay of
people who are making a difference in
the world
okay or they’ve transformed their life
and like somehow like what is the story
behind the transformation like what
caused them to make a shift or to change
their world from you know coming from
nothing to then becoming something I’m
talking like everyday people like
everyday heroes in the community okay so
just finding out what those story who
are those people that have amazing
stories and then tell them so I just
want to be that person that helps tell
those stories is their connection to
jewelry you’re not well the gem so not
really okay um but I liked what what gem
stands for so it’s give and power and
mentor okay
and so the hash like I’m thinking in
terms of how I want my audience to feel
after they’ve listened this story is
that they can go out and they can be a
gem yeah great so they can go and give
to somebody they can go and be feeling
empowered they can help mentor somebody
because they’ve seen the change and the
impact that it meant to this one person
yeah so I want to inspire
people to take action yeah you said
yesterday um and just be inspired like
anything’s possible basically like don’t
let the limits of your self-doubt hold
you back you know
and so the gem Alliance have trying to
find a domain you know they’re just
trying to find a domain name for their
business yeah it’s like nearly
impossible because I had all these
different names but Alliance that I
don’t know what your opinion is of like
the whole thing is you know be a gem we
want to help empower we love people we
want to help share stories to help give
and power and mentor in a nutshell I
guess my biggest challenge is not in
doing the work and taking action in the
work because I know it’s what brings me
the most energy but it’s to find out at
what point like what expectations should
I have on myself from turning it into a
monetize I like monetizing it like I
people have said just don’t worry about
that just give and the money will come
and I agree right
but then there’s this thing from from my
own inner belief or whatever I can’t
lose sight of like what is that
monetization and so I see what you’ve
done with your with your you know you’ve
had the book deal and you’ve had the ads
eventually and I have some of those same
like I think that creating a book you
know would be awesome giving people
possibility it’s a difficult question
answer because it depends on how good
you are
mm-hmm making money any business is a
function of how much value bringing
people mm-hmm so how good are you
bringing value to people mm-hmm and it’s
not it’s not just for this kinda stuff
it’s any that’s any it’s any business if
you look at LeBron James and basketball
if if somebody could be LeBron James and
I’m LeBron James skill and talent and
just showed up like somebody from the
Amazon rainforest just shows up I can
play like LeBron James
mm-hmm Amazonian she would get email
huge deal tomorrow in the NBA and crush
it but it’s all the work to get those
skills mm-hmm so can people recognize
your talent and are you good at
providing value I was a slow build
because it took me a long time to figure
out how to provide value and and I’m was
introverted and took me a long time to
get comfortable on camera and all the
stuff that I wanted to do other people
can get there a lot faster you’re
probably starting with a lot more than
what I started with when I got started
so you can get there faster than I did
it’s hard to compare your journey to
somebody else’s and feeling okay it’ll
take five years I don’t know depends on
how good you are the thing you might
make one piece of content that then
blows up and now you have a business or
it might take you seven years of doing
it every day before you hit pay dirt so
it’s really just that function of you
got to find the thing that you love
doing with where there’s a market in
domain for if you love gem and you just
it fills your soul but nobody really
cares you have a hobby it’s great it
feels your soul it’s a hobby it’s great
to do if you only chase an opportunity
but you don’t care about it you’re never
gonna win because somebody who loves
that thing is gonna they’re gonna win so
that combination of what you love doing
with what does it demand for and at the
beginning it’s messy like we talked to
the last night it’s messy
yeah you’re gonna do interviews are you
gonna do you on the street are you gonna
do you in the car company videos or
there’s so many ways to do it that you
have to try all of them to then figure
out which one you want to keep doing and
the acid test really is do I want to go
back and do that again so if you’re
doing right notes that won’t do
interviews right I want to interview
people ordinary people who’ve had
something happen in their life and I
want to tell their story that inspires
others to be gems right great so you go
do five of them and then you see dude
did I like that
did I like the process of it the result
may not be great every time you’ll make
mistakes like I should ask that question
or or my phone broke and we didn’t get a
recording of it isn’t even this like
today you know we got locked everybody
and want to go to too much one two
morons in Cincinnati that’s our last
importance before we build south and
like that’s it it’s like a weird morning
Tim Hortons so we have to drive to the
University of Cincinnati to go and do it
just like 15 20 minutes away we get
there it’s closed because it’s Martin
Luther King Day today so fine we go just
fine a Starbucks on the way great found
Starbucks go in they’re out of coffee
Starbucks rather than a coffee right so
we had a big deal in two espressos I
could you find the spresso no problem
and then we come back here and our BB is
locked and we can’t get in so everything
is delayed but but that that’s that
that’s messy like yes
you can’t optimize for that great right
so you figure it out and now we learn
for the next time okay we’re gonna we’re
gonna call and say hey are you open you
know hey do you have coffee you know so
every time you go through something for
the first time it’s gonna be messy so
you’re gonna do your interviews you’re
gonna make a bunch of mistakes along the
way you’re gonna ask questions you gonna
be nervous you’re gonna slowly find your
rhythm and the most important thing is
do you want to do it again you want to
come back and do it again like okay that
knew you really sucked but I like doing
it so I want to do it again so I see it
as if you’re going on a date
I mean you’re married now but you go out
on a date the only asset that should be
do I want to go on a second date not am
I gonna marry this guy if you go in with
that pressure I need to marry this guy
after the first date you’re gonna you’re
gonna sabotage yourself so it’s do I
want to go on a second date and the
second date leads to third and fourth
and immediately to just you go separate
ways it doesn’t work out or mainly to
you get married you’re trying to get
married with this new concept and figure
the thing is that you want to do for a
good chunk of time leave the rest of
your life
and so that becomes the asset test you
do it don’t wanna go back and do it
again I’m gonna learn from the mistakes
how quickly you make money will just
depend on how quickly you can provide
value to people yeah so it’s kind of
interesting like right now I have a 9 to
5 and I’ve had it for 20 years good for
a great company and I’ve had
entrepreneur opportunities I’ve been in
business for myself for different time
when I was about 17 years old anyway
what I’m pivoting to this year is not
just the interviews because I did dabble
in this with my jewelry is not something
since 2005 been designing jewelry but
interviewing ladies and that’s that are
making big changes in the world
impacting lives okay as I was honoring
them and I felt so high you know like
that energy was like ‘wait and I knew
that I was in my zone of genius you know
doing that and having experience I just
did the videos didn’t know how to do the
editing but I learned okay I’m very much
a I can figure it out kind of person
yeah so why’d you stop well because I
the reason why I stopped was because I
kind of got overwhelmed with the amount
of time that it took to edit the videos
and and and then I almost was becoming
more of like a fund-raising business
good I was saying okay all my customers
this is a great design this is a woman a
woman that I’m honoring and then I want
all the proceeds to go to this nonprofit
and I got let down I guess because like
I wasn’t making as many sales and so I
end up like writing checks you know out
of my own pocket to like support these
nonprofits and I thought that’s not
really what I that’s I mean I love the
moment of interviewing and in shining
their light so you picked a woman who
are running non-conference basic
wouldn’t help them raise money for their
basically yeah yeah
but so this is a great example you just
quit too soon I think you found the
thing that you you love doing yeah zone
of genius or what have you called it
great but you need to be there more I
know and if you already found it how
many movies did he do how many went how
many interviews in that series did you
do for it was called some are special
summer some are special great but if you
already found that for in then imagine
if you had kept doing it and now by 2019
you’d have done 300 of them or a hundred
of them or whatever how much you would
have gotten better at the interview
skills you just need to fix the problems
so you don’t want it to be a fundraising
campaign you’re just gonna shine a light
of excellence right some people just
want the promotion just just want just
appreciate you don’t talk to you and
have a message be spread maybe they use
some of the video for their own
marketing purposes not to expect you to
have to then raise money for them right
and it’s just in the positioning if you
go in and say hey I want to help you
raise money by doing a interview that’s
what they’re expecting ya know hey I’m
starting this community around profound
successful women I love to have you one
mm-hmm then you don’t to do anything I
had Tony Robbins on my channel was that
there’s no expectations then yes just
like when Tony came on my channel to
talk about his book I didn’t say I’m
gonna help you sell a thousand bucks
right he’s just coming on it’s a
conversation for the explosion I would
say he’s hoping it leads to more
opportunities for him to be able to sell
his book but that’s just changing
expectations already eases the burden so
no you’re not writing the check yeah the
two weeks is you doing new interviews
for the editing you either don’t edit
that’s what I’m hoping
and you just have a fire interview and
you leave in the arms and ahhs and
brakes and coffee and sips of water
whatever and that’s your starting point
great or you find somebody who’s also
passionate about the mission that you’re
on who loves editing the world for free
for now do the quick edits for you but
either way you just you go and then you
keep doing it because your genius is
gonna be in the interviews if you’re
really feeling the the energy of it
you’ll probably be able to pull stories
out of them that they haven’t told other
people and so that becomes great content
not just for your channel but also for
them getting their message out there
I’ve looked at a lot of interviews you
know for what I do so yes we’ve seen the
interviewer makes a huge difference yes
I look at someone like TD jakes you know
TD jakes TD jakes is fire when he’s in
his element you know like just
unstoppable fire and some interviews
with him are great
interviews with him are dull it’s like
TD jakes who’s like the man who’s
sweating and pumping and like pushing
people hard some of his interviews are
pretty dull because the interviewer is
super dull yeah so if you’re really
feeling in the zone with these women
you’re likely pulling out the best
because most of their interviews are
with with people who are just doing it
as a job right they’re getting covered
in a local newspaper or TV or whatever
and the interviewers have eight
questions and they’re just gonna ask
those e questions and then job done move
on to something else where you actually
care mm-hm
and so you’ll get a different interview
out of them and so if that someone makes
you feel alive and you have to chase it
down so I hired a coach this year to
kind of help me because I that was one
thing I wanted to do was become a coach
for people on learning how to
effectively communicate on a video okay
or just effectively communicate what it
is that you want oh I do want to teach
it I’m a certified effective
communication trainer great that’s like
this easier for you you’re way ahead of
the game and heard the movie years I
mean I’m not saying I’m ahead of the
game I mean what your certified teacher
of this of course you’re headed the game
I learned quite a few things with that
certification yeah that really helped me
that was a couple of years ago and so I
want to give that to other people to
help them because it is a thing that
people really have to overcome a say so
here’s what I do some you I test all
these ideas okay you you don’t have a
big community yet anyway so when you’re
failing the feeling small anyway nothing
is fatal I would do one show where
you’re interviewing successful women you
already know you’d love doing that so
you have to keep doing that just find
the lowest possible way to take care of
the editing or do no edits and just go
straight fire like if you’re a great
communicator it has to be questions you
shouldn’t need a bunch of editing and
either way spending five hours of you
editing is not the best use of your time
but if you did do another interview or
three more interviews and post them full
so you start making some money than hire
your editor you just spend in the wrong
time on the wrong thing
but your women is 1-series your your
streets of Kentucky or whatever like
your your everyday Jo person is another
one and then you can do a coaching
series where you have somebody who wants
to learn how to be a better communicator
you bring them on and you coach them on
how to do that and you try all three and
you Heidi you try that and then you see
which one resonates the most what you
like okay and then they could be all
just recorded zoom calls or Skype and
you upload them to YouTube or you can do
as a Facebook live as long as you
formatted it properly for YouTube mm-hmm
now you have YouTube channel and you do
10 of each and then you see which one
makes you come alive the most and then
go do that one okay I like that feedback
because I have like I’ve thought about
my pillars yeah you know on what I want
to show to the world my passions my
gifts and one of the pillars was
connecting and communicating kind of
together of course everything you’ve
done involves somebody else yes yeah and
all your ideas involve somebody else
it’s not you want to be doing talking
head videos you want to be coaching
somebody or learning from somebody
mm hmm hmm okay um what triggers do you
use to get the negative pants out of
your head like Who am I or you know if
you’re just like is this really gonna
work or so so here’s what I look at a
big white little Y the big white
submission that you’re on the big Y is
that I want to inspire women around the
world to feel more belief in themselves
or empowered or feel like a gem and it’s
it’s empowering it’s inspiring it’s a
big mission and so that can help you
wake up every day because that’s what
have to do is entrepreneur if you have a
crazy mission and like doesn’t seem like
it’s gonna happen but we believe it can
it’s just blind optimism that’s the big
one sometimes the big white seems too
big sometimes the big wise like well Who
am I to go up and do that crazy big
scary thing it’s too big a thing
so then the little wire comes in and
that’s the remembering one to two to
five people who you’ve helped somebody
watch your video and they learn from it
mm-hmm so you may not you may not feel
you’re capable of
up in the world and all the women in the
world or wherever your big mission is
but you helped those three people and
that was a meaningful impact that you
had on them people have already watched
some of your stuff and they felt moved
by it it’s nowhere near what you want it
to be it’s okay but it still wasn’t
impact and so that’s what I would do is
fish in the early days of remembering my
big white what I want to do but then the
daily little why it’s even out of the
comments every day on my youtube channel
look through the comments just knowing
that I did like there’s people like
seeing you guys in Cincinnati last night
it’s like there’s real people these are
real people more watching I’m not just
numbers they’re real people and knowing
that I had an impact I carry I carry
that forward to then make my next video
so I’ll remember our conversation they
said I remember when she came and I
remember the impact that I had and I got
to carry that energy into talking to the
camera from the next video so
remembering your big wine with the
mission you’re on but then all the
little lies knowing that you’re having
an impact on some people that if you
keep going it’ll work out that energy
that you’re feeling is right what you’re
interviewing the women that energy that
you’re feeling is where you actually
should be playing all the time yeah so
taking action on those things that do
even mean that energy yeah as soon as
you’re in there then like book the next
thing I know because you wake up
tomorrow different person yeah so like
you had this great interview with this
woman who’s running this charity amazing
boom like you’re emailing 25 other women
to book your next one why you’re still
feeling because the next day you’re
gonna wake up and say well my name is
that that woman like there’s no way
right right she’s not gonna listen to me
but you felt it the day before when
you’re in the zone right well that’s the
thing I really want to help people find
you is I’ve done a lot of studies of
myself since turning 40 yeah I’m like
okay what it was what are my truth
strengths how does the world perceive me
how can I capitalize on that what is it
rancis be doing to myself
you found the thing that makes you come
alive yes that’s the whole game it is
and it’s just finding that I and this is
another ant that you know like I have a
busy life with my kids you schedule live
in because you want more right because
otherwise you’re gonna be 90 and you
knew you had this thing in you that you
never did right just fast forward to 90
like I knew I had this talent for
interviewing people and it was the most
alive that I felt and I only did four
and then I shut it all down
yeah I know like that sucked
and then I forced you like you could
find time you could find time to do you
found time to come here you know you
live an hour to have outside I took
action it’s a guy who’s like what’s
right Joe cure for the event Joe hearing
that you know stayed overnight for this
thing I’m crazy but that’s how it works
right and then have this go go email the
women go book your next interviews go
build momentum for it as long as you
still like the reason to quit is when
you stop loving it
right when do you quit when you stop
feeling if you ever start interviewing
women and you stop you lose that vibe
then you have to move on something else
mm-hmm that’s when you quit and then you
have to find a way to keep going even if
you’re not you’re lucky you have a job
that you love most people hate their job
so at least you’re making money you’ve
got a job you love you have your family
figured out you’ve done a lot of
self-reflection like you’re in a really
great spot compared to most people you
found the thing that you love doing now
you have the you have to you have to
chase that consistently because
otherwise you’re gonna get you in your
life and regret it
okay so talk to me real quick about
consistency you scheduled for success
what’s scheduled for success but like
from somebody that’s just starting new
yeah building up their channel their
platform highlighting these stories and
then other things like we talked about
what is that is it did you say three
videos a week if you’re just starting
out one video I mean what is I gotta be
realistic with myself of course the more
you do wrong I just I I’d say at least
once a week okay if you’re doing it once
a month you’re just never gonna get good
at it right you’ve been 12 interviews a
year like you’re never gonna get great
at it if you’re only doing once a once a
month I get I say once a week just to
start building the skill set up how kind
of you can go more great but but if you
spend an hour with somebody you should
be spending a total of an hour and a
half on the video because you’re not
spending time on the end of day
eliminate all that other stuff your goal
is to get so good on camera and pulling
out stories that you need zero editing
right and if you’re gonna book the
appointments or your friends your your
partner’s gonna both of the meetings
great but that’s what you want to be
doing so then now you only really need
an hour to do an interview because you
just download that video put a thumbnail
on bluemix on YouTube okay you’ve cut
your time down if you’re spending five
hours editing that those could be five
hours of other interviews that you doing
building the skill you actually want
available then you said something
yesterday that I wanted to find out so I
need to crash my personal story and is
there any mentor that you’ve had that’s
helped you craft your story like a
method that you used on creating your
story because you did it like 40 times
you said yeah yeah I mean my agent
really helped give me feedback on how to
make it better I would say I would for
you just look at what other people have
done whose stories really resonate with
so look at what Tom did look what melted
look at what Gary did look at what
whoever and just see what did you like
about those just try to take some notes
I got liked how Tom did this and melted
this and Gary do that and try to make
your own version of it and then watch it
back and you’re gonna feel terrible and
uncomfortable and that was brutal and
awkward and then just watch make it
again and then watch it back and make it
again until you get
okay yeah good luck all right cheering
for you thank you for coming in okay
thank you you well I appreciate you if
you want 25 minutes of one-on-one time
with me consulting coaching be on your
podcast interview whatever it is 25
minutes with me I have a special
promotion right now check that link right next to me and I’ll see you soon
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