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REPROGRAM Your MIND and Destroy LIMITING BELIEFS! | John Assaraf

if you want to change your results don’t
focus on changing your behaviors change
your focus on the beliefs that drive
your behaviors you don’t have to
reinvent the wheel so if you want to be
healthy there’s already a blueprint if
you want to make more money there’s
already a blueprint I learnt the value
of progress versus perfection and even
when you move backwards a couple of
steps what’s the progress that you made
in what you learned need motivation
catch a top ten with believe nation
what’s up elimination it’s seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
on today’s lessons from a man who went
from often getting into trouble with the
law when he was a teenager to writing
two best-selling books being featured in
eight movies including the runaway
blockbuster The Secret and building five
multi-million dollar businesses he’s
John Assaraf and here’s my take on his
top ten rules of success
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one follow the blueprint I was really
fortunate when I was 19 years old I met
a wonderful gentleman who was very
successful with his family was very
successful giving to charities he was
very healthy he was very gentle and kind
and when he started to share with me to
teach me that my entire reality was
based on what I believed was real and
what I believed was true about myself
about what’s possible and that I could
change that that’s when my life started
to change and he said if you start to
change the way you think and you start
to learn everyday for one hour to
upgrade your knowledge and your skills
and then you take action every day on
the things that are the most important
instead of all the different things that
you can do he says if you focus on doing
three to five things every day towards
your goals he says in one year you’ll be
in a totally different destination three
years big distant five ten years your
life won’t be the same and I was tired
of living a mediocre to less than
mediocre life and so I said listen you
seem to have a good plan you’re making
millions of dollars you’re giving a lot
of money to charity you’re happy you’re
healthy you’re gonna great family I want
that they said if you want that follow
the blueprint don’t try to figure it out
just follow the blueprint and that was
another lesson that he shared with me is
that you don’t have to reinvent the
wheel yes look if you want to fly right
now you don’t have to figure out how to
fly you know there’s already a blueprint
for how to generate or create an
airplane yeah so if you want to be
healthy there’s already a blueprint if
you want to make more money there’s
already a blueprint if you want to buy
real estate or the stock market or start
a business and grow business there’s
people before us that have already got
the blueprint and all you have to do is
paint paint the numbers inside the box
and then you can use your creativity
so I just became very good follower for
a long time of things that worked and
when you follow things that work it’s
like having the combination to a safe if
somebody gives you the combination to a
safe and they tell you turn this way a
little bit so I’m this way a little bit
turn this way a little bit turn this way
a little bit then open it you can have
access to it but most people don’t look
for the combination and then even when
they get the combination they tried in
the wrong order rule number two
value progress over perfection the law
of Goya is is simply get off your ass so
if you if you if you if you think and
you believe and you emotionalize you
visualize and you create your plan for
how am I actually going to achieve this
so what do I need to do when am I gonna
do it how specifically how am I gonna
tweak it measure it and iterate it so
that I’m consistently making progress I
learnt the value of progress versus
perfection none of my mentors ever had
me focus on perfection let me focus on
progress to just keep getting better
little incremental gains every day every
week every month every quarter and even
when you move backwards a couple of
steps what’s the progress that you made
in what you learned so I was taught that
failure is an opportunity to learn and I
was also taught to disassociate me being
a failure from failing rule number three
develop discipline when you start
talking about my brain it’s an organ
just like your heart is an organ you can
speed up your heart you can slow down
your heart you can you know speed up the
brain waves in your brain you can slow
them down you can tune in you can tune
out yeah we haven’t been given the users
manual for the most powerful teachers
that we’re aware of that’s right and so
the great news you know I know you being
an athlete and a successful businessman
you have disciplined you cannot
guarantee receive results without some
kind of discipline and so we know that
there’s some fundamental truths to
achieving success and every successful
person will tell you you
and Jim Rohn is I know you you love Jim
right so you either pay the price at
discipline you pay the price of regret
discipline weighs ounces or Greta weighs
tons but the the thing is can you teach
discipline the answer is yes how you
have to have a willing participant and
if the participants reason why is big
enough if they know I want to achieve X
and the reason why the motive for their
action motivation the motive for their
action is a reason beyond just
themselves chances are they will do more
to achieve that success than if it was
just left up to their own but there are
some people that are born you know with
incredible Drive they just have this
insatiable drive and they’ll just I’ll
do whatever it takes for the things that
I want and there’s other people that
want things but they just don’t have
this insatiable drive and this is where
you know I as much as I hate at school I
love to use schools in an algae there in
the game of life whether it’s health
wealth relationships career business
spirituality fun experiences you have to
decide what level the game go on to play
it is it the great school level the
kindergarten level the high school level
the university level the pro level
because each one of those levels
requires a totally different mindset and
totally different skill set they’re
building blocks on each other but if you
are extremely talented but you’re not
prepared to practice and rehearse and
drill and fall and fail forward to the
next attempt you will never make it as a
pro you will never make as a probe isn’t
this person you’ll never make it as a
pro husband or wife or athlete or
musician you just never will so just get
used to that if you’re not prepared to
pay the price if you are prepared to pay
the price and you have the aptitude the
talent now we’re talking about there’s
some real potential here and what we
don’t know is you know what’s in your
heart like what is the fire that stirs
you that that you wake up saying I will
do this even when I don’t feel like it I
will do whatever it takes to overcome my
temptation for mediocracy my temptation
for excuses my temptation for reasons
and circumstances to hold me back I
won’t allow those to be in my way
and if you have that within you you’ll
achieve whatever you choose and so the
question you asked before is how do you
develop that start small yeah
start small so if you don’t have
discipline show do your show yourself
that you can give yourself one command
and one follow-through so you know what
right now I’m gonna get up I’m gonna do
two push-ups right now not not like
later now can you give yourself a simple
command one sit-up right now I’m gonna
go get a glass of water you start with
something ridiculous I learned many
years well reduce it to the ridiculous
so 4 reduce it to the ridiculous I start
that so can you do that
great will you because that’s the
difference right there is that’s the
razor’s edge yeah yeah will you will you
yeah great when now now yeah right so if
you develop that skill and specifically
from a brain plasticity a
neuroplasticity perspective as soon as
you do that you give yourself a command
and you take the action you have just
created a neural pattern you can give
yourself a command and take action now
that may be just be one time well what
if you did that every hour by putting a
little bell on your computer and every
hour like if you were if my computer is
open I’d have every hour it would say
it’s Volvo klog it’s one o clock and I
take 60 seconds just to be in control of
my mind sixty-seven don’t care where how
would you do it stop takes six breaths
so you just get it just get centered and
my on track and my off track am i doing
something I shouldn’t be doing versus a
high-impact activity that I need to be
doing every hour I’ve trained myself to
just reset I didn’t always do that so I
just started with one a day right then –
sure then three then it was working so
well I said great let’s do this every
hour rule number four focused on your
highest values the first thing that you
have to ask is what are your highest
values so for me for example my number
one highest value is God
my number two values my health my number
three values my family a number four
value is contribution to the lives of
others moment number v value is fun
so every day when I wake up I think
about what am i doing today to connect
with God for me just for me it doesn’t
have to be and you know it’s not
religious it’s just for me
then what I need to do every day to make
sure that I’m healthy what I need to do
every day to make sure that my family
and my dear close friends are a part of
my family that I have the relationship
that’s rich
then contribution how do I use my my
passion my gifts my my stories my things
I’ve not done well things I have done
how do I share that with the world and
in doing that I feel good and then I
have to have fun and so if I do those
five things everyday then at the end of
every day I’ve had a great day and if
you have a lot of great days then you
end up with a really great life and that
doesn’t mean that you don’t have ups and
downs and things that don’t work and
trouble that happens and things that
come up but if you keep your focus on
what’s important then the rest of the
stuff is really inconsequential and
there isn’t a hundred different things
you have to do there’s two or three
things in each one of the areas that’s
important to you that when you do those
every day you’re so far ahead of the
curve rule number five be a voracious
student I was taught the law of
attraction you know I was 23 24 years
old also at a real-estate conference
they’re talking about this law of
attraction thing that there’s this
energy everything’s made up of energy I
am energy you are energy and my thoughts
you know create this resonance between
what I attract and what I don’t like oh
good I like that
you know I want to attract more of the
good stuff right and so I I bought in
like I bought into stuff that just made
sense to me but then I was a voracious
student I want to understand how I
explain to me how it works like if
somebody tells me visualize I go why
like how does it work like you asked me
to visualize like why does it work like
why should I invest my time on that
versus something else if you’re asking
me to use affirmations like how
why how does it work if you’re asking me
to emotionalize well what’s happening in
me the time I need to create these false
senses of feelings I want to know why it
works rule number six change your
beliefs you think about the era that our
parents lived ok Great Depression yeah
right very very hard to make money very
very hard to find resources very very
hard to do anything unless you’re a
professional so our parents said to most
of us if you don’t become a professional
you’re gonna struggle you’re gonna
struggle and suffer and even the
professionals said ok so become a
professional and here’s your ceiling of
what you have so we came conditioned to
be worried of scarcity in a world that
has no scarcity we became conditioned to
having certain beliefs about what’s
possible or not possible so even now you
know as we as we you know we’re sitting
here and we’ve got this you know amazing
election time crazy you know I think is
a good thing about is you know there are
some people to believe that if Donald
Trump wins they’re gonna make a fortune
and there’s other people that think
they’re gonna lose everything
and I have a friend of mine who has got
about 70 million dollars in the bank
that believes that if Hillary gets into
office he’s gonna lose millions it’s
gonna be really tough and what really is
you know going on in people’s heads it’s
it’s all of their references their
beliefs and their perceptions that are
locked away in the implicit part of
their brain that is driving those
thoughts and even the behaviors they may
not even be aware of it they’re not even
aware of it yeah they can be but there
may not be and so what we really have to
go back to to focus on is it really
makes no difference who becomes
president or who doesn’t if you have the
belief that regardless of what happens
in your external world you can navigate
towards the success that you want that’s
a belief and beliefs are the lens by
which we actually see the world and by
which we behave and so if you want to
change your results don’t focus on
changing your behaviors change your
focus on the beliefs that drive your
rule number seven have a good morning
routine so when I wake up in the morning
the first thing I do is I do a gratitude
exercise where I ask myself use the in
bed what am I most grateful for today
and usually you know I’m grateful for my
health I’m grateful for my wife I’m
grateful for my children I’m grateful to
be alive I’m grateful you know for my
family I’m grateful to to have
experiences and used to do that eyes
yeah I do that eyes closed and while I
while I think about that I feel it and
so the feeling starts every day with a
great feeling
mmm I start every day with a great
feeling you have do you visualize some
things you’ve liked your children or do
you talk to yourself how do you do that
yeah I have an internal dialogue I see
images of the things that I’m thinking
about and that just takes me two minutes
just two minutes when I wake up and then
I go to exercise to take care of my body
have how long usually one hour to an
hour and 15 minutes every day and so I
do a variety of different things I hike
I bike I work on aerobics that work on
strength I work with weights I do
whatever it is I just do it to give my
body the physical exercise then as soon
as I finish my exercise in my chair when
hour and half an hour now or 15 minutes
at the most so then in my gym I have two
things I have a vision board which is my
dream board for my view on about that
yes so I have my vision board for my my
physique in my body in my health but
then I also have in in my gym something
called an achieved board okay so how do
I achieve some of the things that I
achieve biased on the future no achieved
in the past yes
so fast you’re fast in the future yeah
so I have in my in my gym in my home gym
I have a like a place where I sit and
before I start my meditation I look at
my vision board from the past okay so I
get connected to the different things
that I’ve been able to achieve and I
remember every day
when I set my mind and my focus to
achieving goals I can achieve all of my
goals but what I also do is I reinforce
most people focus on what’s not working
just isn’t going well this didn’t work I
want to remind myself every day yeah
look how many things I was able to
accomplish by being clear by being
passionate by using these rituals so
before I go into my meditation which is
with my eyes closed I look at my
achieved board I get emotionally
associated with it to remind myself that
when I set my mind to achieve something
I can do it and then I look across
because I have a mirror in the gym and I
look across and I say I love you just
the way you are and I said I accept you
just the way you are with all of your
skills and passion and faults and
insecurities and doubts and fears I
accept you just the way you are why and
I smile and then I close my eyes and I
do about a 15 minute meditation well and
in my meditation sometimes I have no
thoughts where I’m just one with the
universe and every intern other times
I’ll just follow my thoughts and I’ll
just pay attention be mindful of what
are they going this morning where they
going today so I’ll follow my thoughts
and I’ll just follow them other times
I’ll follow a thought and say release
that one and follow another thoughts a
release that one so I am teaching my
brain that I’m in control of my brain
rule number eight be committed what
happened for me personally when I was a
teen between age of 13 to 17 I got into
enormous amount of trouble with the law
I did a lot of unethical things and I
was getting myself in so much trouble
and I had one mentor that my brother
introduced me to his name was Alan Brown
he was a very successful philanthropist
entrepreneur and he agreed to meet with
me for lunch one day
and he asked me like why are you doing
these things you seem like a nice young
kid and I said I don’t know I just want
to make some money and I just want to
fit in he goes but you seem like you’re
intelligent why don’t you just use your
brains natural abilities I go listen
based on my education and based on what
the teachers have told me I’m not gonna
do very well in life and I left high
school in grade 11 thinking that I’m not
worthy enough I’m not smart enough I’m
not good enough and this one man in one
minute in one meeting changed my life
because he asked me what goals do you
have and I said what do you mean what
goals do I have I said I want to you
know go out this weekend to the bar I
want to have some good food I want to
find a nice young lady and maybe hook up
with and he says no no what are your
bigger goals and I didn’t have any so he
actually sent me home
he said fill out these pieces of paper
and on the piece of paper it said like
what age do you want to retire by like I
was 19 this was May of 1980
I wasn’t even started yet I said but
just fill out fill out these papers so I
said I want to retire by the time at 45
with three million dollars I want to
have a Mercedes I want to have a house I
want to travel the world I want to have
a great lifestyle and so I came back on
Monday and he looked at it and he asked
me one question and that question
transformed my life and he said are you
interested in achieving these goals or
are you committed and I stopped and I
and I looked at he was standing up I was
sitting in my desk there at his office
and I asked him mr. Brown I said what’s
the difference and he said if you’re
interested you’ll do it’s convenient
you’ll come up with stories and excuses
and reasons why you can’t and you’ll use
your education as an excuse you’ll use
your stories and excuse you’ll use the
fact you it follows a cab driver and was
a gambler and never had any money you’ll
use all of that as your reasons why you
can’t he says but if you’re committed
you will do whatever it takes
you’ll let go of your stories you’ll let
go of your excuses you’ll let go of all
the reasons you currently have that are
formulating your identity of yourself
and you learn how to let that go and
become who you are destined to become
ruler benign create good habits
so someone’s listening right now in
their thinking you know there’s a lot of
things I want you know I want to get out
of this relationship or I want the
relationship I want to have a better
health I want to have more money
whatever it may be
and they’ve been saying that for years
and they feel like they’ve been
consuming all the information they need
to have but they haven’t been able to
take action maybe because they’re why
isn’t powerful enough
what would you say should be their first
step well the first step is to take one
thing I’m gonna go back to one thing
yeah and say great let me move one thing
forward why because that just changes
the trajectory of the same pattern
repeating itself and as soon as you
interrupt a pattern and then you
repeatedly interrupt the pattern it’s
like taking a detour and as soon as you
take a detour one day you’re gonna like
okay that was that was okay but you
intended your tennessee’s to want to go
back to what’s comfortable but if you
take the detour 2 days 6 days 7 days we
know from a neuroscience perspective it
takes about 66 days to create a solid
enough neural pattern that it’ll go from
conscious effort and thinking about it
to a non conscious pattern that has the
beginnings of automaticity happening
without your involvement you’re just
doing yeah and so for me what I do and
for myself is I whenever I want to
change something whether it’s a habit
whether it’s a thought or emotion or
behavior I say I’m gonna work on this
for 100 days not 30 days not 21 days not
66 which is right around there I say 100
days and then I focus all of my eye just
on that one thing for 100 days why to
give an example of something you’ve done
sugar here sugar sugar I’m a sugar me
too I’m a sugar like if you as an
alcoholic I’m a sugar a honky
it’s so bad so so you take one thing
just one thing that you know may be a
little challenging a hundred days a
hundred days just 100 days so let’s say
you want to drink more water 100 days a
glass a day conscious effort to one a
day whatever you did before you’ll still
do but one glass a day so you know I
started that with my assistants I want
to drink you know like four of these a
day you know like you know 32 ounces
whatever the case is and so every we got
a mug
it’s on my desk every time I walk in and
then I have some support from ER saying
hey remember to drink your water so just
do so the first you know two three weeks
I feel like I’m gonna drown myself in so
much water but then it’s like okay now
I’m used to it now I’m drinking as much
water as possible because the habit is
there and one of the rules that I love
too follows the habit is more important
than the intensity at first so don’t
worry about the intensity right develop
the habit so can you take one minute a
day to focus on how you will achieve a
goal just one minute a can you take one
minute a day to focus on your health
yeah can you take one day to retrain
your brain yeah can I take one day you
know or one action a day and you start
off with something you know and reduce
it down to just a minute or two minutes
or one behavior if you can get that
behavior to be a habit it’s easy to
stack right of course it’s just like the
foundation of a building once you have
the foundation if you build it right you
stack yeah and so every good discipline
affects another and every bad discipline
affects others and rule number ten the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is overcome fear
let’s say you have a fear of the public
speaking is it really a fear of public
speaking that you have or is it a fear
of getting up on stage and being
embarrassed ashamed ridiculed or judged
hmm let me take you to another type of
fear being buried alive can you imagine
for just a moment if there was an
earthquake or there was a natural
disaster and somehow you were buried
wouldn’t that trigger this crazy amount
of fear of dying while you were buried
alive now why am I taking you there I’m
taking you there because fear is a
subconscious trigger whenever we feel
threatened and the threat could be a
threat for our very lives and when that
happens we move into one of four
modalities and modality number one is we
try to fight this feeling number two is
we freeze because we’re in such shock
number three we may faint because of the
neuro chemistry that the fear causes or
we might run away if we can run away now
these neurological reactions are our
brains way of keeping us safe which is
the highest need and desire of the brain
safety above all else so when we are
looking to achieve a goal that we want
to achieve and it doesn’t matter if it’s
you know to start a business or grow
your business or leave a relationship
that you’re not happy and or a job that
you’re miserable in whenever we think
about the actual behavior that is
required to achieve that goal
once we get motivated in doing that
that’s part one of how our brain works
but right after that our brain has to
analyze if there’s any real or imagined
danger associated with taking that
action step so if you are going to leave
a relationship that you’re not happy in
your brain is gonna activate the memory
circuits and discover what’s in there
that may have caused you pain and
suffering in the past and when that
happens whether it’s a relationship you
want to leave a job that you want to
leave a goal you want to achieve your
brain is always analyzing is there
danger here and when there is real or
imagined danger
the amygdala part of the brain the
emotional response Center in the brain
is gonna fire off an amazing amount of
neural chemicals like cortisol
epinephrine or norepinephrine and it’s
that rush of those neuro chemicals that
causes this emotion energy in motion we
label as fear now once you have that
rush of neuro chemicals in your
bloodstream that actually gives you an
enormous amount of energy but what most
people never have learned how to do is
how to take that energy and channel it
to action versus to fighting it freezing
or running away when you recognize a
fear I want you to do this it’s called
inner sighs number one it’s called take
six calm the circuits when fear neuro
chemicals are released in your brain
you’ve activated the fear or stress
response Center in the brain when you
just observe the emotion called fear
through being quiet and breathing six
times in through your nose and out
through your mouth like this you take a
deep breath in for five seconds
you blow out like you’re blowing out
through a straw and if you do this five
seconds in five seconds out five seconds
in five seconds out with six to ten
you’re gonna deactivate the fear
response Center and that actually is
gonna reactivate your thinking center in
your brain so that you can move on to
inner sighs number two inner sighs
number one is take six calm the circuits
inner sighs number two is called aya a I
a and that stands for awareness
intention action so here’s how you do
this after you do the first inner sighs
then you move to inner sighs number two
and then you ask yourself in a calm
relaxed state what am I thinking right
now what am I feeling right now
am i calm or am i tense am i breathing
deeply or shallow is my heart beat fast
or slow and in this state of calm
awareness as you deactivate the brains
fear or stress response you can observe
what you are feeling and what you are
thinking and what you were doing and
then you can ask self the next question
that is the I what is my intention right
now is my intention to move forward or
is my intention to stay in this fearful
state and chances are you gonna say well
I really want to move forward and then
you have self what
one action step that I can take to move
forward towards my goal and dream so
this is how it works after you do the
inner size number one to calm the
circuits and to deactivate the reactive
state that fear causes and then you move
into the second inner size called aya to
move it to the responsive state
awareness intention action now puts you
in control of being aware of the fear
being aware okay of what you’ve been
thinking and then being at choice of
what you want to do so when you combine
these two inner sizes you are now
reconfiguring the neural network in your
brain around the goal that you want to
achieve and instead of allowing the real
or imagined danger to control you to
stop you dead in your tracks you take
one action step in a calm state and that
rewires your brain so that the same
reaction doesn’t hold you back anymore
and that you are now able to use fear as
your fuel for success now I’ve got a
special bonus kit from John and how to
forgive that I think you’re really gonna
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
taking action in your life for business
and if you’re feeling bold leave your
answers in the comments below here we go
question number one what fear do you
need to overcome number two what good
habit can you start creating today and
number three what belief do you need to
change when I was five I moved from
Israel where I was born to Montreal and
I just started kindergarten in Israel
and then I was thrown into a class with
50 kids in Montreal in grade one I
didn’t speak English or French and so I
felt stupid I felt like i sat there you
know looking up at the ceilings bugging
the other kids and was consistently
reprimanded consistently put in the
principal’s office and then I was
consistently you know brought you know
to my knees with my parents my father’s
physically abusive
which you know is challenging itself
his words weren’t a way you know that he
communicated hands and feet were his way
of communicating and so when I did the
wrong things that’s was the punishment
and so I felt embarrassed that I wasn’t
smart enough that I wasn’t good enough
that I wasn’t gonna amount to much when
I was in my 20s one of the things that
Alan put me on a path to was personal
development you know read a book a month
go to events listen to cassette tapes
back then of motivational stuff for
motivation for inspiration for
strategies for tactics of what to do to
lift raise your your level of skill and
knowledge so I went to this event and I
brought up this this challenge that I
had with my father and the instructor
said like when are you gonna forgive him
I said never I’m never gonna forgive him
that forgive him there’s so much pain
and the instructor said well if you’re
never going to forgive him then you’re
the one taking the poison pill hoping
he’s gonna die or he’s gonna be affected
he says you don’t forgive him for him
you forgive him so you can move on I was
if you like this video check out the one
I did on Bob Proctor and his ten rules I
think you’ll enjoy then link is right
there next to me continue to believe and
I’ll see you there
all things are possible if you believe
what we kind of understand is we’re
treating our life for our goals literally trading our life
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