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Product Launch – How to launch a product when you know nothing about launching a product

how to launch a product when you know
nothing about launching a product so I
got a great question from our youtube
viewers love you guys rafaella who wrote
in to say help marketing my new product
i caught your youtube video launching a
new product i was wondering if you could
help me in any way i have a great
product that i need help with launch
into the marketplace I’m grated the food
development but know nothing about how
to get it to the next stages it’s a
product called bark Scotty it’s an
organic blueberry biscotti for dogs that
offers a complete protein and his grain
dairy meat and gluten free Thank You
Rafaella so this is a common problem for
a lot of entrepreneurs where you are
great at creating something you’re an
inventor you’ve created this great
product of this great service and you’re
going to delivering it but the marketing
and the sales is something that you’re
not good at you have no interest in and
without that it’s hard to grow a
business and so you have two options
here rafaela the first is you try to do
everything yourself you try to lure in
the market and try to learn the sales
and you’re handling everything in your
business you’re handling the product
development that the sourcing the
customer service and the sales and
marketing and it can work the challenge
is your spread too thin and you’re
forced to do things that maybe you have
no interest in maybe you’re not good at
maybe you wish you didn’t have to do it
all and you can focus on the product
development the second option is to find
a partner you partner up with somebody
who loves doing all that stuff can help
your business grow and you focus on the
things that you’re really good at and
you love doing that’s probably the
preferred option for you if you don’t
want to learn all of that sales and
marketing stuff yourself so how do you
find a partner how do you find somebody
to buy into your business love what
you’re all about and help take you where
you need to go the first is start
hanging around your industry so start
going to trade shows and events and
being involved maybe your speaker may be
an exhibitor but at least being there
and knowing and meeting people who are
around your industry so it could be your
direct competition but it could also be
customers and suppliers and those trade
shows have lots of different types of
vendors who are going and just getting
to know people and letting them know
what you’re about leads to opportunities
numbers to start letting your network
know what you’re looking for when I have
my first software company we had a great
product just like you you feel you have
a great product we felt we had a great
product but it wasn’t getting out then
we felt like we needed help I had no
connections nobody you know I was 19
years old I didn’t know where to go to I
went to my bank you know the bank’s
they’re supposed to be the friends of
entrepreneurs right so I went to my bank
and i said here’s what i’m doing can you
help me somehow and obviously the bank
that’s not their business but i didn’t
know it at the time but they put me in
touch with a consultant that they had
used and that consultant put me in touch
with somebody else who put me to talk to
somebody else and that person ended up
really being a driving force to help our
business go forward and it all start
with me just letting my network now and
the bank wasn’t even in my network i
just showed up one day and said hey
you’re my banker can you help me so it’s
getting the word out the people you want
to talk to a new network are the people
who are connected to a lot of business
type of people and those are going to be
your lawyer your accountant financial
advisor insurance broker all of these
people talk to other entrepreneurs and
may be in touch with somebody who is
looking for an opportunity to join a
business and help it grow so you have to
get the word out okay those are the
first to third you can also go and look
for people who are experts at this and
who are writing and talking about this
so look for people who are writing about
getting dog food launched and getting
dog food placed at costco or any of the
big retailers in america right look for
those people and you can reach out to
them and either though they may come on
and ask for a fee I don’t know if you
can afford that or not they may be
intrigued enough with your business to
do something on a commission basis or
they may like it enough that they become
your part
in your business and it’s reaching out
to these guys and putting your name on
the map that’s the key right it’s
getting out there and talking to people
in your industry and talking to people
who are in your network who may connect
you to people and talking to people who
are experts of selling into big
companies selling pet food into those
distribution networks talking to those
people and getting your name on their
radar and I know that’s scary and then
stepping outside your comfort zone but
what’s the alternative the alternative
used to do everything yourself and is
that something that you want to do and
if you don’t get this help where does
that leave your company you know yours
no you’re sitting on this great product
and it’s not getting out there so if you
don’t get this help what happens to your
business and hopefully that’s a reason
enough to help you step out of that fear
step outside your comfort zone and start
connecting with people who can help make
a impact with your business believe
those are watching I’d love to know what
you think about finding partners leave
it in the comments section below if you
like these videos you can support me by
clicking on the link in the description
and click on my face to subscribe to the
channel thank you so much I’ll see you
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