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Learn How To Attract ABUNDANCE IN YOUR LIFE ★Use This Daily!★

today is the day to begin to release all
your limitations you need to pay
attention to your thoughts so you can
begin to eliminate the ones that are
creating experiences that you do not
poverty thinking brings more poverty and
gratitude thinking brings abundance you
can never create prosperity by talking
or thinking about your lack of money
this is wasted thinking and cannot bring
you abundance dwelling on lack only
creates more lack resenting other people
for the amount of money they may have
just puts up a wall between you and your
own flow there are few affirmations and
attitudes that are guaranteed to keep
prosperity beyond reach open your
consciousness to new ideas about money
and it will be yours there is never
enough money now that is a terrible
affirmation to use also the one money
goes out faster than it comes in this is
poverty thinking of the worst kind the
universe can only respond to what you
believe about yourself and about life
examine whatever negative thoughts you
have about money and then decide to
release them and let them go they have
not served you well in the past and will
not serve you well in the future you can
buy an occasional lottery ticket for fun
but do not put a lot of attention into
winning the lottery and think it will
solve your problems
this is scarcity thinking or poverty
and cannot bring lasting good into your
life winning the lottery seldom brings
positive changes into anyone’s life in
fact within two years most lottery
winners have lost almost all their
winnings have nothing to show for it and
are often worse off financially than
before if you think that winning the
lottery will solve all of your problems
you are greatly mistaken because it
doesn’t involve changing consciousness
in effect you’re saying to the universe
I don’t deserve to have good in my life
except by a fluke chance if you would
only change your consciousness your
thinking to allow the abundance of the
universe to flow through your experience
you could have all the things you think
the lottery can bring you and you’d be
able to keep them because they would be
yours by right of consciousness
affirming declaring deserving and
allowing are the steps to demonstrating
riches far greater than you could ever
win in a lottery another thing that can
keep you from prospering is being
dishonest whatever you give out in life
comes back to you always and if you take
from life than life will take from you
it is that simple you may feel that you
don’t steal but are you counting the
paperclips and stamps you may take from
the office or are you a person who
steals time or robs others of respect or
perhaps steals relationships
all these things count and are a way of
saying to the universe I don’t really
deserve the good in life I have to sneak
around and take it so become aware of
the beliefs that may be blocking the
flow of money in your life and then
change those beliefs and begin to create
new abundant thinking even if no one
else in your family has done this you
can open your mind to the concept of
money flowing into your life if we want
to prosper then we must use prosperity
thinking I have to prosperity
affirmations I’ve used for many years
and they work well for me they’ll also
work for you one my income is constantly
increasing and two i prosper wherever I
turn I had very little money when I
started using them but consistent
practice has made them come true for me
you know for a long time I believe that
business is a place where we bless and
prosper each other I’ve never understood
the concept of cutthroat business where
you try to cheat and put one over on the
other person that doesn’t sound like a
joyous way to live there is so much
abundance in this world if we would but
just share it at Hay House my publishing
firm we have always been honest
honorable we live up to our word we do
our work well and treat others with
respect and generosity when you live
that way it is impossible to keep the
money away the universe rewards you at
every possible turn today we have a
fabulous reputation in the publishing
world and so much business that we are
turning it away we do not want to grow
so big that we lose the personal touch
now if I an abused child who did not
finish high school can do it
so can you once a day stand with your
arms open wide and say with joy I am
open and receptive to all the good and
abundance in the universe and thank you
life life will hear you and respond if
you want to bring in the box then use
these affirmations with feeling and
meaning I am a magnet for money
prosperity of every kind is drawn to me
wherever it is that I work I am deeply
appreciated and well compensated I live
in a loving abundant harmonious universe
and I am grateful I am now willing to be
open to the unlimited prosperity that
exists everywhere life supplies all my
needs in great abundance
I trust life the law of attraction
brings only good into my life I move
from poverty thinking to prosperity
thinking and my finances reflect this
change I express gratitude for all the
good in my life each day brings
wonderful new surprises I pay my bills
with love and I rejoice as I write out
each cheque abundance flows freely
through me
I deserve the best and I accept the best
now I release all resistance to money
and I now allow it to flow joyously into
my life my good comes from everywhere and everyone
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