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COLLATERAL Trailer (2018) Netflix, Mystery HD

we just think this thing through let me
know if I’m get too fast for you why
would anyone kill a pizza delivery man
and how good a gun man know who he was
gonna kill it doesn’t make any sense
that’s very good you got your speech
ready for the superintendent there was a
murder in my constituency we heard
gunfire it’s a Muslim killing right
can’t we just say it was a human being
who was shot down on a British Street
they’re trying to take everything from
us it’s a way of life they want to
destroy we believe my brother was killed
deliberately because he knew something
Sam Spencer my five we believe there’s a
national security dimension
they want your information but they
don’t want to give up any of this there
are circle to everyone and we control
Network people no longer believe in
institutions and it’s for exactly the
reasons you’re giving they normally it
comes down to people I need names we’re
gonna have to trade you and I you’re
gambling killing these are people’s
lives my father had an interesting view
he said if you loved any institution
without business sighs I meant you eatin
it if you were bitter the institution
need one
we’re being offered a chance to put
something right
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