you have to remind yourself of how
badass you really are in times of meat
and you use that as fuel you use that as
a little bit of Rage to dig down a
little bit deeper and find the strength
to get up that day and go off and do the
thing that you need to do
I’m telling you tell a good lie I won’t
make a difference in the world and you
don’t believe it but say 2 million times
you’re gonna end up believing it rise
and shine it’s an espresso time what’s
up believe nation it’s evan my one word
is believe and I believe in you I
believe you have an amazing gift inside
you that I want to see exploded onto the
world so let’s start your day off right
together grab your coffee and sip on
today’s message have a cookie jar over
to you David Goggins David tell him
about the cookie jar the cookie jar is
something I invented as you all know
your mom has a cookie jar and sometimes
you might have an Oreo sometimes you
might have a Chips of Hawaii sometimes
you might have a Oakland raisin cookie
you never know
it’s just in there my cookie jar has
every single failure and success of my
life sup my overcame so what happens in
this in time of life when you’re
stressed out and things get bad even the
hardest guy in the world me everybody
thinks and I think I’m the hardest guy
in the world you got to believe that and
I believe you are something I will in my
mind reach into my cookie jar and
sometimes you forget how hard you are in
times of need because you’re you’re
stressed but you forget I’m a Navy SEAL
I’m a ranger I’m this and that but you
forget all that cos your life sucks I
calm down take that one second get
control of my life
reaching the cookie jar well you got
caught nigger your whole life and you’re
now the only person histories you just
dissing this put it back in the cookie
jar reset my mind you have to remind
yourself of how bad
you really are in times of need that
cookie jar every hero has a dark side if
you watch any superhero video you’ll see
that the hero the main character is
mostly good but then sometimes when they
need it they have the dark side they’re
reaching to the cookie jar they find the
emotion they find the anger and that
propels them to get the extra strength
to dig into the well a little bit more
to find the reason the core the pain
that will push them through to get to
the other side and I think that lesson
really applies to entrepreneur’s as well
I think in general we want to stay on
the positive in general we want to be
mission driven you want to accomplish
good things for the right reasons and
have an impact and we wake up when we
try to remember what we’re doing and
think about our customers and think
about the people we’ve helped them where
we want to go and the debt we want to
make in universe right but in general
positivity entrepreneurs are positive
95% of the time the 5% you reach into
the cookie jar when you really need it
and in that cookie jar are all the
people who tell you that you suck all
the people that told you you would never
make it you never have success they’ve
been poking holes in your business plan
they’ve been poking holes in you as a
human being saying that you suck you’re
never gonna make it who are you to think
you can do this you’ll never have the
success that you want and you use that
as fuel you use that as a little bit of
Rage to dig down a little bit deeper and
find the strength to get up that day and
go off and do the thing that you need to
do if I look at my own business I’m a
pretty positive guy I’m definitely in a
95% positive territory but every now and
then if I really need to summon the
strength and courage I think about a
little man I think about the guy in my
life who told me that my videos sucked
that I didn’t understand the internet
that was never gonna work out I think
about those people they haven’t been a
lot in my life
thankfully but I think about them I
don’t actually have a cookie jar but I
have a mental cookie jar and thinking
about that thinking about the
competition thinking about I want to
crush that individual sometimes will
give me the strength that I need to push
through and make today awesome I think
often you’ll see superheroes get
conflicted with their dark side you’ll
see someone like Batman who lives a
little bit too much in a dark side
sometimes goes overboard and so there’s
a real danger a real risk
being too fueled by the dark side being
too fueled by the negativity if you only
want to do something to crush this
person out if you live in the dark side
for too long it starts to corrupt you
they won’t make you ultimately happy if
the reason to win is to beat this person
that’s not going to fulfill you net you
still have to be high 95% positive it’s
just for those days when you really
really really really really need it you
just had a really hard day you were
really tired you really don’t want to
get forward today and do something and
you’re just mentally drained it’s all
gone the answer is not to lie on a couch
all day the answer is to reach into the
cookie jar find that extra-special dark
spot find the pain in the rage bring it
out unleash it to give you the strength
I get through this day conquer your
demons and win now I’ve got a really
special bonus clip that I think you’re
going to enjoy but I want to know first
I want to know what is your question of
the day what is your percentage of
optimism vision driven mission vs.
darkside cookie jar I want to crush this
person because they offended me and they
didn’t believe in me what’s the
percentage are you 95 5 like me or do
you have a different ratio I’d love to
hear from you leave in the comments
below thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love I’ll
see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of an espresso and enjoy
and this is by far the biggest challenge
people have and that is belief in order
for somebody to make this kind of money
a million dollar income you’re not gonna
make it if you don’t believe it so you
say well Pat how do I get a chance to
believe this I never in my wildest
dreams nobody my family made this kind
of money I’ve not been around people
that make this kind of money how can I
make this kind of money here’s the
kicker you need to master the art of
future truth now what is future truth a
lot of people have a hard time with this
let me explain so imagine if you have a
lot of doubt you don’t believe in you
right you’re like I don’t know about
this you know this is great but me
making a million dollar income I don’t
know about that yesterday I had 60
people here in my office and I said what
is it big bill about making a million
dollar income should have seen some
people’s face as well I don’t really
know if I’ll ever make it but it’s kind
of cool to dream about having a big
house and the cars and the freedom and a
few million in the bank account but I
don’t know if it’s for me
that’s because they don’t believe in it
that’s because they don’t understand the
concept of future truth let me explain
to you the future truth concepts some of
you may never heard of you to truth
before here’s what it is if you’re going
to lie about you you may as well tell a
big lie to yourself over and over and
over again now at first it’s very
difficult let me describe this to you
before you get uncomfortable for
instance I am going to make a million
dollar or your income now I want you to
say it say it to me real quick stop say
it I’m gonna give you a second say it I
am going to make a million dollar your
income say it again perfect let me ask
you was it uncomfortable
do you feel like you’re lying to
yourself right sometimes people say off
Paddick how can it was weird I feel like
I’m lying to myself if you say I am
amazing I’m meant to do something big
with my life I’m the guy that’s gonna go
out and be the hero to my family that’s
difficult for some people because
they’re lying
but it’s not a it’s a current lie but
it’s not a future life it’s a future
truth it is a current lie but it’s a
future truth you see the more you tell a
big lie to yourself over and over and
over and over and over again and
eventually believe it future truth is
you’re gonna make a million dollar
income this is a belief system that is
very difficult for most people to do
because most people think
every kind of lie is a bad bad light you
know I’m not telling you to go lie to
your wife about something’s you’re doing
on the side or lie to your husband about
what you’re doing on the side
I’m telling you tell a good lie I’m
gonna make a difference in the world and
you don’t believe it but see it a
million times
you’re gonna end up believing it I’m
meant to do some special in my life
there’s no way in the world God put me
on this planet to just be a regular guy
no way the blood in here is boiling I
want to do something big with my life
this guy was put on this planet to make
a difference say it over and over and
over and over and over and over again
convince everybody in the world the
entire time you’re just trying to
convince one person and that is you and
that’s the game of future truth and for
some of you that are making four
thousand dollars a month for the last 20
years you really need to start lying to
yourself you you I’m talking to you
you really need to start this moment
start telling a lie to yourself on how
special of a human being you are over
and don’t expect anybody else to do it
for instance when you say honey I wish
you would have told me more nicer things
mom how come you don’t tell me nicer
things dad how come you don’t tell me
nicer things don’t wait on them start
with you can you describe what you mean
by going into the darkness I can alright
so going into the darkness I think
everybody is motivated by two different
things one you have the beautiful things
in your life the things that are going
well the things that you’re grateful for
the things you’re moving towards instead
of a way you have a compelling vision of
your future it’s something that you’re
very excited about all of those things
are the beautiful things now the flip
side of that equation are the things
that it’s people that doubt you it’s
haters it’s things you’re moving away
it’s fear-based things it’s something
that you absolutely refuse to let happen
so one that is incredibly potent to me
are the people that want to see me fail
so it’s very different than people who
just think you’re going to fail I
actually don’t have a lot of aggression
towards people like that but people that
want me to fail those people I have a
lot of aggression for and I find in very
acute moments the darkness serves you
better in very acute moments now the
light the
you’re moving towards the things that
are beautiful the things that you’re
grateful for all of that is the only
winning strategy long term because the
darkness becomes corrosive you start to
become bitter you start to be angry you
stop being optimistic you stop seeing
things in a way that’s empowering and
positive and I mean just thinking about
the deep limbic system when it gets
inflamed you perceive things as negative
I think negativity stops people from
making progress there’s a whole host of
neurological reasons and the sort of
mindset reasons why I think that being
negative over the long run becomes very
very detrimental and hold you back but
from an acute standpoint they’ve done
Studies on this if you want someone to
be able to endure more pain the surest
way to get people to endure more pain is
to let them get angry let them be
aggressive and in doing that people are
able to withstand in the clinical trials
I’ll say that’s probably more than this
but in clinical trials they’re able to
withstand 30% more pain so just straight
being able to take more pain anger and
aggression lets you do 30% more so
that’s why I think in acute ways and
short-term bursts that the darkness will
serve you if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you up or so it would be like
a little beacon hey believe nation if
you want to know what the most important
one word is for Tony Robbins Gary
Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and
Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the description for details
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