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9 Signs of Your Past Life

so who were you in a past life Ralph
well I was a very rich person I was a
very kind person I was a very generous
person I helped out a lot of people in
my past life well obviously you’re not
exactly gonna say you were a really
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby another
beautiful day in Jurassic Park
I’m sending you tons of great energy
deep divers did you just feel that take
that take that take that great energy
I’m sending you we’re just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
rocking our own clothes as usual now do
you remember your past life do you
remember who you were before this person
do you sometimes want to learn more
about who you were in a past life do you
believe in past lives
well a lot of people write to me about
past life experiences I’ve also had past
life experiences now we are going to
dive deep into past lives 9 signs
of your past life because a lot of
people are like Ralph I’m sure I’ve been
to this planet before it looks awfully
familiar and when even had breakfast yet
can I get a hello is that you are you
starting to feel like you’ve already
been here on planet earth before are you
starting to remember who you were in a
past life
the great philosopher Marcus Aurelius
said whatever we do now echoes on into
eternity hmm slow motion this side II
many sages and great masters throughout
time have spoken about reincarnation
past lives that energy can never be
destroyed it can only be transferred
ever seen a baby and think gosh that’s
an old soul are you someone who feels
way older than you actually are
are you someone who feels like you’ve
already been here before are you someone
who remembers your past life the first
sign of your past life is your name now
a lot of us we don’t choose our name at
Ralph smart yes someone named me Ralph
my wonderful mum right I like that name
but it’s not my name oh no it’s not my
name to really remember who you were in
a past life you have to name yourself it
is the name that you give to yourself
and this is what they knew in ancient
Kemet or ancient Egypt in Sumeria in
ancient coaches you would reach a
certain age after the rites of passage
and you would give yourself a name now
this name is a link who you were in your
past life so
what is my alias infinite waters that’s
my true name now what do you get from
infinite waters an ocean we can link
that into hydro-man sea water divination
yes in my past life I was chillin by the
ocean eating a whole bunch of grapes I’m
also a Pisces
so water is very dear to me plus we are
over 75% water there’s a lot of water in
my life right now but what am i doing
right now I’m inspiring millions of
people that is also a link to my past
I’m infinite waters and that’s why I
connect with so many different people I
don’t care about what color you are
because that’s all an illusion
it’s about your energy hmm slow-motion
inside and that’s why I keep expanding
and expanding and expanding because I’m
reaching every kind of being you can
imagine what is your name
in South America Africa they had named
so long
you couldn’t even pronounce them and in
ancient times many people’s names were
flowing water moving man
it was something that someone did every
name had a deep significance it had a
meaning it wasn’t just Bob and Bill and
Laura that’s great though but your name
had a deeper meaning and that’s why many
ancient coaches they would name someone
according to what they were doing now
this is a link to who you were in your
past life many MCS give themselves an
alias okay and the alias name logic
right whatever it is is also a link to
their past life because it’s who they
identify with the most right so ask
yourself in a quiet time in meditation
what is my true name what name best
defines me right now in my life it could
be the Magnificent one it could be water
man it could be fire woman it could be
open-heart that is a link to who you
were in a past life because the name you
give yourself is the name who you were
before this incarnation stop it Ralph
slow motion this side what is the second
sign of your past life now dr. Ian
Stevenson of the University of Virginia
Medical School study past lives over 50
years he traveled extensively
for 40 years and he investigated over
3,000 cases and a lot of children were
recalling their past life experiences
from from from all around the world
having strange birthmarks strange
memories strange phobias and this is not
an accident but he spoke about in his
research and really check it out deep
divers about prophetic dreams and I’ve
seen this along my Jenny that is a sign
of your past life prophetic dreams
reoccurring dreams you see dreams are
dreams are real and this is what the
ancients knew that there is no
difference between a dream or reality
just like in the matrix what is real but
electrical signals interpreted by your
brain so many times if you are having
dreams about being in certain locations
at certain time periods this is a link
to who you were in a past life I’m
always dreaming of ancient Kemet ancient
Egypt right because I know I know that I
was a priest in one of my past lives in
a mystery school okay in ancient Egypt
they had mystery schools where people
would learn higher knowledge and that’s
why I’m such a great orator right I love
to talk I love to connect with people
I didn’t just learn this right now I’ve
been doing this in many different
incarnations so if you are having
prophetic dreams dreams about usually
the same thing in a certain place you’re
doing certain things really get a dream
journal because that’s a link to who you
reoccurring dreams DejaVu you keep
seeing the flippin cat down the road
baby that’s a link to your past life
what is the third sign of your past life
deep divers what I’ve seen along my
journey is area of interest okay this is
huge this is why certain people are
drawn to certain things and certain
people on our area of interest I’m drawn
to nature I got $100,000 studio a
wonderful studio but I choose to come to
nature because this is my area of
interest nature is alive is living is
breathing plus I’m also wolf breathing
in that good ass prana baby my area of
interest involves skateboarding ancient
coaches seven day vegan challenge
beautiful food right but also primarily
becoming my greatest version you see I’m
sure you got a friend deep divers who’s
always partying going to a club they
call it a club because you’re being
beaten to death never mind we’ll come to
that later
that was me right at a certain period in
my life just going out partying all the
time that’s great but then I realize
actually I really came here to be
something spectacular I realized I
couldn’t get away with what my other
friends were doing because I was getting
past life flashbacks now my area of
interest was really in helping people
inspiring people right so what is your
area of interest as soon as you wake up
what is your primary focus
that is a link to who you were in a past
life certain people is architecture
certain people is physics certain people
is fashion all of these interests we
have these passions we have is a link to
who we were in a past life what is the
fourth sign of your past life that I’ve
seen along my journey your level of
consciousness now consciousness is
awareness the truth won’t be televised
the revolution will be televised
you see I realized this deep dive is
that your level of consciousness what
you know right now is a link to your
past life I realize that I know a
multi-dimensional being having a human
experience I also know I’m infinite I
also know that no one ever really dies
and that’s what nerd stands for I know
my true power but I’m still learning
more your level of consciousness I’m a
deep diver that’s the link to my past
life I’m on a quest for knowledge I’m on
a quest for higher knowledge wisdom and
expansion this is a link to my past life
many of us we come in to this 3d reality
with our eyes closed even though our
eyes open in other words we are sleepers
we are sleeping we are desensitized and
dumbed down however many of us come into
this incarnation woke
awake and aware of the Maya the illusion
world that’s a link who you were in a
past life because now you came in with
your third eye open you know what time
it is and time is an illusion anyway
right so your level of consciousness the
amount of awareness you have is a link
to your past life I’ll use someone who
always wants to know the truth behind
everything well from a past life you are
probably someone who was always diving
deep asking questions realizing it’s all
bs belief systems and therefore
challenging even your own belief systems
what is the fifth sign of your past life
deep divers seven day vegan challenge
let’s just woof breathing in that good
oz prana baby your affinity to certain
foods what you like what you don’t like
also you care for animals or your
neglect and distaste for animals your
compassion towards animals or in
compassionate ways towards animals
I love animals so much so that I don’t
eat them because I realized that what
goes around comes around nearly 70
billion animals are killed every single
year in this incarnation I said I’m not
gonna partake in it because in the last
incarnation I started to realize the
value of animals that actually I didn’t
come here just to consume animals
animals are here to be loved and that’s
why I’ve been a vegan for nearly 14
years because I know that it’s about
honouring all life-forms now this is a
link to my past life the kinds of foods
you are drawn to the amount of care you
show to other life-forms on the planet
is a link to your past life shoutout to
everybody who loves a cat down the road
your affinity to certain coaches growing
up I used to listen to this song
Karthikeyan Ponemah the girl from
ipanema by the wonderful composer and
Tom Tom Jobim they actually got an
airport after him in here just in the
amazing place his song the Gulf remain
Ponemah I remember when I was in
university just listening to that song
thinking that the beauty of that song it
actually took me to Brazil now that was
mentally then I actually went physically
to Brazil and I fell in love with it
such a beautiful place but I learned how
to speak Portuguese fluently in less
than six months where did this come from
and traveling to the different states I
actually went to Salvador for the lands
I see fee here to Janeiro I went all
around Brazil and I’m like I definitely
lived in Brazil before in a past life
and I was able just to pick up the
language so quickly Portuguese so
quickly and I’m like I didn’t just learn
all of this in this incarnation if you
are someone who’s drawn to certain
coaches it could be a mark culture in
South America Island wherever it is if
you are drawn to certain coaches that’s
a link to who you are in a past life
because we are often in places which we
have been to before okay that’s why many
people always go back to the old school
right so our affinity to certain coaches
which culture do you naturally have a
proclivity to always learn more about
and immerse yourself in that’s a link to
who you were
in a past life deep divers what is the
seventh oh baby the seventh sign of your
people will remind you who you were in a
past life
you see I’ve realized this that people
always tell me Ralph your videos have
really helped me I don’t say my videos
are helping people people tell me that
before I tell them that they’re like
Ralph your video really touched me Ralph
you’re a healer
you’re a mind doctor i watch your videos
and I’m instantly healed
once again this goes back to my past
life in ancient Kemet or Egypt where I
was a priest in the mystery schools born
on March 3rd as 33 alignment is in my
people remind you who you are people
remind you who you were in a past life
by just saying okay you make me feel
like this you’re like this right so
always listen out to what people are
saying to describe you by because that’s
a link to who you were in a past life
oh you’re a really mean person you
probably haven’t opened your heart
probably what I really mean person in a
past life – or you’re a really generous
person you will probably someone who was
opening their house to everybody
including the cat down the road so kind
what is the eighth sign of your past
life unresolved issues whatever we do
now by the Emperor sent Marcus Aurelius
echoes on into eternity
whatever we do right now echoes on into
eternity unresolved issues also what we
don’t do right now echoes on into
eternity you see we start off from where
we left off that’s a link to our past
life if you are very lazy person you
will continue to be a lazy person unless
you make a change if you are someone who
is always just whoa getting outside
coming into nature this stays with you
this energy frequency stays with you if
you are continually doing it to the next
incarnation I love coming into nature
hence I was coming into nature a lot in
my past life I was in open spaces
beautiful beaches eating a lot of
pineapple that’s a link who I was in a
past life however I’m no saint there are
still things I’m working on myself I’m
working on myself with things I’ve got
to really change about myself to level
up we
and that’s also a link to our past life
of strengths and our weaknesses what we
need to work on to become our greatest
version okay that’s all a link to who
you were in a past life what is the
ninth sign of your past life deep divers
specific talents I wake up and I play
the guitar and I love the guitar I love
bossa nova music there’s one thing you
have to know about Ralph smart
I love bossa nova music and I learned
how to play a lot of bossa nova songs on
the guitar because I just fell in love
with it I just fell in love with it but
the guitar like my wonderful guitar
teacher said is a gateway to other
sign instruments you’re drawn to do you
love to play the piano
do you love to sink are you a good boxer
are you a gymnast right are you a
basketball player are you a scientist
are you a great motivator your specific
talents are you a great artist that you
come in to with your specific talents
that you come in with in this
incarnation is a link to who you were in
a past life ever wondered why certain
people have certain abilities okay
certain people come in learning and they
can play the guitar they can play the
piano they can play the violin just like
that they don’t need much many lessons
they’ve got a natural talent for it
these natural talents we have are links
to our past life so there you have it
deep divers in my past life I was just
definitely sink fill so get to be alive
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers you are truly appreciated with
just whoa breathing in that good ahh
sprung a baby what what hi Warner house
you want one shout out to everybody
who’s been getting one getting the good
Oz prana chefs a Ralph smart dog calm
slash clothes shout out everybody who’s
been getting the new book by Ralph smart
on Amazon cold feel alive by Ralph smart
check out the amazing Instagram at
infinite waters at us they’re deep
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy you so it looks like we figured
out who we were in a past life
[Laughter] [Music]

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