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“Nina is UPSET at me This Morning!” | #LifeWithEvan

she’s upset at me this morning thank you
awesome my charger died my dog chewed
the wire a wild I let’s go let’s go home
let’s go let’s go
she never cries she misses you
okay it’s our last day basically travel
day how’d you sleep last night okay
yeah I saw a bad dream did a bad dream
that I talked to another woman anyway
whatever she’s upset at me this morning
thank you
awesome well I slept amazing is the
deepest sleep that I had since being on
the boat we have arrived in Venice
we are gonna explore a little bit Venice
probably do that I don’t know we’ll see
maybe we’ll sit we’ll show you guys this
here we do and then we’re gonna hop our
flights back to first material and then
Toronto leave is excited to see the bags
very critical eye look we’re twins again
yeah she decided to go home
we’ve got half an hour before they’ll
let us get off the boat that’s what I’m
gonna do especially drink
we’ve got a couple hours running board
Nina it’s going to explore
she’s gonna explore the airport see what
they’re still of Hanina and I’m gonna
write my book getting close almost done
almost done almost done almost done
almost done crazy it’s the easy one
though you’re doing to the second one
same thing a long long time this one’s
give it a try
okay we landed in Montreal then we got
to have our connection hit the truck
how you feelin inna luminol evidence
room I crashed out the last hour
it’s around almost 11 o’clock p.m. for
us ultimatrainer good news is I got the
first half of my new book done super
pumped for that bad news is my charger
died my dog chewed the wire a while back
so it finally died on me so I guess if I
can find a replacement here about 50% on
the battery life so I have enough to
upload it to Dropbox and I send it up to
the team so pump to get movement as and
now let’s find our connection
Nina found a nice store so I can get a
new wire so I could charge my computer
we love Nina gotta get the book done
sadness they didn’t have it I have the
new MacBook they don’t have the one so I
still 50% left I’d still have to get
upload it to Dropbox and they put on my
main computer and then I’ll figure out
how to get my laptop fixed another day
today oh let’s just get home
Nina wouldn’t let me give up on the
charging cable so we found another ice
store and they have it so my Mac can get
made it off the plane gonna catch a ride
let’s go let’s go home let’s go let’s go
you excited see the dice oh look at her
Adam should be happy to see everybody
team already knows right now all right
Oh TiVo did you miss us did you miss us
why is she so scared
who’s crying oh I should cry she never
yeah she misses you
she missed us see where those know what
to do
humor doesn’t know what to do alright
it’s 9:30 here in Toronto that means
it’s 3:30 Europe time for us right now
so we are going to oh that’s enough
thank you guys for joining us on our
European journey if you want to go back
to be doing number one and figure out
why we started this in the first place
go check out the video next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and we’ll see you there
firstly questions of Venice Nina
different I wanted to sleep but no we can’t
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