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Focke Wulf Part | National Geographic

all right look at this baby this will
move some dirt I know it the plane parts
could be 10 even 20 feet deep this
backhoe is gonna remove a bunch of
topsoil so we can get closer to the
artifact I’d love kg and ringy to find
parts that the average person can look
at and say that’s part of a German
airplane that’s a weapon from something
that’s part of a cockpit that’s what I’d
like them to help us find Hey look look
yeah you want to shut her down we’re
gonna go in ah hey take your shovel hey
looks good we get a giant pit dug and we
dive in over there there’s a bunch of it
keep going look at all this stuff in
this Bank let’s detect this a little bit
so I’m going along kind of right in the
middle of the pit about halfway up the
wall oh there’s a chunk of stuff right
here Illume sticking out of the ground
kg and I can already see the edge of
something sticking out so I start
brushing the dirt away like a little
badger what do you got I think I got a
hubcap this round thing starts to appear
and it’s big whatever it is another
sheet of aluminum though but this one
has a weird shape to it so it could be
airplane stuff this is pretty cool
because it’s got black paint on it
should be identifiable and I flip it
over and the magic happens again
oh it’s got another one of those tags on
oh no way no no no yes it is why it’s
German it’s written in German yeah look
look at this there’s an awesome tag on
this and it’s all written in German
directed to it you melt alberca that
means United German metal works it’s got
the appliance number stuttgart Frankfurt
that could be off the focke-wulf baby
this is cool fine let’s get it out of
the hole keep searching yeah finding one
piece that might have come from the
focke-wulf in the parts pit means that
other parts like the engine could be
here too
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