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POSITIVE MINDSET HELPS ALL – Incredible Speech For Success & Study

you must be mature and secure enough to

take in people’s criticism without

defensiveness and learn from it become a

chief encourage er of your team for many

years I’ve enjoyed the relationship of

the Cathy family the leaders of

chick-fil-a one day I was having dinner

with truett Cathy the company’s founder

and he said do you know how identify

someone who needs encouragement if the

person is breathing they need a pat on

the back I have yet to meet a person who

doesn’t enjoy and benefit from

encouragement no one is too successful

old experienced or educated to

appreciate positive praise encouragement

from another person a great example of

this can be found in the lives of two

talented authors and teachers CS Lewis

and jr. are talking the friends both

professors at Oxford often met to share

with each other the fiction they were

riding when Tolkien was writing the Lord

of the Rings he became discouraged Lewis

continually encouraged his friend to

keep writing

toller’s where’s the next chapter you

can’t give up now Lewis would chide in

later years talking in knowledge how

much a difference Lewis’s positive input

had made the unspeakable debt I owe him

cannot be fattened for a Tolkien for

long he was my only audience as a leader

you have great power to lift people up

mother Teresa said kind words can be

short and easy to speak but their echoes

are endless

I’m sure Lewis is encouraging words

echoed and talking’s ears as he labor to

write his fantasy masterpiece as a

leader you can have a similar impact on

others people enjoy affirmation from a

peer but they really value it from their

leader the words

I’m glad you work with me you had

incredible value to the team mean a lot

coming from someone who has the best

interest of the team Department

organization at heart if you want people

to be positive and to always be glad

when they see you coming encourage them

if you become the chief encourage or the

people on your team they

work hard and strive to meet your

positive expectations number five strike

a balance between care and candor many

people get the wrong idea about the

concept of permission a leadership when

they become acquainted with it some

think that succeeding on the permission

level of leadership means treating the

people on their team like family that is

almost always a mistake people don’t

deal realistically with their family I

don’t I have a commitment level with

them that is deeper than with others

regardless of what they do I am

committed to giving them unconditional

love they have privileges that I extend

to know other people and compromise is a

constant anyone who says they don’t

believe in compromise has never been

married or stayed married what makes a

family great isn’t what makes a team

great families value community over

contribution businesses valued

contribution over community the best

team strike a balance others think being

a permission of leader means giving team

members permission to do whatever they

want that idea is also wrong

just because you care about people

doesn’t mean you let them work without

responsibility for accountability if you

care about people treat them with

respect and build positive relationships

with them you actually have more of

numerous opportunity to speak candidly

and have hard conversations with them

that will help them to grow and perform


every person has problems and makes

mistakes in the workplace every person

needs to improve and need someone to

come alongside of them and help them

improve as a leader it is your

responsibility and your privilege to be

the person who helps them get better

that often begins with candid

conversation but before you have it it

helps to ask yourself what the nature

the problem might be my friend Sam Chan

says that when he is having difficulty

with a person he asked himself one

simple question is this person a can’t

or a won’t can’t is about their

abilities we can help these kind of

people in most cases not in all cases

but in most but won’t is about attitude

if the issue is attitude the time to let

that person know there is a problem is


because here’s the deal we hire people

for what they know and we fire them for

who they are I believe that people could

change their attitudes and can improve

their abilities and because I do I talk

to them about where they’re coming up

short if you’re a leader and you want to

help people you need to be willing to

have those tough conversations so how

does a leader handle being relational

while still being able to move people

forward by balancing care and canden

care without candor creates

dysfunctional relationships candor

without care creates distant

relationships but care balance with

candor creates developing relationships

allow me to help you understand how care

and candor work together to help a

leader succeed on level 2 caring values

the person while candor values the

person’s potential to lead successfully

on levels two and higher it is important

for you to value people that is

foundational to solid relationships

caring for others demonstrates that you

value them however if you want to help

them get better you have to be honest

about where they need to improve that

shows that you value the person’s

potential that requires candor

one of the secrets of being candid is to

think speak and act in terms of who the

person has the potential to become and

to think about how you can help them to

reach it proverb says faithful are the

wounds of a friend but deceitful are the

kisses of an enemy if you’re candid with

others but with their benefit in mind it

doesn’t have to be harmful it can be

similar to the work of a surgeon it may

hurt but it is meant to help them and it

shouldn’t harm as a leader you must be

willing and able to do that if not you

won’t be able to help you

growing change carrying establishes the

relationship while candor expands the

relationship the things that usually

help to establish a relationship or

common ground and care those things

usually aren’t enough to make a

relationship grow to expand a

relationship candor and open

communication are required most leaders

I talk to have a difficult conversation

that they know they need to have but are

avoided usually they are reluctant for

one of two reasons either they don’t

like confrontation or they fear that

they will hurt the person they need to

talk to but if a leader can balance care

and Candra will actually deepen and

strengthen the relationship let me give

you an example Cheryl came to work for

me because she was a real go-getter with

a lot of potential for six months I

watched her work and what I discovered

was that she was great at the hard side

of leadership she was energetic she was

organized she was a good planner and she

always got things done but she totally

neglected the soft sided leadership the

relational part she wasn’t winning over

anyone she was leading and as a result

she wasn’t gaining influence which meant

that her leadership was going to be very

limited I scheduled a meeting with her

so that we could have a candid

conversation about her leadership style

I don’t know how much I respected her

ability and how much I cared about her

as a person but I also let her know that

she was falling short and how that would

limit her in her ability to lead people

I also offered to coach her on the

relational side to her credit she

accepted my criticism and took my help

for the next couple years I met with her

regularly pratik to her interaction with

others gave her reading assignments and

asked her to do things that would

stretch her she blossom as a leader and

began to win people on level two and

that freed her up to keep growing it

wasn’t long before she worked her way up

to level four with many people in the

organization not everyone responds well

to candid conversations let’s face it

honesty can hurt some people shut down

when you criticize them others leave and

work somewhere else however if you have

candid conversations with someone and

that person hangs in there and grows

she will make herself a candidate for

the climb up to level 3 and beyond just

as Cheryl did Karen defines the

relationship while candor directs the

relationship solid relationships are

defined by how people care about one

another but just because people care

about one another doesn’t mean that they

are going anywhere together you need the

team moving together to accomplish a

goal is the responsibility of a leader

and it often requires candor my friend

Colin Sewell owner of several auto

dealerships said to me leaders have to

make the best decision for the largest

group of people

therefore leaders give up the right to

cater to an individual if it hurts the

team or the organization getting results

always matters and good leaders never

lose track of that one night at a

basketball banquet the president of a

junior college was congratulating the

coach and the team profusely the beaming

coach asked the president would you

still like me as much if we didn’t win

I’d like you as much the president

replied I just miss having you around

retired Army General and former

Secretary of State Colin Powell noted

good leadership involves responsibility

to the welfare of the group which means

that some people would get angry at your

actions and decisions it’s inevitable if

you’re honorable if you want to lead

people well you need to be willing to

direct them candidate

Karin should never suppress candor while

candor should never displace Kari the

bottom line which has already become

very clear is that good leaders must

embrace both care and candor

you can’t ignore either so to help you

keep the balance between the two I’ve

created a carrying tender checklist for

working with people before having a

candid conversation make sure that you

can answer yes to the following

questions have I invested enough in the

relationship to be candid with them do I

truly value them as people am I sure

this is their issue and not mine am I

sure I’m not speaking up because I feel

threatened it’s the issue more important

than the relationship does this

conversation clearly serve their

interest and not just mine am I willing

to invest time and energy to help them

change am I willing to show them how to

do something not just say what’s wrong

am I willing and able to set clear

specific expectations if you can answer

yes to all of these questions then your

motives are probably right and you have

a good chance of being able to

communicate effectively as a young

leader I found it very difficult to have

candid conversations with people I often

postpone those difficult talks hoping

that an issue would go away seldom did

that happen maybe you relate to that if

so you’ll be glad to hear that you’re

normal however you need to know that

candid conversations are leaders

responsibility and must be done but in


but an employee is hired to get a

certain job done and doesn’t that hurts

the team and the organization and then

it’s time for the leader to take action

that can be very hard but in the long

term it is the best not only for the

organization but also if the person who

needs to hear what’s not going right the

next time you find yourself in a place

where you need to have a candid

conversation just remember this

do it quickly shovel the pile while it

is small to accommodate never an anger

use the caring candor checklist do it

privately you want to help the person

not embarrass him or her do it

thoughtfully in a way that minimizes

embarrassment or intimidation if your

goal is to help the individual improve

the team and fulfill the vision of the

organization then this is the path you

should follow as a leader as you work

with people and have candid

conversations allow me to remind you of

one more thing candidness is a two-way

street if you want to be an effective

leader and earn your way onto level 2

you must allow the people you work with

to be candid with you

you must solicit feedback and you must

be mature and secure enough to take in

people’s criticism without defensiveness

and learn from it leadership expert

warren bennis observe effective leaders

reward dissent as well as encourage it

they understand that whatever momentary

discovered they experience as a result

of being told from time to time that

they are wrong is more than offset by

the fact that reflective back talk

increases the leaders ability to make

good decisions caring for people making

good decisions for everyone involved and

building solid relationships is what

level two is all about this is

permission at its best

the laws of leadership at the permission

level if you want to use the laws of

leadership to help you grow and win

permission on level two then consider

the following the law of influence the

true measure of leadership is influence

nothing more nothing less if you boil

leadership down to its essence it is

influence leaders help people work

together to accomplish goals that

benefit everyone involved how does one

person get others to do something

willingly excellently and consistently

by influencing them when I first

developed the five levels I called it

the five levels of influence

why because each time a leader climbs a

level their influence increases the

influencing process begins at level two

where relationships are formed that is

where leadership begins the shift from

coercion to cooperation the law of

addition leaders add value by serving

others why do people initially want to

be at leadership is the de gate power to

have more freedom to receive a bigger

paycheck to feed their ego many times

leaders begin their careers with selfish

motives maybe that’s not a good thing

but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing if

we are willing to change and put our

focus on others I’ve observed that most

level one leaders who have no desire to

move up to level two permission haven’t

gotten beyond the selfishness of wanting

a leadership position for their own

benefit to move up to level two leaders

need to understand that great leaders

practice the law of addition they lead

in order to help people and add value to


the law of solid ground Trust is the

foundation of leadership Trust is the

foundation not only of leadership

relationships but of all relationships

you cannot influence people who don’t

trust you you cannot build positive

relationships with people if they

perceive you negative

Trust is a glue that holds people

together trust begins at level two and

it grows as you climb to the higher

levels of leadership if people trust you

they will be willing to move upward with

you without trust you’ll quickly find

yourself back down at level one the law

of magnetism who you are is who you

attract I’ve studied leadership dynamics

since I was a teenager and something

I’ve noticed early is that birds of a

feather flock together it is a fact of

life that like-minded people are

attracted to one another groups of

people tend to be of similar age values

and background I’ve also seen that

leaders attract who they are not

necessarily who they want as you gain

influence in your department or

organization that can be good news or

bad news if the people who start

flocking to you our relational

non-territorial teachable and productive

and that is a positive statement about

your leadership if they are positional

close-minded and unmotivated then that

reflects negatively on your leadership

if you want to change your team then

change yourself the law of connection

leaders touch your heart before they ask

for a hand if you want to build

relationships and gain people’s

permission to lead them then work hard

to connect with them i define connecting

as having the ability to identify with

and relate to people in such a way that

it increases your influence with them

that is what you must do on level 2 to

win them over and earn the right to

leave the law buy-in people buy into the

leader than division

beaters are by nature visionary they

have great hopes that big tree they want

to win and win big but a great vision

without a great team often turns into a

nightmare teamwork makes the dream work

I’ll discuss how to build a team on

level 3 often leaders share their

visions with me and then ask do you

think my people will buy into my vision

when they ask me this I know they don’t

understand level 2 permission and

probably haven’t won it yet with their

people why do I say that because they’re

asking the wrong question instead they

should be asking and my people bought

into me the size or the worthiness of a

leaders vision often isn’t what

determines whether it will be achieved

the determining factor is usually the

level of the leader before you ask

people to move forward to achieve the

vision they must first buy into you as a

leader before they buy it to you as a

leader you must have earned their trust

and gained permission to lead them that

begins on level number 2 beliefs that

help a leader move up to level number 3

moving up to level 2 from level 1 is a

significant advance in leadership

ability very often an achiever or a

producer will be given a leadership

position at level 1 with the expectation

that that person can make the transition

from worker to leader most of the people

who failed to move up into leadership

don’t make it because they never

understand the importance of building

relationships with people that they work

with and gaining their permission to

lead them however there are still more

important leadership levels to be won if

you have worked your way up to level 2

with people and have gained their

confidence as a person who cares about

them then it’s time to start thinking

about the way a level 3 leader does to

begin that shift keep in mind the

following three things number one

relationships alone are not enough

although the permission level may bring

you and your team great satisfaction

relationally if you stay on level 2 and

never advance you won’t really prove

yourself as a leader the good news is

that if you have connected with your

team you have some influence with them

the question now is what are you going

to do with that in

fluids true leadership takes people

somewhere so that they can accomplish

something that requires a leader to

connect people’s potential to their

performance the permission level is

foundational to good leadership but it

is not your ultimate goal number two

building relationships requires twofold

growth throughout this chapter I’ve

talked about building relationships in

doing that I focused on how people need

to grow toward each other but for

relationships to be meaningful there is

another kind of growth that also is

needed people must also grow with each

other growing toward each other requires

compatibility growing with each other

requires intentionality if you are

married or in a significant long-term

relationship then you probably

understand how these dynamics come into

play when you first met your partner you

move toward one another based on

attraction common ground and shared

experiences you establish the

relationship however relationship can’t

last if you never go beyond those

initial experiences to stay together you

need to sustain the relationship that

requires common growth if you don’t grow

together there’s a very good chance you

may grow apart similarly if you are to

have any staying power as a leader you

must grow toward and with your people

just because you’ve developed good

relationships with your people don’t

think that you’re done on the relational

side there’s still more work to do

number three achieving the vision as a

team is worth risking the relationships

building relationships with people can

be hard work but to succeed as a leader

to move up to the higher levels of

leadership you have to be willing to

risk what you’ve developed relationally

for the sake of the bigger picture

leaders must be willing to sacrifice for

the sake of the vision if achieving the

vision is worth building the team it is

also worth risking the relationships

building relationships and then risking

them to advance the team creates tension

for a leader that tension will force you

to make a choice to shrink the vision or

stretch the people to reach it if you

want to do big things you need to take

people out of their comfort zones they

might fail they might implode they might

relieve their own tension by fighting

you or quitting risk always changes

relationships if your risk and win then

your people gain confidence you have

shared history that makes the

relationship stronger Trust increases

and the team is ready to take on even

more difficult challenges however if you

risk and fail you lose relational

credibility with your people and you

will have to rebuild the relationships

risk is always president leadership

anytime you try to move forward there is

risk even if you’re doing the right

things your risk is introduced but there

is no progress without risk so you need

to get used to it the bottom line is

that you can slow down early in your

leadership to build relationships on

level two or you can forge ahead trying

to skip straight to level three but if

you do you will have to backtrack later

to build those relationships I need to

recognize that doing that will slow your

momentum and it will actually take you

longer to build the team than if you did

it the right way in the first place

Starbucks founder Howard Schultz said if

people relate to the company they work

for if they form an emotional tie to it

and buy into its dreams they will pour

their hearts into making it

I believe that is true what is the key

link between people and the company the

leader they work with that leader is the

face heart and hands of the company on a

day-to-day basis if that leader connects

as you reflect on the upsides downsides

best behaviors and beliefs related to

the permission level of leadership use

the following guidelines to help you

grow as a leader number one be sure you

have the right attitude toward people

the key issue when it comes to the

permission level of leadership is how

much you like people and how much they

like you and here’s the good news

you can control how much you like people

and in general if you generally like

people they will find you to be likable

this may seem too simplistic but make a

decision to like everyone from today

forward even if they don’t like you

right out that intention then sign it

and date it if you need to keep it in

front of you as a daily reminder to make

people a priority number two connect

with yourself to become someone who is

good at building relationships with

others you must become the kind of

person you would want to spend time with

using the five components listed in this

chapter for connecting with yourself put

yourself on a growth plan that will help

you to win the following self-awareness

know your personality type temperament

talents strengths and weaknesses

self-image deal with any personal issues

you may have so that you can think of

yourself in a positive way self honesty

look at yourself realistically and

decide to face reality no matter how

much it may hurt self-improvement make a

commitment to grow in your ability to

develop relationships self

responsibility acknowledge that you are

responsible for your own actions and


number three understand where you’re

coming from

are you a naturally relational person

who tends to put people ahead of

productivity or are you an achiever who

tends to put productivity ahead of

people you must recognize which you are

and learn to win both relationships and

results number four Express value for

each person on your team take some time

and come up with positive things that

you can honestly say about each person

on your team then take the time during

the next week to tell each person at

least one positive thing about


number five evaluate where you are with

your team write a list with the names of

the people on your team now for each

determine how well you know them by

answering the following questions which

come from materials the Eli Lilly

corporation developed from the five

levels of leadership what three

non-business things do you know about

this person what does this person value

what are this person’s top three

concerns what does this person want or

hope for in life if you are unable to

answer these questions for someone on

your team then you need to spend more

time getting to know that person set

aside time this week to get to know him

or her better

number six accept the whole person as a

part of leading if you want to be a good

leader you don’t get to use people’s

time and skills while ignoring or

neglecting the rest of them as

individuals that’s not fair or right

learn to accept responsibility for

helping people in dealing with the messy

side of leadership or step down and get

out of leading without standing on the

sidelines and criticizing the way other

people lead number seven make fun of


one of the best ways for goal-oriented

individuals to develop a more people

oriented style of leadership is to try

to make the workplace more fun if you’re

more task oriented than people oriented

and make fun of go on your to-do list

that will make it more palatable for you

while at the same time making you more

likeable never 8 give people your

undivided attention many people in the

workplace today feel dehumanized and

demoralized they believe that the

leaders and organizations they work for

don’t care about them as people to

counter that when you engage with people

pay attention and really listen few

things communicate that you care for

people better than giving them your

undivided attention and it doesn’t cost

you anything but time number nine become

your team’s encourage or in chief people

are naturally attracted to people who

give them confidence and make them feel

good about themselves you could be a

leader who does that if you’re willing

to become an intentional encourage you

try it out for the next two weeks say

something encouraging to someone on your

team every day then watch to see how

that person responds do that with

everyone on your team and they will not

only want to work with you but they will

also get more done number 10 practice

care and candor if you care about your

people you’ll want to be honest with

them in a way that helps them when you

see that someone on your team is making

mistakes or in some way falling short

plan to talk with that person

immediately use the carrying Kandor

checklist to make sure that you do it in

the right way and remember it’s hard to

go wrong as long as you’re practicing


making things happen separates real

leaders from one of these the production

level is where leadership really takes

off and shifts into another gear

production qualifies and separates true

leaders from people who merely occupy

leadership positions good leaders always

make things happen they get results they

can make a significant impact on an

organization not only are they

productive individually but they also

are able to help the team produce this

ability gives level three leaders

confidence credibility and increased

influence no one can fake level three

either you’re producing for the

organization and adding to its bottom

line whatever that may be or you’re not

Thomas Watson the founder of IBM noted

the outstanding leaders of every age are

those who set up their own quotas and

constantly exceed them that is a good

description of a level three leader they

are self-motivated and productive as a

result they create momentum and develop

an environment of success which makes

the team better and stronger another

benefit of leadership on level three is

that it attracts other highly productive

people producers are attractive to other

producers they respect one another they

enjoy collaborating they get things done

together that ultimately creates growth

for the organization leaders can get to

level one for an almost endless number

of reasons they show promise they have

connections they play politics they have

seniority the organization is desperate

you name it and someone has proudly

received a leadership position because

of it leaders who are naturally good

with people or who take pains to learn

people skills can move up to level two

but some people never move up from level


permission to level three production why

they can’t seem to produce results when

that is the case it’s usually because

they lack the self disciplined work

ethic organization or skills to be

productive however if you desire to go

to higher levels of leadership you

simply have to produce there is no other

way around it

the upside of production you now have

leadership credibility with the addition

of production

people’s leadership really begins to hit

its stride built on a foundation of

strong relationships leaders who get

results dramatically improve their team

and organization there are so many

upsides to level 3 here are six number

one leadership production gives

credibility to the leader the ability to

produce results has always been the

separation line for success it is also

the qualifying line for leadership Peter


often described as the father of modern

management expressed it this way there

are two types of people in the business

community those who produce results and

those who give you reasons why they

didn’t authentic leaders know the way

and show the way to productivity their

leadership talk is supported by their

walk they deliver results the live on

their performance not their potential

they lead by example and their ability

to get results tends to silence their

critics and build their reputations

colin powell asserted you can issue all

the memos and give all the motivational

speeches you want but if the rest of the

people in your organization don’t see

you putting forth your very best effort

every single day they won’t either

level three leaders take their people

where they want them to go they don’t

send them there they’re more like tour

guides than travel agents why because

people always believe what we do more

than what we say therefore the

credibility of a level three leader can

be summed up in one word example

recently I ran across the story of a

great general from history named the Pam

Ananda’s a leader of Thebes he was a

brilliant military tactician who

defeated the vox of Spartans

his victories brought him great acclaim

but they also produced enemies within

his own city the opponents of a Pam

Ananda’s could find no easy way to

destroy or discredit him so instead they

sought to humiliate him they put him in

charge of collecting the city’s garbage

a thankless job in a filthy city even

though he knew his appointment to the

job was done out spies it was meant to

humiliate him he accepted it with

dignity saying if the position will not

reflect Laurie on me I will reflect

glory on the work I suspect that this

story is apocryphal but it still proves

the point if we do our work with

excellence and help others to be

productive we gain great leadership

credibility I found this to be true in

my own career as I was graduated from

college with a bachelor’s degree to

churches offered me the job of being

their pastor one was in Maysville

Kentucky it offered an excellent salary

and benefits and was an exceptional

place to begin my ministry career the

other was in Hill ham Indiana was a very

small Church in the middle of nowhere

that could not afford to pay me a

full-time salary

I chose Hill ham / Maysville why I

wanted to prove to myself and others

that I could lead people and build a

congregation my father advised me that

Hill Han would be a better place to

learn it was one of my best decisions as

a leader during the three years that I

led that church it grew and prospered in

many ways many people began to attend

the church for the first time people

were growing spiritually and we were

recognized as the fastest growing Church

in the denomination we even had to buy

land and build a new building it was in

Hill ham that I learned to move up from

level one position to level two

permission to level three production my

leadership credibility among my peers

was established there and doors for

greater opportunities quickly opened to

me those are some of the reasons I say

that every uglier should have a place

like Hill ham to learn how to lead Port

Walt Mason wrote a poem called the

Welcome Man which describes the

credibility that level three leaders

have here’s an excerpt there’s a man in

the world who has never

turn down where ever he chances to

straight he gets the glad-hand in the

populous town or out where the farmers

make hay he is greeted with pleasure on

deserts of sand and deep in the aisles

of the woods wherever he goes there’s

the welcoming hand he’s the man who

delivers the goods people welcome

achievers who deliver the goods who get

results number two leadership production

models and sets the standard for others

visually producers and achievers always

have an impact on the people who work

with them and for them to illustrate the

point I want to share with you my

all-time favorite story called sell not

spell now that is SEL SEL not spell spel

a newly hired traveling salesman wrote

his first sales report to the home

office it so stunned the brass in the

sales department because it was obvious

that the new salesperson was ignorant he

obviously couldn’t spell here’s what he

wrote I seen this outfit which they

never bought a dimes worth of nothing

from us and I sold them some goods I’m

now going to Chicago before the man

could be given the heave-ho by the sales

manager along came this letter from

Chicago I’ll come here and sold a half a

million fearful if he did and afraid if

he didn’t fire the ignorant salesman the

sales manager dumped the problem in the

lap of the president the following

morning the ivory tower sales department

members were amazed to see posted on the

bulletin board above the two letters

written by the ignorant salesman this

memo from the president with equally

atrocious spelling we’ve been spending

too much time trying to spell spel

instead of trying to sell SEL let’s

watch those sales si ILS I want

everybody should read these letters from

Gooch who is on the road doing a great

job for us and you should go out and do

like he done okay I admit that it’s a

corny story but I just love it because

it shows how loudly

activity speaks to any organization

Gooch in the story may not be a level 3

speller but he is certainly a level 3

producer and as a result the company

president held up his example as a

standard apology that’s how it is in

leadership productivity puts people at

the head of the class and when the

producer has already done the slow work

of building relationships on level 2 his

or her leadership really takes off I had

to learn this the hard way when I came

out of college someone could have

written a book about all the things I

didn’t know I was just a kid and had no

idea how little I knew but I like people

on it worked hard and I could produce as

a result new worlds open up to me very


I was surprised and pleased when people

started asking me to speak at

conferences to tell my story as a result

my influence began to grow and soon

leaders began to visit our church and

ask more questions many times these

leaders were older and much more

experienced than I was I found that very

humbling but it also inspired me to want

to help people more that was when I

began to develop resources I wanted to

keep helping people long after my

personal contact with them was finished

this eventually led to my writing books

have been published I don’t tell you the

Spragg what I’m really trying to

communicate is that anyone who can

produce has a chance to influence people

at a higher level that’s the power of

level 3 production if you can develop

solid relationships with people and you

can produce you can be an effective

leader productive leaders are an example

to the people they lead and their

productivity sets the standard for the

team President Abraham Lincoln

recognized this during the American

Civil War the president relieved General

John C Fremont of his command he said it

was for this reason his cardinal mistake

is that he isolates himself and allows

no one to see him Lincoln knew that

leaders need to be among their people

inspiring them with their ability

letting them see what the standard

should be for their performance when

leaders produce so do their people


i-i’ve on results from themselves and

the team they show the way for others to


number three leadership production

brings clarity and reality to the vision

good leaders constantly communicate the

vision of the organization they do it

clearly creatively and continually but

that doesn’t mean that everyone who

receives the message understands and

embraces it the production level of

leadership communicates the vision

through action which helps people

understand it in ways that they may not

have before

when followers see positive results and

seek goals being met they get a clearer

picture of what it means to fulfill the

vision one day during the American

Revolutionary War George Washington rode

up to a group of soldiers trying to

raise a beam to a high position the

Corporal who was overseeing the work

kept shouting the words of encouragement

but they couldn’t manage to do it after

watching their lack of success

Washington asked the Corporal why he

didn’t join in and help the Corporal

replied quickly to realize that I am the

Corporal Washington very politely

replied I beg your pardon mr. corporal I


Washington dismounted his horse and went

to work with the soldiers until the beam

was put into place wiping the

perspiration from his face he said if

you should need help again call on

Washington your commander-in-chief and I

will come level three leaders help their

people see what productivity looks like

and with each day of productivity the

team gets one step closer to making the

vision a reality

that encourages members of the team it

validates their efforts it makes the

vision that much clearer and clarity is

compelling productivity also expands the

vision because with increased competence

and skill the people doing the work

recognize that they can actually

accomplish more than they may have

believed was possible

number four leadership production solves

a multitude of problems many people in

leadership positions try to solve

problems by using systems or they pay

others to try to solve the problems for

them but the truth is leaders cannot

delegate the solving of problems to

someone else they have to be active in

breaking through obstacles putting out

fires correcting mistakes and directing

people leaders on the production level

do that and once their effectiveness

becomes contagious and spreads

throughout the team productivity begins

to solve many problems many more than

management or consultants ever will

historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle

observed nothing builds self-esteem and

self-confidence like accomplishment

productivity is inspiring people who

feel good about themselves often produce

good results and good results create

positive momentum and high morale for

years I wondered which comes first high

morale or high productivity I have heard

good arguments for both sides of this

chicken-or-egg question I have seen high

morale stimulate production and I’ve

also seen productivity create high

morale I can’t say that it always

happens one way but here’s what I do

know remove production and high morale

will fade fast keep producing and high

leaders who can produce positive results

on level three always have a positive

impact on their team leaders who can’t

produce always hurt their team in the

war of 1812 the American General William

winder led his forces to defeat against

the British despite a four to one troop

superiority in the process he was taken


however realizing that winders

incompetence made him an ideal opponent

the British returned him to the American

army as a result when the British later

attacked the American capital they were

able to overcome defending forces and by

winder and burn much of it to the ground

if winder had been able to advance the

level-3 in leadership prior to taking

command as a general perhaps his men

could have stopped the British Army’s

advances and battles as it was he

succeeded only in hurting the American

cause productive organizations led by

level three leaders are hard to beat

their effectiveness is high of so is

their morale former General George C

Marshall said morale is the state of

mind it is steadfastness and courage and

hope it is confidence and zeal and

loyalty it is staying power the spirit

which endures to the end the will to win

with it all things are possible without

it everything else is for naught number

5 leadership production creates momentum

when well that organizations sustain

high morale and high productivity over

time they gain momentum which is any

leaders best friend momentum helps a

leader do anything and everything more

easily that’s why I call it the great

exaggerator without momentum everything

is harder to do than it should be with

it everything is easier

my wife and I live in coastal Florida on

a river that flows into the ocean about

a mile from our house so every day we

witnessed the AB and the flow of the


I sometimes enjoy swimming in the river

and I’ve made a discovery when I’m

swimming with the tide my progress has

little to do with the speed and the

strength of my strokes it is determined

by how fast the tide is moving swim with

it and you make fast progress swim

against it and you move very slowly no

matter how hard you work at it when the

tide is up all the boats rise when it is

down all the boats go down it’s hard to

fight the tide the same is to be said of

leadership momentum have it on your side

and your performance is actually better

than your capability for example think

about what happened with Apple when the

company introduced the iPhone it created

a tidal wave of momentum and vastly

increase their market share not only in

smartphones but also in computers after

years of being marginalized as a niche

company with relatively small but very

loyal following they are now mainstream

again and going strong

that’s why I often advise leaders to

spend less time trying to fix problems

and more time trying to create momentum

level-3 is a momentum producing

environment production level leaders

understand momentum and use it to the

organization’s advantage and they also

understand that not everyone in an

organization helps to create momentum

here’s what I mean there are three types

of people when it comes to momentum they

are momentum takers the vast majority of

people don’t start anything nor do they

stop anything they just go along for the

ride if momentum is moving they move

with it

if it has stopped so do they their

productivity and effectiveness are based

almost entirely on what others do to

make things happen in the organization

for that reason they need good leaders

who produce and create a productive

environment that is one of the reasons

why define morale as faith in the leader

momentum breakers

the second type of person actually hurts

morale and momentum in an organization

not only do they not produce but they

prevent others from producing these

types of people caused problems and

whether intentionally or not hurt the

organization momentum makers the final

type momentum makers are level three

leaders they produce they make things

happen they create momentum their

behavior is consistent with the advice

given by the legendary Alabama football

coach Paul Bear Bryant who said don’t

worry about making friends don’t worry

about making enemies worry about winning

because if you win your enemies can’t

hurt you at if you lose your friends

can’t stand you if you build solid

permission elationship on top of a

foundation of positional rights and add

the results of productivity you will

gain momentum and when you do you’ll

find that your work comes to fruition

more quickly that is a benefit of level

three number six leadership production

is the foundation for team building who

wants to leave a championship team no

one who wants to leave the cellar

dweller everyone people simply love

being on a winning team winners attract

people some good some bad some average

the key to building a winning team is

recognizing selecting and retaining the

best people from the ones you attract

the good news is that if you reach level

three you know what productivity looks

like because you live it the bad news is

that having talented people on the team

doesn’t automatically guarantee success

you could still lose with good players

but you cannot win without them the

difference comes from building them into

a team which I’ll discuss later in this

chapter but remember this if you aren’t

a proven producer you won’t attract and

keep other proven producers that’s why

the downside of production the weight of

leadership just got heavier like

everything else in life the production

level of leadership has its downsides as

well as its upsides with level 3

leadership achievement within the

organization becomes easier

however the leadership itself doesn’t

become easy here are the four main

downsides I’ve discovered on level 3

number one being productive can make you

think you’re a leader when you’re not

all great leaders are productive however

it is possible to be a producer and not

a leader

personal success does not always

translate into team success leadership

is defined by what a person does with

and for others it is established by

making the team better and more

productive it’s measured by what the

entire group accomplishes not by the

individual efforts of a person in charge

good leadership is never based on what

someone does by and for himself I know

many individual producers who have no

desire or ability to lead others some

don’t have the people skills others

don’t have the desire to be responsible

for others or take the time to help them

become productive for example Ted

Williams was one of the greatest hitters

in baseball here’s the last player to

have a batting average over 400 during

the season yet he was not a successful

hitting coach when his players were not

hitting well he would say keep your eye

on the ball the advice was given by a

man with extraordinary coordination who

was successful because he was able to

look at a ball and tell what kind of a

pitch it was by how the stitching moved

in his mind it was all simple all he did

was keep his eye on the ball his players

who were less talented needed more

instruction Ted Williams was a great

player but he never made it as a leader

in baseball organizations all over the

world make the mistake of putting high

producers into leadership positions only

to watch them fail to lead well I’ve

done that I’ve seen someone make things

happen and thought wow this person is

going to be a fantastic

only to have that person continue to

make things happen for himself but

ignore and demoralize his team that’s

not leadership why is this mistake made

so often because of prerequisite for

being an effective leader is the ability

to be effective yourself that is one of

the qualifying marks of a leader but it

is not the only qualification good

leaders must establish themselves in

their position on level one gain

people’s permission on level to be

productive on level three and possess

the desire to take the entire team to a

higher level number two productive

leaders feel a heavy weight of

responsibility for results I once saw a

cartoon depicting a sales meeting in

which the speaker said we run our

business like a game show produce and

you come back don’t produce and we have

some lovely parting gifts for you that’s

humorous but that’s also the way it is

for leaders if a football team doesn’t

win the coach gets fired if a

corporation doesn’t make profits the CEO

gets the axe if a politician doesn’t do

a good job for his constituents he

doesn’t get reelected in any

organization the responsibility for

results rests with the leader what the

World War two British Field Marshal

Bernard Law Montgomery said was true no

leader however great can long continue

unless he wins victories productivity is

measurable organizational growth is

tangible profitability is quantifiable

leaders who fail to increase them are

held accountable leaders who add to them

are rewarded and then asked to achieve

even more the next time high performance

requires high commitment honestly many

leaders who reach level 3 tire of

leading because of the weight of

responsibility they feel most leaders

experience days when they wish no one

was watching their performance looking

to them for direction or wanted them to

make something to happen however

effective leaders understand that the

cost of leadership is carrying the

responsibility of their team’s success

on their shoulders that is the weight

every leader feels starting on level 3

you will have to decide whether you’re

willing to carry it

number three production leadership

requires making difficult decisions a

large corporation recently made a stray

dog a senior vice president when asked

why they would do such a thing the board

of directors replied his ability to get

along with everyone

his prompt response to a pat on the back

his interest in watching others work and

his great knack for looking wise while

saying nothing made him a natural for

the position

if only leadership were really that easy

whenever you see a thriving organization

you can be sure that its leaders made

some very tough decisions and are

continuing to make them success is an

uphill journey people don’t coast their

way to effective leadership

environmental advocate T boone pickens

says be willing to make decisions that’s

the most important quality in a good

leader if you want to lead at a higher

level be ready to make difficult

decisions on level two leaders often

have to start making difficult people

decisions on level three leaders

continue to make those but also add

difficult production decisions that

makes leadership even more difficult

I’ve already told you about how

difficult I found it to make decisions

early in my career you may find it

helpful to know that today as I look

back I regret the decisions I fail to

make more than I do the wrong decisions

I did make don’t fall into the same trap

I did of postponing decisions when I

should have made them what kinds of

difficult decisions are leaders likely

to make on level three most of them will

be decisions you must make relations I

make on level three relate to my team

the rest are personal ones that require

change honesty and self-discipline as

the American writer Mark Twain said to

do right is wonderful to teach others to

do right is even more wonderful and much

easier that is so true as a leader on

level three you must make the difficult

decision to

be successful before you try to help

others be successful hold yourself to a

higher standard than you ask of others

make yourself accountable to others set

tangible goals and then reach them

accept responsibility for personal

results admit failure and mistakes

quickly and humbly ask from others only

what you have previously ask of yourself

gauge your success on results not

intentions and remove yourself from

situations where you are ineffective it

has been my observation that when

leaders are confronted with these

difficult decisions on level 3 many fail

to make them what they may not

understand until it’s too late

is that failing to do so will eventually

disqualify them from leading themselves

or others their leadership potential

becomes stunted and they cannot remain

on level 3 I can remember facing each of

these decisions on level 3 it took me a

long time to make some of them it

certainly wasn’t easy sometimes it still


but each decision created a personal

breakthrough in my leadership journey I

encourage you to win in this area of

your leadership life persevere even in

moments when you feel the way Moses must

have felt when the Red Sea parted and

the people waited for him to take them

forward saying to himself why must I

always go first going first may not

always be easier fun but it is always a

requirement of leaders it paves the way

for the people who follow and increases

their chances of success for completing

the journey number for production

leadership demands continued attention

to level 2 becoming accountable for the

productivity of the team does not mean

that leaders can stop caring for the

people they lead remember just because

you add a new level of leadership does

it mean you leave the previous one

behind there is a real temptation for

leaders on the production level to

neglect relationships in pursuit of

achieving a good bottom line result

however if leaders do that for an

extended period of time

they burned their relationships with

their people and they will eventually

find themselves

back on level one don’t fall into that

track keep developing the relationships

and caring for them as you produce

results best behaviors on level three

how to make the most of production and

leadership moving up through level 3

based upon solid level 2 relationships

is no small feat for any person many

people find themselves incapable of

achieving it if you have the opportunity

here’s what you need to do to make the

most of it number one understand how

your personal giftedness contributes to

the vision one of the keys to the

production level of leadership is

understanding how your gifts and

abilities can be used productively to

further the vision of the organization

part of that is personal in previous

chapters I discussed the importance of

knowing yourself and deciding on your

personal leadership style this is

slightly different if you are a leader

you must have a sense of vision for your

leadership and it must align at least

during the current season with the

vision of the organization you serve it

took me a long time to develop a sense

of where my true strengths lie and how I

could serve an organization that I lead

discovering it took effort and the

process was often messy but eventually I

came to understand that I had special

gifts and abilities and so do you there

is a strong relationship between

giftedness and effectiveness as a leader

on the production level if I ever wanted

to reach my potential as the leader I

had to know what my personal

contribution could be to the

organization the same is true for you

as an example I’ll tell you the four

areas where I personally contribute the

most to the productivity of an

organization for a team influencing

people which is leadership connecting

with people that’s my relationship

skills communicating with people

speaking and creating resources to help

people writing these comprise my

strengths so they are the key to

production for me and where the best

results will be realized

knowing this doesn’t let me off the hook

as far as growth and learning are

concerned I am as committed to learning

and growing today as I was back in the

early 1970s when I started my first

personal growth plan the difference is

that now I concentrate almost

exclusively on growing in those four

areas after discovering what I was made

to do I began to focus my efforts the

more focused you are within your talents

the more rapid the rate of growth and

the greater you increase your overall potential to be a productive leader

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