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Top 10 Angriest Video Game YouTubers

in the realm of YouTube anger is good
business welcome to and
today we’ll be counting down our picks
for the top 10 angriest video game
youtubers you know what I hate much much
more than anime turn-based combat for
real I despised before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
to subscribe to our Channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we chose only the
most rage-fueled and heated video game
youtubers whose vocabulary often use a
flurry of obscenities they love great
video games just as much as they really
really really hate the bad ones
finally it almost goes without saying
that the people in question must post at
least the majority of their content on
YouTube in order to qualify for this
list oh you think that’s hard just a
tutorial level number 10 Alpha Omega sin
in prime examples out there of
unwarranted self-importance within an
individual that thinks that it doesn’t
stink because he’s a one-trick pony the
heavy metal gamer himself he certainly
looks and acts the part the long hair
the James Hetfield s beard and
frequently black attire are what you’d
expect but it’s the attitude that really
cements the heavy metal feel of the
youtuber here not only does he angrily
review games he hates but he frequently
goes up against the likes of game
developers like EA easy target other
game journalists and the gaming
community in general if you’re watching
his channel you’ll certainly be riding
the lightning Konami doesn’t give a fuck
about gaming and Konami doesn’t give a
fuck about their legacy and Konami most
importantly does not give up about you
me or anyone number 9
irate gamer slash Chris neo and who the
hell could forget the infamous
underwater level I guarantee that anyone
who’s ever played this game has been
promptly scarred by the painful memories
of trying to pass this nightmare of a
level this guy has been around for a
long time since 2007 in fact through his
time on YouTube has granted him
unfavorable comparisons to another gamer
who may or may not be on this list but
our number 9 entry does what most game
reviewers in 2007 did which is of course
yell obscenities at terrible retro games
classic episodes include the Rob the
Robot episode where he pretty much just
screams curse words at the plastic
Nintendo accessory so yeah what more
could you ask for the irate gamer
character was written
in 2016 but the shell has recently
rebooted as Chris tube though with a bit
less anger at least so far
oh hey gamers wow it’s been a long time
hasn’t it
number 8 Yahtzee crow shop so all the
major pre-christmas releases have
shuffled out like the elderly residents
of a retirement home queuing up for a
nice restful euthanasia and there’s time
for bitter catching up before the year
ends so let’s have a look at sonic boom
on the way this fast-talking bread is
best known for his zero punctuation
series on The Escapist where he does
just that speeds through reviews with
hardly taking a breath for punctuation
while the speedy speech is truly
incredible that’s not how he keeps his
viewers that would be credited to his
quick wit his biting similes his dry
sarcasm and is absolute to stain for the
Triple A console gaming industry doom 3
and painkiller and resistance 3 will
call shooters and will come up with a
new name for modern warfare style games
like spunk gargle wee-wee if using
phrases like spunk gargle wee-wee to
maturely describe first person shooters
didn’t showcase this absolute content
don’t know what else we could provide as
an example
all right the Milky Way galaxy’s fine
well done all the races are getting
along and they just bought a new puppy
together peace and prosperity forever
kind of boring actually
number 7 PewDiePie did she make it to 6
I don’t understand repairs I made it to
100 well that’s so great how’s Gavin
brass while this suite is not known
quite as well by his birth name felix is
world famous for his vlogs and let’s
play commentaries in these videos his
face is always in the center of the
screen making comments jokes and of
course hilarious angry outbursts
while he’s faced a bit of controversy in
recent years he’s still well loved by
the YouTube community in general and
it’s probably gonna be this generations
most notorious gamer ever you’re dead
you better I’m coming for ya number 6
video game donkey who was responsible
for this abomination this has got to be
one of these single worst levels I’ve
ever seen in a video he’s the spaghetti
and meatballs eaten Papa John’s pranking
youtuber with the unique style almost
surreal at times actually dunkey is
known for his hilarious one-liners in
punchy narration however this man is no
stranger to hatred he’s angrily railed
against game critics and companies like
EA Microsoft and machinima however
perhaps the culmination of his anger
lies in his I’m done with League of
Legends video which features less of
typical angry screaming type of fury and
more of a dejected frustration with the
game that got him his name in the first
place that shift and focus however has
produced some real classic videos as
Joey Bonzo once said that’s a wrap folks
it was at this time that I called this
mouth fight a fucking worthless
brain-dead scum bastard pile of trash
mental base that should be gunned down
in the street like the degenerate he is
number 5 egoraptor Jesus Christ those
are all the deaths around the world bad
that’s funny
he’s a grump from the game grumps one of
the most famous YouTube / Newgrounds
animators of all time this guy made a
name for himself with the awesome series
and is one half of one of the most
popular gaming channels of all time just
in case you’ve never heard of this
powerhouse of a channel he and his
friend Dan play games together and
narrate over the footage real classic
stuff the narration ranges from laughing
at dodgy design choices to singing
loudly at the TV however as the name
implies they can usually be found
grumpily criticizing the games they’re
playing jeez oh look it’s me and tails
on the wall it’s perfectly cartoon glove
size number four well you can ye
say on Aven the first and only Frenchman
to make our list he is definitely
different in many ways besides language
usually having an overarching story
between his reviews this Hawaiian shirt
wearing gamer takes inspiration from
another angry youtuber and furiously
rips apart low-quality retro games he
has some of the most interesting edits
we’ve ever seen on YouTube definitely
while you may have to watch his videos
please Sofia come on number three Jim
sterling I think it’s an incredibly
despicable underhanded attempt to
undermine my free expression and stop me
doing my legally protected job like I
said the controversial Brit with the wit
like cracking a whip this guy has so
many shows we don’t know how he keeps
track of all of them
his most famous is definitely the gym
quiz ition but his long list of
self-produced credits include
compressions industry bullshit
comment on Chrissy the video game show
what I’ve done and oh my god hype
nitpick theater and many many more since
leaving The Escapist T is now completely
independent so he’s now free to update
boggling watch whenever he’s free idiot
thinks they can repeat what chains did
and somehow succeed well you’re welcome
to try number two angry Joe
son of a bitch you don’t get up
our number-two entry is well deserving
of the spot he angrily refused movies
TVs trailers but the creme de la creme
are his angry game reviews and his
especially angry gamer rants his anger
is generally aimed towards crappy game
design the greed of developers or any
other little iterations that may get on
his nerves but he really knows how to
take a single swear word and make it
sting like a bee not only that but he
creatively does most of his reviewing in
front of a green screen making the
possibilities for what he can do in a 10
minute video almost endless I mean come
on Angry is in his name right and
mini-bosses you already thought earlier
in the game no no number one angry video
game nerd I thought this was okay planet
you know with the controller so if
anything the power glove it’s an
interesting experiment in gaming
technology but too bad they were just
conducting off he’s gonna take you back
to the past to play the shitty games
that suck ass aptly named the angry
video game nerd and his channel
cinemassacre have set the precedent for
angry youtubers since 2006 undoubtedly
he has been the inspiration to many
others on this list reviewing all sorts
of older games on all sorts of different
retro consoles his videos contain a
litany of curse words ranging from these
somewhat tame to be completely made-up
if you add in the fact that he also
popularized the concept of adding an
intertwining story that relates to the
games he’s reviewing this guy is truly
the king of angry video game youtubers
everyone calls it Sonic o6 but I call it
Sonic oh and piece of shit this is anal
sauce it’s so bad it’s a work of art
it’s a fine delicately crafted sculpture
of shit and I’m impressed do you agree
with our picks check out these other
great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe
for new videos every day [Music]
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