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Come ha fatto Spotify a conquistare il mondo

spotify does at this moment as i
crazy to 170 million users in 60
countries and some 75 million things are
payers know that spotify indeed the
free version that the paid one
so at a conversion rate
very high laden already spoken in others
video the question we ask is but
like these Swedish guys did
left to stockholm daniele who you were
body in the stockholm party that
nobody gave him two lire of clearly
make it to say I’m crazy success
the blockbuster as a product that entered
in the heart of users if there are also
economic in the sense that they invoice a
lot of money but we also know that
they lose a lot of money because one of them
those companies that tries to grow
grow as fast as possible air
invest and lose so a lot of
money in favor of growth because it
they make because a pe tone with these
gentlemen here is apple on one side that
it seems that now in the united states that
goes to overcome this year have amazon
who claimed to have dozens of
millions of subscribers already to their own
music service for those who have cyan
youtube that launched the competitor
of spotify is a sectors not easy e
where frankly it was not simple
move above all then sector
Musical or cases the labels
royalties the shelves the downloads
illegal and singer company then
how did they take control
of the musical planet we are looking for
understand it after the initial key signature of the
success of spotify my opinion is the
product clearly is a product
better than the others
functionality attention but above all
compared to the big ones they only do
music but only that while apple does
a thousand things have already done a thousand things
pull a thousand things
they only make music concentration
total are super monomaniacs of that
if you see an interview with daniel
hackett who have two founder understood
that this that is not that it is
moving from there is just obsessed
feature number two the model of
business have not hit in full
at the beginning one said but who will never pay
for the music and their instead have
understood this sentence caused just by
daniel ek the more i urp her
the demo the who made who listens to music
and the more you are willing to pay for what
they understood each other better
and that people do not pay to access
to music
people pay for convenience is
what in English is called the
portability that is at that moment the
possibility to bring the music in
round feature number 3 reported
from the same daniel ek then I mark it
maybe a couple of interesting articles
and if you want to deepen and the fact that
at first they clashed with the ipod e
what they gave birth was ok
we offer an instrument where we give you
the possibility of listening to music
not through a tool dedicated to
via your mobile phone whenever you want
everything you want them to do
bingo because they have ridden all of it
streaming phenomenon that in that
moment was a little doubt because it is called
however, and to listen to streaming there is
need to have a good connection
known more heads as far as in place of
let you download the culture music the
gegio other keys of the victory of
spotify reason well the fact that the
music is the beginning of their domain though
once you have these numbers
this mass of people you manage to
gather the fans on one side
people who listen to music and
on the other hand to the artists who produce
trouble music a role not only economic
but also the phenomenal cultural is not there
so much other stuff like music that
unites whole planet for which the role
of spotify and the power they have
so-called allevi rg 16 in English
then to the avenue they have from the point
view of their perspectives
business on spotify grows and this is the
why they continue to spend a
sack of wheat and lose money not
because it does not grow it grows faster
possible because they become bigger and bigger
plus a mess to move them because they have one
key role at that point throughout the
world of music and culture in
general other characteristic that comes
always highlighted then you and you
others that you notice in the comments is the
playlist’s speech said that 31
percent and the songs transmitted on spotify
they are made through their system of
playlist in practice spotify is a big one
dj today who can decide which brand
he becomes famous as an artist to become
famous less and this is a role
of great power that is exposed to
discussion in the case of spotify with the theme
of the part but because I as a singer
as an artist
I have to entrust myself with a label and I entrust it
directly to spotify her years that the
founder during a recod event
call conference drowned this will
to spotify the truth is that even steve
jobs he had denied he wanted to do is understood
a phone and then the iphone came out
a month later spotify to large today
great success we will see what
it happens from here to the next years will come
bought perhaps from a large colossi
we’ll see them are a lot
convinced however, following the philosophy
just of the numbered daniele founder
a blow that has pointed out more than one
time that spotify has always gone on
based on their belief not
based on logic and reason
that based on logic and on
reason everyone said that spotify was
simply impossible
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