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a monk that tells you is never quest in
the path I never thought of leaving is
lying to you even though I wanted to be
amongst incest for I thought many times
of leaving and not wanting to do it but
use a stick to it because that’s what
you love it’s I’m sure when you’re
running the race at that point or you
want to quit every race I do all right
it’s crazy
yeah out everything I get it yeah so
it’s the same way as well this just the
thought comes up and you just go like
but this is what this is you right
you’re racing you see being being one
kiss me there’s little crickets there
get in your head
and those crickets are telling you right
you’re on the wrong path and you gotta
get rid of them
yeah and it’s I think it’s just being
crystal clear of what you want in life
right from the start
yeah and then just having that willpower
and the perseverance to to follow it
through and be unwavering in that in
your commitment and your true north and
yeah where you want to go well you know
I think they yeah I think most people
get swayed just because they don’t
really know what they want in life and
if you ask most people what they want in
life they say I want to be happy and
happiness is not a goal a presidency at
all yeah it’s a byproduct of something
right if if I eat ice cream a drink here
I might feel happy but it’s not a goal
to be pursued and I think that’s why
people get off the pass so often is
because they don’t know where they’re
quite often when we’re feeling down it’s
not so easy to uplift ourselves and
sometimes we can kind of get stuck in
that funkiness funky area of the mind
just wallow in that sorrow so to speak
and one of the things that my guru used
to recommend to me to seamen in general
anybody that asked him to help him get
out of a place of funkiness of feeling
down is to uplift somebody else so what
he would say is you uplift yourself by
uplifting someone else and there was
kind of the essence of the message you
lift yourself back up lifting somebody
else find a friend
lift them you can uplift them by doing
something nice for them something that
you know they need help with or when
they need in their life but they may not
have asked you but you know by you
offering your health and just doing it
for them would make a big difference in
their life reach out and do that for
them and as you provide them with the
selfless service and act of love you go
with the experts in SEO Cliff desperate
you don’t flip to you so this is
something that works really really well
something that I’ve done myself and
continue to do whenever I’m feeling a
little down on a funky place I’ll do
that I’ll find somebody that I cannot
lift and then by just uplifting them I
beach volleyball and so I interviewed
her in Australia couple months ago we’re
talking about it I said what drove you
and most people don’t want it enough you
know and people ask me you know it’s
like how do you go to monster how do you
leave your family behind your friends
areas in ice cream chocolate yeah Beach
you know girls anything that you can
imagine in northern monster for ten
years and no contact because you want it
it just comes down to how much you
really want what concentration willpower
practice yes all those so important dose
of the ingredients but how much do you
want it if you really really want it you
will make it work though most people
don’t want it enough yeah my teacher
used to say to me all the time if you
want something new you have to give up
something old yeah listening on the
couch and if you want to bring a
brand-new couch a lot probably this go
and sacrifice is such a good thing you
have to give up you always do different
thing pops of your life in order to gain
something you but you have to want it
you really really have to want and
that’s why they go from one self-help
book book to another self-help book and
they say well you’re not picking the
best pots out there it’s like a buffet
just pick what you want you never commit
no one’s died going to the other side
taking a selfie comeback posted it on
Instagram go look at me here and having
hash tag pearly gates right no we don’t
know we have our beliefs and some of us
hold strong Joe believes but we really
don’t know what happens at the point of
that so most of us don’t like to think
about it so we live our lives like we’re
gonna live forever but the truth is we
don’t live forever
you’ve never seen a 500 year old man or
a thousand year old woman
we’ve been evolving on this planet for
about million to million years we all
die at some point when you realize that
life is finite it’s not short and you
see this cute little throats on
Instagram saying life is short be happy
I think that’s wrong life is not short
life is actually a very very long
but it’s definitely finite there’s a
definitive end to it for sure when you
realize that life is finite you become
clear of all of a sudden who and what’s
understanding the – one of the most
important things anybody could do I
always tell people is the one thing that
we don’t have a manual for everything
else in life we’re the manual right yeah
your clothing has manual as a tag in the
bag tells you out of Washington yeah
food blenders come with manuals cameras
but the mind doesn’t and from among
experiential learning the best the
simplest way to understand the – to
understand the difference between
awareness and the mind so imagine your
minor as a map with different areas some
areas of your mind that’s angry happy
sad jealousy odd signs food sports and
awareness is a glowing ball of light
that floats around in your mind and
wherever it goes in your mind it lights
up that area when it lights up that area
you become conscious of it so yo
awareness this glowing ball of light is
always being pulled from one area of the
mind to another by people and things
around you yeah through the notification
goes off you know a nose goes to tritter
area of the mind and then you see a
facebook notification as well awareness
goes over there and and the phone rings
that awareness goes over here so all day
people allow people and things around
them to pull their awareness from one
thing to another
once you learn how to control the mind
you really not controlling the mind you
controlling awareness and where
awareness goes in the mind now you can
keep allowing us on one thing at a time
and remain concentrated so now how can
we get control that word so how can we
practice to get better at controlling
our work the best way to do this is to
integrate the practice into everyday
life so I feel that if you’re practicing
just example meditation in the morning
for 15 minutes a half an hour is
completely useless if the remaining 23
and a half hours of the day you’re doing
that’s counterproductive yeah so I
believe the best way to make progress
the most efficient way to make progress
is to actually integrate the practice
into everything that you’re doing
yeah so for example every time you speak
with your lovely spouse give her your
undivided attention so keep your
awareness and your spouse SEO in strips
away bring your awareness back to your
spouse it drifts away again bring it
back to suppose yeah so with everything
you do keep your eye on them do one
thing at a time and the more you
practice this the better you get at it
to have my own business to be an
entrepreneur and make my own money and
had you been thinking about it while
you’re in the monastery yeah it wasn’t
the last well not all those years the
last couple years deciding whether I
wanted to leave was probably the I would
say probably was the hardest decision
I’ve ever made in my life was to leave
the monastery yeah so the next question
would be what would I do
you could have ran a web business from
the monastery we we had the largest web
site in the state of Hawaii really yeah
monks programmed in HTML CSS JavaScript
and we were trained how to edit movies
on Final Cut Pro design and InDesign
Photoshop we we knew it inside out Wow
yeah I I learned coding in the monastery
oh that’s awesome I didn’t know well I
thought I literally thought you were
preparing for meditation we we took
those concentration skills into
everything that we did so when we were
programming we focused on programming
you know when we we were building a
building or we were pouring cement on
the sidewalk or sweeping something or
cooking we focused so in everything that
we did throughout the day we practiced
all the tools that we learned so when we
sat to meditate we’d been practicing for
2300 to help them mainly entrepreneurs
so I didn’t know very much about
business and I wanted to surround myself
at financially successful entrepreneurs
so I started using some tools to create
it in my mind and surround myself with
successful entrepreneurs and I just
haven’t yeah you start attracting people
if you start to change the shape of your
mind you know by using some techniques
you start attracting like-minded people
into your life okay and so the first one
comes the second one comes before you
know it you’re the scent
yeah entrepreneurial Network two things
one is I wanted to work with that group
of people second is I wanted to build a
business that’s successful and where do
I start
I figured I could go to business school
forget that or learn from someone who’s
done it and done it really well so I
chose the second option and I thought if
I surrounded myself with these people I
could just learn from them and believe
in in the power of a community you only
have so much energy each day when we go
to sleep we wake up in the morning we
have for example this much energy and
throughout the day we we use that energy
we give that energy to people and things
around us and by the end of the day that
energy gets less and less and less and
then till the end of the day where
there’s almost nothing left and you feel
tired and you go to sleep again so one
of the things you have to understand is
that some people fill you with energy
and some people drain you of energy the
people they’ve drained of energy I’d
like to call them energy vampires and
there are a lot of them and sometimes
these people colleagues their friends
their relatives even close family
members one of the important things to
do is really identify if someone is
their temporary energy vampire are they
inherently an energy vampire so what I
mean by that is so what is temporarily
an energy vampire I mean that they’re
going through a difficult time in their
life there somebody in the family has
died or going through a divorce so some
big challenging experience and for a few
months so maybe a couple of years yeah
energetically draining but it’s okay you
know you loved them did a friend a
family member you want to support them
and you can put up with that for a
little time in your life like someone is
inherently an energy vampire you know
they’ve always been their whole life
every time you meet with them you
encounter them you feel completely
drained and it’s really important to
take note of that
that’s a personality trait that’s not
going to change any time soon unless
they’re actively working on it and most
energy most energy vampires don’t really
want to work on themselves they’re in
nature so one of the things to do here
at this point is to identify these
people one of the ways to identify these
people is that when you spend time with
someone and as soon as you have conveyed
– spending time with them when you walk
away as soon as you turn around and walk
away ask yourself do you feel uplifted
or do you feel drained and that’s
immediately you’ll know as soon as you
turn around a lot let you feel uplifted
you’ll go oh that was such a great
conversation I got so much out of it
you’ll sense but if you know then that
there’s an uplift in you but if you walk
away and you feel completely draining go
out cut out so exhausting then chances
are that first time it’s an energy
vampire and especially if you meet that
person 15 20 times a year and to cement
that person 20 times a year and out of
there 20 times a year 19 of those be
extremely exhausting conversations then
you think quite very well-qualified you
can easily qualify that that person is
an energy vampire and you want to avoid
them you don’t really want people in
your life the way you look at it is that
if you’re working so hard on yourself to
improve yourself to be a better person
and then what allows someone else to
come and renewing it’s for example an
entrepreneur with who built his business
from nothing would never allow somebody
to come in and destroy his business
right you just wouldn’t do that so the
same way you’ve worked so hard to uplift
yourself and be a better human being why
would you allow somebody to come and
train you when I was growing up I had
met my guru when I was about 21 and I
was going to join his monastic order
which was in Hawaii I was at that time
living in Western Australia and studying
in University and I remembered my last
year of engineering I was feeling
extremely stressed I had his thesis
which I’ve been working on for a year
and a half that I needed to complete in
the next month I had about seven or
eight examinations that I had to pass in
order to graduate as an engineer I was
the president of the youth group of our
temple over that local temple over there
and organizing a lot of different events
and I was also dancing as part of a
dance company that I was involved in and
they were also putting up the big show
so we were rehearsing almost every night
and I remember you mailing my girls
saying GERD Ava I’m really stressed I
have all these things going on and I’m
stressed he emailed me back and I don’t
remember the exact words that he he used
but emailed me back and said the reason
you’re stressed is because you don’t
keep you awareness on one thing at a
time and I’ll be absolutely honest with
you ever since that they have never felt
stressed anymore and I know it’s a very
bold Proclamation to make but it’s true
cuz I clearly understood what he said to
me at that point whenever I was dancing
I was thinking about my thesis and I was
working on my thesis I was thinking
about the exams and to do and I was
think working on my exams when I was
studying for my exams I was thinking
about the youth group and wherever I was
I was thinking about something else
anxiety comes because we allow us to
drift away from the present moment and
go into the future or into the past in
an uncontrolled way so the past and the
future are not bad things as long as we
indulge in them or we enter them with
the aim to learn from them but we don’t
if we just allow awareness to travel
into the past into the future all the
time it creates anxiety and we do that
because we’re friend anxiety comes out
of a sense of fear where we allow lanús
to go into the future we create a
situation that hasn’t happened we bring
it back into the present and start
living it as it has already happened you
keep repeating the process over and all
that over again you buildings I I’m
gonna get sick I’m gonna get sick you
think in the future
what if I get sick then what happens oh
my god I’m gonna get sick and then you
bring back the present and just not
learning that five minutes later you let
your awareness go into the future you
think to yourself I’m not going to get
better I’m gonna get sick and then you
bring awareness back into the present
again and you start worrying about it
you keep repeating this process over and
over again and you’re billing tight so
the way to get overcome stress and
anxiety is to really control where your
ex goes every time the awareness goes
into the few
show into the past in an uncontrolled
way bring it back to the present again
and just do this exercise be mindful of
this throughout the entire day
don’t let your awareness go into the
past or into the future
in an uncontrolled way a lot of times
people think when life is balanced it’s
a straight life I think life is a sine
wave yeah you know and sometimes you
have to push really hard especially if
you’re not remit yeah you know that’s a
certain time in your business where
you’re really pushing hard to get
something done in the last three months
has been like that for me I’m trying to
change my business model all of them get
a lot of things done so I’ve been really
pushing things have been quite out of
balance but if you always know what you
call purpose in life is then you know
where to come back to push for one to
three months and then come back to your
I believe in I’ve been trained to have a
goal every time you sit down to meditate
you should really have a goal like for
example when you get in the car and put
on your seat belt and start the engine
to dry somewhere you have a destination
right users don’t get in the car and
start driving so the same way when you
sit down to meditate there should be a
destination that should be something
that you’re reaching for what is that
goal what is that purpose it’s totally
up to you it really comes down to what
you use meditation for in the tradition
that I come from that I belong to
meditation is a tool that has many
purposes but the ultimate purpose in our
tradition at least is to obtain
self-realization or enlightenment some
people just use meditation for
relaxation to relieve stress for all
kinds of things so you set your own goal
for meditation but the key point that
I’m trying to make is that every
meditation should have a goal and a
purpose once you’ve said your goal the
method and practice that you should that
you have should be systematic and
practical it should be a clear system on
getting from A to B in your meditation
it should never be random it should
never be different every single day the
practice should be the same take a very
simple mundane example so for example if
you’re going to take a shower before you
take a shower you take your clothes off
you turn the water on you make sure it’s
the right temperature you jump in the
shower you get wet you put soap on you
watch the soap or if you wipe yourself
dry and then you put your fresh clothes
on you never mix that all up you just
don’t do that and you do that same order
every single day so the same way with
meditation as well you figure out the
goal that you want to get to you figure
out a systematic step and process
towards getting there and you do that every day
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