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RAW – Model Success – Take #3

whatever goal you have in your business
life or in your personal life the
fastest way to go out and accomplish it
is to find somebody who has already
achieved it and modeled their success
put their strategies to work for you
otherwise you’re going to end up banging
your head against the wall increasingly
frustrated angry running out of money
and it doesn’t have to be that way
success leaves clues you just have to
follow it when I had my first software
company it was hard and it took so long
for us to get a customer media partners
investors it just took so long and we
thought there has to be a faster way
this is ridiculous whatever we try
didn’t seem to work or four did it took
just crazy amounts of time for things to
come back to us and the funny thing is
when your business sucks your life sucks
too you don’t see many entrepreneurs who
have a crappy business and are loving
their lives there so well integrated and
one day my mother saw how disappointed I
was and how it was a kind of rock bottom
and she said try out these Tony Robbins
CDs and she gave me this pack of CDs to
listen to and I was so desperate and low
at the time that I would have tried
anything and so I popped my CDs into the
CD player I’m sitting on the living room
chair and I put the headset on so I’m
not going to disrupt everybody else and
I start listening my tony robbins cds
and it dawns on me that this shouldn’t
be that hard there has to be a faster
way to accomplish our goals here
somebody must have already figured this
out I shouldn’t have to come up with
everything myself somebody has already
solved how to sell the software problem
for me I just have to find them and
model their success and so I started
looking at companies like Microsoft and
McAfee into it looked at how they got
started I don’t care how Bill Gates
makes next million dollars now how you
go from zero to one Eddie go from that
startup idea to making his first million
dollars that was interesting to me and
so I researched them and started to put
their strategies to work for me and
finally we started to have some momentum
you can see a shift in the business we
started getting customers faster people
started to pay attention to us more
quickly and I was happy I was so excited
but also so frustrated I qui did this
take so long for me to figure this out
why don’t I try to come with everything
and if you’re just starting your
business or if you’re at a point where
you just can’t seem to get past that
that next hurdle whatever challenges
facing right now somebody has already
figured it out you just have to find
them and model their success and make
their strategies work for you it’s a
fastest way to shortcut your path to
success just model others who’ve already
accomplished your goals good luck
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