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How to Defeat DISEASES and NEVER Get SICK Again! | #BelieveLife

scientific fact that the hormones of
stress down regulate genes and create
disease long-term effects so if it’s
possible that our thoughts could make us
sick is it possible that our thoughts
could make us well the answer is
absolutely yes be cold my warm friend it
brings about a whole lot of more energy
and that were together with breathing
makes you so powerful here at age 48 I
almost died my death was a certainty I’m
now age 80 and I have boundless energy I
never get sick what’s that believe
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so today
let’s live your best believe life and
learn how to defeat diseases and never
get sick again
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one improve your lifestyle with Joe
Dispenza as I said 70% of the time
people live in stress and living in
stress is living in survival now all
organisms in nature can tolerate
short-term stress you know a deer gets
chased by a pack of coyotes when it out
runs the Coyotes it goes back to grazing
and the event is over and the definition
of stress is when your brain and body
are knocked out of balance out of
homeostasis the stress response is what
the body and Nate Lee does to return
itself back to order so you’re driving
down the road someone cuts you off you
jam on the brakes you may give them the
finger and then you settle back down
then the event is over and boom now
everything’s back back to normal but
what if it’s not a predator
that’s waiting for you outside the cave
but what if it’s your coworker sitting
right next to you and all day long
you’re turning on those chemicals
because they’re pushing all your
emotional buttons when you turn on the
stress response and you can’t turn it
off now you’re headed for a disease
because no organism in nature can live
an emergency mode for that extended
period of time it’s a scientific fact
that the hormones of stress down
regulate genes and create disease long
term affects human beings because of the
size of the neocortex we can turn on the
stress response just by thought alone
look I think about our problems and turn
on those chemicals that means then our
thoughts could make us sick so if it’s
possible that our thoughts could make us
sick is it possible then our thoughts
could make us well the answer is
absolutely yes so then what are the
emotions that are connected to survival
let’s name them anger aggression
hostility hatred competition fear
anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame
unworthiness the envy jealousy those are
all created by the hormones of stressin
and psychology calls them normal human
states of consciousness I call those
altered states of consciousness so then
we tend to remember those traumatic
events more because in survive
you better be ready if it happens again
that’s an and in there was a survival
gene is switched on you could have ten
really great things that happen to you
in your day and you just have one bad
thing that happens and you cannot take
your attention off that bad that that
unhappy thing because survival gene is
switched on it’s really interesting how
does epigenetics come into play and all
this like what’s actually happening
you’ve talked pretty profoundly about
proteins and like really at a deep level
how we’re signalling to our genetics to
create these kinds of changes what does
that actually look like
well epigenetics epi means above the
gene and many years ago after the DNA
helix was discovered by Watson and Crick
they said the blueprints of life you
know all diseases are created from genes
turns out less than 5% more like 1% of
people on the planet are born with a
genetic condition like type 1 diabetes
or tay-sachs disease or sickle cell
anemia the other 95 to 99 percent are
created by lifestyle and by choices you
can take two identical twins exact same
genome one dies at 51 the other one dies
at 85 same gene different environment so
all of a sudden they said we lied that
was wrong it’s not genes that create
disease it’s the environment that
signals the gene that creates disease
well okay but that’s not the whole truth
– because you could have two people
working side by side in the same factory
one gets cancer after being exposed to a
carcinogenic for 25 years both working
for 25 years the other one has no cancer
at all so there must be some internal
order that would cause one person to not
get it while another one does so is it
possible then if the environment signals
the gene and it does and the end product
of an experience in the environment is
called an emotion can you signal the
gene ahead of the environment by
embracing an elevated emotion we’ve done
the research on this where we measured
7,500 different gene expressions in a
group of people it came to an advanced
event for four
and we had them doing a seated
meditation a walking meditation a laying
down meditation a standing meditation
and at the end of four days just four
days the common eight genes that were
upregulated two genes to suppress cancer
cells and tumor growth two genes for
neurogenesis the growth of new neurons
in response the novel experiences and
learning the gene that signals stem
cells to go to damaged areas and repair
them the gene for oxidative stress was
upregulated we started seeing all these
genes that are very very healthy to
cause the body to flourish imagine if
people were doing that for three months
we also measured telomeres the little
shoestrings on the end of DNA that tell
us our biological age we asked people to
do the work meditation five out of seven
days for 60 days measure their telomeres
that determine their biological age
sixty days later seventy four percent of
the people lengthen their telomeres 40%
significant change 20% a very remarkable
change that means that they got a little
bit of their life back if it lengthened
by 10%
they got 10% of their life back rule
number two use the wim HOF method with
wim hof I created a method the
components are breathing mindset and
cold exposure gradual none forced cold
exposure and that’s to optimize the
mind-body connection wim has figured out
ways namely through breath work and
through exposure to cold to take
conscious control over aspects of his
physiology that for most people they
the cold my warm friend it brings about
a whole lot of more energy and that were
together with breathing makes you so
powerful but then you lose your wife and
a toll rumbles down for children at
worth for my wife and there was to be
with her forever she was the love of my
life she died she suicided it’s a it’s a
black hole within yourself it breaks
your heart and you don’t know why but
the Train of a daily life is going on
and you gotta catch up otherwise you
lose it so I had to be there for my
children and yes we created a new nest
my children made me survive in that time
but nature yield my words
we call give me a direct understanding
of deeper breathing and how to heal a
broken heart then I went did all kinds
of remarkable challenges apparently they
found it a very remarkable and great and
spectacular so came in contact with
television one after the other they
challenged me more more more more more
they go swim 50 meters are under the ice
go swim 100 meters under the ice client
Mount Everest ensures that ladder that
the scientists became curious hey what
this man is doing is not possible
physiologically the science of what wim
HOF method does is one of the primary
interests of my lab now because it is so
powerful and it’s been shown to be
powerful in the immune system and we
believe it will also hold some real
potential for treatment of neurologic
diseases and this breathing technique
brings you right into the deepest part
of our physiology anybody can do it so
you become the alchemist of your own
they ask the professors and all this
scientific world what’s happening with
this guy because this is not possible
they’re genetically the same imprint my
brother and they see he is not capable
of doing what he is capable of and why
because I just dove deeper it’s by
breeding if we just breathe more deeply
change the chemistry inside not shallow
breathing deep breathing slowly but
surely this is what you do consciously
can you do this 30 times the chemistry
in the body in the tissue is changing
and it’s changing so that the body is
becoming ox energized alkaline and then
suddenly the brain-body connection is
possible by pressurizing by
once you begin to have that connection
with the body then you are able to
connect within in the brain and that’s
what we do right now with Stanford
University to get rid of PTSD fear
trauma and depression to learn to expand
consciousness and together with
breathing you create the right chemistry
and then the neurons they channel up and
thus your perception your consciousness
is gonna be you smell more you see their
colors brighter you experience deeper
and that’s the brain and then connecting
once again with all the cells makes you
a beautiful living being there’s a lot
of unnecessary suffering going on just
because people believe the wrong things
they believe in pills who believe in
medicines they believe depression cannot
be titled they believe you cannot enter
into your brain and I tell you we found
a way to get back to yourself they get
back to mother nature within us and make
some sense within yourself
you are the one who is able now to make
yourself happy strong and healthy and
that is entering in all those systems
just by by your mind your we we are
showing this through science but do you
need science when I already show this in
science with data scientific results
brain scans no speculation I tell you
but it takes time for publishing and and
to get it into books and to get it in
mainstream I tell you here and right now
if you choose believe and and breathe
and take a cold shower for for God’s
sake because it’s good for your blood
system then you will become in the
ability to realign with the control
within yourself to become happy strong
and healthy
to control your mood and your energy
management and all look at other wise up
because it is simple very effective it’s
here right now so my message to yours
just breathe and believe and rule number
three the last one before a very special
bonus clip is master the six pathways
with Raymond Francis we don’t teach
people we don’t teach our young people
that they are personally responsible for
their health there is no one who is
responsible for your health
except you I’m not your doctor isn’t
nobody is you are responsible for your
health no one else and however even if
you decide to accept this responsibility
you don’t know how to do it because one
nobody ever told us we were responsible
and two nobody ever told us how to be
responsible what to do about it
so there’s it’s a two-step process you
have to decide well I’m gonna be
responsible for my health I’m gonna
educate myself and I’m gonna learn how
to get well how to stay well how to
never be sick again all these chronic
diseases and I want us use this word
very carefully there is no compelling
reason why anyone should have any of
these chronic diseases but I’ll say that
again for emphasis there is no
compelling reason why any of us should
have any of these chronic diseases
now are there genetic diseases that are
difficult to deal with absolutely yes
they are true genetic diseases but you
know you’re talking maybe five percent
of all disease the other 95 percent
you’re responsible for and if you learn
to accept this responsibility learn how
to execute this responsibility you can
remove disease from your life and you
can live a very long disease-free life
what I’ve done is made a simple system
in which there is only one disease so
now we don’t have to worry about
thousands of diseases there’s only one
disease well if our doctors say that
there are thousands how can I say that
there’s one well here it is see all of
us are made of little microscopic units
of life called cells a cell is a unit of
life a bacterium is a single-cell
organism it’s a unit of life algae is a
single-cell organism it’s a unit of life
all of us started life as one single
cell in our mother so we started life as
a single-cell organism and now we’re
Multi Trillium cell organisms and we
think of ourselves as a body but you
know that’s wrong because you really
aren’t a body what you really are is a
community of trillions of cells acting
together to make you who you are
the basic unit the unit of life is the
cell not your body so it’s all about the
cells so what is disease
well disease is when a cell is not
functioning normally when a cell is
malfunctioning now when you were one
single cell on your mother if that cell
was malfunctioning you were sick and
it’s the same thing today when you have
cells that are malfunctioning you’re
sick and the more cells that you have
that a malfunctioning the sicker you are
if you start to incorporate this kind of
thinking in into your mind
that there is only one disease then
you’re on the way to winning well if a
cell malfunctions why is it
malfunctioning there’s only two reasons
just two either it’s not getting
everything it needs to function properly
which we call deficiency or it is
getting things that are interfering with
its normal machinery normal
communications screwing up things we
call that toxicity so there’s one
disease malfunctioning cell there’s two
causes of disease deficiency and
toxicity this is the essence of this
very simple simple system and once you
incorporate that into your thinking the
power is awesome because otherwise
disease is very mysterious very
mysterious very complicated nobody can
deal with it your doctor can’t deal with
so you’re lost you’re done if you’re
sick you’re done I mean nobody can help
you all the doctor does is suppress your
symptoms at great expense great economic
expense and also great expense to your
body so let’s say you have high blood
pressure and the doctor says well I’ll
give you a pill and so they give you a
pill that poisons your kidneys and
lowers your blood pressure or they give
you a pill that poisons your heart
lowers your blood pressure poisons your
nervous system lowers your blood
pressure and you say success my blood
pressures down well no you’re being
poisoned to death and by the time you’re
on three drugs there isn’t anybody on
the planet who knows what’s going on in
your body your body is now in
biochemical chaos
so if there’s only two causes of disease
deficiency and toxicity and you’re
taking poison you’re adding to toxicity
so you’re making yourself sicker and
sicker and sicker and by the time you’re
on three drugs you’re in biological
chaos and health is when your cells are
functioning normally disease is when
your cells are in chaos so modern
medicine keeps people sick makes them
sicker and kills them that’s the
situation and and people are making
wrong decisions all you have to do is
keep your cells functioning normally and
if they’re not restore them to normal
function and there are different
approaches to doing this and I call the
six pathways the six pathways the first
pathway is the nutrition pathway you
have to deliver to the cell all of the
raw materials that needs every day
that’s your job you are delivering the
groceries you’re a grocery delivery
person that’s your job and if you don’t
do that you’re gonna be sick if you are
chronically short even one essential
nutrient you will eventually get sick so
your job is to deliver the groceries so
that’s the nutrition pathway and there
are certain foods that you absolutely
have to get out of your life because
they’re so deadly and so dangerous
sugar is number one sugar is a deadly
metabolic poison deadly deadly poison
get it out of your life totally and
completely out of your life you know the
biggest problem with sugar is that when
you eat it you do not immediately fall
over death because if you did you
wouldn’t need it again
and because you don’t fall over dead you
continue to eat it and every time you
eat it it does more permanent damage and
by doing this permanent damage it ages
you makes you older so every time you
eat sugar you get older well getting old
is an enormous mistake an enormous
mistake and we are accelerating the
aging process every time you eat sugar
so get it out of your life get the wheat
out of your life wheat is a deadly
poison get it out of your life get the
dairy out of your life get the processed
oils out of your life processed oils go
to the supermarket get down the aisle
with the oils look at all those oils all
of those oils will kill you so don’t buy
them don’t eat them and then walk down a
little bit there’s a salad dressings
made with those same oils those kill you
too but it’s just a side effect so if
you don’t mind dying for a moment so
okay so I call them the big four the big
four sugar wheat dairy processed oils
get them out of your life that’s a big
big step forward and then more fresh
vegetables organically grown fresh
vegetables so the next is the toxin
pathway there are three things you have
to do with the toxin pathway look we’re
all toxic waste dump sites were over the
top absolutely over the top and toxins
are now a major cause of disease we’re
measuring people now with certain toxins
that are exceed what we know causes
disease in animals so the average person
is a toxic dump site it is causing
disease you have to stop that first
thing you have to do is stop putting
toxins in learn where they are in my
books I have I have whole chapters on
toxins learn where the toxins are stop
putting them into your body you want to
your pesticide load get rid of the meat
and the dairy in your life you just
reduced your pesticide load by 80% how
easy was that the next is the mental
pathway and the mental pathway is more
important than any of the others put
together because the mental includes the
spiritual and just as everything you put
into your body everything you drink
which you breathe in what you eat all
these things have an enormous impact on
your health but your thoughts also have
an enormous impact on your health and so
you not only have to police what goes
into your mouth you have to police what
goes into your mind and next is the
physical pathway and one of the most
important things in the physical pathway
is movement movement is life you cannot
have life without movement and if you
are not moving you’re dying so you
either have to start moving or you’re
just going to die and then the next
pathway is the genetic pathway and here
this huge huge misunderstanding people
think that their genes run everything
that genes were on their life and and
and you’re going to have genes that
predispose you to cancer or diabetes or
whatever and you’re gonna get these
things that’s just nonsense because
that’s not the way it works there are
genes you know your computer has what we
call an operating system well you have
an operating system two runs in the
background keeps everything running
about 30% of your genes are the
operating system the other 70% of the
genes just sit there and don’t do
anything until you ask them to do
something so they’re like you know you
have the operating system on the
computer and then you have all these
other programs all computer
now you have a word processing program
when you click on it you can do all
kinds of word processing but you have to
click on it and then tell it what you
want it to do the genes are the same way
you have to click on the gene and tell
it what you want it to do and then it
doesn’t so if you have a cancer gene one
gene that predisposes you to cancer and
you go to the gene and you say oh please
give me cancer the gene is an obedient
servant and will give you all the cancer
you want and then when you have all the
cancer you want you’ll become very very
unhappy and if you’re really that
stop asking the gene is a servant it
does what you ask of it so how do we ask
well the biochemical environment that we
create inside the cell is what gives
signals to the genes that and our
thoughts and other things gives signals
to the genes that tell the genes what to
do so we have to be careful about the
signals that we give to the genes so you
have to have a good biochemical
environment in your cell and there again
we come into deficiency and toxicity you
have to make sure the cell has what it
needs and it’s not toxic because you
know what the toxins in the cell give
funny signals to the genes the final
pathway is the medical pathway and in
there you have to be really really
careful because of the the medical thing
confuses us you know we we see the
miracles of medicine and there are true
miracles in medicine
but the true miracles are pretty much
confined to a couple of areas trauma
care and crisis intervention we’re at
about 15% of medicine the other 85% of
medicine is basically nonsense
and and it doesn’t work and so you’ve
got to be really really careful when you
when you interact with the medical
profession our doctors are now and get
when you’re wrong our doctors are
amazing people they’re wonderful people
they’re caring people you know I was in
the army
and we had medics in the Army and medics
are not MDS but they’re highly trained
professionals and and these people you
know if someone was injured they would
be the first to run to them and then to
their aid and and they would risk their
lives they’d risk their life to go help
somebody else who’s injured and they
tried to stop the flow of blood and they
played they tried to comfort them
these are good people so our medical
people for the most part not all but for
the most part are good people they’re
caring people and and they take risks to
help others the problem with our medical
doctors is that these very good people
make the biggest mistake of their life
where they are taught essentially 85
percent of what they’re taught is
unscientific nonsense
and then they’re cut loose on the
general population to practice
unscientific nonsense well it doesn’t
work and that’s why people stay sick
that’s why they get sicker that’s why
the costs keep increasing and that’s why
quite a medical intervention is the
leading cause of death so be careful the
medical so those are the six pathways
learn to master the six pathways there’s
one disease there’s two causes of
disease there’s six pathways to disease
this is a simple system that if you
learn to master it you can keep yourself
healthy now here at age 48
I almost died my death was a certainty
I’m now age 80 and I have boundless
energy I never get sick in the last 32
years I’ve had three health problems
I had three colds and thirty-two years I
had three colds and I have a very good
excuse for each cold there’s no excuse
for having a cold it’s totally
irresponsible and it ages you you don’t
want to get old is don’t want to get old
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
on how to heal with energy with Bruce
Lipton that I think you’re gonna really
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life here
we go question number one what single
lifestyle change can you make to improve
your health
number two how can you apply the
breathing and cold shower technique over
the next week and number three which of
the six pathways will you apply
this world it is true that people want
immediate action that’s the world we
live in immediate gratification so if
I’m sick I want something immediately to
handle the issue and of course we look
to the world of drugs for for this
understanding but the problem with this
is that there are more effective ways of
healing now the problem with the energy
healing is that it really involves
consciousness mind and our ability to
change our belief systems well this
takes a little bit more work than
popping a pill
and in fact I just had my own particular
case I remember years ago when I was
getting off on this out of my
conventional medical academic background
and coming into this world and I face a
stressful situation where I got
pneumonia and I started to realize at
some point it’s okay I’m gonna sit here
and and grab a hold of this with my
conscious and my spirit and get my
immune system all pumped up and work on
this and I started to realize that the
the bacteria were dividing faster than
my ability to control the bacteria and
so it came at a realistic moment it said
yes I know I can possibly control this
but the effort that it’s going to take
is going to take a little bit more time
than the drug so I actually went and
bought the penicillin and the
significance is when you need it you
need it at that moment but the issue is
had I not been stressed had I taken care
of my health a little bit better I would
not have come to that precipice where I
was forced into taking the drugs and so
the reality is that in switching from a
drug based reality into an energy
medicine spirit based reality we have to
go through a learning curve and learn
how to take control of our thoughts our
mind and control the biology that we
were given when we do that then it’s far
better than the drug world for a very
simple reason there are no side effects
and so basically it says that if you
start healing with spirit and energy
that you get an unencumbered healing
process as compared to dealing with
drugs and then dealing with the myriad
side effects that are listed on all the
packages so it says both work but one is
far superior to the other and yet I
wouldn’t throw out the medication
because when it’s necessary it’s
but it’s just a little warning to you
when your symptoms start going up it
says pay attention to the symptoms
because the symptoms are really
informing you that you’re not living in
harmony or in health and that the body
is telling you this and so rather than
shutting off the symptoms with a drug
that’s really important for us to take
on a learning role and say I am creating
this situation and I can uncreate the
situation without the use of drugs raise
your standard Apple at the core its core
value is that that people with passion
and love one drop of most self-worth
depends on your acceptance of an if you
want to learn more about the wim HOF
technique I highly recommend the video
right next to me it changed my life I
hope it changes yours as well continue
to believe and I’ll see you there to me
God has called you could say that I think of the gold as a noble force
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