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10 Signs From The Universe You’re Finally Moving To Where You Need To Be

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here in the heart of nature in this wild
jungle birds flying everywhere squirrels
running everywhere but are you where you
need to be have you got that feeling
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be ten signs from the universe you’re
finally moving to where you need to be
let’s just whoa breathing in that
good-ass piranha baby so
every single day I’m like I’m happy
where I am right now like I’m good
okay and sometimes we kind of know if
we’re moving to that place of really
knowing this is our purpose every single
day you get excited as soon as you wake
up deep divers is that happening to you
and we ain’t even had breakfast yet can
I get a hello hey so what’s the first
sign that helped me along my journey no
I’m finally moving to where I need to be
tons of synchronicity okay synchronicity
happens all the time you could be
thinking about living a certain
lifestyle you’re hopping to the car and
what are the lyrics playing from the
radio you will find Ralph smart in
nature that’s what you wanted right well
that’s what happened synchronicity is
where your dominant thoughts align with
your life and become your dominant
slow motion this side yikes
synchronicity you’re thinking about
something and then it magically appears
you’re thinking about someone that it
magically appears you are having more
amazing synchronistic experiences you
are having whoa more amazing
synchronistic experiences I’ve seen
along my journey the moment I knew I was
moving to where I truly need it to be
the right people were coming into my
life at the right time and I keep
meeting amazing people including the cat
down the road was second sign you’re
finally to where you need to be to
become your greatest version you feel
whole within yourself for a long time I
used to be so needy I want this and I
want Matt you see true happiness comes
when you stop wanting so much and you
start appreciating what you already have
life is far from perfect okay I got
people running around all over there but
I’m still out here enjoying myself whoa
breathing in that good ass piranha Bay
because because there’s no place like
home baby okay
so you feel whole within yourself and
that’s how you know that’s how you know
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be okay you’re not craving more and
more you actually content for the first
time which is how you find your inner
peace what’s the third sign baby baby
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be more meaningful connections yay
ever talk to someone and it’s putting
you to sleep you’re like okay no you
know you’re finally moving to where you
need to be because every single
interaction you have is meaningful
what slow motion this side all your
conversations have more depth more
intimacy more clarity okay and that’s
what I saw along my journey the moment I
knew I was finally moving to where I
need it to be like my conversations were
going on hours until my phone battery
ran out okay when I met them in person
we would talk until it got dark okay and
it was a pretty amazing experience
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be what’s
the fourth sign baby baby you’re finally
moving to where you need to be
now deep divers you’ve stopped doubting
yourself that’s right you’re not waking
up with a mind full of doubts anymore
for the first time you actually believe
in yourself if that’s happening to you
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be you’re happy with every single
choice you’re making you’re like oh
should I go here let me go there it
could lead to a dead end who cares I’m
not doubting myself anymore I’m not
second-guessing myself anymore I’m not
hesitating anymore I’m stepping into
radical action every single day and even
if I make mistakes I learn from them
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be you’re
getting the job done baby
what’s the fifth sign baby baby you’re
finally moving to where you need to be
seven day vegan challenge you are eating
better than ever in fact instead of
spending all your clothes on or your
clothes right instead of spending all
your money on fancy clothes hey go and
buy my clothes good oz prana t-shirts
Ralph smart calm slash clothes instead
of spending all your money on just cars
and luxury items you’re actually
investing it in food because you’re
realizing hey if I can walk out of Whole
Foods oh my gosh the receipt is so
expensive it was worth it because health
is wealth right and that’s how you know
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be because you’re not afraid of
spending that money on that beautiful
juice that beautiful kale juice with
spirulina and wheatgrass and ginger and
lemons and limes that’s a green smoothie
for you okay cuz you’re like I want to
be healthy I want to be in the best
frame of mind
you see I’ve realized this that every 35
days your body makes new cells from the
foods you are eating slow motion this
side so I knew I was finally moving to
where I needed to be when I was like
okay I’ve got to eat the best kinds of
foods that are gonna help me be here
forever cuz we are immortal
we are remote oh we are immortal what’s
the sick sign from the universe you’re
finally moving to where you need to be
you’re not hiding anymore this is me
Ralph’s smart take me or leave me I
don’t care what you think of me I’m
gonna be me and if you don’t like it I
can’t do anything for you
okay you are so happy being your true
authentic self you’re not about
people-pleasing anymore that’s how you
know you’re finally moving to where you
need to be because I will tell you from
firsthand personal experience the moment
I became more authentic was the moment
the magic really happened you see you
can only pretend for so long before the
mosque falls off what slow motion this
say it again Ralph you can only pretend
for so long before the mosque falls off
but you right now don’t need to pretend
you are so authentic so truthful to
yourself that’s how you know you’re
finally moving to where you need to be
what’s the seventh sign from the
universe baby baby you’re finally moving
to where you need to be you don’t work
anymore you don’t have a job which means
just over broke you have a lifestyle you
actually enjoy waking up and creating
every single day working on your
business helping your friends out doing
DIY around the house and
looks pretty good actually well done
from the cat down the road and I that’s
how you know you’re finally moving to
where you need to be if you are in a job
that’s draining you all the time you’re
not where you really need to be because
it’s not in the best interest of your
own evolution
so now work is not work it’s a lifestyle
of creation and it feels so good to be a
live baby and it’s giving me more energy
than it’s taking away if you are working
somewhere and it’s energy generating
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be if it’s
depleting your energy you’re not in the
right place right so right now I’m in
nature whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby getting tons of energy from
that good ass prana
what’s the eighth sign from the universe
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be talk to me Ralph
you don’t need approval anymore you
don’t need to ask people does this look
no that good ass prana shirt looks
fantastic on you okay and you know it
does you only seek your own approval
what slow motion this side
that’s the only thing that matters and
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be because
you found your voice your confidence
your courage your passion that other
people’s opinions of you don’t affect
you like they used to and that’s how you
know you’re finally moving to where you
need to be I’m telling you from
firsthand experience once you start
seeking your own approval do I like this
that’s the only thing that matters
because that’s how you practice
self-love that’s how you practice
what’s the night sign from the universe
you’re finally moving to where you need
to be baby baby
you’ve stopped playing small you’re not
playing small anymore
doing this I’m a nobody Ralph no for the
first time you actually can walk with
your head up high you’re happy being you
you’re comfortable in your own skin and
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be okay it
starts with not just being humble all
the time being humble is great I have
what I call humble confidence you’ve
been sold alive from childhood that you
are just to be humble and be quiet no
you are here to shine bright like a
diamond and if you’re doing that you’re
finally moving to where you need to be
I’m telling you from personal personal
personal experience once I stopped
playing small I finally knew I was
moving to where I truly need it to be
okay because you didn’t come here to
play small you didn’t come here to keep
your head down
you came here to keep your head up whoa
and breathing that good ass prana baby
now you’re starting to shine and your
energy is magnetic it’s gonna attract
everything you mean to you baby that’s
what happens when you stop playing small
you didn’t come here for that right and
what’s the tenth sign from the universe
you’re finally moving finally moving to
where you need to be
you are trusting yourself you’re being
patient even though you may not have
what you want right now you’re like I’m
gonna trust the process
I trust the universe to bring the right
people into my life at the right time
the right circumstances that will help
my evolution that will help me grow
that’s how you know you’re finally
moving to where you need to be you’re
not panicking anymore you’re not so
anxious anymore you’re like hey universe
don’t worry I’m cool I’m cool right now
because I’m still gonna get it I’m still
gonna manifest my dreams it could take
one year two years
that’s way long Ralph okay three months
that’s way long Ralph it could take
three weeks
that’s better Elle it doesn’t matter how
long it takes okay I’m still gonna get
there because you are already there all
you have to do is move into alignment to
be there what slow motion this side we
are all born with a unique essence and
the moment you are moving into alignment
trusting the process to say actually the
universe says I like nothing I like
nothing you lack nothing
you came here complete you came here
with everything you need to become your
greatest version and every single day if
you are trusting the process if you’re
realizing life is a cycle you are
finally moving to where you need to be
nobody said it’s gonna be easy there’s
gonna be days where you’re gonna feel
like quitting there’s gonna be days
where you’re gonna feel like giving up
but if you can hold on that little bit
longer you’re finally moving to where
you need to be deep divers I’m telling
you from personal experience there was a
time when I was ready to quit infinite
waters I’m like this is over for me I
know I don’t want to do it anymore
but something that’s small voice deep
inside of me said Ralph for goodness
sakes the cat down the road is
waiting on you and demanding that you
continue doing it because people love
you so I continue to do it right because
I was patient I’m like okay I may not be
where I really want to be right now but
if I keep creating beautiful things are
gonna happen and that’s what happened
and then I just said L so get to be a
live baby can I get a Hello Ted whoa
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby beautiful deep divers have an
amazing have an amazing day shout out to
everybody who’s been buying the good oz
prana shirts Ralph smart comm slash
clothes I’m waiting for mine in the post
and you’re gonna know when I get them
the model search is also one if you feel
you’ve got what it takes to muddle these
good are on the shirts DME infinite
waters on Instagram have a beautiful
deta divers you are amazing
infinite waters diving deep once again
we are out here beautiful deep divers
you you are exactly where you need to be
right now because you’ve got a whole bunch of Greeks in your mouth stay there

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