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BELIEVE by YouGottaLove – Motivational Video

people say you you have to have a lot of
passion for what you’re doing and it’s
totally true and the reason is is
because it’s so hard that if you don’t
any rational person would give up it’s
really hard and you have to do it over a
sustained period of time so if you don’t
love it if you’re not having fun doing
it you don’t really love it you’re going
to give up the ones that are successful
love what they did so they could
persevere well you know when it got
really tough and and the ones that
didn’t love it quit because they’re
saying right who would want to put up
with this stuff if you don’t love it
so it’s a lot of hard work and and it’s
a lot of worrying constantly and if you
don’t love it you’re gonna fail so you
got to love it you got to have passion
make a choice like you just decide what
is gonna be who you’re gonna be how
you’re going to do it just dis up and
then from that point the universe is
going get out your way
you must have faith
you’ve got to believe in yourself you’ve
gotta believe in your abilities you got
to believe in your service your company
I wrote myself a check for ten million
dollars for acting services rendered and
I gave myself five years there are three
years maybe and and I dated it
Thanksgiving 1995 and I put it in my
wallet and I kept it there and
deteriorated and deteriorated and stuff
and and but then just before
Thanksgiving 1995 I found out that I was
going to make ten million dollars on
thanks God you got a dick down the
to get out keep on going
and again and again until you make it
happen because you know that it’s
judge not according to appearances don’t
judge your circumstances and the
possibilities for your future based upon
what you have now and because of what’s
going on now no no no no that’s not the
real reality there what you’re going
through if you’re going through some
hard times it has not come to stay it
has come to pass
it’s all right
now second thing is repeat this after me
something you should affirm to yourself
every day repeat this please no matter
how bad it is
or how bad it gets
I’m going to make it
say that to yourself everyday as I used
to say to myself when I would get up in
the Penobscot building and I had to go
into the bathroom and babe in the
bathroom sink I have written on the
mirror that I put up it is pasted up and
I read no matter how bad it is or how
bad it gets I’m
going to make it
so you’ve got to have faith you talk to
yourself you say that information the
next step is you must have patience and
engage in consistent action patience and
engage in consistent action so
everything does not always happen ladies
and gentlemen when we want it to happen
it doesn’t happen quickly so in that
process that’s something in the 40s
called the Chinese bamboo tree the
Chinese bamboo tree every day it has to
be watered and fertilized it’s a very
hot not nut and and it takes five years
of watering and fertilization every day
according to American Geographics before
it breaks through the ground at any time
if the watering process and the
nurturing and the fertilization process
is stopped the Chinese bamboo tree will
die in the ground
now watch it breaks through in the fifth
six weeks it goes 90 feet tall
now the question is does it go 90 feet
in five years
for six weeks the answer is obvious it
takes five years that’s how long it took
to go it to build that foundation but
nurture it to moderate to fill the
reputation The Velvet credibility to
learn the market to learn people to
learn yourself to learn the system to
learn how
to figure it out that’s why you must
have patience and engage
sister action
if you want to be man enough to go out
and fight for to work day and night for
it to give up your time your peace and
your sleep for if all that your dream
and scheme is about it and life seems
useless and worthless without it and if
you gladly sweat for it and fretboard
and plan for it and lose are your terror
of the opposition for it and if you
simply go after this thing that you want
with all of your capacity strengthens
orgastic Faith Hope and confidence and
stern pertinacity if neither cold
poverty famine shall go sickness a pain
of body and brain
from the thing that you want if
targeting grim you besieged
with the help of God your
to where
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