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ADVICE FROM SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE – 20 Minute + Motivational Speeches

you are going to incur it incur a lot of
disappointment a lot of failure a lot of
pain a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats
but in the process of doing that you
will discover some things about yourself
that you don’t know right now what you
will realize is that you have greatness
within you what you’ll realize is that
you’re more powerful than you can ever
begin to imagine what you will realize
is that you’re greater than your
circumstances that you don’t have to go
through life being a victim
the road to success is through
commitment and through the strength to
drive through that commitment when it
gets hard and it is going to get hard
and you’re going to want to quit
sometimes but it’ll be colored by who
you are and more who you want to be
it’s not about having more followers on
Twitter than your friends it’s not about
outdoing anyone it’s about how to outdo
yourself it’s not about selling more
books or getting more TED views than
somebody else it’s about how to make
sure that the work that you’re producing
is better than the work you produced
before you are your competition and that
is what ensures you stay in the game the
longest and that is what ensures you
find joy because the joy comes not from
comparison but from it then
now when I decided to leave the gym and
go independent this was already a goal
of mine I read out I’ve written out all
of my goals writing goals are very
important it was very important
I wrote my goals out and I think it was
like ten of them and then a year later
maybe two years later I went back to
that book and I sweating everything I
right now I heard it without even
thinking about it some powerful about
writing your goals
we’re not going to always make the right
steps and sometimes you have to back up
and try again and if you’re in a
position where you can’t back up and try
again you’ve trapped yourself and the
system will set out honey pots for
people to get trapped in the system will
set out the ideas of retirement the
ideas of the golden years providing you
benefits providing you a healthy work
environment why well because they want
people to work for them they don’t want
people to realize their own dreams and
escape but those up in the a so you got
to hire more people and train them and
they want to set it up so that you stick
around stick around some sort of an
unsatisfying world it’s up to you to see
that video game problem to see that
issue as it comes up on the map and
known I think this is a right turn to
see all the problems that could
potentially lay in front of you and
calculate your your future and then also
look around all the people that didn’t
do it and look at the misery that
they’re in and learn you don’t want to
be like them and then look at the people
that have kind of tipping chances
navigated their way what did they do
differently what what objectivity do
they have that maybe you lack what
insight into their own mistakes are they
willing to delve into that you’re not
that you step back and go you know I
don’t I just don’t want to look at
myself that closely but the person who’s
able to look at themselves the closest
is going to get the more rational
you already know who you are in that
piece that piece that we’re after lies
somewhere belong personality your need
for acceptance can make you invisible in
this world don’t let anything stand in
the way of the light that shines through
this form risk being seen in all of your
and it so it’s okay to have a sense of
self-awareness and identity but it’s not
okay to have an ego because what an ego
does is the ego is a funny it’s a funny
it’s a funny entity within the human
brain it is on your side when you are
doing great but have you ever noticed
when you when you think you failed it’s
the ego in your mind that tells you it’s
so bad everyone’s looking at you
you start to sweat across your forehead
and you’re like oh my god I can’t
believe this is happening the whole
entire world is watching and none of it
is true when you’re doing great you
shouldn’t listen to that voice when
you’re not doing it great you shouldn’t
listen to that voice because it’s not
when you’re doing great it’s going to
get you hooked on that feeling so that
when you come down and and you because
we all life is a rollercoaster there’s
valleys and peaks when you hit that
valley if you can’t deal then you won’t
make it
I feel guilty at 10 to 5 if I’m not in
the office
and that might sound sound strange to
you but that’s assess a work ethic that
I have to be half dead not to not go to
when you give somebody your word your
word is so important once I gave my word
I had to come even I I got too many
other things I got to do legite well I
gave up my word
and that’s gonna go a long way which is
in business once you give somebody where
it’s good to get at them right
everything that you need to get done but
when you give somebody your word you got
to stand back because when you start
standing by your word you’ll be able to
build more relationships and resources
if you don’t you’re not doing the
passion and love and your students for
money so the emotional outcomes will be
disasterous that’s of my experience this
is really wonderful have to be up it’s a
pure passion and the love for what I’m
the separation of talent and skill is
one of the the greatest misunderstood
concepts for people who are trying to
excel who have dreams that want to do
things talent you have naturally skill
is only developed by hours and hours and
hours of beating on your craft there’s
no easy way around it no matter how
talented you are your talent is going to
fail you if you’re not skilled you know
if you don’t study if you don’t work
really hard and dedicate yourself to
being better every single day you’ll
never be able to communicate with with
a bunch of people that will say yeah why
family shows you know it’s a great idea
for you to just go out there and go
crazy you have people to support you
need to listen stop saying that
stop saying any of those things every
single person who has ever done anything
worthwhile or exceptional or difficult
or extraordinary anyone whether it’s
great artists or authors or
mathematicians or whatever this it is
everyone encounters difficulties there
is no easy road it does not exist it is
everyone has issues if you have time to
pursue a hobby if you have time to do
anything in your life you can better
yourself and here’s one way you never
better yourself when you come up with
excuses for why other people are
successful you’re not that’s dangerous
when you give yourself an escape yeah
well that’s easy for you to say you know
you do do-do-do decision to trust me
everybody has a hard road I wanted to
jump out a window several times during
my young life I wanted to jump in front
of a train just ended because too much
pressure not really but you know I’m
saying theoretically we all go through
hard times we all go through depression
we all do go through gout and then
moments in your life where it’s really
difficult and you’re trying to figure
out what your path is going to be it’s
hardest but Stephan and I we’re talking
about this before the podcast starts
that day is what makes your person and
those difficult moments are what build
your character show me a great man who’s
the son of a great man
it’s very easy to be seduced by doing
things efficiently trying to do a lot of
things well I don’t believe that’s the
most important thing the most important
thing is picking the right things to do
in the first place and that’s being
effective versus just being efficient so
within a start-up its success I don’t
think it’s measured by how many things
you can do at once measured by how
effectively you’re able to pick the one
or two things into the highest priority
and there’s always going to be a
seduction so you get distracted focus on
20 things at once and the most effective
entrepreneurs I know are very good at
focusing on one or two things and either
eliminating the rest delegating to other
people or outsourcing it’s just not done
within the team but it’s actually two
third party
one of the things that I do do before I
go to bed at night is they make a quick
list of the things that I know I have to
deal with of the next day and I try to
get those knocked out before noon
because from noon on it’s kind of like
the wild wild west I don’t know what’s
going to happen I don’t know what new
issues going to come up and so you want
to really be smart about your time to
knock out the things that you have to
who do I have to talk to what do I have
to review what do I have to do with a
bank or an employee or one of the
businesses you want to get out what I
would call the housekeeping you get the
housekeeping done in the morning and
then you get to kind of go farm the
fields for the rest of the day and part
of the challenge or part of the
challenge for me at least is that their
lines get very blurry of when the day
actually shuts off and that can present
a real challenge to you know your
personal life and your friends and kind
of that balance so it’s it’s hard but
the first part of my day is the focus
and on this particular day when we got
to the end of the run there were some
free bagels and they had picnic tables
set up and on one side was a group of
volunteers on the table were boxes of
bagels and on the other side was a long
line of runners waiting to get their
free bagel so I said to my friend let’s
let’s get a bagel and he looked at me
and said that lines too long and I said
free bagel and he said I don’t want to
wait in line and I was like free bagel
and he says nah it’s too long and that’s
when I realized that there’s two ways to
see the world some people see the thing
that they want and some people see the
thing that prevents them from getting
the thing that they want I could only
see the bagels he could only see the
line and so I walked up the line I
leaned in between two people put my hand
in the box and pulled out two bagels and
no one get mad at me because the rule is
you can go after whatever you want
you just cannot deny anyone else to go
after whatever they want
now I had to sacrifice choice I didn’t
get to choose which bagel I got I got
whatever I pulled out but I didn’t have
to wait in line
so the point is you don’t have to wait
in line you don’t have to do it the way
everybody else has done it you can do
your way you can break the rules you
just can’t get in the way of somebody
else getting what they want
the other thing is is that you get to
work your butt off if you think that
you’re gonna go and accomplish something
really special and be the best in
anything in the world and you think you
can do it without working you make a big
mistake because no matter what I did if
it was a bodybuilding or an acting
organism in a public arena it always
took a model of New York and you gotta
put out and you got to you know
sometimes make a lot of sacrifices
notice if you’re not willing to work
hard forget about it so there’s another
rule that is a very important when you
wake up in the morning and your life
means something to somebody other than
you that you have a purpose if you don’t
go do the things that you’re going to do
people’s lives will suffer and I think
that that kind of purpose that’s like to
live in service not to you but to live
in service to humanity to live in
service to your family to live in
service to your church to your city to
your country to the world living in
service is that I feel like that is the
purest form of joy
sometimes your life will be in a slump
just like sports some of the best
shooters can’t hit baskets different
times and games they get in a slump do
they sit on the sideline ization your
digestion hit a basket today
no they continue to execute I suggest to
you that if you are facing a challenge
don’t stop
stay busy work your plan continue to do
those things that you know that work for
you after you have evaluated yourself in
the situation continue to move stay busy
stay busy stay busy
just have to have a total and complete
passion because there’s going to be so
many dark moments you know I think the
dark moments are true for any
entrepreneur any startup company I’m
sure that you talk to Steve Jobs and
Apple you see many many dark dark
moments ours happened to last a little
longer than most of them but you really
emotionally have to be prepared for
those dark moments I think every
entrepreneur I’ve ever spoken to you
which would echo that dark moment
everything’s on the line that’s the life
of an entrepreneur and so you’re going
to be into it you better be prepared for
that you know you have two choices in
life basically it’s it’s basically to
succeed or to fail you know pants and
I’ve been the negative Road and I’ve
been the positive Road and I would never
give up the positive road never I would
never even if you know I’m saying if I
was the biggest flop in the world
I only invest in things that I
understand and things that I use or
would use myself this is really really
really important
anytime I step outside of that is
usually when the universe kicks me in
the nuts really hard and I lose my money
I think it’s critical to as an
entrepreneur scratch your own itch it
increases the odds of success or the
probability of success and then as an
investor I look for people who are
scratching their own itch passion is not
an actionable word it’s correct you know
that those who do the things that
they’re passionate about do better but
it’s not helpful advice and so the
question is where does passion come from
passion is a result passion is an energy
passion is the feeling you have when
you’re engaged in something that you
love passion is the feeling you have
that you would probably do this for free
you know and you can’t believe somebody
pays you to do it you know and I think
we mistake that passion is something we
do in our private lives but it shouldn’t
be done you know in our careers for
example and I’m a firm believer that you
are who you are and anybody who says I’m
different at home than I am at work and
one of those places you’re lying and the
goal is to make everything you do in
home and it works something that you
have excitement to do so how do you find
the things that you’re excited to do
well it’s actually easier than you think
what are the things that you love to do
what are the things that you would do
for free
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