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My Favorite Top 10 RULES for SUCCESS – April 2017 – #EvansFavs

what’s up believe nation today and when
I share with you my favorite top 10
rules to success April 2017 edition and
as always guys as people are talking if
you hear something that really resonates
with you please leave it down accounts
below put quotes around it as well so
other people can be inspired and when
you’re writing something down it’s much
more likely to stick with yourself as
well enjoy so hard and then when you
think you’re going hard go harder right
that’s really is its hustle you know I
mean there’s nothing like that you can’t
you can’t put enough work in every
single day and not get better at you
know what I mean like if you want to be
good at something you know I mean like
you can’t just like not like do it every
day and not get better this is kind of
music it’s nice to learn how to play an
instrument so if you spend your time
practicing your craft like you know
that’s really it just you know it
because nowadays like with the internet
everything is so accessible and you know
everybody in the world is a rapper you
know I mean everybody’s putting music
out so it’s like how do you stand out
quality is always going to matter but
also being different you can’t try to be
different I mean but he’s got be
yourself what’s the biggest risk you’ve
taken that you feel estate off the
biggest risk I’ve taken miss paid I want
to say cookie I mean I was very nervous
when I received the script she wasn’t a
most likable character let’s play some
pretty edgy characters but this one was
particularly a challenge because it was
primetime network television and I
wasn’t sure how people would receive her
I mean she beat her son with a room even
though he deserved it um she called once
on a I mean it was it was scary
but I’m the type of artist that if the
role doesn’t scare me I don’t want it
because it’s not going to change me
so I took a risk and that’s what you do
with artists you jump in feet-first and
you see where it goes and I knew that we
had something special I don’t just jump
eat first for any project I knew this
was something special I knew that what
fox was trying to do with lee daniels
and standing strong we’re trying to and
what i was trying to do was shake up
television to safe your life is not safe
and i think we did that with this show
so i’m so proud to be a part of this
project and i’m so proud that Fox
believe in us and took a chance because
that’s what art is about isn’t it taking
chances taking risk yeah i think if you
don’t actually believe what you’re doing
is really important if you don’t derive
satisfaction from what you’re doing then
you will not be able to sustain all of
the bad things that happen an incredibly
long period of time that bad things
happen over and so the only motivation
that i have seen work for people over a
long period of time is enjoyment and
what they’re doing and an intense belief
that it matters and ideally liking the
people that they go to work with every
day um but the i think the reason is
that a lot of people and by the way it’s
totally cool when people start off
saying well i want to make money or i
want to be famous I think a lot of
people start that way and they don’t
like to admit it but pretty quickly or
least in the first few years I think a
lot of people find a deeper mission for
why they do what they do and the dot
drives them in for the rest of the time
they work I look around at my
girlfriends and my my guy friends and
they’re in jobs that they don’t really
have a lot of growth potential in that
they’re not passionate about and I think
if we’re ever going to make all
decisions has to be at this point in our
lives you know we have to be out there
we have to be experimenting we have to
be looking for that which makes us pick
and I think a big part of that evolution
for me was really summer jobs working
and making sure to actually you know get
into the world and try different things
and eliminate those which is as useful
eliminating those career paths that
you’re not interested in
as it is you know doing things that do
interest you but I think just being bold
and and taking risks when you’re young
is so important because I can’t imagine
working the hours that I do if I didn’t
fundamentally love it I think that’s the
difference between somebody’s successful
and somebody that’s extremely successful
somebody that’s good and somebody that’s
exceptionally good is the level of
drives which directly send this from
passion different types of people in
this world and one thing that we’re all
going to deal with is like difficulties
in our tasks trying to become successful
as good as things get you have the same
amount of that is going to try to impede
your progress whether it be people
whether the IRS whether it be whatever
something will rear its ugly head and
try to block you now a lot of people
can’t have that when you have a vision
and something or someone throws a
curveball it hurts this thing’s right
it’s like your baby and now I can’t put
my baby out there like I want to do it
so it really tells people already
negative make it the president want to
stop and they want to just go back to
the amount of body that’s fine is not
for everybody to push through but for
those who can please do like you said
the difference between those who really
succeed don’t are the ones who when
they’re faced with whatever these
difficulties are that I I’m gonna keep
pushing through I’m a key place too
because they sound corny and cliche but
is always sunshine after the rain you
understand rain don’t last that long you
gotta know that idea where that that’s
some you can take with you do everything
in life but in business you cannot stop
because things that I want to write at
the time it’s going to happen I’ll deal
with it I’m sure I do it again at some
point the number one thing that’s going
to change your life the only thing that
will change your life change your
business change your money change your
relationship because you must raise your
standard now I know that sounds boring
stupid basic but it’s the truth
the only thing that changes our life
long term is when we raise our standards
what does that mean that sounds so
boring and dumb it means that all of us
in life have things we want we don’t get
what we want we get what we have to have
memorized it earlier we all get what we
tolerate in ourselves and other people
but when you’re no longer willing to
tolerate something that’s when your life
changes the difference in people is
their standards period the difference in
people is their standards period and
what I mean by standards everyone in the
world has a list of things they think
they should do I should lose weight I
should work out I should spend more time
with my kids I should work harder I
should make more calls I should I should
I should I should and then you know what
people don’t do their sheds and they get
mad at themselves and they what I call
all over themselves they beat them
to help up about it what changes people
is when you should becomes a must when
suddenly the thing you said should
happen has to happen that’s when human
beings change it’s like if you want to
take the island and you’re the head of
the army you want to take the RF Island
the most powerful way to take the
Islanders burn the boats because there’s
no way to go back it’s amazing what
happens when it’s a must to do something
versus of that’s what makes human
being succeed if you want to be a
fireman go and do it you want to be a
ballet dancer than going to be a ballet
dancer you don’t believe in yourself and
no one else for believing you and yeah
it’s an important some it’s so cool for
me to people to understand up but I want
to be an inspiration ebony has kind of
nine out of ten children are and i want
it i want to be a role model i think now
i’m in the kind of lie months ago it’s
and mr. special people gotta believe you
know the ones that have something
magical and it’s something that you can
turn into a poverty of a lot let it eat
you away and it always be someone that
says you can’t do it there’ll always be
someone that said I don’t believe you
there’ll always be someone that says I
do believe you they always funny it says
you can do it and that security has to
focus on so much going to try and put me
down which they do when they say you
know every time I need your car I want
to burn my ears I say is asking that
actually what it finally comes down to
in your business and how you run it is
you first and me second take that home
with you view first and me second the
first thing you want to do is help your
people succeed and then you succeed just
keep it in the right order it’s not you
succeeding and then hopefully they come
out okay it’s all about them not about
you and I think that was the foundation
of our business you know we never say
and I never talked about how much money
we made or how much money we wanted to
make we took a lot bigger we like ever
business but it was never a personal
financial goal but our focus was on how
we could enrich the lives of our people
and make them better oftentimes
influencing them with our faith as well
I feel genuine need to communicate with
an audience and it might just be the
attention I didn’t get as a kid I can’t
come from anything good but what I try
and do is bring the best information I
can to the stage and and broadcast it so
I’m its reportage from distant points
from a fairly unique standpoint and so
basically I’m not keeping it all to
myself but I earnestly try to us not
about entertainment it’s about
communication warning broadcasting
emitting and trying to leave something
of myself with these with the audience
not just not mere entertainment it’s not
just making people laugh or not it’s
it’s got to hurt me it’s got a
leave lines in my face I don’t like any
artistic endeavor that doesn’t extolling
the one doing it so I’m not looking to
get through these things okay these
things are actually very difficult and
very hard on my psyche which makes me
think I’m doing the right thing blue
came out with a product in two thousand
in 1980 a product that was based on an
innovation to introduce rubble as a
struck it seems very common today but
rubber in 1980 was a real courageous
move it was even the propagation key
person hey on a gold watch rubble
because people didn’t know rubber comes
from a tree remember if natural rubber
is very comfortable it’s very flexible
and rubble is very resistant and it’s
waterproof so finally its ideas for what
but in those days if people thought it’s
a provocation it’s a and then people
could not evolve they stayed on a
product and I said we are not a product
we have a message first we have a
concept and the concept is fusion why
because in 1980 when we put gold
together with rubber we created a fusion
because golden rubber never come
together they were together only one
time in life during the Big Bang then
everything was in one and then rubble go
it went away and said okay I go now on
my tree and God said okay I go and rest
in South Africa under the earth and
since then they never met kill people
take them and connect them so I said you
know may diffusion and fusion must be
our message must be our philosophy must
be our religion and once we have this
religion clear and it is main fusion
then we
can develop further products that not
necessarily need the rubber anymore
because fusion goes further away than
just rubber it can be carbon it can be
ceramic whatever so I was capable to
free you blew from the product and give
we blew a message and from that message
new products were born and that was the
most important element in the revival of
the brown it’s to take it away from the
product concept and to give it a brad
method and from the brand the methods
were then later born in 2005 new product
when you finish a film your job
basically is over and when you you have
a desire to share your work and so you
put it out into the world and you
realize that yes you can help the film
some by giving interviews or you can go
to some places and and have talks but
basically the film is on its own and you
can’t tell whether it’s going to go good
or going to go bad if it’s important
that you believe in your work and and
that’s the most important thing i watch
so many metals in my life unbelievable
okay now really not so there are some
boring goods and then I asleep I’m so
boring I think a while they meet each
other and make this 20 40 50 60 70 80
thousand people in a stadium when
scoring game it’s not okay so that’s
what we what we want to see we want to
enjoy our own game if we lose okay we
like to win but if you lose with our way
it’s okay if you lose with the way of
somebody else it’s if you cannot work
with this so that’s it it’s very
emotional very fast that
is strong not boring no chess like there
is no yes of course tactical he has but
detective was with big heart and
technical things are so important you
cannot win without technical things but
the emotion make the difference life in
our in our game that’s important
remember I gave us talk to a group of
entrepreneurs and this one woman raised
her and she knows well you’re real
positive but what do you do what do you
tell yourself when you’ve just wasted a
year and a half of your life doing
something and it didn’t work out and I
told her that’s a real negative way of
looking at it but I did that I why you
can you rephrase the question and then
ask me again because it’s just you’re
looking at it really negatively up first
of all anyone answer it that way look
you thought about AG said I learned an
important lesson the hard way I said
that still sucks no wonder you don’t
want to move forward because you feel
like you’ve done something wrong because
it didn’t work out the way you had
predetermined you wanted it to work out
you have to look at it a different way
if you feel like you want to do
something you should just step forward
it may not work but you’re going to hit
a step in your career in your
development that you cannot have taken
had you not gone that way before you can
get over there and I say in the ashes of
all your failures if you look close
enough you’ll find keys to success if
you’re a very negative person all you
would focus on is wow I have a really
bad movie on my resume that I wish I had
never done but if you’re a positive
person you’ll go I’m so glad I took that
step that most people would not have
taken because that got me to a place
that no one else can follow thank you
guys so much for watching I love to know
what did you think what was your paper
clip what are you going to take from
this video and immediately apply to your
life for your business somehow leave it
down the comments below I’m super
curious find out I also want to give a
quick shout out to wizard Pereira thank
you so much risen for picking up a copy
of my book your one word really really
really reads a lot to me and I hope
you’re enjoying the read so thank you
guys again for watching I believe in you
hope we continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
I’ll see you soon
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