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Should You Get a Safe Job or Start a Business – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
video I’m Boyd answer question from 10
readers Robbie who was a recent graduate
with an engineering degree he won’t
start his own business but his parents
want him to get a stable government job
and asking for my advice on what to do
next so Raffy first of all you know
parents are always trying to build for
our best interests and they might be a
little more conservative than us but
trying to be too combative with them
it’s not going to have the situation but
in terms of some advice for you the
first thing I would do for inspiration
is look up to Michael Dell look up his
story when he was 19 years old who was
in University he started his business
and it started to do well and he wanted
to drop out to do his business full-time
and his parents but it was crazy and
said you have to go back to school and
they fought a lot so you made a deal
with them where he said next summer from
may to august i’m going to spend full
time on my business and it does really
well i’m going to continue my business
and if it doesn’t do well i’ll go back
to school he agreed they agreed and he
never went back to school because of
business took off so that’s kind of one
way to get around any issues with your
parents both started no business on my
own story when I graduated University I
had some job opportunities with
consulting companies and banks and I
thought you know I really want to get my
business off the ground and I had I was
running the business already and I
thought you know some of my friends are
taking a year off and they’re traveling
and discovering themselves and I thought
I’m gonna take a year off and focus on
my business let’s see if I can make it a
really big success because if it doesn’t
work out also how those opportunities
that’s a great advantage when you’re
young nothing’s really going to happen
in that year you can still go back and
still get those government jobs and
you’ll have gained a little bit of
experience for yourself if your business
doesn’t take off if it does take off
then you’re ready to succeed as an
entrepreneur it’s a lot harder when
you’re older to be able to do those same
things when you have more
responsibilities and a family to look
after it’s a lot harder to then go
start your own business from scratch
it’s a lot better to do when you’re done
if you can’t so if you’re talking to
your parents one thing you might want to
do is do the Michael Dell approach and
say the next year I want to focus on my
business and if it doesn’t work out then
I’m going to go back and get that
government job and that’s a little bit
easier for them to understand then I’m
not going to do what I’m just going to
start my own company so this some kind
of timeline in there it makes a little
bit easier and if they see that your
company does take off that it’s a lot
easier for that to the swallow want to
see you succeed and the side of that is
you got to work really hard in the next
year to make sure your company does take
offs and you don’t end up having to go
get that government job so I hope that
helps brought me if you guys liked the
video please give it a thumbs up below
but also love to hear your thoughts and
feedback if you want to leave a comment
and stay tuned to the next episode
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