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RISE and GRIND: How to OUT-HUSTLE the COMPETITION – #MentorMeDaymond

I didn’t wait till January or wait till
I had a million dollars in sales oh wait
till I was perfect all this for one of
me because the time was never perfect I
decided to start right away
discipline creates freedom discipline
creates freedom that’s it
don’t think when you get to a certain
level you just know everything
what’s that believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see exploded
onto the world now I started the mentor
me series to try to hang your own people
who’ve done a lot more than us and
hopefully by spending a little more time
with them some of their beliefs their
mindset their attitude seep in to us to
help us become the best version of
so today we’re going to learn from one
of the best Daymond John and how to rise
and grind
alright let’s kick things off with rule
number one rise & grind here’s the
concept of the book you know as we had
talked about the power broke and the
fact that I wanted to get people to
realize stop using the fact that you
don’t have money as an excuse I
understand everybody else in the world
tells you you need money to make money
and all that other kind of stuff
yeah and I want to give people the
mentality of all right listen I’m gonna
need to do this myself and I need you I
need to use my slack resources about the
resources that are right in front of me
to get where I want to go
so now after a lot of people have
responded to that book really well and I
first I thought they were gonna hear how
it broke I don’t wanna I don’t wanna be
reminded of me being broke or I don’t
want to hear what name was bro responded
to really you know to you know really
amazing way they started to ask well
what are techniques you know I mean now
and now I have the mentality
what are techniques that you do every
single day and why are you more
successful than this person or this
person more successful this person we
all have the same 24 hours in a day so
that’s when I created this new one rise
& grind and the theory is that listen
every day we’re gonna rise if we’re not
gonna rise we’re dead right that’s your
defense just rising right sure what your
grind is your offense and I’ve studied I
believe I’ve studied dozens of subjects
but I put about 16 subjects in this new
book and they range from everywhere from
award-winning actress Catherine
zeta-jones to Santana Carlos Santana to
our our crazy friend Gary Vee to you
know a young man named Kyle Manor who
was born with no arms and no legs and
army army corridor Mount Kilimanjaro I’m
sure you know as well to various other
people are Brian Lee who started
and with Kardashians a LegalZoom and
then all of a sudden he does Ana’s
company with the Jessica Alba I love
that he wanted to be a rapper he wanted
to be a rapper
I think he was a young Asian man who
told his parents he’s moving to New York
to be a rapper I’m gonna tell you his
rapping name I’ll let you read the book
what you know I asked them all the same
questions and then some different ones
what do you do the first
Minister your day what do you do the
last 90 minutes of your day what did you
do when you were 20 that you no longer
do when you’re 40 what are you and you
were 20 but you forgot to do and then
when you start doing it again when you
were 40 or 50 you realize what got you
back to this point yeah
and I I would I found probably over 50
things in there that everybody did in
some way or another very similar whether
in the more jolly old steam whether it’s
in the morning they either prayed
meditated mentally like me set a goal
and sown doubt they took some time for
themselves yeah and I found various
other things and and it’s amazing and
fascinating so this is what I wanted to
create for people because I wanted them
to either say I’m on the right track I’m
doing something everybody was laughing
at me when I do this or maybe actually
try this one because what this one
doesn’t work as well as this one yeah
and I’ve been using myself a lot of this
stuff and it’s been working for me too
has been helping improve my life and and
that’s I’m a student of my books because
I’m trying to ask them the same exact
thing that other people want to know
rule number two is break down your grind
now at the time when I first decided to
start my own clothing company I went
home and I sold around 90 hats with my
next-door neighbor we sold these hats
for ten dollars each in front of the New
York Coliseum mall and made eight
hundred dollars in a single day
at the same time to make ends meet I had
a full time job at Red Lobster while
still running Google in between those
shifts this is when I learned what it
meant to ride and grime I had to start
writing down my goals was I gonna put in
five hours a week ten hours a week a
hundred hours a month into this business
and how much time was I gonna work at
Red Lobster
what was my rise and what was my grind I
had to break down on my grind daily
weekly monthly annually to see where I
was going I didn’t think I was gonna
build a billion dollar corporation or a
globally recognized name but it was a
step by step by step but I was taking
every single day and I didn’t wait till
January or wait
I had a million dollars in sales don’t
wait till I was perfect call all the
stores one of me cuz a time was never
perfect I decided to start right away
and start writing down my goals what
sacrifices are you going to take how
will you rise and grind
rule number three be selfish what I
found out is every way in the book is
extremely extremely selfish and what
they do is take care of themselves first
so they could be better everybody else
they wake up in the morning they don’t
answer any emails for the first hour
because they’re answering everybody
else’s problems what they do is they
look at their inboxes their defense in
their out boxes they’re all fit so they
send out emails they don’t look on
Twitter and Instagram for a while
because they get caught up they also
cherish and love their family and they
set times to be with their family and
then they go to work
other people they look at their emails
they then go and kiss their family they
never see their family the rest of the
day they go to the on they drive to work
they hear the world blew up the other
thing about that then they go and work
for everybody else and successful people
are extremely selfish they do things
like how you do is go to the go to the
store and you want to hear what people
think about the show because that’s what
we call proof of concept you’re not so
far up the ladder but you don’t want to
hear what people think so you can make a
joke yet rule number four be disciplined
discipline creates freedom discipline
creates freedom that’s it you have to be
disciplined you have to have a method
you have to act learn and repeat and you
have to keep figuring it out
you know I’m Pete this book is not going
to this book is not going to give you
the answers to life this book is going
to give you a technique to act on it and
then next year you may have to switch
that technique up and use something else
in the mirror because people always ask
us the same thing how do you have
work/life balance
you know how do you take care of you how
do you advance your company but yet pay
attention to the to the to the customer
that really is taking care of you but
are we you’re gonna move into this new
area like without ignoring them how do
you get good management underneath you
how do you you know cash flow is always
an issue how do you increase sales or
reduce costs how do you gain new
customers in the world you know what do
you do with your kids how do you spoil
the kids or not spoil the kids make you
know we all have the same exact problems
so what we have to do is look at these
techniques and create a bunch of
discipline this
my reactions and you’ll see what works
at what doesn’t but some things are not
gonna work you gonna fix it you gotta
fix it you know rule number five always
keep learning don’t think when you get
to a certain level you just know
everything the same as a goal of getting
them a certain amount of money because
the minute you feel you know everything
that’s the only time you’re never gonna
learn anything right because you think
you know everything and it was it’s part
of the process of always trying to
figure myself out you know and I know
everybody’s main questions work-life
balance health you know working and
enjoying life against working and you
know creating something big you know
what I mean and that is always no matter
what throughout your education process
is something you constantly have to
learn about you know so that’s exactly
why I write these books because I’m
probably the biggest fan of my books
than anybody else cuz I’m no longer
writing books about myself
you heard my my story right I want to
find out from other people when it’s
happened to them to see how I can
empower myself and rule number six the
last one before a very special bonus
clip get specific here’s the bottom line
with wire rule rising grime everybody
tells us you got to work hard alright we
got that yeah but if you want to go out
and be an athlete or a chef or anybody
else you have to get very specific
curriculums on how to do it so you want
to be an athlete how do I train this
muscle how do I take better shots how do
I do this and that what is the exact
recipe so what I did was ask everybody
what the first 90 minutes of their day
is what’s the last 90 minutes of the day
work-life balance all these things and
you’ll see exact techniques and recipes
and no longer have to you know you just
go work on work smart instead of you
know work Mel is giving you exact
techniques and you will either say I’m
doing this and I’m on the right track or
you’ll go let me try these other couple
of things cuz I haven’t run okay number
five doesn’t work but number three does
and you’ll start to see other techniques
that you can apply to yourself because
everybody’s gonna train different
now I’ve got a very special bonus clip
from Daymond John on how he takes care
of his health but before that I want you
to make your commitment of the day leave
it down the comments below what did you
learn from this video that now you will
apply into your life and your business
what is your commitment today leave it
down there I’m excited to see what you
have to say thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever you’re one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
bonus clip
you know we all talk about business all
the time but the aspect of health is the
most important part nobody talks about
it yeah nobody talks about it most
business men and women you go around and
you’re traveling all the time you know
you know the the best things then you’re
you’re a two and three dinners a night
you’re drinking because you born with a
lot of people you’re drink cause you’re
happy because you’re off you know you’re
not sleeping you’re in between climates
and things of that nature and then all
of a sudden it implodes and you have
nothing left
yeah crazy yeah do you have a schedule
every day then for your health or now
mmm I try and you know I’m not perfect I
go back to the book walk then to look at
all the things that I want to do so you
know I’ll give you example suede you
know loves to say hey I get up and I
bust down you know four sets of twenty
five push-ups a day and gets my
adrenaline running I was doing that
until I blew my shoulder out there and
something else right yeah so now what I
do I sure do i I was actually diving in
Mexico and trying to embarrass my
daughter’s what this was this dive and I
hurt my shoulder I fires myself but but
yeah but you know all right so now I
have to adjust that so what do I do sit
up all right so maybe now after I will
answer emails after uh
when I do but I’ll be walking on the
treadmill for two hour answering them
you know later on so I get I get my put
the steps and I’ll do leg lifts I’ll do
whatever the case is but again it’s
always adjusting right I’m not gonna
make any suit oh my heart blown out and
I can’t do anything right Chris Kyle
climb Mount Kilimanjaro you know I was
so late Oh what the hell’s wrong with me
I got something on my shoulder here and
I can’t work out yeah one sees one
yeah the most important work ever if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be like a little beacon pay
believe nation if you want to know what
the most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details
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