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STOP BEING LAZY – Powerful Motivational Video (life changing speeches) MORNING MOTIVATION

what are the three most important goals
you’ve got for your life for this year
that if you accomplish them this would
be the best year of your life
every day you lift your head up off the
pillow you’re going to decide whether
that day you are a success or whether
you are a failure you’re either moving
forward or you’re falling behind one
step at a time
every step you take away from the bed as
you walk through your day you’re either
going in the direction of success or
you’re going in the direction of failure
do the things that will help you to
someday be the person that you want to
become if you want to have more you have
to become more
success is something you attract by the
person you become so for things to
change you’ve got to change but need to
get better you’ve got to get better and
when you improve everything and all your
results improve around you
we overestimate what we can do in a day
and we underestimate what we could do in
several days doing a little bit every
day is a lot more important than doing a
lot some day
get started
bidding started
is absolutely the key to life
it takes courage to be successful it is
far easier not to be successful misery
will always have company success breeds
contempt if you don’t want to make waves
be mediocre be normal and fit in it
takes courage to be different it takes
courage to go before it takes courage to
get you outside
it takes courage to be successful it
takes courage to win 30 40 50 60 70
there’s something ballast are still
that wants to
there’s something in you that needs to
be sad that needs to be started that
needs to be electrified
life has a way of pushing our dreams
down they can become buried under
discouragement buried under past
mistakes there are dreams buried under
divorce buried under low self-esteem
it’s easy to settle for mediocrity even
though we have all this potential buried
on the inside the good news is it’s
still alive it’s not too late to see it
come to pass the key to reaching your
destiny is you have to remember your
dream sometimes people will try to put
us in a box tell us things like you
can’t start that business you don’t have
the resources you’ll never afford a nice
place to live never get well never meet
the right person because their thinking
is limited they’ll try to put their
limitations on you you have to put your
foot down and say I refuse to be
mediocre because people around me are
it starts in our thinking nothing will
change until you make up your mind you
are not going to accept mediocrity
learning to say you to the world every
once in a while you have every right to
just stop thinking
looking over your shoulder wandering
doubt and clear is hurting hoping for
some easy way out so truly the most
outrageous things you can shock yourself
you have at your power the ability to do
a brother cry and say
try it all
with my life
my destiny your destiny you can’t stroll
after your destiny you can’t
stop looking for the quick fix for
success happiness and wealth there’s no
there’s no cliff notes there’s no quick
fix success is a result of small
seemingly insignificant moment to moment
don’t take today today wait
don’t give in to the immediate
gratification that is Westbury
here shut that do not listen to that
little use instead go through the
motions lift the weights sprint the hill
work on the project get out of bed
do you have the courage to act outwardly
on what you see in wordly
or will you buy dreamer will you die on
the verge and on the edge and up in the
land of cut up water and sugar wait war
don’t think anymore don’t plan anymore
don’t contemplate anymore don’t make any
more excuses or justifications don’t
rationalize anything else no no and no
hard work works working really hard is
what successful people do anyone taking
initiative will always get criticized
for moving too fast because there’s
always someone who wants to slow you
don’t just aspire to make a living
aspire to make a difference
václav have all said work for something
because it is good not just because it
stands a chance to succeed this is
something that I think a lot of people
misunderstand they think that the goal
of their life is to identify something
that’ll work to identify something that
has the odds stacked in its favor rather
than to think about what matters what’s
important because if something is
important if it speaks to you if it’s
going to give resonance to your life
then it’s worth doing even if it’s
something that is almost guaranteed to
fail when something matters enough
regardless of the odds it’s worth
engaging with because even in the
pursuit you can find meaning and as
humans one of the things that we hunger
for most is purpose and meaning but you
can’t have that purpose and meaning
without the thing that you’re pursuing
be something that you believe to be
worthwhile so don’t worry about whether
or not it succeeds ask only about
whether or not it’s going to light you
on fire asked only if in those dark
moments that it will give you that sense
of mattering to this world that even in
the failure do you learn something about
yourself do you see the truth that you
matter and that even as a single person
even as one individual you can echo
through this world but that will never
happen by pursuing something small that
will never happen by pursuing something
simply because it can win it will only
happen by pursuing something that
matters and in that if you pursue
something it matters and you’re able to
get to the point where you can see it
across the finish line or at least
advance it and make it a step closer to
becoming real in that we realize how
societies really are transformed in that
and trying the big the impossible
dreaming that thing that nobody else is
even willing to talk about in dreaming
that it is the crazy ones who are able
to change the world because the crazy
ones allowed themselves to believe
they allowed themselves to believe that
against all the odds a world that does
not yet exist could actually exist and
as ruff Marsden said welcome those big
stinky complicated problems in them are
your most powerful opportunities and
that’s it the big problems the ones that
matter the things that will give you
purpose and meaning in your life they’re
going to be hard but if you can look at
the hard things and show up and push
every day and keep striving and when you
fall down pick yourself back up and
focus only on one thing not whether or
not you’re going to win but whether or
not it mattered that you’ve played if
you do that every sacrifice in your life
will be worth it do something about it
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