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Deadpool 2 Spoiler Free Review! – Mojo @ The Movies

oh yeah your bullets they’re really fast
welcome to Boat Show at the movies my
name is Eric and joining me today is
Justin who is a producer in our comic
books department how you doing Justin
pretty good this is very exciting
because we are talking superhero
specifically Deadpool – we want to see
it and this is our spoiler free review
so you know don’t worry yeah we won’t
give anything away hopefully no no this
is a safe place no triggers no 12 maybe
maybe some triggers maybe yeah I mean
this is Deadpool after all so the first
movie I found really kind of it was
revolutionary in the way that it treated
the superhero on screen and I got the
sense that this movie kind of took that
spirit of the first one and just amped
it up yeah and to be honest with you I
was kind of worried about that going
into this movie that they would take the
things that worked in Deadpool 1 and
just kind of elevate them and do them
again in different ways but they didn’t
go that route they did take certain
things that worked in the first one and
just doubled down on them in this movie
and kind of brought them to the
forefront there’s like way more
references to other superhero movies the
self-referential yeah lots of fourth
wall breaks even more so than in the
first movie and it works really well
feel tired no it didn’t and that’s a
testament to the writing of this movie
because it would have been really easy
for people to just be like ok we get it
Deadpool breaks the fourth wall but
every time it kind of felt refreshing
and fun and that he was kind of on the
audience’s side in a lot of ways and I
thought that was a real breath of fresh
air for this movie you know you get the
sense that this is you know it’s it’s
just a total free-for-all in terms of
insults nothing is sacred but nobody is
safe they went after absolutely everyone
including themselves yeah but yeah you
know I guess fans of other superheroes
of other franchises be warned because
yes if you I heard one person in the
audience at one point go that’s it
that’s a cheap shot and I’m like nothing
safe man you can’t you can’t hold
grudges nothing safe I you know I I
absolutely love how meta this movie gets
I would say more so than the first one
and in in many ways you got a hand it
also you were talking about the writing
you have to hand it to Ryan Reynolds
because not only was he the star of the
movie but I think he also had a writing
credit a writing credit a produce
credit and I think you can really tell
that Reynolds has taken over this
franchise and kind of you know there’s
been lots of has been said about how he
kind of rose it from the ashes no one
wanted to make this movie and he kind of
was the champion of it and now that it
is a big success and it has turned into
this like cultural moment he is totally
like the centerpiece of this franchise
in more ways than one
off screen and on screen so that’s
really refreshing to see you know if you
think about it you know talking about
the casting and we’ll get to the others
as well right Ryan Reynolds at this
point I can’t disassociate the character
from the actors so in a way that Hugh
Jackman just became Wolverine and I
can’t imagine I mean at some point
they’re probably going to have to cast a
new Wolverine a night but that’s gonna
be really painful right I can’t imagine
any other character playing Deadpool at
this point well there are a handful of
actors and performances that have kind
of like become synonymous with their
character and the testament to that is
that you hear a lot of people say when I
read Deadpool now I hear Ryan Reynolds’s
voice in my head yeah and I think that
like there are only a handful of people
another example as Mark Hamill’s Joker
on the animated series of Batman a lot
of people say when they read the Joker
that’s all they can hear and I think
it’s kind of become the same thing
Reynolds is just embodies that persona
so brilliantly so well yeah and it’s
it’s never it never feels too silly or
too like childish it always feels just
the right perfect comedic tone and
that’s not an easy thing to pull off
from a vocal performance
well let’s also talk about the rest of
the casting I mean there’s there’s
certain people we can’t mention because
this is spoiler free yes but one person
who has appeared in the trailers quite a
bit is I want to make sure it’s sassy
sassy sassy beats yeah from Atlanta
she’s made a name for herself on Atlanta
she plays Domino in this movie she’s
amazing she’s incredible she’s it’s like
every time she’s on screen you just want
more of her she’s got like the coolest
action set-pieces in my opinion like
when she’s on screen kicking ass it’s
like the most exhilarating stuff in the
movie as far as I’m concerned and that
character has always been kind of in the
background she’s always been around in
the x-men comics but like it was cool to
see her take center stage in this really
major way and become like a comedic
character as well I thought the way that
they handled that character was kind of
brilliant so she’s not so funny in the
comics not so much and in this she
really does shine like she does get a
lot of funny lines and moments to just
like have the spotlight it’s great
no speaking of serious characters who
get a couple of chances to be funny we
got to talk about cable I mean everyone
you know this I feel like the
anticipation for this movie there’s a
lot of talk about Josh Brolin and about
cable so how did you feel that he fit
into the larger picture so for cable and
Deadpool that’s always been like a very
strong dynamic in the comics they’ve
headlined many titles together there’s
been Deadpool in cable there’s been
cable and Deadpool there they’ve just
been by Lacey yeah it’s it’s the classic
straight man it is kind of like it’s the
classic straight man and goofy character
pairing that works and in this movie
they kind of went all the way extreme
with that Josh Brolin scenes are like
very dark when he’s on his own and like
almost like a completely different movie
felt like t2 yeah did well or even the
original definitely and that character
is heavily inspired by like the
Terminator concept but when he gets
brought in and Deadpool has their
interactions it kind of feels like
Brolin gets brought into Deadpool’s
world more so than Deadpool goes into
the darkness if that makes sense yeah
exactly and I think that really helps
the tone of the movie because had it
just been silliness all the way through
it kind of may have been tiresome at
some point but you get this like
straight character for him to play off
of this super leg yeah and it’s it’s
really funny their dynamic works a lot
their chemistry is great Brolin
absolutely kills it well so what’s going
on with Brolin all of a sudden you know
you know that host versus cable yeah
which is a good idea for a video by the
way yeah we should definitely if you
want us to do something like that
but I mean how did he become the go-to
superhero guy you know it’s funny
because both those characters in on the
page are like I don’t want to say
two-dimensional but they are very much
like these operatic kind of very comic
book II character Stannis is this giant
purple guy who wants to kill half the
universe and cables a guy from the
future with a giant gun and a million
pouches with you know tools and crazy
stuff in them
but you know it’s funny that he manages
to bring a humanity to both those
characters in a way that I don’t think
anyone really saw coming so hats off to
Josh Brolin for really breathing life
into to ultimately characters that
people could have said oh these are
goofy who cares he really made them
people and interesting people because
he’s got that gravitas yeah but there
was something else I wanted to ask you I
mean you being a big comic book fan how
faithful do you feel that this is to the
the storylines in the comics so for
Deadpool the first movie was actually
surprisingly faithful to the comics and
the source material the changes that
they did make were like it made sense
cinematically for those changes to be
implemented but there wasn’t something
so drastic where I was like well that’s
hardly Deadpool anymore and for this
movie they made more changes to certain
aspects of the Deadpool mythology but at
the same time Deadpool is one of these
characters where every time a new writer
takes him on in the comics certain
things change he’s valuable
he’s malleable his backstory has changed
numerous times to the point where it’s
almost a joke that he doesn’t really
have a concrete backstory and I think
the way that they went about like
presenting elements of his story in this
we’re really smart and we can get into
that when we eventually do our spoiler
review but I think that the way it was
made that they handled those dramatic
beats that are familiar to Deadpool
readers and that brought them in so that
an audience could understand them
without creating these like crazy
characters and having to introduce all
this backstory was kind of brilliant and
they deserve a real hat tip for that one
and you know I get the sense that you
know the MCU has its own rulebook about
how to translate something to the big
screen the same goes with DC same goes
with x-men but it’s almost like they’re
you know they’re throwing the rulebook
out the window when it comes to Deadpool
one thing that I really like about this
movie and it’s partially because it can
it’s allowed to be like silly in its
tone and it doesn’t have to like launch
this franchise in a way is for the MCU
when they’re gonna bring in a new
character it’s a big deal right because
presumably we’re gonna be seeing that
character for a long time
when they introduced Black Panther for
example it’s a big deal who are they
caste then they cast the guide it’s like
all right he’s in Civil War then there’s
black panther in this movie I really
felt like anyone can show up right they
can just pull out absurd weird character
and they do they do and that can just be
a throwaway thing they don’t have to be
like and then you know fire star is
gonna get his own movie no they just
it’s kind of more like comics in a way
because not every character in the
comics gets their own title a lot of
them are just background characters and
it was cool to see this movie do that in
a way that other movies haven’t
necessarily done it I guess because they
have the license to do red and no where
else can they do they can do it purely
for comedy sake so did you like this
Deadpool too better than Deadpool one
it’s a bit early to tell for sure but I
think I did only because I felt like
everything that I liked about the first
one was elevated and made even more like
concrete in this one so yeah I think
Deadpool 2 is definitely builds on the
success of the first one what about the
action I mean you know clearly the first
one was you know chock full of action
but this one again amped it up that much
more did you feel that there was a
different the action of the violence I
think the biggest difference is the
change in director so the first movie
was directed by Tim Miller who left the
project and now it’s david leitch who
had been working on those John wick
movies he co-directed John wick and I
think you can really tell that change in
the action set-pieces
whereas the Tim Miller movie felt like
it was about creating these like very
awesome almost splash Paigey action
moments where you know Deadpool what
skewer the guy and it would freeze on
that and you’d get to like really see
that and this it felt a little bit more
dynamic there was a lot more movement
the camera kind of followed the action a
lot more still and and you got to see
everything and there was a lot more big
action set pieces I found scattered
throughout the movie you know at one
point I couldn’t really you were sitting
beside a woman who had a like a like a
toddler baby who throw baby
who brings a toddler to a Deadpool movie
out of I certainly was very well behaved
a baby I do have to say it didn’t bother
me at all that was mine yeah must have
been okay let me ask you lastly
the story I mean we there’s not much we
can we couldn’t we can reveal but how
did you feel that the story worked and
you know in comparison to the first ones
so we talked a little bit about this
before but ultimately I feel like these
movies are very silly and I think they
know that
but what’s smart about the writing and
hats off to the screenwriters for this
is that from the beginning of both
movies they kind of establish a theme
and they kind of spell it out in the
first movie it’s this is a love story
and in this one it’s family and the
whole time you know you kind of keep it
in the back of your head but you’re like
how is this movie about mass murder and
violence and all this stuff how is this
about family and I think that the
brilliance of it is both movies like set
you up for what feels like a very
concrete thumb attic element and then go
on these wild goose chases of craziness
and references and and fourth wall
breaks and then at the end does manage
to land what they promised at the
beginning of the movie and I think that
ties those movies from their
storytelling perspective it ties those
movies together in a really interesting
way so maybe that’s their rulebook you
know what we were talking about throwing
the but at least they have a way to tie
it all together I absolutely love this I
think if you liked the first one you
will definitely not be disappointed in
this one or sure this is about as much
as we can say without spoiling anything
so thank you for being here thanks for
having me and we will be back once the
movie comes out with a full spoiler
review so check that out and don’t
forget to subscribe to mojo talks for
more conversations like this thank you thank you see ya
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