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The Most Inspiring Speech: Bishop Michael Curry Royal Wedding Address

and now in the name of our loving
liberating and life-giving God Father
Son and Holy Spirit a man from the Song
of Solomon in the Bible set me as a seal
upon your heart as a seal upon your arm
the love is as strong as death passion
fears as the grave its flashes are
flashes of fire a raging flame many
waters cannot quench love neither can
floods drown it out the late dr. Martin
Luther King once said in that quote we
must discover the power of love the
redemptive power of love
and when we do that we will make of this
don’t underestimate don’t even over
sentimentalize it there’s power power in
love if you don’t believe me think about
a time when you first fell in though the
whole world seemed to center around you
and your beloved well this power power
in love not just in its romantic forms
but any form any shape of love there’s a
certain sense in in which when you are
loved and you know it when someone cares
for you and you know it when you love
and you show it it actually feels right
there’s something right about it and
there’s a reason for
the reason has to do with the source we
were made by a power of love and our
lives were meant and are meant to be
lived in that love that’s why we were
here we are here ultimately the source
of love is God himself the source of all
of our lives there’s an old medieval
poem that that says where true love is
found God Himself is there the New
Testament says it this way beloved let
us love one another because love is of
God and those who love are born of God
and know God those who do not love do
not know God for god is love there’s
power in love this power in love to help
his power in love to lift up and memory
but nothing else will
to show us the way to live
sitting as a field
a seal on your
but but love is not only about a young
couple now the power of love is
demonstrated by the fact that we’re all
here to young people fell in love and we
all showed up but but it’s not just for
and about a young couple who we rejoice
with it’s more than that
Jesus of Nazareth on one occasion was
asked by a lawyer to sum up the essence
of the teachings of Moses
and-and-and-and he went back and reached
back into the Hebrew Scriptures to
Deuteronomy and Leviticus and Jesus said
you shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart all your soul all your
mind and all your strength this is the
first and Great Commandment and the
second is like it love your neighbor as
yourself and then in Matthews version he
added he said on these two love of God
and love of neighbor hang all the law
all the prophets everything that Moses
wrote everything in the holy prophets
everything in the scriptures everything
that God has been trying to tell the
world love God love your neighbors and
No someone once said that Jesus began
the most revolutionary movement in all
of human history a movement grounded in
the unconditional love of God for the
world and a movement mandating people to
live that love and in so doing to change
not only their lives but the very life
of the world itself power real power
power to change if you don’t believe me
well there were small slaves in
America’s antebellum South who explained
the dynamic power of love and why it has
the power to transform they explained it
this way they sang a spiritual even in
the midst of their captivity it’s one
that says there is a balm in Gilead a
healing balm something that can make
things right there is a balm in Gilead
to make the wounded whole there is a
balm in Gilead to heal the sick soul and
one of the stanzas actually explains why
they said if you cannot preach like
Peter and you cannot pray like Paul you
just tell the love of Jesus how he died
to save us all oh that’s the balm in
Gilead this way of love it is the way of
life they got it he died to save us all
he didn’t die for anything he could get
out of it Jesus did not get an honorary
Doctorate for dying
he didn’t he wasn’t getting anything out
of it he gave up his life he sacrificed
his life for the good of others for the
good of the other for the well-being of
the world for us that’s what love is
love is not selfish and self-centred
love can be sacrificial and in so doing
becomes redemptive in that way of
unselfish sacrificial redemptive love
changes lives I can change this world if
you don’t believe me just just stop and
think for a magic think and imagine well
we can imagine a world where love is the
way imagine our homes and families when
love is the way imagine neighborhoods
and communities where love is the way it
governments and nations where love is
the way imagine business and commerce
when love is the way imagine this tired
old world when love is is the way when
when love is the way unselfish
sacrificial redemptive when love is the
way then no child will go to bed hungry
in this world ever again when love is
the way we will let justice roll down
like a mighty stream and righteousness
like an ever-flowing group in love is
the way poverty will become history when
the love is the way the earth will be a
sanctuary and love is the way we will
lay down our swords and shields down by
the riverside to study war
no more what love is the way there’s
plenty good room plenty good room for
all of God’s children coz when love is
the way we actually treat each other
well like we are actually family when
love is the way we know that God is the
source of us all and we are brothers and
sisters children of God my brothers and
sisters that’s a new heaven a new earth
a new world a new human family and let
me tell you something old Solomon was
they auditioned on and with this I will
French Jesuit ard showdown was arguably
one of the great minds great spirits of
the 20th century Jesuit Roman Catholic
priest scientists a scholar a mystic in
some of his writings he said from his
scientific background as well as his
theological one some of his writings he
said as others have that the discovery
or invention or harnessing of fire was
one of the great one of the great
scientific and technological discoveries
in all of human history fire to a great
extent made human civilization possible
fire made it possible to cook food and
and and to provide sanitary ways of
eating which reduced the spread of
disease in his time fire made it
possible to to heat warm environments
and thereby made human migration around
the world a possibility even into colder
climates fire made it possible there is
no there was no Bronze Age without fire
no Iron Age without fire
no Industrial Revolution without fire
the advances of science and technology
are greatly dependent on the human
ability and capacity to take fire and
use it for human good anybody get here
in a car today an automobile
not your heads if you did I’m guessing I
know there were some carriages but those
of us who came on cars fire the
controlled harnessed fire made that
possible I know that the Bible says
Jesus walked on the water but I have to
tell you I didn’t walk across the
Atlantic Ocean to get here
controlled fire in that plane got me
here fire makes it possible for us to
text and tweet an email and Instagram
and Facebook and socially be
dysfunctional with each other fire all
of that possible and and a shard on said
fire was one of the greatest discoveries
in all of human history and he then went
on to say that if humanity ever
harnesses the energy of fire began if
it will be the second time in history
that we have discovered fire dr. King’s
they must discover love the redemptive
power of love and when we do that we
my brother
my sister God love you god bless you and
may God hold us all in those Almighty hands of love
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