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“STEP OUT of Your COMFORT ZONE!” – #OneRule

and being big and strong is also totally
useless if you’re mentally weak and you
quit when people are not going anywhere
when they’re when they’re failing when
they’re when they don’t have the drive
it’s because they’re not accepting
responsibility for anything there’s
nothing wrong with asking people for
help if you need it in fact that’s the
humble thing to do need motivation watch
the top ten of belief nation what’s up
at seven my one word is believe and I
believe in you I believe you have an
amazing gift inside you that I want to
see exploded onto the world so let’s get
your motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who grew
up wanting to be a commando as a boy to
actually becoming a u.s. Navy SEALs for
20 years
and now spends his time educating and
teaching people how to become leaders
based off the lessons that he learned on
the battlefield
he’s jaakko willing and here’s my take
on his top ten roses success vol 3
alright let’s kick things off with rule
number one be strong and I know I’ve
said before that knowledge is the most
important thing but the reality is if
you don’t have the strength or actually
the health to back that up or even to
function as a human being physically
then your knowledge and your mental
strength doesn’t really even matter so
that comes into play and being big and
strong is also totally useless if you’re
mentally weak and you quit now being
mentally strong should actually lead you
to being physically strong because if
you are mentally strong then you can
work and train to become physically
strong but if you’re mentally weak then
you will not hold the line on the good
food and the good workouts and you won’t
get physically strong or healthy so can
you be weak and strong at the same time
yes but I say be strong train your
physical strength and exercise your
mental strength by doing the right
things the hard things the things you
know you’re supposed to do do them and
be as strong as you can mentally
physically and emotionally for yourself
for your team for your family
hold the line and be strong rule number
two find your mission you know when
you’re in the military you have this
discipline and beyond that beyond the
discipline that’s imposed on you you
also have a lot that you have to just
hold the line yourself I mean when
you’re in the military sure you go
through boot camp where there’s a drill
instructor the chileans and all that but
once you’re in the military you’re doing
what you have to do it’s self discipline
that you learn that and you become self
disciplined and what happens is guys get
out and that’s that’s gone and that
hurts them and the other thing that
hurts them is they don’t know what their
mission is anymore and then my big thing
with people that I’ve been telling vets
now is find what your next mission is go
find whatever your next mission and I
don’t care what it is but it has to be
something when people are not going
anywhere when they’re when they’re
failing when they’re when they don’t
have the drive it’s because they’re not
accepting responsibility for anything
and and so my way of saying that is like
you need a new mission you can’t be
responsible for something and you need
to go and move towards some new mission
rule number three have short and long
term goals I don’t know you can’t know
how you’re gonna conduct a war before
the war starts you can have an idea but
you can’t know fully just like if you
were to say hey my goal is 2x in my life
you don’t know how you’re gonna be able
to do that yeah because you talk about
because you gotta just make adaptations
are gonna come up things are gonna
change the battlefield changes your life
changes things pop up mean things happen
so I think that that idea that you’re
gonna know how you’re gonna execute
something is is far-fetched I think you
what actually I should use the word idea
you should have an idea of how you’re
gonna do it yeah you should have an idea
like okay well this is what I need to
get done this is what I want to achieve
in my life yeah I want to make I want to
do this mm-hmm
what’s the simple one I want to own a
house that’s a simple one that’s a good
place to start yeah I want to own a
house okay
well let’s think about how we’re gonna
get there you know that’s that’s this
thing about how we’re gonna get there
you have to build your credit you have
to have how do you build your credit you
have to you have to borrow money some
people some of the
go to buy a house they’ve never borrowed
money before you can’t borrow money if
you’ve never borrowed money you can’t
borrow money for a house if you’ve never
borrowed money for a car or a or or some
smaller object before so you gotta
establish your credit then you gotta
have two years worth of income then you
gotta have a big fat downpayment sittin
ready so there’s things you got to do
this thing now
now that might change the clock along
the way the idea is that you got to move
towards that goal that’s what was so
nice about hearing the vietnamese
commander’s intent get close split them
up mmm boom you go make that happen
hey guess what you want to buy a house
one day save money have good credit yeah
okay well you got to make money how you
can make money you might make it driving
uber you might make it
delivering pizza you might make it you
got your real job but that’s support in
your family but then you need a little
extra to throw in there well that’s why
you end up driving uber you end up with
whatever it is you’re gonna do you wanna
make your some money on the side that
you can start stashing away so you gotta
in a way you gotta fill your life with a
bunch of goals so you don’t get gem cuz
you have small goals that lead to the
big goal right so for instance you want
to be financially secure and stable what
are you gonna do you’re gonna save some
of your money okay that’s one thing
you’re gonna buy a house that’s another
thing you’re gonna pay off your car and
you’re not gonna buy expensive dumb cars
you’re gonna buy cheap cars until you
have the money to buy them with cash
you’re gonna make all these will think
you’re gonna work extra you’re gonna you
know you’re gonna do these things so
you’re right you have you have your
broad goal yes you have your long-term
goal yes and then you’ve got your
short-term goals that lead and are
strategically aligned with that
long-term goal rule number four show and
earn respect I just gotta ask this
question the other day young
construction business and a kid we were
in a big meeting with a with a bunch of
leadership from Foreman to engineers all
in the same room a bunch of great guys
from a great company and each one of the
young engineers raised his hand and said
you know I’m young and I am gonna be in
charge of these guys you know I’m not
sure I’m comfortable with these guys had
been doing it for a lot longer what can
I do to you know gain their respect and
I said okay who in this room knows more
than that engineer back there about
construction and all these
salty construction the Foreman’s raised
their hands and I said whoo you know
who’s gonna think that this guy’s got
the best idea raise your hands all the
hands go down and I said so this is what
you’re dealing with
buddy I said now let me ask another
question the group group if this kid
comes in and says I know how to do this
better than you listen to me and do it
my way who’s gonna have respect for him
raise your hand
no hands go up if this young kid comes
in and says hey I’m an engineer I’ve
been educated but I haven’t been doing
this for long can you give me some
recommendations on how we do this so we
can do the best job possible who’s gonna
have respect for him everyone raises
their hand so there you have it you you
you don’t have to know everything as a
leader no one expects you know
everything especially as a young leader
that’s okay and actually when you admit
that you actually gain respect when you
ask for people as input you actually
gain respect people get the paranoid
feeling that if they don’t know
something they’re gonna be seen as weak
it’s not true so you can just step up
into the position still be humble still
take advice now this doesn’t mean that
you’re a pushover right this doesn’t
mean that you just listen to what
everyone says you don’t make any
decisions no but it actually means that
you show respect to their experience and
when it comes time to make a decision
you get the best input and then you make
a decision and you explain your decision
and if your decision is wrong you admit
it and if it’s not wrong you push
forward rule number five have balance I
look like a serial killer for all
practical purposes I’m that’s the way I
come across right it was not creepy
enough there’s there’s guys that would
you know guys that would work for me or
guys that would be around me and they’d
see me and they’d kind of latch on to
the fact that I was tough and aggressive
and and and some of those guys they
wouldn’t catch the other part which was
that I was politically savvy and I was
working and I was maneuvering and I was
you know figuring things out and talking
to my boss in such a way that we could
get where we needed to be and I was
doing that whole other side and so I get
these guys that would end up
doing as well as they should do because
they were just a jock was just ultra
aggressive and he gets after it so
that’s what I’m gonna do and I’ll be in
the same place the guys that would do
well the guys that said oh yeah jock was
awesome and he’s aggressive and he gets
after he’s also working and he’s also
maneuvering he’s also massaging the egos
of the people around him to make sure
that they get positioned in the right
spot where they can go to warp off in
the right way and and so as I’ve gotten
older I’ve been able to tell people that
more clearly like hey it’s not just
about that side of the ultra-aggressive
you got to be aggressive you got to be
willing to fight you got to be willing
to kill and you got to be willing to die
at the same time you got to be able to
tamper and temper all those things in
such a way that they can be controlled
and disciplined rule number six know
when to detach should someone always be
detached okay straightforward question
the answer is no someone shouldn’t
always be detached because otherwise you
aren’t enjoying anything in your life so
don’t always be attached detached no but
at the same time that being said you
should be aware all the time if you are
getting sucked into the emotional vortex
right you’ve got to be aware of that
once you have that awareness you don’t
need to be attached all the time at all
yeah you can I’m not always detached at
all but but I’ve got clear warning signs
when things start going sideways and I
start going down some vortex I know
immediately and I just attach so it’s
really easy it’s but it’s it does take
practice and eventually you realize that
you know when you’re feeling overwhelmed
when you’re feeling emotional and you’re
feeling angry or you’re feeling
frustrated when you start feeling those
things and you’ve sent them really
quickly and you recognize them you just
detach boom you’re done yeah so that’s
what you got to do is start recognizing
those red flags so that you can enjoy
the good things and when something
starts getting crazy you can detach yes
so it’s like a overall skill of being
able to control when to detach and when
you don’t have to being able to I
then to fight yeah when you need to
detach then being able to detach then
you’re good rule number seven asked for
help when needed as a leader at what
point am I allowed to go to others and
say I need you because I recognize I’m
not capable of pushing toward forward on
my own or should that be an instance
where I need to take a step back and
apply more discipline to my life and
find a way to push forward by myself
okay you are allowed to say that to your
team member immediately that you need
them absolutely if you of course you
need your team because if you didn’t
need your team why would they be there
if you if you can do everything yourself
then you don’t have a team yeah right
you just do everything yourself so while
you of course should be working hard you
should be applying discipline as a
leader it’s your job to actually lead
things and to let other people support
and make things happen and there’s
nothing wrong with that you and also you
don’t want to be stuck in the weeds
doing my new things so if you’re not
capable I think what might be holding
this individual back there’s two things
number one is I feel like I should take
extreme ownership of everything hmm I
feel like I should just do everything
myself that is not what extreme
ownership is extremely ship isn’t doing
everything yourself and also what can
come into play is your ego because you
don’t want to ask people for help and
that’s not a good sign there’s nothing
wrong with asking people for help if you
need it in fact that’s the humble thing
to do hey echo I don’t know how to quite
finish out this you know this thing of
this project working out can you give me
a hand with this I don’t know how to
work a video recorder
can you show me how to do that right
whatever so there’s no problem with that
you’re allowed to ask you can you can
say that immediately in fact your team
should feel that you are counting on
them and relying on them they should
know that and then for your ego aside
ask for help no problem
that doesn’t mean you’re giving away
that doesn’t mean you’re not taking
ownership that doesn’t mean you’re not
applying discipline it means you’re
working as a team together to accomplish
mission again if a t if a mission is so
easily that you can accomplish it
yourself you don’t need a team why do
you have them hmm if you can do it all
yourself just by applying discipline
you don’t need anyone else if you’re you
but your mission should be larger than
one human being can accomplish so that’s
why you have other people on board to
help you out
yeah no problem rule number eight take
responsibility trying to think of how to
stop the loop of my sacrifices have been
rejected and and the way that you stop
that loop is instead of saying this at
my sacrifices were rejected so my hard
work my effort my everything that I’m
doing to try and move forward it’s not
working and and if you want to go
towards hell you keep saying well it’s
it’s not working but it’s not it’s
because of everyone else it’s they’re
rejecting me
they’re not accepting what I’ve done
whereas if you say to yourself oh it
didn’t work okay it’s my fault what can
I do better and that’s how you start
moving in the other direction rule
number nine be a good team player we’ve
worked together as a team and enables us
not only to survive a situation like
that but actually dominate the first law
of combat that we talk about is called
cover move which means if life and I are
going to assault a target you know over
they’re all getting a good firing
position I’ll engage the enemy and keep
their heads down where they can’t shoot
back and while I’m doing that
Lafe will get up and maneuver to a
better position cover and move
essentially is teamwork working together
in full support of the other parts of
the team some of the things that can
make teamwork fall apart number one
those individual elements can get
fixated target fixation inside their own
world if I’m here trying to engage the
enemy and all of a sudden I get so
focused on that that I forget about life
and I forget about what he’s doing all
of a sudden I’m no help to him anymore
sometimes it can come with ego where I
want to help perform life even though
one on the same team I want out
performing with my element maybe I do
some things that actually sabotage them
I know that sounds crazy but it happens
it definitely happens it happens in the
SEAL team sometimes and it definitely
happens in the corporate world and we’ve
seen them and rule number ten my
personal favorite and also the last one
before a very special bonus clip get on
I hear that I’m over 40 I’m pushin 50
whatever bring it
back off negative not happening in fact
and stepping it up traded harder
I’m learning and reading and studying
more now than I ever have in my whole
in what more height here I hear the
clock ticking
and you young guns out there
18 years old 20 years old 24 years old
life goes by
much less 40 but you are and you will
the earlier you get in the game
healthier wealthier stronger smarter
it if you but old man like me then you
haven’t gone on track yet get on track
get on it now here’s the deal
no complacency
no complacency no backing off
no slack whatsoever fight
fight that chicken clock with everything
so much
and big
put your head down
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with Jocko on how to be a rebel
but before that I want to know from you
what did you guys learn from this video
what are you going to take some kind of
action on in your life of your business
as a result of watching this video
don’t just watch another video do
something about it write it down the
comments below when you write it down
you’re much more likely to take action
so let’s see it thank you guys so much
for watching I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
I’ll see you soon and enjoy the bonus
clip I come from a small New England
town people get done with high school
they go to college they get a job as
whatever people get jobs as they follow
that very normal path and and I didn’t
even know anyone that joined the
military and and so that was the most
rebellious thing I could do Oh College
no education no I’m gonna go be a
commando that’s what I’m gonna do and
and it was the most rebellious thing I
could do I think that’s one of the
reasons why I did it it was also a
complete break away from you know family
okay I have no reliance on you you know
I’m going you don’t have to worry about
me anymore I’m done I will not rely on
anyone else I will be self-reliant
which I wanted to do raise your standard
not one drop of my self-worth depends on
your acceptance of me I don’t ever give
up I’d have to be dead or completely
incapacitated hey believe nation if you
want to see my all-time favorite top ten
gross a success I have a very special
secret video for you these are the
individual clips that I have personally
learned the most from and applied to my
life and my business check the link the
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