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Top 10 Saddest South Park Moments

broken homes cancer abuse deaths and a
nihilistic and all-encompassing sense of
debilitating loneliness I thought this
was a comedy show hey guys i’m rebecca
from watch mojo and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten saddest
Southpark moments I’m going to get out
of the car now butters I want you to
before we begin
we publish new content every day so be
sure to subscribe to our Channel and
ring the bell to get notified about our
latest videos just so you know we’re not
gonna be including any moments from the
movie nor are we including any tributes
to cast members who passed away to
you’re jerking though they may be also
beware of spoilers alright grab the
tissues let’s see what Trey Parker and
Matt Stone have in store for us number
10 beautiful sadness in spite of all its
crude humor and persistent attempts to
offend anyone and everyone
South Park still contains some
undeniably sweet and even philosophical
moments one of these comes at the end of
the episode raisins which follow Stan as
he sinks into a depression after being
dumped by Wendy after which he joins the
goth kids but when butters is also
dumped he tells Stan and the Goths that
no matter how sad he is he’s still happy
that something could make him feel that
way this is because it means that he
felt something really good before wise
words butters wise words so I guess what
I’m feeling is like a beautiful sadness
I guess that sounds stupid yeah number
nine Wendy uses Photoshop over the years
wendy has taken up a lot of causes and
stands on a lot of soap boxes often
succeeding at making her voice heard but
not this time she aims to stop the trend
of young girls photoshopping images of
themselves after the other fourth
graders jump on the bandwagon but to no
with the boys all fooled by the
obviously fake pictures when he becomes
increasingly frustrated until she’s
finally forced to give up whee
her abandon her mission and tearfully
Photoshop her own picture sending it out
to the other kids right before the
number 8 the mountain lions death
woodland critter Christmas is probably
the most unfairly friendly Christmas
special to ever air featuring a satanic
cult of disney-esque animals trying to
birth their savior the Antichrist Stan
becomes their unwitting assistant when
he sent out to slay a mountain lion who
keeps killing pregnant members of the
critters after Stan murders the lion
which seems like the right thing to do
at the time a trio of lion cubs crawls
out of the cave to mourn their mother
Ronnie stan is just as horrified as the
audience by what he’s done as the
orphaned lion sob uncontrollably over
their dead parent the tiny Cubs all
gathered together and cried all alone in
the world because their mother had died
number 7 cancer in one of the show’s
most polarizing episodes Stan finds
himself coaching a hockey team of
kindergartners while this might sound
relatively simple problems arise when
one player Nelson has terminal cancer
Nelson’s fate apparently hinges on the
team as he begs Stan to let him see them
win just one match rank Lemmy at the end
of the episode pro hockey team the
Colorado Avalanche nobly step aside and
let the kids finish their game against
the Detroit Red Wings
unfortunately the Red Wings are just as
brutal with the preschoolers as they
were with the pro team and Nelson
watching the game from his hospital bed
butters embodies the innocence and
naivete you’d expect from a fourth
grader and while all the other boys get
progressively jaded he’s largely
remained the same old butters but his
optimism is undercut by the tragedy of
his home life his closeted gay father
and an increasingly unhinged mother in
butters very own episode mrs. stotch
seemingly drowns butters and then she
and her husband go to great lengths to
cover up her crime until butters finds
his way back home awful as it is it’s
clear that they do love their son at
least a little proven by linda stotch is
heartfelt emotional breakdown when
number 5 Ram Kwon Marcia’s Alzheimer’s
come here Billy Stan’s grandpa’s
forgetfulness has been played for lapse
frequently throughout the show but in
later seasons it becomes much more
upsetting when we finally learn he’s
been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease
he just can’t keep straight who’s who
anymore always calling Stan Billy and
commenting about how Shelley is still
just a baby until Stan reminds him that
she’s actually 13 she’s she’s just a
baby after all she’s not a baby grandpa
she’s 13 but the most bittersweet moment
comes in cash-for-gold when he
reminisces about a dog named patches
that he once loved but whose appearance
he can no longer recall thought I’d
always have the memory of her slobbering
happy face
I can’t remember what she looked like
Billy so Stan gives him a framed photo
of patches and his younger self so he’ll
always remember talk about a tearjerker
Thank You Billy that means a lot number
Kenny and Karen of the core cast Kenny
is the one whose home life we see the
least of sadly the McCormack kids are a
lower priority to their parents than
their addiction to crystal meth which
eventually results in the kids being
taken away and fostered though it’s hard
on all three kids it’s the youngest
Karen who suffers the most she’s both
bullied at school and neglected at home
in the poor kid
Kenny becomes Karen’s guardian angel
donning his mysterion getup to comfort
her in times of need then in a later
episode we see Kenny worked tirelessly
at City walk all to save up enough money
Wow number three chefs death when Isaac
Hayes left the show after taking issue
with its mockery of Scientology Parker
and stone were forced to find a way to
write his beloved character chef’s out
of the episodes they did this with an
episode about chef joining the super
adventure club a pedophile cult-like
group while the boys try to rescue chef
from his brainwashing the rope bridge
he’s crossing is struck by lightning and
breaks with chef ending up and paled on
a branch in the ravine below he
miraculously survives this at least
until a mountain lion and a grizzly bear
show up and rip him brutally to pieces
yeah hey brutal goodbye oh my god
number two the end of you’re getting old
people get older Randy people grow apart
meant to reflect Trey Parker and Matt
Stone zone fears of getting older stan
has an existential crisis when he turns
10 this leads to him thinking everything
looks and sounds like and his
friends stop hanging out with him after
he becomes such a bummer things only get
worse when his parents fight and decide
to get a divorce I’m unhappy too the
episode ends with a montage of Stan
Shelley and Sharon moving out on their
own and leaving Randy behind while
Fleetwood Mac’s landslide plays in the
background even more upsetting is the
fact that this was a midseason finale
meaning that fans had to wait months for
a resolution number one Kenny’s death
for real kitty cat died Kenny has died a
lot but never quite like this with the
show looking to kill off a major
character Kenny was lined up for the
chopping block after Parker and Stone
said they were running out of original
ideas for his many deaths the result was
an episode that directly tackles the
loss of a close friend and it’s impact
especially on young children
Kenny’s illness and deterioration are
enough to move even Eric Cartman to
tears while Stan eventually refuses to
visit Kenny anymore because it becomes
too upsetting
can’t see him like that Kyle all those
hoses and wires he’s a kid dude he’s
supposed to be running around laughing
it actually looked like Kenny was gone
for good as he didn’t appear again until
the finale of the following season no no
he just he just stopped reading and it
was over but
I didn’t get to see you well I did not
expect to have this many feelings
watching South Park butters is literally
the most tragic character on television
come at me anyway maybe these other
clips can help cheer you up check them
out [Music]
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