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This NEGOTIATION Skill Will Help You Win ft. @LewisHowes & @vossnegotiati

be able to say look I’m sure it seems
like I’m greedy here if I say to you
like I’m sure I’m gonna seem very greedy
here that sets me up to ask for a lot of
money because there’s actually science
that backs this up now identifying a
negative diminishes that every time so
if I’m gonna make a get big grab for the
money you’re gonna think I’m greedy then
I need to get that out of the way
because I’m too greedy mm-hmm you’re
gonna you’re gonna get some satisfaction
by keeping me from the money even if you
don’t get any right and so I’m gonna say
look I’m gonna see real greedy here I’m
gonna seem like I’m very self-centered
and that I’m greedy and then I’m not
looking out for you at all and then I’ll
just let it sit and you’ll take a lot
more from me a lot a lot you you’ll
allow me to take more if I’ve said that
in everybody up front really because
I’ve diminished that your thought is
like I mean how I could never seem to
greed and when I make that grab you’re
gonna say well he was honest with me
told me you wanted a lot of money he
didn’t try to say hey look let’s do when
we’re dealing all the money right
because if I say I want to do a win-win
deal with you I’m like hey I’ll be nice
to you I look out for you and then you
try to take ninety and give me ten it’s
like it’s not a good deal yeah but when
you say it up front then you’re more
likely to get the deal yeah and get more
or whatever you want right I’m gonna
seem very honest to you but you’re gonna
like that I was honest with you had you
gonna say after the fact like look he
was on I always knew where he was coming
from I didn’t like the deal but I did it
anyways or whatever yeah huh okay but
yeah that’s crazy it’s that’s just this
stuff that we found out the works
regularly we had talked about another
one we talked about the book there was a
multi-million dollar deal going on in
Washington DC the subcontractor was very
unhappy with the general contractor and
female negotiator and they were getting
ready to lose everything and they sat
down and they said you know I’m sure we
seem like the big guy that doesn’t care
about you I’m sure we seem like the big
general contractors trying to take
complete advantage
of the sub and not appreciate how hard
you working for this and not care about
your future at all and she turned that
deal around when she was done she took
an additional million of profit on
herself and her company and the other
side liked him more so not only did they
increase a profit but they had a better
relationship this is why being honest
upfront or empathetic or I can see how
you might feel that we’re gonna do this
at tactical approach while there are
negatives here we’re gonna address the
negatives upfront we’re gonna make him
go away address of up front most people
don’t want to do it I already did that
do you know when I did that to you when
I’ve already done it ever we talked
about doing the one-on-one role play
yeah I said it was gonna be armed that’s
true you set it up fine yeah and I
always I always do that every single
time the same way because if you do the
role play with me no matter how it goes
I you know you’re gonna feel like you
were beaten beaten up right but she told
me I was gonna be right and you can’t
come out if I say shocking horrible you
know you can’t ever say what he’s saying
backed me you know he caught me off
guard right and then then what I always
do then I defuse a negative and then I
pitched the positive and most people
pitch the positive and hope the negative
will go away they sandwich the negative
positive negative positive say I don’t
like sandwich at all start with the
negative thought with the negative and I
said and you will learn more than anyone
else so how do you do that in a business
deal where you start with okay I’m sure
you think we’re horrible we’re trying to
get more than we should or will you
don’t walk it to the table you could
make a really educated guess on what the
other side is gonna think of you if
you’re a big business dealing with a
small business if you David and Goliath
you know that before you get to the
table right flip side around if you new
to the industry and you try to work your
way into the industry how do you look to
somebody who’s been in the industry you
look like an intruder mm-hm
you know I’m sure I look like an
intruder I’m sure I look wet behind the
ears I’m sure I look like I don’t have
any experience in this area because if
I’m new to the industry and I’m talking
to somebody’s been in the industry for a
while what I want is money you’ve got I
want a piece of your pie it’s a nice big
pie here and I want to take a big bite
I’m right
if I’m new to the industry and so and
and you it doesn’t take a genius to talk
it through go like yeah somebody who’s
new the industry’s trying to hammer the
wind I got no respect for people who’ve
already been there and I’ll say that huh
you know I’m sure I’m sure I look like
an intruder here so how do you how do
you frame the positive afterwards then
you go look like an intruder but and
then I’ll say and there’s money to be
made here that wasn’t there otherwise
because if I’m new to the industry
especially if I’m bringing a deal in I’m
bringing you found money mmm the worst
thing I could do is say hey look I got
some fine money for you all right let me
bring this to you sure you’re gonna be
like you ain’t bringing me nothing I’m
fine all right I can pay my bills before
you walked in the door it around you to
pay my bills so but I want to make that
point so else I got somewhere I’m going
I’m gonna say you know I’m sure I’m look
like an intruder and I’m appreciative of
what the end of years you’ve been here
for a thousand years I you know I don’t
know anything
mmm it’s always lead with the negative
or the elephant identify the elephant
that’s exactly right it’s negative but
uh the the elephant in the room
identified an elephant always gets
smaller every time you call the elephant
in room out again and there’s a subtle
difference to never deny it like five
reefs and I’m sure I seem like an
intruder which is good and if I say to
you I don’t want you to think I’m an
that’s a denial that’s gonna say I am an
intruder yeah and your minds yeah I’m
coming into this new I’m coming to this
yeah denial magnifies negatives there’s
subtle difference between denial and
observation mmm and if I say look man I
don’t know what you think I’m gonna true
derp here I don’t know what your
thinking would be on the years and I
don’t know what I’m doing immediately
you’re thinking that because I denied it
and that’s why that subtle difference is
night and day and negotiations that
subtle difference makes all of it I had
I’m doing when I’m working on my book
deal I don’t know my agent listen to
this or not but I realize my agent one
time because I’m a bad client if
somebody’s negotiating on my behalf
because it’s so important to have I’m
gonna jump in with no warning of course
like listen to you this is where I was
supposed to be done yeah yeah yeah I
can’t like only sit back for so long
it’s so I’m getting ready I’m jumping in
the middle of this price negotiation
with a potential writer the pop I want
the writer okay you know before I came
across tall tall as a superstar yes he
is the best business book writer on a
plane he’s right and and so before I
came across tall working was trying to
get some going with another guy and I
jumped in the middle of it with no
warning without telling my agent so I
did it in an email and then I
constructed an email to my agent at the
same time now if somebody’s supposed to
be keeping her mouth shut or negotiation
the name you might call them might be a
loose cannon okay somebody who pipes up
when they’re supposed to shut up sure
and they don’t check with anybody else
loose cannon so I said I craft an email
to my agent at the same time and at
first I wrote a role in the first time
I’ll admit I said I don’t want you to
think I’m a loose cannon and then I went
back and edited it and I said I’m sure I
seem like a you know he couldn’t deny it
right you weren’t denying it you were
but this is a predictable negative seem
like a loose I said I’m sure I seem like
a loose cannon sent him the email as
soon as he’s read it he sent me back I
know I don’t I always respect a bold
move Wow
so I called the negative out it doesn’t
take a genius to figure it out and just
call it out identify the elephant in the
room don’t deny if I to say no I’d marry
no elephant a room rabbi
yes there is sure and and he is
responded immediately we part of
negotiating with the publisher as well
when I say no said and done but I’m
gonna need to explore every option there
I mean I don’t saying here and yes is a
bad thing to hear so don’t say yes yeah
yes yes it enough selves I I would much
rather say you know okay I’ll do it
I’d love I love to say you went because
when you win you’re gonna perform mmm
yes is nothing without how
I need you to perform at a top level you
perform at a higher level when you feel
like you win if I if I hear if you look
at me we make it daily say okay well
that’s a resign – okay and we’re gonna
run into trouble when we go to implement
coz the minute anything bad could happen
by you by your inaction you know there’s
a phrase never be mean to someone who
could hurt you by doing nothing hmm
which nearly everybody can’t hurt you by
doing nothing right oh so saying okay
I’ll do it right or yes you went are you
in right right so yeah I want you to
feel like you want you win so we got the
better end of the deal yeah cuz are you
are you gonna hold to the deal if you
got the best end of the deal of course I
love you could break it but awesome yeah
I got the better end huh right so you
win okay I’ll do it you win because
you’re both um together if I said that’s
good cuz you want if you say it it’s bad
to me because you feel beat mm-hmm I
don’t want you to I don’t want you to
feel beaten right all right which is
what a real big problems with
negotiation because since I’ve been
getting helping people get better at it
like I get more stories of guys says let
me tell you about this deal I had them
over a barrel there was nowhere for them
to go you know for all intents sparse
because I took them hostage well I gave
it to you that the person they beat was
as passive-aggressive as possible on the
implementation of that deal but if you
look a lot of money on the table didn’t
feel good about right huh right it’s
always make the other person feel like
they got the better end of the deal
right right they won and yeah they won
and it was their idea it was their idea
I like your idea I’ll do it something
like that yeah okay yeah I mean that
that’s really good and so that’s why the
one usually the one-word answers of yes
and no those are also frequently
misunderstood you know the street kinda
yes is there’s commitment confirmation
counterfeit and most people are used to
getting lured into a trap with yes you
know would you like to make more money
is that a true this is the off season
you know whatever setup yes sir it okay
yeah you know what’s leading someplace
yes one of my one of my students is on a
honeymoon and he’s want to get a an
upgrade on his bungalow and it’s the
offseason in his in his resort now what
they typically do is they cut prices on
on their basic rooms Harmon Suites but
not the honeymoon lines and he but he
knows they’re all vacant that what he
doesn’t want to cut price on a regular
room he wants a honeymoon suite and he
starts out the conversation was like you
know isn’t it true this is the offseason
the general manager knows is a trap
there it’s once a guy starts going
sideways on him immediately really he
didn’t say yes right he didn’t want to
say yes cuz he knows that yes his
commitment and yes is probably a trap
and he knows I don’t know where you
going with this but you’re going
someplace that’s what he said yeah
then what happened well then and so then
my student realized that you know he
fell into this just yes trap thing mmm
so he had to kind of get it kind of get
back out of it and they started talking
instead of trying to get yeses and noes
I don’t we started describing a
situation it started showing up a little
bit yeah well I’m sure you know a lot of
guys don’t like me coming we want a room
we don’t want to pay anything for it you
get so many tourists that are in here in
the offseason and they’re cheap that’s
why they’re here in the offseason anyway
because I cheap to start with and it
wouldn’t pay anything for anything
anyway and now the managers appreciate
where guys come from he’s leading with
the negative right he ends up getting
the upgrade really yeah free cuz he
built a relationship and yeah the guy
the guy the guy’s got an empty room yeah
never be mean to somebody could hurt you
by doing nothing not giving you the the
empty room is doing nothing you know you
want this guy to give you a favor and he
doesn’t own the hotel and those rooms
are normally vacant anyway so his owner
whoever owns the hotel they’re not mad
at him because those rooms are empty
they expected her to be anything yeah so
he’s got options you know ultimately you
want to make their pets like
you know you give me that upgrade I’m
gonna be a fan for life I’m gonna tell
everyone about it
tell all my friends about this something
I’ve done for like the last ten years a
friend of mine told me this line that
he’s like you know if you ever want an
upgrade if you ever want like something
better in the deal use this line and I
swear I’ve been using it maybe it’s been
wrong but I love your opinion okay I say
what’s the chance you can help me with
this all right so that’s it that’s a
what question to start what’s the chance
do things about that that I like first
of all to what question yeah and
secondly what’s the chance you can
upgrade me you’re elevating the person
when you ask it for out so you’re giving
them power right right the opportunity
to have power right yeah so there’s and
and I don’t know that I change that
sense at all I might say in advance like
look this is really gonna seem greedy mm
you know cuz you can’t leave me with the
negative lady lead with a negative see
if you try to call out a negative that’s
not there
you won’t plant it if you try to deny a
negative that’s not there you plant that
baby that’s why you have to know the
difference between a denial in a
straight observation and though that’s a
subtle difference because you’re good
you’re probably gonna want to say before
you ask the guy for a discount you’re
probably gonna say this guy’s gonna
think I’m cheap and I’m greedy I don’t
want him to think that mm-hmm
so if you mentioned at all you’d get
instinct to say look like I don’t want
to I don’t want you I don’t want you to
think I’m cheap and greedy
that’s a denial that plans it so I bet
you might think that I’m being a little
grey shirts
I’m sure that’s my frog I’m being greedy
but what’s the chance you can help you
can upgrade me yeah yeah you can support
me and getting up and so if you’re
asking for an upgrade as if you were
vain the guy’s gonna no that’s not
greedy you want him you want him
thinking no you want I’m saying them hmm
those a great answer because when
somebody says no they’d just protected
and defended themselves like it’s
ridiculous the most ridiculous question
that they would never say yes to like if
at the end of the negotiation if I can’t
if my one of my last things I’m always
gonna say is like if you can’t budge at
say I will look it seems like you’re
powerless here Oh nobody wants to say
yes oh wow he’s like there’s nothing you
could do it seems like a completely
powerless here and they’ll put you on
hold they’ll find a way to help
seems like you’re powerless you can’t
help me it sounds like you’re powerless
here right don’t we everyone say
yesterday wow that is powerful
yeah do you use that a lot when you’re
at the individual or anything or
something in need of any deal if we
haven’t come to an agreement that that
I’m happy with that’ll be the last thing
I’ll say it seems like there’s nothing I
could say and it seems like you’re
powerless it seems like nothing that you
could say to them to get what you need
right or for them to move deal points
and it seems like you’re powerless right
they’re powerless right so yeah we allow
people have cut deals by they thought it
was completely in the tank they’re
actually just trying to end positively
it’s really it’s critical to him
positively hmm
so give me one little extra thing then
if you know they want to end positively
not like yeah I’m powerless here so
let’s do the deal yeah okay I’ll throw
in this or I’ll give you this or yeah
like I make it I make it a regular pour
like my credit cards almost all I’ve got
fees mm-hmm and I called every year ask
him to waive the fee yeah and and they
almost always do and tell the guy says
well we wait the fee on you the last
five years a row it sounds like you’re
powerless yeah I wanna say yeah I’ll say
that I’ll say it sounds like you’re
absolutely powerless it sounds like
you’re nothing nothing you could do and
they’ll put me on hold
yes obviously what I could do you know
come back and do like Wayne wants to be
powerless oh wow that’s great
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