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Ragioni nel breve, lungo o lunghetto periodo? – DLQ 26

crazy wind today in brighton seems to be
to be in Trieste collaborates with slasher sfor
box ahead
beginning of March there is the reopening and slash
we have already talked and so we are all
concentrate on working on that one
interesting second thought is
incredible as from my point of view
if one does not apply to enter one
community as if she where you have gods
professionals who exchange opinions
among them that meet with events
physical and then we have all the webinars
Experienced guests of everything more there
we had barberis qua landry
really a lot of super strong people
and all the tools we put
inside st platform if one does not know bona
in my opinion clearly one who does not have the
perception of what it means to choose
something that is really useful for him
also because you spend 500 euros a year
the incredible thing however is that one must
then always consider that the market a
decide if that is the right way
or not for lung and this la
vision of the entrepreneur or by whom
inside he sees the community and he had it
it is obvious that it is a value
the effort to do, however, is to do
to perceive this to others
we fall in love with our beauty
project but if we can not do it
perceive to others how much it is worth ex
It remains wounded and then one thing
It is also important to show stories
success of people entering
community sum I see some kind people
giuseppe gati who prepares with a
book with a well-known publisher from
zero I remember the invested business
real estate had no more idea
of how to move started
communicate online to make videos and it is one
In short, war machine has taken
its own market if positioned at
top and you just see people and
grow as well as other people instead
maybe they do not do that route there because
not enough information but then you have to
perform and then the effort of this
month and pass the true value that
there is inside the community to slasher if
then people evaluate if I like one
candid if I do not like me shooting for
twitter I see a represina that is not
only the financial result but it is
a platform that does not somehow stand
trying to get the sixth thing can
happen like that if we want to do some
fanta technology that sell it and yes
talk about rumors of people who can
buy twitter which is mine
personalissima prediction ie me
look forward to the next months
twitter is sold finished
get back on track once they are
profitable at that point are
palatable and are bought end of the
each other’s twitter and pass into others
hands hypothesis 2 and that jack dorsey is
super convincing convinced him that
instead he wants to go and create something
of super super super extraordinary or is
already extraordinary twitter if we think
when crazy idea started from Naples
furious for which and we’ll see, however
I’m personally evaluating yes
come back a bit over here is i
journalists are basically all
on twitter at least what foreign does not know in
Italy are perhaps the only ones left
above and the celebrities
the numbers are small if you charge one
content has become accustomed to others
platforms load a video on twitter
It really does 3 views and also
true that there is nothing moral
of the story is that all these
platforms always have cycles a
sometimes they go up then they go down
they collapse dramatically or yes
they resume and have a new identity
here’s twitter I had a bit of that
feeling these days that can
have a virtuous moment and be reborn
brackets on the books I saw an article
cute that exactly reflects the
I was looking at books today
this morning an avalanche of books from
read and justly my sweet half
and there is always a styles we put you and the
fact is that having so many books too
if you can not read them all or even
if some starts them and fails to
finishing them are all the things we know
not because when you read a book it depends
sometimes but basically you do not like it
I do not like it all are ste stuff here
but it is having awareness around
not to know here this is the concept
that I liked that article there
I do not know if it was on New York Times where
others say, for example, umberto eco
that you had in mind this library
crazy the question was always but has them
elected all the books
no you will not have all the books but have them
this front knowledge gives you the
Socratic proportion here is a guide to
not knowing that for me is important
always start to contact and know that
a little something new every day I will
you have to bring home and it’s a stimulus
learning is turning this article
on videogame youtube stars
millionaires who have made more than 10
millions of dollars in turnover
in the last year there is also more than one file
friend felix is a bit of other guys because
make so much money these people the
people amaze me I do not get surprised for
nothing even with me they earn too little
because they have people’s eyes and
the intention of the people if you have
created a community that follows you each
day of improvements then people
we consider that 6 more shaved and more
maybe the videos see them a lot of
for which there is a lot of community
very fond of some
at that point you have a power too
economic gigantesco because you go out with the
t-shirts and skis with brown marquez there
that does not make video games but is the number one
on youtube as technological reviews
he is one who now launches his shop
t-shirts or other but it’s what will do
crazy numbers
because the community is loyal believes it
on the other hand, it is beautiful that you do not have
need these give me a time you have
you need to be if you gave raiuno
transmitting the intrallazzo thing today
instead it is more so all these recycling
mean goodbye and thank you
clear 6 on the shoulders of others
facebook and snap e facebook platforms
so you have to manage this kind of
However, this relationship is better than most
relationship of respect to a relationship where
he has the lord of steam
because he decides so on down on the basis of
his interests based on his visions
here are trials
here this is one of the arguments one
of the tests we are doing on for books
we spend c2 words makes sense to make one
test of your product yes or no
there is a long philosophy a science
that of the jalinine billion sites
of specialists on how to do the trai al
the durations are best for your software
a thousand changes etcetera what
we are doing and now
take a test
if you go to you see that
we are doing is an area of prof
download your text abstracts and
at which point what we do is a
test ab to see what are the
we are talking about the most interesting abstracts
testing seems to me 3 we have six different
lending for which you arrive you do not see the
same ellen page however it is all based
on the concept of trials and then it is one
Mass-based trial is not a trai
alpin where I try everything I see everything
for not only 7 15 30 days but it is in
this moment a test on a tea plate
and it’s amazing how many pieces are
to put together because regardless
the platform, however, we use clicks
fans right now while we are
developing our platform on which
soon we see that the clan already you
gives the possibility of doing ave tests
we use google optimized non optimizing
but the tools of related analytics ed
it’s interesting to see all the data
that emerge and I try to keep
updated on what happens if you
try the short term to long
you have to make choices sometimes in the
our case we are doing it with for
books you are able to reason in
long period in the good of the product
or reasons in the short term circles
to bring home the best result
cheap but then risks to burn a
product and then it is an argument
this is often there and you see which ones
they are companies that have a vision of
long period
they leave money on the de facto table or
even the people who leave the money
on the table
to have a much greater result in
5 10 years
compared to those instead of leading to
home as soon as possible and it is
they then rubbed what will happen
a bit like the companies seen huber that does
in the last quarter 2 billion
dollars and passes turnover with gods
giant debts, however, makes 2000 of the steps of
dollars in turnover and the bet is there
in the long run create a company that
at that point he took the whole market and
overcomes any financial trouble no
or twitter just years for
get to make profits but one
once you arrive 6 colossus is
really hard to get you down that the
reasoning make you long period
period a ghetto period a variant
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