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How to Live Your Purpose Now (Law of Attraction!) Powerful!

Pisan finit waters diving deep once
again magnificent deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day wherever you are I hope
you’re enjoying it I hope you’re living
your purpose today know do you know your
life purpose are you living your every
single day are you like I love my life
right now who are you like ahh somebody
help how to find your purpose
the secret no one tells you ten secrets
of people who live their purpose let’s
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby
no let’s just breathing in that good a
sprouter baby that’s better ten secrets
of people living their purpose now I
love what I’m doing every single day but
there are things that people just don’t
tell us and when it comes to really
finding your purpose finding out what it
is you’re here to do on the planet once
you know what that is you will be flying
like literally flying okay but there are
secrets nobody tells us women had
breakfast yeah can I get a Hello so ten
secrets people who live their purpose
won’t tell you
the first one the first secret of
finding your purpose was help me along
my journey I’m gonna tell you right is
that your purpose comes and is revealed
to you whenever you move in the
direction of your happiness
think of happiness as purpose okay what
makes you smile every single day move
towards that stop doing what you
absolutely hate just for a paycheck
because that’s why so many people are
miserable in their jobs complaining to
me because it’s not your purpose you’re
just doing it just to get money right so
imagine for one second if money was no
object if they weren’t paying you to do
what you’re doing would you still do it
what slow motion this side Ralph would
you still do this absolutely because I
get to wolf breathing that good ass
prana every single day baby when you
move in the direction of your happiness
you will find your purpose a lot of
people who have found their purpose they
absolutely love what they’re doing you
need to love what you need to love it
you need to love it enough because there
are gonna be challenges obstacles okay
at the same time it’s the it’s the very
thing that will keep you alive okay
without it that’s why a lot of people
when you don’t know your purpose you
feel lost incomplete but today you can
find your purpose by moving towards
something that makes you happy for me
it’s skating coming into nature okay and
the second secret define your purpose
people who live their purpose won’t tell
you this right I will though is that you
have to build a lifestyle around your
hobbies around what you love to do so
talent emanates from the Latin Talentum
which means a sum of money therefore
your talent should always bring you
financial wealth spiritual wealth
health okay but it’s so many of us we
don’t value our talents we don’t value
our hobbies we don’t build a lifestyle
around what we love to do every single
day I’m in nature and I’m like I’ve got
a whole studio right now I’ll record
outside why because I love coming to
nature anyway
I’m always hiking always going to the
beach sightseeing around nature getting
lost in Wonderland right but I built a
lifestyle around we’re out here in
nature baby right plus I love to do this
so it’s a win-win and that’s how define
your purpose always put a lot of value
on that hobby which you feel is useless
and has no value who cares about it
Ralph I don’t so what I sing so what I’m
interested in science so what No your
hobbies are an indication of what you’re
here to do on the planet okay so every
single day I’m always skating I’m always
going for long walks okay I’m always
spending spending time in beautiful
naked spots and I’m like actually let me
create a lifestyle around this okay so
always whatever you love to do your true
passion which is the catalyst to helping
you manifest your desires you have to
build a lifestyle around it a lot of
people who don’t know their purpose
don’t build a lifestyle around what they
love to do every single day they build a
lifestyle they build a lifestyle around
something they absolutely hate so we’ve
got to stop doing what we absolutely
love right the third secret people who
live their purpose won’t tell you but I
how define your purpose the truth no one
tells you is that when I talk of the law
of attraction
okay I’ve created extreme wealth
financial stability I’m healthy I’m
happy because I’ve based my whole life
on the law of Correspondence as above so
below as within so without
I realize my internal condition my
internal mental state is gonna dictate
what act is gonna dictate what I attract
externally how I feel internally will
govern what I attract externally right
it will govern what I attract externally
so if I don’t feel good about myself I’m
not gonna attract much if I feel good
about myself I will attract a lot but
also word is bond
I only mmm I only talk about things I
want to see in my reality only speak
about what you want to see in your
existence I say inspiring millions rich
forever and actually became manifest you
see the secret of living your purpose
because you can find your purpose but to
live your purpose is something totally
different you have to know what the law
of attraction is and the law of
attraction is work
slow motion inside the law of attraction
is radical action we never attract what
we want we always attract what we are I
can spend all day thinking about what I
want but it’s not gonna happen I’m not
gonna manifest it I’m using Pareto’s law
and that’s why I’m living my purpose
80/20 20% thinking 80% action I’m making
sure I know that you can’t keep living
in wishful thinking I meet a lot of
people who are just reading tons of
books about the law of attraction I’m
like what have you actually manifested
maybe it’s time for you to start
stepping into radical action and making
it happen so you can shop the cat down
the road and that’s what I’m doing
to really live your purpose you’ve got
to go out there you’ve got to start
doing the practical enough thinking
enough planning is time for you to start
making mistakes and whoops you just fell
on your ass that’s perfect that’s how
you live your purpose you don’t live
your purpose just by the theory side of
it you live your purpose by actually
living it getting in the trenches
getting your hands and your fingers
dirty okay and then you can live to tell
the tale but it all starts with action
action an action I’m filming you right
now an action what’s the fourth secret
people who live their purpose won’t tell
you how define your purpose the truth no
one tells you what’s helped me along my
journey deep divers plain and simple is
it’s the please everybody slow motion
this side you want to please your mom
you want to please the cat down the road
you want to please your friends and
that’s why you’re failing every single
day you see to live your purpose there
are gonna be people who doubt you
they have judgments about your lifestyle
but you have to realize this is your
life it’s not this so to live your
purpose a lot of people who are living
their purpose won’t tell you that it has
noise been easy okay because at first
when I was starting even infinite waters
when I was starting infinite waters I
had a lot of people who were doubting me
Ralph what are you doing hardly anybody
believed in me my mom believed in me the
cat down the road believed in me but
that was it
everybody was like Ralph what are you
talking about right and at first I
thought it was a wasted effort until I
realize a secret that the best way to
fail is to please the best way to fail
is to please everybody so I stopped
listening to the outside and I started
to listen to the inside and that’s why
I’m living my purpose every single day
inspiring millions of people and I’ve
got tons of energy you want to see it
can I get a Hello yes that’s it alright
I’m fully charged right now we even had
breakfast yet so if you can realize if
you want to keep pleasing people that’s
gonna keep you out of your purpose if
you want to keep being not your true
self inauthentic that’s what’s gonna
keep you out of your purpose if you want
to stay distracted out here that’s
what’s gonna keep you out of your
purpose however if you do want to become
authentic if you do want to start
listening to yourself if you do want to
stop pleasing everybody and say actually
for once in my life I’m gonna do this
for me for once I’m gonna follow my
heart because the universe reveals its
secrets to those who dare to follow
their hearts for once
I’m gonna take a risk Ralph and the
people who are brave enough to take the
risk to actually follow their heart to
start that business to start that
YouTube channel and start inspiring
people down the line there will be the
ones that will be smiling because they
took the risk when everybody else told
them not to so if you really want to
live your purpose today stop pleasing
everybody stop asking somebody is it
okay if I do it like no no no no no I
was doing my intro piece I had a lot of
people back in the day saying Ralph’s
changing I don’t like it but I continue
to do it and you got to continue to be
who you are
forget about what anybody what anybody
thinks of you you have to live with you
and the more confident you get which
means to trust yourself from the latin
confident you will start to live your
purpose every single day what’s the
fifth secret people who live their
purpose won’t tell you you see many
people who are living their purpose
seven day vegan challenge they won’t
tell you that that beautiful pineapple
full of vitamin C is actually the food
plant-based fuel that intensifies their
passion to help them live their purpose
every single day like food can either be
an inspiration
or a distraction from your purpose so
when I was eating a lot of junk food
back in the day processed garbage hot
dogs hamburgers before I was a vegan I
wasn’t living my purpose I didn’t have
the energy to live my purpose because
one thing you can you can know what
you’re here to do you can even find your
purpose but to live your purpose you
need energy for that you need
Moringa powder shout-out to dr. savvy
who taught me about that you need to
keep your body alkaline you need water
that’s pH 10 you need to be eating a
more plant-based diet more leafy greens
more magnesium more potassium with the
bananas right you need to be eating a
whole food diet plant-based diet if you
want to have the energy to live your
purpose every single day because once
again there are gonna be hard times hard
times there are gonna be days when you
want to quit you want to throw in the
towel but the voice deep inside of you
is just gonna say this is gonna be like
the kale juice peaking drink me right
now I will give you the strength to live
your purpose and you drink and all of a
sudden you feel amazing so the fuel the
food fuel will determine the intensity
of your passion you have towards your
purpose whenever I eat amazing which is
every day pretty much plant-based foods
I have more passion to live my purpose
when I’m not eating right I don’t feel
right to create right so your purpose is
linked to what kinds of foods you are
eating the food affects the mood so what
is number six the sixth secret people
who live their purpose won’t tell you
that once again is one thing to know
your purpose it’s a whole nother
ballgame to live your purpose because
now you have to maintain your purpose I
meet a lot of people who are like Ralph
I know what I’m here to do but where do
I start and you start with a small step
you start by realizing your purposes
just like this massive willow trees it
grows it’s not something that’s stagnant
my purpose is always expanding I’m
always growing because I realize there
is no perfect there is no pinnacle there
is only practice slow motion inside
we are the masterpiece and we are the
work-in-progress at the same time so
learn how to be the work-in-progress
learn how to realize you’re not finished
in fact you haven’t even started yet and
that’s how you live your purpose because
you live your purpose by knowing that
you’re not even living one percent of
your true potential what’s happening
right now on the planet a lot of us
we’re getting lazy we pull out our phone
and we take a picture and we think gosh
that’s it I’m living my purpose but to
live your purpose what’s helped me along
my journey is to maintain your purpose
do it day in day out there are no days
off of me because Saturday and Sunday is
just like Tuesday or Wednesday time
doesn’t even exist for me because I love
to do this it’s just like a walk in the
park right this is what actually makes
me happy to do you don’t have to pay me
to do this I love to share with a lot of
people I’ve been doing this a long time
so just like if you’re learning an
instrument you got to maintain your
purpose through having a good attitude
towards what you are doing many times
people don’t like what they’re doing if
you don’t like your job even if you’re
getting a lot of money you’re not
maintaining your purpose you’re only
there for the Paycheck you maintain your
purpose by having respect for what you
are doing rope right the more respect
you have towards what you are doing the
more you will continue to live it now
what’s the seventh secret people who
live their purpose won’t tell you the
more you do it once again the more you
maintain living your purpose putting
value on those hobbies building a
lifestyle around it the more you do that
the more everything else will fall into
place let me explain you find the one
you love doing what you love what slow
motion this side
say it again Ralph you find the one you
love doing what you love ever wondered
why woman loves the guy in uniform
because it shows his about the business
right it shows that he’s so focused on
what he came here to do that naturally
that’s attractive
same thing for women so once you move
into your mission you don’t have to
worry about love it will come to your
door because now people can see you in
your greatest nature your highest nature
and that’s inspirational same thing with
money you don’t have to worry about
acquiring money money is only a
byproduct of doing what you love I don’t
concern myself about making money all I
know is that I’m living my purpose every
single day everything else will take
care of itself what about health your
health will improve once you are doing
what you love once you are doing it
every single day I’m always well
breathing in that good ass prana baby
because this keeps me focused
so people who are living their purpose
realize this that the more you do it
you’re making more mistakes and the more
mistakes you make the wiser you become
the more experience you have now you
have even more hunger to live your
purpose every single day
what is the eighth secret people who
live that purpose won’t tell you that
everybody fails not everybody continues
right so you had the saying everybody
dies not everybody lives right I’m
telling you this everybody fails not
everybody continues everybody is gonna
fail right it doesn’t matter who you are
Bill Gates whoever it is everybody fails
I failed so many times but at the same
time I continued and that’s why I’m
living my purpose like a lot of people
write to me and they’re like Ralph I I
started to make youtube videos I only
got a thousand subscribers I feel
worthless when I look at other people’s
channels with like 50 thousand a hundred
thousand so I’m gonna quit Ralph why do
you know how many subscribers I had when
I started infinite waters for the first
like two two years I had like hardly any
a few thousand if that right but I
continued because I realize who cares
how many people watch the main thing is
that you’re doing what you know you came
here to do and once again the more you
do it the more everything else falls
into place slow motion in this side so
just remind yourself every single day
you have to love to fail I love to fail
I love to screw up you know how many
videos that you will never see because I
forgot to hit record or the audio got
screwed up yeah
such a shame right it’s not a shame
anymore because I can recreate that I’m
an alchemist I’m a wizard that’s why I’m
living my purpose that’s why I’m always
creating that’s why I’m living in
infinite abundance now
the night secret to live your purpose
night secret of people who live their
purpose the truth no one tells you
what’s helped me along my journeys to
realize this I will tell you this that
you’ve heard the saying mMmmm you guys
are saying that you got to do what you
love right just do what you love do what
makes you happy and then you’ll live
your purpose yes
up until a certain point but people who
live their purpose won’t tell you this
secret that sometimes you’ve got to do
what you don’t want to do you got to
learn about something you don’t want to
do but you’re not really interested in
because it works for the greater good of
what you will do eventually so it
happened for me when I was like building
a website I’m like I like graphic design
but goodness gracious this is kind of
boring I just want to create like really
create but I realize I have to learn
about how to design a website and all of
these things okay I had to learn about
the business side of things I already
know about the spiritual side of things
and it wasn’t something I was so
interested in now I am but back then I
was just can’t be bothered for that so
sometimes even in living your purpose
you might have to learn something you
don’t want to learn you might have to do
something you don’t want to do for the
greater good in the example Saturday
comes Sunday comes right now everybody’s
on the beach I don’t blame them it’s a
hot day I’ll be there in a second too
people who live their purpose won’t tell
you you have to sacrifice if you do not
give up pleasure you will not live your
purpose 100% the people who live their
purpose every single day they’re getting
up early they are working and creating
on the weekends mark my words Saturday
and Sunday they’re putting in the time
to do it that’s how you know you will
manifest your wildest dreams
people who live their purpose do that
they create on a Sunday when everybody’s
going to the beach is hot and nice
outside they’re there they’re working
they’re creating they are really
sacrificing and the more you do that
down the line you don’t even have to do
that anymore because now life is working
for you slow motion this side the
beginning is always the hardest that’s
what people who live there puppets won’t
tell you nobody said it would be easy
but if you can learn that sometimes you
might have to do a little bit of what
you don’t want to do to eventually do
what you really love to do you will
start to live your purpose what is the
tenth secret of people who live their
purpose whoa
the secret they won’t tell you breathing
in that girl’s prana baby but I will
they realize that gift okay they know
how much talent they have they know how
much value it holds and they know that
they have to share it with the world
through sharing with the world your
talents and gifts you now enter the loft
exchange and that’s what people who are
living that purpose know every single
day they can’t hold it all to themselves
I’m always sharing with you beautiful
deep divers because I love to do it the
more you help people
the more you grow you also help yourself
as well you also help yourself as well
so people who are living their purpose
are always providing value to others and
that’s what helps them to live it
because once again you are now entering
the morph exchange too many times I
always see people who wake up entitled
right they feel they have this
entitlement the world owes me something
around no the world owes you nothing and
once you stop being a trust-fund baby
you start creating you stop offering
people value through your services and
now you start to really live your
purpose because you know what you have
to offer with the world is so beautiful
that you just want to say every single a
day feel so get to be a live baby can I
get a hello beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
shout out to you and yours have an
amazing day deep divers infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy stay healthy baby let’s just
whoa breathing in that good aspirin a
baby peace you your purpose awaits you
if you want this Ralph smart calm slash
clothes gotta stay fresh it’s a hot day
today live your purpose be happy go out there and bring back the goods

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