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Business Q&A + League of Legends Ep. #28 ft. @RishyCupTV

all right everybody welcome to another
business Q&A we’re going to play some
legal aid and answer some
entrepreneurial questions today’s been a
fun morning of chaos we’re here the
usual cast is on board let me accept my
game here get in-game we have my usual
co-host Rishi Kutty p what’s up Rishi
good morning tgif believe nation I love
it and we have J rise in the house with
me while also in game what’s up to your
eyes whoa I have nothing in the Cup
right now the bottle is empty there’s no
water no team Wow no vitamin water an
approach it’s empty you have five things
in front of me zero right now because
I’m rushing so uh you haven’t drunk
anything I even went to bulk up into
that’s important look it Oh Jerry is
gonna hook me up some water thanks man
feeling the love my Rishi what is in
your cup today I know you guys something
I know I always have something um
actually just to shout out to my great
free cup of coffee yesterday do you do
national coffee day event or did you not
uh Alex ran out and got us some coffee
at lunch from starbucks it was not it
was not a free coffee at those we don’t
really have dunkin donuts here and i’m
not going to ask if c cream yeah yeah
well I think Starbucks is doing like a
thing where they want you to donate to
one of the causes of your choice or
something along those lines but anyway
um yeah so feeling the love for my free
cup of coffee yesterday from krispy
kreme today I’m just I’m I’m feeling a
cup of a happiness that we’re doing the
stream today and everybody’s here and
yeah taking the week out on a high note
yeah I love it I love it I got I made it
back it was a big rush I was checking my
clock and Nina was in and it’s like okay
you know let’s go come on come on come
on and then she came
okay let’s go let me message machine J
reyez ok I’m coming my way guys I’m
gonna be there uh and I walked in right
at nine and then like taking off my
jacket in the anyway so chaos theory
shows up just in time too and we are
here ready to go before we get you the
questions do some shout out so who do we
have here in the live chat is here going
so forged 2450 30 min oval said I got my
name right all right I gotta remember
that myth evil I know why I want to say
mahoba I gotta get that out of my as my
head mrs. Liddell love em about okay
good maja fell welcome Zeno rise Jen so
much oh I love it relax sleep station is
back optus horas welcome back sherry I
love it alright well we are getting the
game setup I’ve had a sip of water i’m
feeling good let’s let’s get in some
questions oh hey and some of the people
in the chat or just want to make sure
you’re doing okay i know you rested the
doctor this morning but we just want to
make sure you’re okay oh yeah let’s just
check ups it’s not like i’m not going in
for anything serious well good okay guys
he’s not dying Belgian I I hate going to
doctors I never go to do that ain’t like
annual stuff um anyway I can avoid
doctors much as possible i do but anyway
I’m fine guys no worries everything is
okay all right what do we got oh I’m you
jungle and jer Isis mid this is looking
good hey are you continuing you did you
paint the on experiment
you did really well I I was hurting I
was hurtin I wonder if my coach is
coming back online and tell me all the
things I’m going around I know I gotta
remember I gotta remember to do a better
job this time what do you see last time
pink wards and blue trinket okay yeah
pink and yep exact words and blue
trinket okay okay it’s on my list guys
guys if you see me not buying pick over
to her flu chicken call me out yeah all
right let’s do it question who are we
going to help first I’m excited I’m
excited all right first question comes
from Agnes Agnes and admission is an
engineering student and I do have a
start-up plan on which I’m working I
need guidance for that month so that my
risk of failure goes down can you help
me all right so risk minimizing risk
huge topic i think for entrepreneurs and
first thing i’m going to do a Ganesha’s
point you to the channel because there’s
some really great videos on Evans
channel for risk and in fact one is
called the top 10 risk management
strategies where you can hear from
famous entrepreneurs and their different
thoughts and and things on on minimizing
risk and one of the things that I really
what struck me was what and I’m going to
possibly kill his name monush a bride is
that right I mean abroad monisha mohnish
Cabrera then he talked about how and
evidence goes along with what you often
have said on the channel but that
entrepreneur entrepreneur’s do
everything they can to minimize risk we
think of entrepreneurship is this thing
where you’ve got to go sell your house
in your car and your and your mama’s car
and everybody’s car just so you can get
the money that you need have to sell
everybody’s guards a big one is yes yes
and you think oh gosh you’re so scared
to do it because you think I gotta take
all these risks and you know who wants
you know who wants to take a risk that
you’re going to lose everything and then
people don’t go out there and do it but
he said entrepreneurs actually do
everything they can to minimize risk and
they and really successful entrepreneurs
actually take risks that are low risk
high return so he made an example of
Microsoft and how Microsoft really put
pretty small amount of money but it has
such a high return so yeah I think
definitely go check out the top 10 risk
management strategies as well but
justjust also know that you don’t have
to go out there and fill your mama’s car
that has to be some kind of picture that
you tweet out or something don’t sell
your mom’s car don’t show your mama’s
car we should help with like the thug
life glasses on ok so again somebody
create the mean you put that out and
send it to me I’m gonna retweet that up
oh gosh great ok all right Jay what do
you think you got some thoughts on how
to minimize the risk of failure we want
to hear the thoughts minimize the risk
of Jace coming in ok we didn’t he
couldn’t cameo on the gratitude you
gotta come in clip there you go how to
minimize the risk of failure in a
start-up entrepreneur yo there is no
risk rich doesn’t exist everyone’s on
this planet we’re born we have 24 hours
a day and we die you can’t lose anything
we’re all gonna die you just do what
your heart says you trust your gut even
if it seems stupid or risky and you
might end up homeless or you might end
up hurt or you might end up whatever but
doesn’t matter it’s all part of your
story some people end up fat some people
end up sick but then they turned around
it becomes the best part of their story
you know it’s not about avoiding risk
it’s about embracing the truth embracing
what’s in your heart and doing it within
all this analysis piece J reyez
is turning up today all right let’s
bring that energy into the game and this
is this this is exciting ah
what do I have to say I have two quick
thoughts Rishi still Rishi still
recovering from the junior eyes right
there I think no I was just loving it
looks like everybody’s clogged up today
yeah well did when we rushed negating we
got our uh we got our adrenaline on high
already first thing in the morning um
the two thoughts that I had our one
that’s you know you’re gonna fail and to
embrace failure to the failure is not
the enemy that if you are going out
trying to avoid failure than then you’re
never going to take you’re never going
to take any kind of chance so failure is
normal if you look at you look at the
people who’ve who have had mastered
success they’ve had massive failure as
well I think the key though is to try
not to go and make huge failures all at
once I’m a famous doing small tests so
you know I have this idea that I want to
build this new company so I’m going to
sell my mama’s car and take out a huge
mortgage and go on where I’m much more
of a fan of doing small tasks and so I
will test a thousand different things
and 997 them will fail and I expect that
and then the three that work work and I
keep doing it and you know I I’m
constantly in testing mode and I think
and you’ll see this consistently if you
look at the successful entrepreneurs and
innovators and inventors and artists and
athletes you know the more that you
experiment the more that you try the
more that you miss the more you’re also
going to win I think most people just
like in the time that he’s taken to
think about this question and to worry
about it not working out and try to make
the perfect plan he could have already
done 10 things to try to build his
business and
it might have failed but two of them
could work and he’d be already on his
path and so don’t see failures is this
final thing that is negative it’s
positive and that helps you learn what
is right what works and what doesn’t and
you fail your way to success so keep the
failure small and keep the failures
common and testing and you’ll find the
path for you so yeah I mean you just
reminded me I saw actually the video I
think you pointed me toward this video
but it was one of chase Jarvis’s
creative lives with Brene brown and she
talks about how the whole reason she
wrote the third of her near 10 deathwing
books I think it was her third but it
was at least a third of her trilogy of
books where it talks about how if you
take if you are going after you know
your your dream or what like what Jay
was saying about embracing your truth
and if you really go for it it’s not if
you fall if when and rising strong was
all about okay what do you do when you
do fall and I think that that was that
was an interesting interview because it
really was talking about how if you’re
really going to do this thing you know
it’s not if you fail it’s when you fail
and you’ve got to learn how to get back
up from there I thought that was a
really powerful powerful discussion yeah
I love Brene brown she’s got a lot of
awesome wisdom a very uh I mean
obviously she’s she’s a woman but i like
i like i like the feminine approach i
like the soft approach i think there’s a
lot of like there’s a lot of male male
energy kind of yelling at you to be
successful out there in
i love i love for take on it too um yeah
big brainy ground friend and i think
just in people go in not feeling like
that people go in knowing that that
failure is okay and it’s accepted then
it makes makes taking the risk a lot
easier and much like to be successful so
mm-hmm fail more guys feel more ale more
feel fast right all right the game the
game had to remake we have to redo it no
one of their guys didn’t connect okay so
there’s a rule of you if you start off a
game and in the first first minute or
two or whatever it is if somebody
doesn’t connect and you have an option
to start over so they the enemy team
decided that because nobody one of the
people didn’t connect that okay we’re
gonna reset it so that’s okay we’re
going to get in game again and let’s get
some more questions more time to answer
entrepreneur questions yeah alright next
question is coming from Samantha baby
and samantha has a lot to say about how
much appreciation she has for your
youtube videos and your motivational
videos and she says she listens to yours
because they get to the nitty-gritty all
right and yeah she says I also like the
mixture of old favorites and getting
introduced to new motivational speakers
so she likes to she come to your channel
and kind of see the the older
entrepreneurs and even learn about new
entrepreneurs and she says i love that i
can access all of these resources for
free and I have to stop there because I
always say that your channel is and and
to you thank you what university Oh
real it you okay okay okay I mean where
where can you go get all of this
information and it’s free doesn’t cost
you anything it only cost you your
hustle and your time to watch and I mean
it’s just like amazing so yes agreed
Samantha access to free entrepreneur
resources amazing she says she recently
received a doctorate but in finishing
her doctorate she’s been fun plunged
into the world of financial uncertainty
during the doctorate she wasn’t making
money excuse me and now she she’s a
single parent and she has a kid who has
special needs not receiving much support
from the father of the child and so also
because her child special needs meets
private school education obviously super
expensive so just a lot of a lot of
tough times right now and she’s feeling
she says I started a new part-time job
as a law lecturer but I feel stuck I
feel disadvantaged because of my
situation and the knowledge that I don’t
have a team giving personalized advice
to me have very little support in hopes
in my hopes and dreams of vastly
improving my life situation she wants to
buy a house she can’t financially
struggling and she says can you create
some videos which will help how to find
mentors and how to overcome really
challenging circumstances so there’s
kind of two things going on right now
there’s there’s how to get through
adversity you know how to kind of get
your resilience in the midst of really
hard times and then how to find
mentorship because she feels like she
needs someone to get her to that next
level so okay well I appreciate the
reaching out Samantha and sharing your
story always really cool how people
believe nation just are so vulnerable
and share what they’re going through in
terms of the
be kind of how to get through tough
times and there’s a lot of the state
owes lots of videos I know on on the
channel that do deal with specifically
how to kind of overcome challenges and
part of what’s really inspiring is
hearing from different famous
entrepreneurs because most of them if
you hear some of their stories my
goodness Eric Thomas started out eating
out of a garbage can now you know just
read or watch more about him and see
where he is so I kind of just embrace
that inverse ax t is part of the
landscape for greatness not that you
want to suffer not that you try to go
out there and suffer you know and and I
don’t believe that you’re supposed to
stay in a place where you love to suffer
but that anyone who’s great has had to
pass through that dark time and so I
think part of what gets you through is
just your belief system like what are
yours how are you going to see this time
of struggle are you going to see it as
I’m disadvantaged because of it or I am
an opportunity to realize my full
potential and realize you know that good
is coming that there is light at the end
of the tunnel and so I think what really
a lot of the times differentiates those
who overcome and those who don’t is how
they’re thinking about their situation
and how they choose to think about it so
i think you should think about your
situation is even though it’s really
hard i think i’m hopeful for you i’m
excited for you because you’re going to
have a great story to tell when you get
through it and there’s lots of different
ways you can think about about how
you’re thinking about your thoughts and
how you’re believing but Evans channel
is a great place because it’s all about
belief and then
sure ship yeah we’ve talked a lot about
mentorship I think the short thing
though for me I know I’ve already just
talked a lot but the for mentorship in
terms of getting to the next level I
think there’s lots of ways you can find
mentorship I mean there might be groups
mentorship groups facebook group
entrepreneur groups that don’t cost you
anything that you can start to just meet
like-minded people who have expertise in
areas that you don’t I think it’s just
going to require a little bit going out
there and looking for what you need cool
um thank you for the love at the start
of the comment was feeling that and we
she also appreciate you and the the
empathy there at the start of your
comment and the thanking them for
sharing the vulnerabilities and that
that was a I was moved by that I was
feeling that everybody is fighting their
own battle and it’s not to compare your
situation against mine against Eric
Thomas’s against you know whoever else
is out there whether we whether we
acknowledge it or not whether it’s easy
to see or not we are all fighting our
own battle whether it’s health related
finance-related family related you know
there’s somebody may look totally fine
but they have their own battle that
they’re facing and you compare yourself
to this person they’re further had you
know there’s still there still fighting
their own battle to the key thing that
makes successful people is that they
don’t let their story hold them back you
know because i have because I’m a single
parent I can’t be successful or because
you know I don’t speak English Oh be
successful or my parents weren’t rich or
I didn’t go to school or whatever it is
all these reasons why you can’t be
successful and as long as you believe
that then you won’t where there’s been
tons of stories of people who are single
parents who have less than what you
already have now
don’t have a university education who
didn’t have as many options as you do
and they found their path because they
didn’t let their story hold them where
they are the two that I think of our
from the pursuit of happiness Chris
Gardner was a single dad and you know
homeless chose to feed his son instead
of having an apartment because he didn’t
have enough money and there’s the famous
movie about him with Will Smith has
great north watching and he didn’t let
that hold him back from pursuing what he
wanted to do and eventually becoming a
self-made millionaire the other is Casey
nice that who is a big youtuber if you
like YouTube you probably love his
channel lots of powerful messages there
too and he I don’t really know the early
family situation but he was basically a
single dad I think the mother is still
alive but he took all the responsibility
of raising the child and he had to drop
out of high school to raise his child
and just find a way to survive to now
the point where he’s got you know a huge
youtube channel make deals with tons of
big companies just as a pause we are in
game we have a leblanc ADC what is
happening here this is weird anyway okay
I’m jungle team L&G arises pantheon min
so same structures before we’re just
about to start okay anyway so those are
the tutors that come to mind immediately
and they didn’t let their store haul
them back and as long as you feel like I
won’t be successful because my you know
X is not paying you know his a share of
whatever expenses screw him you don’t
need him to be successful you know you
don’t need trump or Clinton to be
President to be successful
you know you don’t need you have a
doctorate but you know you don’t need a
university education to be successful
you need you to be successful you need
to believe in yourself and the moment
that you accept responsibility for
things and stop blaming other people and
and and it’s like the blame is warranted
right it’s not to say that like that he
doesn’t deserve that blame that ex of
yours you know if he’s not doing his
fair share that’s not great Oh jerez
already got a killer wow this is looking
good right but so if somebody screws me
over I can’t I can’t live with that I
can’t let that be my story for the rest
of my life that I got screwed over by
this first and I’m never gonna make it
because you know that person screwed me
over or I had bad parents or you know
whatever it was I don’t have been a bad
parent so let my parents just that that
caveat but taking the responsibility for
where you’re at in your life because we
all have these things that we’re
fighting and maybe your story is worse
than mine or worse than somebody else’s
but it’s a lot better than a lot of
people who’ve done way bigger things
already the people who started with
nothing and built up a huge impactful
career made lots of money had a big
impact on the world they did it because
they felt like they could and so that’s
that’s the biggest thing for anybody
going through adversity is not being
stuck there and not blaming somebody
else for your situation they may have
wind you there but you’re going to get
yourself out it’s not on anybody else to
come and save you in terms of mentorship
and resources I think the channel is a
great start you know I’ve learned more
from my own channel than I have from my
university education you know we she
called it ain’t you I like that
I would start looking up I would you
know what really helped me and why I
started doing this why I started
researching was the famous entrepreneur
stories help keep me motivated and so
because they were like me that got me
excited so are there I would look at
Eric Tom’s a story I would look at casey
neistat story I would look at other
people that you you know look up to that
have the same kind of a situation that
you’re in I’ve been through I would look
at that and try to find more of those
people that you can surround yourself
with to get the feeling that is possible
like when I read stories of these
entrepreneurs who started from nothing
and build big businesses my takeaway was
it’s possible like I can do this you
know I’m not where I want to be yet but
these people had less than what I have
and they did big thing so it’s possible
and that that became my new belief
system so if you can find those people
people that you look up to people who’ve
gone through the same thing and realize
how they came out of it and understand
and start to feel that it’s possible
that start to spark a shift because yes
some of the some of the tactics are
important like how to actually do it
what’s the next step for me but way more
important is the mindset that you can
and being surrounded by those kinds of
stories and people help you start to
believe that so you may find some in my
channel you know I have a lot of
successful people who we profile it sort
of started as just entrepreneurs and
we’ve built it to be a lot more than
just entrepreneurs but you may want to
reach out to try to figure out the
source of other people who’ve also gone
on who are in a similar situation as
you’re so you can start creating that
positive environment around you
that’s what I yet yeah okay love it yeah
we got a comment from the chat from
Seoul forge 2453 he was saying there
will be hard times and downfalls 100%
what stops you is that feeling of why me
yeah well said I think that’s that’s
that’s my hovel pretty sure oh is that
okay I forgot to buy a pink ah oh man
okay well my coach isn’t watching so
that would have saved great now Darren
can you feel guilty to cannot buy
anything did you guys hear that oh man
okay all right it’s true though my
teammates are dying because it inviting
all right all right next doc I’m buying
a pink like next question what do we got
alrighty next question comes from cyril
and daryl is he says he’s a former
League of Legends players so he really
enjoys your LOL Q&A segment all right
and he’s 33 years old and he has oh okay
so his fiance he’s 33 and his fiance 30
years old they live in the Philippines
and they have a business they’ve been in
business together the last four years
anyway they really ran into some
financial hardship and they decided to
close the business a few days ago she
told her relatives and they said you
know hey why don’t you come to Japan
there on the fellows philippines and so
her relatives are saying he wanted to
come to chip Japan you can work out here
so now he’s asking you know what can I
do he’s an entrepreneur at heart there’s
so much to leave in the Philippines
friends family opportunity and
he says Philippines is one of the
fastest growing countries and the
decision to go and live work in Japan is
just not on his plan but like he says
I’m an entrepreneur at heart so I’m
still open for new plan plans and ideas
all right so well this definitely is one
of those life choices you can stay in
Japan and I don’t know what the results
of staying in Japan would be in a note
that means you know your fiance would
still go to if you stand the Philippines
does that mean she’ll go to Japan anyway
lots of personal dynamics that you know
I think no one can really tell you what
to do but I love what Evan says about
big decisions with the heart small
decisions with the head big decisions
with the heart because I think things
like this you you you can trust in your
gut what it is that you need to do and I
think things like this it’s really hard
for other people to tell you but what I
kind of kind of get from their eldest
from his question is that you are so it
is really open and so I I don’t feel
like either or we’ll break you know what
happens with you and your entrepreneur
entrepreneurial goals because you can
make it happen wherever you are but yeah
at the end of the day I don’t I don’t
know that I can say what pretty big
decision yeah I agree we she took took
the words out of my mouth there but it’s
true big decisions with the heart swells
with the head and so figuring out what
is uh what is best what works for you
like it’s having an honest conversation
I think what often happens and you know
I don’t know that I’m the best
relationship coach here but what often
happens is
we’ll get emotional when trying to
figure out these decisions and you get
into fights and really has to come from
understanding the other person’s
perspective and explaining how important
something is arisen so you know you want
to stay she wants to go okay well how
important is it for for both of you and
why and at what point he knows the other
person going to say you know who’s gonna
who’s gonna who is it more important to
you know as an example look at Nina 9
and most of the small stuff I have I
agree i really i don’t really don’t care
about Nina takes care of him she’s great
at that stuff um most of the bigger
decisions I like to take care of whoa
this guy is I just died Wow fizzes
strong man okay well timo died timo died
okay I gotta gotta figure that out um
but then we came to things like so for
example our wedding I didn’t want to do
a wedding here I want to do wedding
abroad I want to do a destination
wedding okay uh and she really wants to
do a wedding here my reason was I’m not
big on you no formalities and those
kinds of traditions and I would rather
have it be something that’s fun when I
saw people getting married it just as
stressed like you never see the people
actually having fun both the people in
the like when was the last really fun
wedding you actually went to UM and all
the weddings I went to a lot of them
were close friends they were just you
know not just random people but you know
distant relatives something where I felt
like people were really i didn’t really
care if I
is there or not did not make a huge
difference if i was there in that and
that bothers me because I wherever I go
I want it not that it’s about me but I
want to feel like I care to be there and
people care that I’m there and a food if
I don’t feel like it I care to be there
and nobody cares that I’m there then
what am i doing so this is that’s my
personal vibe and I would much rather
get away with people who really want to
come with us and have a small wedding
with people who really care about us and
we could have fun and explore then just
do something local with a bunch of
people who don’t actually care so that’s
my take you know Nina was coming from a
different perspective emily is you know
important to her I mean it’s important
to me too but but how that those
interactions work are different for her
and at the end of the day we did our
went in here at the end of day you know
we this part the most that we’ve ever
fought was around the wedding of all the
things you fight about like never find
about one other we’d never fought but
you know it was the most it was the
biggest fight that we really ever had um
I’m gonna come and try to kill the fizz
can we do anything with the fizz can we
do anything oh we guys flash all right
this phase is good oh we kill them very
exciting all right good good good uh so
you know besides telling you my personal
stories here where are we going with
this at the end of the day by Nina is
kind of explaining what like why was so
important to her and you know finally
understanding it I was I said you know
what I’m expecting a UH I can deal with
it you know like I had pretty low
expectations so I own wedding which is
but it was for her like I was happy
doing it for her it was you know at the
end of the day her her her happiness her
need for this was greater than my mighty
you know I put hers above mine and
sometimes she puts hers above you know
she she was mine above hers too that’s
quite a relationship and the hard part
is tricking out okay when when do I bow
out you know when do I put the other
person’s needs above mine mm-hmm and
every decision is different you know
like when moving to this condo where I’m
at now I want to be at yonge and
sheppard it’s an intersection Toronto I
love it everything is around here Nina
I’m wouldn’t care less Nina wants a
house I hate houses I hate the
maintenance on the house I don’t want to
have to get up and worry about mowing
the lawn and I know you can hire people
I don’t want to worry about the roof and
I want to worry about things falling
apart I had had a house I built the
5,000 square foot house from scratch Wow
terrible i’m not going for home
ownership I’m not a fan so you know I
want to I want to be a I want to be in a
condo and I want to be around young and
Shepherd so Nina gave some of that up
for me you know so there’s no right or
wrong answer one hundred percent it’s
really going to come from communicating
not fighting but trying to communicate
why you feel like you don’t want to go
and under trying to try to understand
instead of just expressing your point
try to understand why is so important
for her to go and then hopefully you can
agree but you can’t agree on everything
and then it’s just seen who who cares
more right like who’s gonna give it up
for the other person because you love
that’s that’s the world of relationships
friends according to having our Michael
least but I think but I think all the
ladies can agree that you made the right
choice with the wedding with when it
comes with a wedding you got to give the
bride what you want uh I I don’t know I
don’t know no ever liked people I know I
don’t know I think when it teaches you
zhonya’s that’s weird mm uh and you know
what luckily at the end of the day the
reason why we stayed ultimately was
because because of her family sorry Jay
I took a bunch here farm there i was
chatting um like her family was giving
her a hard time for going because of
tradition and that stuff drives me nuts
like to do something just because of
tradition I it’s not a reason it’s not
enough of a reason for me but I
understand that this is one day and so I
can deal with it and I still like even
go to the weddings like going she has a
big family going to her weddings they’re
like all the cousins and everybody in
the in the in the family it’s important
for her mm-hmm so I like sorry I always
go even though I know nobody like nobody
would miss me if if I wasn’t there
nobody really feels the presence of me
being there it’s more if I wasn’t there
then people would talk and I don’t care
if people talk but Nina does and so I do
that Mary yeah so you know but if that
was happening you know like every week
that would that we’d have to find
another solution so you know um in every
relationship you have those like luckily
the day in and day out of our
relationship is really awesome so
there’s not not too many of these things
that we have to deal with but everybody
has them and just I understand that it’s
super important for her and I will you
know swallow my frustration at being
there and just I’m there for her that’s
it that’s why I go now this mean you you
give you giving all the time like maybe
it’s more important for you I win on
other stuff you know so having the
conversation and try to deeply
understand where they’re coming from is
important that’s what I got hey thanks
for the question Cyril and we look
forward to hearing what what happened
okay and just to shout out to some new
viewers in the chat we got see brother
tea and a vile wrath so got some new
folks in the live tag on I still did not
buy the pink guys i just realized or the
blue change i had nothing that he’s
asked me to do man okay sorry sorry I’m
working on it I will try to be better
hey okay what do you what else let’s get
the question ok so the next question is
coming from Thomas and Thomas is from
Germany he says do you think you’re and
I know J reyez will like this question
to do you think yours do you think your
story is enough to touch people sold I
know so many storytellers they tell us
great stories they hit our hearts but
after a certain time we feel that there
is something missing what has to follow
a good story belief passion hard work
alright that was it okay it’s just ink
so yeah it is an interesting question
and it sounds like you know Thomas has
had experiences where he gets impacted
by hearing someone’s story and then you
get to the place where you’re on fire
but then perhaps you know you can’t
execute fully on what it whatever it is
that you were inspired to take action on
again going back to Eric Thomas amazing
story incredible story you listen to him
you’re ready to just like kill Goliath
you know it so you’re you’re pumped up
and you’re ready to just take it on and
so I have you know you’ve heard that
also that expression of how inspiration
is like I don’t know what it is racial
like a shower or you gotta have it every
day it doesn’t last more than a day you
know you got to keep listening to
stories and and keep hearing how people
have overcome but it’s going back to air
comments to like he isn’t just a story
he put himself through a lot of
education and training and not to say
that you know everybody has to go get
their PhD but he put a lot in place so
that when he tells his story he has
tools and skills and ability to to be
more than just a storyteller same thing
with burn a brown I think she’s an
incredible storyteller but she has all
of this experience and research and
tools and practical steps so that she
can actually help people beyond just the
inspirational aspect and I really
respect I really respect that and it’s
something that I’m aspiring to do is
like I feel like it’s irresponsible for
me to just go out there and just you
know inspire people but then if I can’t
give them anything practical to then go
execute what I inspired them to do I
feel like I would be doing them a
disservice so
I feel like I have to continue to grow
and gain as much knowledge and keep
learning and keep being a student myself
so that you know the story in and of
itself is isn’t all that i’m giving them
and i don’t know if that helps but i
think that there is something to be said
about equipping yourself with more than
the story if you really want to help
people yeah people love telling stories
people love learning through stories
Jerry’s that just sent me a cool article
from google of how they’re trying to
train to become an entire company of
storytellers where they realize that in
the sales and marketing process just
talking about features and benefits
isn’t enough you have to move people and
they they start every meeting with what
they call an out of sight so instead of
an insight which is something that
people know and doesn’t really move
people they want to start every
conversation with an out of sight which
is they want to get people i think they
said they want to get people leaning
forward in their chair within the first
three minutes of of having a
conversation so storytelling is super
powerful it’s part of being a human
being is it’s you know how we have
traditionally learned uh i’m in a
dangerous spot here let’s see if I can
do something um I think I think a good
story something I’m till I’m working
with my team Aeterna themselves and Alex
on doing this stuff is having a
teachable lesson with the story so great
it’s a good story but what am I going to
learn from it right what’re what’s my
take away from it how am I going to get
better and sometimes people can learn
just from the story some sometimes
people are aware enough to be able to
well they’re letting me do damage here
Jay I’m
I’m in their base like tearing things up
this is this they’re ignoring me and
that they’re making big mistakes here
the enemy team so I’m excited I got
there and hit wow that’s pretty good I
right timo showing up emo is showing up
um we were talking with sorry I got
distracted I got I got I just made a big
play I’m pretty excited Oh smells pretty
big um so some people when they watch
this is a distant example that I use
there’s uh there’s a channel called this
youtube channel called charisma on
command which is a good channel um where
the wears a youtuber who breaks down
what is great about a lot of people’s
communication skills and how they have
Christmas so how to tell a story like
Kevin Hart how to make people laugh like
Kevin Hart or the scene to Ellen
DeGeneres’s communication style or
whatever it is right and why it’s so
great is that he explains it for us with
teachable lessons so he shows you what
they’re doing and then breaks it down to
say if you want to do if you want to be
a better communicator you need to do
this right so what he’s really good at
is finding the teachable lessons from
someone’s behavior okay right oh why
it’s so great is that most people can’t
do that dissection well because if you
just watch Kevin Hart you’re gonna
you’re gonna laugh and you’ll have a
good time but you don’t understand the
subtle things that he’s doing that maybe
you love and so why charisma commands
channel is so popular is that he breaks
it down easily for people where we don’t
have great observation skills in general
and so that’s where the importance of
the storytelling comes in to give me the
teachable lesson what am I going to
learn from this what’s my take away how
do I get better after learning this
thing that you just taught me
right and so we can all just watch Kevin
Hart if it was as simple as just
watching Kevin Hart will all become
better storytellers we’re having more
charisma then we would all have great
charisma but most people can’t watch
when pick up the teachable lessons we
need the guide very often to give us a
teachable lesson now you can train
yourself to be better at it but most
people don’t most people wanted spoon
fed to them and so your job as a
storyteller is to engage them
emotionally in something and then teach
them the lesson what do i do after i
watch this so that’s probably what’s
missing from his from his presentation
one the story itself may not be good
enough like you could turn up you could
be more dramatic more emotional could
touch more heartstrings but once you
have me crying great you touch me with a
moving story what’s my to do what am I
going to learn from this what I have to
go home and take action on now because
of this message and I think that’s what
is a that’s what really turns up a good
storyteller where I see your thing I
listen to you and then I want to go home
and take some action because you’ve made
it easier for me yeah oh we won they
surrendered they surrendered whoa yea
Timo showed up I had us I still didn’t
buy pink oh my god I still live by pink
or the blue trinket he’s not watching
but but we won I like that last that
last thing there I got my ass back seat
I got my ass I didn’t get a nice last
game really upset me so anyway um cool
well I love the questions thank you guys
for uh for asking I like that little I
feel like I kind of went on a rant there
yet but a story talent is something my
payment we haven’t I would look we’ve
touched on that before yet on the stream
so answering a question always fires me
up um what was that channel
again that you mentioned I would want to
actually check that out yeah charisma
charisma on command he does two types of
videos one were he’s sharing his own
opinions on something and to her he’s
deconstructing somebody else’s success i
don’t i don’t really like his own
opinions on stuff but you know watch it
and see but the ones i like with the
deconstruction where he’s showing how
Kevin Hart does something or Eleanor
mm-hmm Trump or Game of Thrones or you
know whatever it is so worth checking
out I’d look at those videos first but
more recently has been doing the
personal ones that I’m not as big a fan
of so anyway check it out Christmas min
it’s got 400,000 something subs 500,000
like that so it’s getting up there
awesome well thank you guys for the fun
today Rishi what is what is our message
that you’re going to leave us on today I
like this new tradition mm-hmm Wow my
message for today is show some show some
empathy to those around you because
we’re all as you said Evan every day
fighting something and you know the more
that we can be aware of that and the
people around us the more I think we can
give people a little bit more I don’t
know just mercy so that’s it I love it
empathy and awareness understanding
that’s it’s also part of a good
storytelling so mmm cool well thank you
guys for watching it’s been an awesome
week we had some wins we had some losses
but it’s good to end on a high I hope
you have an amazing rest of today go and
crush it continue to believe and rise
and cup or whatever your reward is no
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