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Mary Kay Ash Documentary – Success Story

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to
another edition of modeling the masters
today we’re going to look at one of the
most successful women entrepreneurs of
all time Mary Kay hatch Mary Kay Ash was
an American businesswoman and founder of
Mary Kay Cosmetics raised in a time when
few women were in business let alone
successful in business ash broke down
barriers on her rise up to creating a
multi-billion dollar operation Ash’s
professional career began in the direct
sales business she worked for sanely
Home Products recruited over 150 women
to work for her and earn a percentage of
the products they sold her success
worried Stanley Home Products executives
so they moved her to Dallas and refused
to pay her Commission’s from her
previous results ash joined another
direct sales company world gift company
where she excelled and again had her
efforts penalized when she was demoted
after achieving too much too quickly
she chose to resign rather than be
demoted ash then used her $5,000 life
savings to open a cosmetics company
beauty by Mary Kay Ash had bought the
formula for skin care cream she was
using as well as a storefront in Dallas
and began hiring friends as independent
beauty consultants her team for
salespeople in its first year company
sales reached one hundred and ninety
eight thousand dollars primarily from
sale sessions or skincare classes her
sales team would hold in private homes
at the time of Ash’s death Mary Kay
Cosmetics had over 800,000
representatives in 37 countries with
total annual sales of over two billion
dollars at retail
so the next question becomes how can you
model the success of Mary Kay Ash here
are three action items that you can put
to use in your business today action
item number one break down barriers in
your way starting the business is tough
it could be hard to get customers to
believe in a new company and people will
doubt your ability to succeed at times
you might even wonder if you made the
right decision or if you’re better off
going back and getting the job Mary Kay
Ash was tired of being held back and
being told that she was just thinking
like a woman starting her own business
was her chance to reach your full
according to ash you cannot keep
determined people from success if you
play stumbling-blocks in their way they
will use them for stepping stones and
climb to new heights no matter what
challenges you come up against remind
yourself of why you started your
business and what your vision is break
big barriers down to small chunks and
tackle them one by one until the problem
is solved whatever you do don’t give up
action item number two live by the
Golden Rule whether you’re dealing with
customers suppliers the media employees
partners or someone else who can have a
meaningful impact on your business
remember that you’re dealing with a
person and people like to be recognized
and appreciated Mary Kay Ash’s advice is
simple I have learned to imagine an
invisible sign around each person’s neck
that says make me feel important I never
cease to be amazed at how positively
people react when they’re made to feel
important everyone wants to be
appreciated so if you appreciate someone
don’t keep it a secret as a business
owner there never seems to be enough
time in the day to get everything done
which can often cause us to get stressed
out and treat people poorly try to
remember Mary Kay Ash’s rule I make the
people around you feel important and
appreciated you’ll see far better
business results and you’ll have a lot
more fun as well
action item number three be enthusiastic
your business doesn’t have to be the
most creative or original what can make
the difference between success and
failure is your enthusiasm for what
you’re selling when you’re enthusiastic
you’ll be more convincing and you have
an easier time convincing people to take
action according to Mary Kay nothing
great was ever accomplished with those
enthusiasm if you act enthusiastic you
become enthusiastic a mediocre idea that
generates enthusiasm will go farther
than a great idea that inspires no one
what in the business can be a grind and
sometimes we can lose our enthusiasm for
the company when this happens remind
yourself again why you started the
business and try to get excited about
the next meeting you’re going to have if
others sends how excited you are they’re
more likely to be convinced and want to
get involved this in turn will give you
more energy and enthusiasm so don’t
waste the opportunity
so remember break down barriers in your
live by the golden rule and be
enthusiastic I wanted to end the video
by sharing one of my favorite true
stories about Mary Kay Ash every day
before Ash went to work she would make a
list of the six most important things to
do and give herself deadlines to finish
each one in her own words ash said over
the years I’ve observed that nearly all
high achievers know how to make good use
of those 1440 minutes in each day we
must have a theme a goal a purpose in
our lives if you don’t know where you’re
aiming you don’t have a goal an average
person with average talents and ambition
an average education can outstrip the
most brilliant genius in our society if
that person has clear focused goals
thank you for joining me for another
edition of modeling the masters I’d love
to hear your thoughts if you want to
leave a comment below and stay tuned for
the next edition
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