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Startup Ideas – How to get started

how’d it get started I got a question
from one of my YouTube viewers love you
Shane who wrote in to say everyone have
had this idea I want to create a website
that teaches people how to do things so
if they want to learn how to ride a
bicycle or learn how to do HTML or learn
how to fix their car or learn cooking my
website will help them but he’s been on
this idea for two years and hasn’t done
anything with it and he wanted my advice
on how to get started
Shane this is important and you’re in a
place that a lot of entrepreneurs are in
you’ve got this big idea you’ve got a
big vision for what it could be and yet
nothing seems to happen underneath it
here’s the key okay this is really
important niche your business and get
started on a small scale so instead of
being this home for everybody
start small pick one thing that you love
and teach people how to do that I don’t
know if you know anything about cooking
or cars or riding the bike you know if
that’s not your passion then don’t focus
on that to start focus on something that
you’re really good at and you want to
help people learn so if you’re a
programmer launch a course using your
format of how to teach people how to
code right I can come to your website
and learn how to code just start with
that and it builds momentum for you and
helps build your system it helps build
build some energy up into this so it’s
not just this idea that’s sitting on the
table and nothing happens and we all
have these things like you’re not alone
a lot of people have this vision for a
company product service idea they want
to create and they don’t do anything
with it the key is to start small start
with a niche focus on that and build it
up and it’s great to have that big
vision I’m not saying that’s what you’re
going to be doing forever this one
little thing but that’s your stepping
stone to future products and your
community can help take you you start a
language teaching people how to program
course people will take that if you make
it great they’re going to love it and
you can use those people to build future
products right you write to them to the
say hey John thanks so much for taking
the course what did you think what else
would you like to learn it’s a guy you
know what I really want to learn French
build a French course right like these
people can help take you to new markets
but the key is that you’ve gotten
started by keeping it small looking at
look at Facebook as an example okay
Facebook how they got started was just
on college campuses I don’t know if Mark
Zuckerberg had this vision for what it
could become it would become this big
thing as it is now it doesn’t really
even matter he started small on
University College campuses and it
became a phenomenon and it grew from
there do the same thing for you start
small again one thing that you love
doing make it sizable so that you can
you can do it yourself right you can
actually finish it right if it was a
course on bicycle repair and you don’t
know anything about bicycles now it
becomes this big thing right you have to
go find an expert on bicycles you have
to explain to them what you’re doing you
have to go out even if you’re going to
film them you’re going to interview them
it’s this whole thing and all that work
you look at it and say oh there’s so
much work and you don’t do anything as a
result so pick something that you could
do you could knock this out you could
knock it out in a week because you know
what you’re talking about and put it up
and build momentum and when you see
people using it and loving it and giving
you feedback it’s going to give you the
drive to keep going and do another
course and another course and another
course and soon that momentum will be so
strong that you can’t help but pour
everything you got into making this
business take off for me one of the best
parts of my day is every day I wake up
and I look at the comments from you guys
that gets me excited that keeps me going
I don’t know about you but sometimes
yeah you know you’ll wake up one day and
you may be in super excited that the day
before super passionate about something
you wake up the next day it seems to be
gone it’s like where was that I got to
it myself up again today and for me
that’s by looking at your comments
seeing all the comments that come in
every day keep me going that momentum
keeps me going keeps me making new
videos gives me invested in new projects
it gets me excited gives me the right
puts me in the right state of mind first
thing in the morning
that’s what I want for you to start to
have happen because if one person leaves
feedback on your course and say hey this
is great thank you so much for creating
this that’s forget about the money you
make from advertising forget about all
the work you put into it just that that
feeling you get from helping somebody
knowing that you made a difference in
that person’s life that’s you’re going
to live off of that stuff it’s going to
make you want to do more and more and
more and more and more so pick one thing
and get started don’t make it a huge
project believe this is you watch the
video give it a thumbs up below let me
know you think leave a comment you have
a question leave it below make your
video response and subscribe to the
channel if you want to see more videos
like this thank you so much I’ll see you
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