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Jason Silva on Persuasion | Brain Games

there’s a lot of options out there we’re
kind of flooded in media if I’m
bombarded by a million things none of
them are gonna be meaningful probably
not gonna be persuaded by anything I’m
just be overwhelmed we’re walking around
with these supercomputers tethered to
our pockets the quantifying measure
everything we do we like where we go
we’re about we check in on Foursquare we
hit like on Facebook we tweet about what
we’re doing where we are and so what
happens is companies all of a sudden
have this increasingly more well around
that an insight or picture of who each
of us are and some people get scared of
that but I actually think it’s
interesting because it means that we’re
no longer just a demographic we move
into a world of engineered serendipity
and I think that’s very interesting I
want to be persuaded by things I’m
already fascinated by the consumer is
not a dope to be duped I think the
consumer is the toughest market
disciplinarian there is and I think your
decisions every single day what you
click on will you choose to watch you
choose to do after you watch what you
watch is what sets the tone I think it’s
the age of the empowered individuals
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