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Veggie Bhaji Burger | Jamie Oliver & Range Rover Evoque | AD

so today is a big day very exciting I’ve
got an event on I’ve got to cook for a
bunch of people I’ve got to come up with
a dish is delicious
surprising colourful handheld so I’ve
got to do a load of shopping get out in
about town it’s gonna be brilliant but
I’ve got to get going
oh and by the way it’s a little bit like
the old days in The Naked Chef
thanks very much mate
oh the very
so see you later
I’ve got a bit of time so I’m gonna see
just what this new Range Rover Evoque
that was pretty heavy but now it’s time
to get back to business and I haven’t
right guys so we’re in a really cool
warehouse doing a Range Rover event in
East London just off Brick Lane so I’ve
embraced those flavors of Brick Lane
which is India and Bangladesh and I
think I’ve got for you one of the very
best veggie burgers ever
it’s the bhaji burger full of color full
of life whether you eat meat or not
you’re gonna love this we’re gonna take
some onions carrot squash my inspiration
came from an onion bhaji but we’re gonna
load it load it with flavor we’re gonna
take a carrot and do nice long strokes
I’m using a butternut squash and you can
just break that in as well so let’s get
all that veg in there now pannier is
basically an Indian cheese that you
could use halloumi but the paneer is
really good look out for it is fantastic
just to level teaspoons of cumin go in
the next spice is tumeric two of those
two cloves of garlic and then ginger a
thumb sized piece of ginger the last two
things I want to add flavor-wise a chili
so we do want a little bit of a kick and
then a nice little watch of coriander
now we’re gonna bind this with some
flour so I’m gonna use gram flour season
it with some nice sea salt and a little
swig of water and we’re gonna mix it up
and that my friends is perfect and then
you can Pat them out to little patties
I’ve also got my hand quite messy now
but just a little bit of oil in a pan
and then we’ll go in with this nice
little patty I’ll cook two but you can
do them in batches and they’ll be lovely
so if we kind of get back to that whole
kind of vibe about a burger right you’d
normally have some Manor so I’m gonna
kind of do my sort of Indian version of
that with a coriander yogurt get a
pestle and mortar a little pinch of salt
and have a smash up just put the yogurt
in here and I’m just gonna muddle it in
so look at that color absolutely
beautiful okay let’s have a little check
of the fritters 1 2 3 and what’s lovely
you get the golden on the outside
and on the inside it’s just luminous
yellow and then I want some more crunch
some more freshness so I’ve got a nice
gem lettuce here and in there’s one last
Papa Dom’s snappin and then kind of
crumble them up like that now I’ve got
these buttons these are spongy white
rolls which is exactly what I wanted I
want to put the coriander yogurt in on
both sides and then we’re gonna dust
that with the Papa Dom’s it’s gonna be
crazy good let’s take one of my patties
we’re gonna go straight on there with
some mango chutney a whole load of the
lettuce some corianders just a few more
chilies just to remind them and then the
last bit on top like that and that my
friends is one hell of a mouthful that’s
probably the best veggie burger I’ve
ever had it’s full of flavour full of
texture it looks crazy and I recommend
over and all the guests are gonna love
it right let’s have a clean down and
hopefully I’ve got your tastebuds ready
this young lady they
can I do one for you
you’re welcome my friend
ah guys thank you very much [Music]
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