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“LIFE is ALL About Taking RISKS!” | Ajay Banga | Top 10 Rules

never take no for an answer there is
always a way to get to the right
solution if you apply your mind you know
how people ask what keeps you up at
night what they should really be asking
you is what gets you out of bed in the
morning to state the obvious you know I
tend to stand out in the room and I see
one other young man here with a beard
and a turban but beards and turbans will
do that to you my part-time hobby is
being randomly searched by the TSA at
airports need motivation what’s up at
7:00 my one word is believe and I
believe in you I believe you have
Michael Jordan level talent at something
and I want you to find it embrace it and
make a difference using it so let’s get
your motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from growing up as the son of an Army
General in India to spending 13 years
working for Nestle and now becoming the
CEO of MasterCard
he’s a Jay Banga and here is my take on
so let’s kick things off with rule
number one take thoughtful risks and
life is all about taking risks and the
one thing I’ve got a little sign up in
my office that says that done is better
than perfect and it is so difficult to
make people in the company understand
that it is so difficult if you don’t
take a risk you won’t make progress
that’s such a issue I started I started
talking to our employees about taking
thoughtful risks and two things happen
the first thing happened was in a town
hall like this I got a question from an
employee saying will we have a seminar
to learn how to take thoughtful
crystallizer no crap did your mother
teach you one time she must have that
you don’t cross the road when there’s a
truck coming your way
the next time you kind of learn that you
don’t all you can run over you’ve got
two choices
you don’t know a seminar to teach you
how not to take a risk or how to take it
thoughtfully you’ve got to have it in
your head and mind that says that a risk
reward equation makes sense you do it in
life at home you do it when you get up
it you know when you get up from your
bed you’re taking a risk you could fall
off the bed you could fall in the
bathroom and enjoy yourself you could
choke on your toothpaste you could we
took a risk right so who taught you
about that nobody did why would I teach
you in business how to take a thoughtful
risk a thoughtful risk is a risk that
doesn’t always turn out to be a loser if
it does you’re fired
if you make a mistake one time it’s cool
if you make a mistake a second time the
same one then I have to ask how much
intelligence you have if you do it a
third time
you should go do it with my competitor
yes it’s actually not that difficult to
fathom it’s really a very simple rule
it’s common sense and that is a it took
a long time for people to understand
that and so people conventional wisdom
will drag you down words you just have
to be willing to take these thoughtful
risks and not be not have 100 percent
data every time you just will not you
will never have what are the percent of
the information rule number two never
take no for an answer
Nestle taught me a lot of things that
the guy I still say that the guy was the
managing director of Nesta when I joined
many levels above me I got Barry Ryan
it’s still one of the people have learnt
the most from his view was never take no
for an answer there is always a way to
get to the right solution if you apply
your mind don’t take the hurdles that
come in your way as the reason why you
would move around them or give up or as
in India they say Dugard jugaad means
you adjust for everything he said don’t
do that that’s the wrong way to do
business go for it
never take no for an answer rule number
three be urgent our world today with its
amazing technological advances and the
fact that this innovation cycle is ever
shortening this world has no space for
those who procrastinate
it’s that urgency that makes me say to
colleagues of mine in the company but if
you have good news for me take the
stairs but if you have bad news take the
elevator I need to know that quickly so
I can do something about it a lot of
people think that urgency and patience
are contradictory and they could not be
more wrong you need to be patient enough
to listen to everybody but yes you must
have a sense of urgency to take a
decision and to execute rule number four
find your purpose
please don’t over plan your career and
really seed us about that way too many
young people stress too much for what
they’ll be doing one year from now five
years from now ten years from now how
could you know when I was graduating I
had no clue what I was gonna do with my
life other than I wanted to join a great
global firm and that time that is the
biggest opportunity in the India of 1981
join a great global multinational I got
into Nestle I went there that was my
grand plan get rid somebody good get rid
somebody global do something that
interested me and that’s it let’s you
that feels like you that gives you the
energy and gives you some purpose take a
risk a thoughtful risk see how it works
out you know how people ask what keeps
you up at night what they should really
be asking you is what gets you out of
bed in the morning
it’s feeling that sense of purpose of
belonging to something that’s bigger
larger more than you more than yourself
and if you’ve got that you will bring
your heart and you will bring your mind
to what you’re doing your heart and your
mind that’s how the magic happens both
for you in your professional life but
even more importantly for you in your
personal life rule number five try out
new things so 13 years of Nestle tiers
of PepsiCo 13 years at City no four to
five years of MasterCard that’s quite a
few career transitions that you’ve had I
think many of us expect to also have a
lot of career transitions yeah as you’ve
gone about your career and made these
big jobs how have you thought about
timing and reasoning for when you leave
one place and go to the next time very
poor I just make the jump and I think
I’m ready to make it I in truth in my my
generation who sustained careers for a
long time 30 years in one company you
guys are different and I think you’ve
got the right approach to it because if
you don’t try out new things if you’re
not willing to take a risk you will
achieve very little reward out of the
system the way it’s constructed today
and so I have a big encouragement and
saying you if you want to move jobs
there you want to move roles within a
company or you want to move companies or
industries think about it but go for it
don’t don’t don’t procrastinate forever
and don’t hesitate forever so timing in
my case was more about when I felt that
I had learned what I could and I wanted
to do something different
and my mind felt that I was reaching a
point where I was stagnating rule number
six be completely paranoid I
competitively paranoid and by that I
don’t mean be fearful but I mean
constantly ask yourself if you’re
missing something is there more to the
problem is there a better solution
if you don’t question everything if
you’re not competitively paranoid you
will not have the sense of self
introspection that you so sorely will
need to be a real leader rule number
seven simplify your thinking and you
learned that the hardest thing is to
simplify your thinking
and to communicate that in a way that
everybody around you can relate to
you’re gonna take very complex thoughts
which is what business life is about and
then communicate them in the simplest
possible way not the other way around
where people tend to take simple ideas
and communicate them in a far more
complicated way and they don’t do this
for bad reasons they do it to conform to
the thinking that the devil lies in the
details and only those who are very well
versed in every tiny detail are the
smart ones who know what they do the
real fact is the hardest thing to do is
to simplify a complicated problem rule
number eight have humility what are one
or two things about you personality
traits personal characteristics that
have set you apart and let you have so
much success where others have stalled
or kind of reached dead ends in their
career you’re gonna ask somebody else
who would evaluate me on that I would
tell you that I would think humility is
actually a big part of it so you can’t
throw it out the window because if
you’re not willing to learn from people
and adapt and adjust and progress in
your mind you’re always learning you
can’t be in a company like this and
succeed you know it just doesn’t make
any sense but I think that’s important
we night thing I picked that up over the
years in some ways from people I saw and
watched and Barry Ryan for example used
to have the ability and Desolator deal
with the junior most employee and the
senior most was as much interest of
purpose with each of them
the gentleman at City Sandy Weill who
was the chairman and CEO and the founder
of the merged Citigroup has exactly the
same attitude he can deal with the
gardener in his vineyard he can afford
vineyard so that’s he’s done well and he
can deal with the gardener in his
vineyard with the same interest in
purpose and passion as he does with a
president of a country I don’t know that
you can diagnose that from success I
think it’s actually a key part of who
you are and how successful you can be I
think you can be successful without the
humility what do you want to enjoy it as
much rule number nine be yourself
my passion for diversity comes from the
fact that I am diverse I mean to state
the obvious you know I tend to stand out
in a room and I
see one or a young man here with a beard
and a turban but beards and turbans will
do that to you
you stand out in a room my part-time
hobby is being randomly searched by the
TSA at airports it’s true it’s true
right on a global company so that’s not
exactly common for someone who looks
like me and I can tell you there have
been a hundred times that I felt
different from everybody else in the
room and you realize very early in your
career that if I were not comfortable
with myself then I couldn’t succeed so
it’s completely critical to know that
you should figure out who you are and be
comfortable with it what’s important is
what you do and how you do it not where
you came from or what you look like
and that’s just going to be very
important for your future and we’ll
number 10 the last one before some very
special bonus clips think global act
local embracing global work is the
ability to understand that global
companies will have scale will have
advantages of cost but they will only
succeed if they think global and act
local which a lot of people say but very
few people do so being what I call
broeckel is actually what this is all
about so if you can adjust an adaptive
product to really be local while taking
into account what you get from your
global feelings then you are in a great
place for tomorrow
now I’ve got two really special bonus
clips for you on how to find work/life
balance and empower the youth but before
that I want to know what did you learn
from this video what was the lesson that
was the most important to you you’re
gonna make an immediate change somehow
to your life or your business leave it
down in the comments below when you
write it down you’re much more likely to
take action thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
vote life balance is a very personal
thing you know they’re guys who work 12
hours 18 hours a day and think that
they’ve got balance there are those who
work 6 hours a day and they think
they’ve got balance so I don’t know how
you define it for yourself but for me
work-life balance requires I guess a
couple of things to happen when is we’re
going to enjoy what you’re doing
you really have to it’s really really
critical and if you don’t enjoy what
you’re doing it’s time to do something
different and that’s part of the reasons
why I’ve changed what I did over the
years because if you’re gonna work as
hard as we work and I travel probably
2/3 of the time and if you’re not gonna
enjoy what you’re doing when you travel
why the hell are you doing it and so
work-life balance starts with enjoying
what you do really well at the same time
you’ve got to have time for yourself and
the people who matter to you I mean but
that I mean you know not just helping
either team move into a dorm room in
Harvard which by the way was up for
bloody flights of stairs with no
elevator with a room partner who had a
stupid shipping trunk that was bigger
than my car that actually carried up the
stairs and I used to call that the two
advil evenings right you kind of had
them and then you had two advil so you
could wake up in the morning without a
broken back but that you’ve got to
provide time for that you’ve got to
provide time for their for their their
play with their acting in it on the
small part that’s third tree from left
because it’s important to them and so if
you’re not going to be there when they
need you then you’ve got no balance so I
mean I was living in Hong Kong for a
little while running Citigroup in Asia
and I used to fly back from Hong Kong
for one evening to be able to spend the
time that was required if one of them or
ritto were doing something that was
important to us as a family so I guess
you got to enjoy what you’re doing but
you’ve also got to take out the time for
the people who matter to you and when
you’re with somebody spend the time with
the person you know this stupid habit of
having a Blackberry or an iPhone in your
hand all the time honestly you’re not
spending time with the people you’re
with you’re spending time with the
instrument and the instrument isn’t your
work-life balance it’s actually in some
ways an invasion on your work-life
it’s useful don’t get me wrong I use the
done thing all the time but it’s an
invasion if you’re not careful so
finding the right space that says when
I’m with you I’m focused on you you
matter to me
and I’m going to spend time with you as
compared to I’m doing that but also
doing this looking at my email doing
phone calls taking our paper working on
the weekends you got to you’ve got to
figure out how to find that balance
that’s what work-life balance is the
rest all kind of works out empowering
the youth to be independently capable of
leading a good life is our future that’s
where it’ll be and I do a lot in that I
try and get involved with that in many
ways and whether it be with in the US or
elsewhere in the u.s. I use to be on the
board of the New York Hall of Science as
as your Dean was saying and that’s
because that follow science is all about
young kids learning about science what
stem is now a buzzword but that’s kind
of what I’m into I used to be involved
with the National Urban League which is
I was deeply worried about the way the
african-american community younger
people in this in this country do not
have the same opportunity as some of the
others and that community isn’t one the
Hispanics have relatively stronger
representations the Asians tend to do
well because of various things in where
they’re coming from the African American
community the younger community is
struggling in many ways and we’re all
trying to do many things as people with
them but I thought the National Urban
League get a head start I’m trying to do
things with them so I got involved with
them to get after that young person in
that community I do it in India with a
personal investment of my wife and I
have made in trying to grow vocational
training schools in India because I
believe that that will transform and the
ability for India’s economy to cater for
tomorrow’s service economy there’s only
so many engineers and doctors and
lawyers that India needs it needs
waiters and carpenters and and domestic
help and drivers and and people in the
service industry electricians the like
and so I’m trying to put money into that
in a way of transforming that experience
in different parts of India
so I just think that doing things with
young people and empowering young people
is a big part of what we can do the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple so it would be
like a little beacon pay believe nation
if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey
and Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the
description for details [Music]
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