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The Secret HABIT Oprah, and Pro Athletes Use that You’re Not Doing! | Oprah Winfrey | #Entspresso

the energy of your intention is what
determines your life I should want to
die after 45 minutes have been in your
schedule because you had diet to 45
minutes in mine a weed is the intention
that you don’t want and the problem is
sometimes you’ve let it grow so much the
weed looks like the plant rise and shine
it’s an espresso time what’s up belief
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your coffee and sip on today’s message
have good intentions over to you Oprah
also if you want to know what Oprah and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below I have paid
attention to my life because I
understand that my life just like your
life is always speaking to you the real
work is to figure out where your power
base is
I was interviewing a woman on one of the
shows of so impressive for me to see all
the shows that we’ve done Lord make me
tired looking at it but I was
interviewing a woman it was a show
called the mistress the wise meet the
mistress’s or some crazy thing and this
woman was on and it was a live show and
in the middle of it
her husband tells the wife and our
entire audience and the world that his
mistress was pregnant yes to this day
makes my eyes water because I saw his
wife’s face and I felt her humiliation
and I said I will quit TV if I have to
do this I won’t do this anymore and my
producers like what are we gonna do this
is what everybody’s doing and then that
same during that same time period so I
said I’m not gonna do anything like that
anymore I’m not gonna I’m not gonna
bring people on TV where’s the wall but
we didn’t know that moment was gonna
happen they were like we didn’t know
who’s gonna happen but that should not
happen on television and I do not want
to be a part of the energy that caused
somebody to feel that because that’s now
gonna come back to me I got to pay for
that then I was interviewing the KKK on
stage that was the day the one guy
called me a monkey in the audience and
during commercial break I could see them
signaling each other and just watching
them and their behavior I thought oh
they get it I don’t get it they are
using me they are using this platform
because they understand because I’m
thinking oh I’m gonna tell you all about
the KKK they were using it to recruit
members for themselves they were using
it to recruit their base and I then went
to the brewery sister said I’m not doing
a show like that so they say you’re not
gonna do the mistresses you know
you’re not gonna okay what we gonna do
so I said we are going to create a
baseline for ourselves that’s based on
intention this was around 1989 when I’d
read Gary Zhukov’s book called the seat
of the soul and that book was
life-changing for me because in it he
talked about the power of intention and
that cause and effect what goes out
comes back is determined by your
intention the energy of your intention
is what determines your life most people
don’t think about their intention they
just think about what they wanted to
most people don’t think about why they
want to do it but what’s going to come
back to you the energy that’s going to
come back to you is the real why of why
you did it
and so I then said to my producers we’re
not gonna do any shows that are not
intentional so don’t bring me an idea
unless you have an intention for the
show that you want the outcome to be and
we’re gonna strive to see if we can live
up to our intentions and so around the
late 80s we started a pre-show to talk
about what the intention was and then a
post show after every single show to say
did we fulfill that intention and that’s
about the time I realized this is bigger
than me if you take this simple habit of
having daily intentional practice it
will change your business and change
your life look at Oprah for decades she
would meet with her team before every
show five days a week and talk about
what the intention was for that show
then she would meet with her team again
after the show five days a week to talk
about did they hit their intention or
not how can they get better every day
five days a week for decades and that’s
why she won Tony Robbins does the exact
same thing even though he’s delivered
his same speeches and seminars for
decades he still meets with his team
before going on stage and says how do we
make this better how do we have a bigger
what words what language what tools what
resources can we throw at them to help
move the needle forward he still
practices it decades after having had
major breakthroughs with a lot of people
and then afterwards even though he’s
been on stage for 1415 hours straight
talking he’s crazy he’s a machine after
being on stage screaming his guts out
for 1415 hours what does he do that same
night before going to bed he’ll meet
with his team and say how could we have
done better what did we like what are we
not like how could we have done better
he does this every day he does this
every day even though he is the best in
the world at what he does and he’s been
doing it for decades intentional
practice every single day and if you
look at pro athletes they do the same
thing to pro athletes are always looking
at film right they’re looking at film
they’re preparing for the match that’s
about to come look at how that person
moves look at how that person takes a
shot look at how that person tries to
get around the defense we got to prepare
intentional practice we got to prepare
we got to prepare for that scenario
happening then the game happens and then
they watch the game back see did we do
it here’s where we messed up or here’s
who where we did well and here’s how we
get better for the next time and the
best pro teams that’s what they do
before and after every single game
they’re watching tape they have
intentional practice and they’re trying
to get better and if you want to win you
have to do the same thing with your
business so I look at my channel as an
example and I do this in my business –
I’ve done over 6,000 videos over a
thousand of them aren’t even public on
my channel we have not released more
videos than most people ever create in
their lifetime on YouTube you will get
good at doing something if you’ve done
it 6,000 times right you have to be a
really slow learner if you don’t get
good at something after practicing it
6,000 different times but before going
into a shooting day for me I’m reviewing
my old videos I’m looking at who I
really like what I did there and that
wasn’t so good you know and then I’m
still reviewing every clip every video
has me in it before we go live I’m still
reviewing I’m still watching I’m still
giving feedback and still trying to
learn how can I make it better every
single day every single video we do
three videos a day it’s a lot of work
but that’s what it takes to be an elite
level player in whatever you do and I
think you have to
have the willingness to get that great
at your craft and it has to be something
that most people would look at and say
that’s torture most people would want to
step into my schedule if they did they’d
find it torturous if you stepped into my
schedule you’ll find it torturous like
how can you do all that work how can you
make all those videos how can you still
prepare in advance and still do all the
research and still review the videos and
still look back at your old ones before
filming the next ones like filming 21
videos a week is hard enough let alone
reviewing the ones that came up before
and then reviewing these ones after
again it’s a lot of work and I love it
and you have to love it that’s why
people who win say you have to love the
game you have to love the process
because it might be torture for you but
it’s amazing for me and that’s okay I
should step into your schedule and find
it torturous I should step into what
you’re doing if you are dedicated to be
the best at what you do your schedule
should be a torture for somebody else
who wants to try to do it if you’re
trying to make shoes and be the best
shoe maker in the world I should want to
die after 45 minutes of being in your
schedule because you had died – 45
minutes in mind and that’s the point if
you want to play at an elite level if
you want to work towards being the best
in your industry then that is what it
requires intentional daily practice and
review okay great so you want to be
world-class how do you build that habit
how you build the habit of daily
practice with intention I’m gonna give
you three steps to do it said number one
is record and watch yourself whatever it
is that you do you want to record
yourself doing it and then watch it back
and you will be shocked at how many
mistakes you are making so if you are
doing sales calls and you want to get
better at sales great record your next
five sales calls and then play them back
and you will be embarrassed and you will
be shocked at how many mistakes you’re
making if you are a dance teacher record
your class and watch you doing your
thing it’ll be hard it’ll be awkward
it’ll be embarrassed at the beginning I
couldn’t and then I was making my first
youtube videos I had such a hard time
watching myself back I would cringe for
350 videos and I would still be cringing
totally embarrassed by what I was doing
but if you’re not willing to record
yourself and watch it back and be
berest and be humiliated and be humbled
by watching it how bad you are that you
think you’re good at it
then you’ll never get better like
ignoring it doesn’t help thinking you’re
great and then ignoring it will not make
you better that’s not what the best
people in their industries do so
whatever it is that you do record it
today record you doing what you do and
then watch it back and see how could you
have done better step number two is
model success whatever the thing is that
you want to get great at find somebody
who’s done it and watch them watch them
do it there’s probably a lot of YouTube
videos you can go and learn from and
watch people doing the thing that
they’re doing and you can’t just copy
and paste at 100% but they’ll take you
80% of the way if you want to be a
speaker you can learn from Les Brown you
can learn from 20 Robbins you can learn
from Oprah Winfrey you can learn from
Mel Robbins you can learn from these
people and doing something this exact
same way that Oprah does it will exactly
feel right for you but it can take you
80% of the way if you want to be a great
interviewer you should be learning from
Oprah Winfrey if you want to interview
people for your podcast you should learn
from Oprah Winfrey you should try asking
every question that she asks just try it
on you’re trying on the hat and most of
them won’t fit exactly well and you may
need to tweak a couple changes you have
a couple words that you insert here and
you swap that out with this and you’ll
figure out your path but copying her
modeling her will take you 80% of the
way and so anybody who’s done what you
want to do their success leaves Clues
and you want to model that success and
put their success into your intentional
daily practice and step number three is
schedule it in daily if you want to get
great at this skill you have to do it
daily if you’re just practicing once a
week chances are you’re not gonna get
really good when I first signed up with
my agency so it represents me to get me
book deals and that kind of stuff I was
the worst at the agency and I in a
couple months became the best practice
at the agency because while most people
found it hard to find time to do one
video a week I was practicing three
times a day where my agent wouldn’t ask
me to make a video I would do it I was
send it back at lunchtime he’d give me
feedback I’d fix it again I send it back
at dinnertime to give me feedback I’d
fix it again three times a day every day
I make the same video 40 times before we
finally released it because I was
willing to put him the world
and even though I sucked at the
beginning don’t have the natural talent
for this I sucked at the beginning I got
really good I got within a couple months
from being the worst to be in the best
practice because I did it three times a
intentional practice and review or most
people at the agency had a hard time
finding time to do it once a week you
have to figure out a way to do this
daily if you want to get great at it if
you don’t care that much about it you
want to slowly work your way forward
okay once a month once a week you know
do it but if you want to be great at the
craft if you want to be amazing you want
to eventually be world-class at this
thing that you’re doing you need to
figure out a way to do a daily
intentional practice and review every
single day block off your calendar right
now find that time on the day that
you’re gonna do it twelve the one
o’clock every day 9 to 10 o’clock every
day whatever it is every day you’re
practicing to get better at the skill so
you want a 1 record and watch yourself
back to mono success and 3 find a way to
schedule it in daily if you do this this
intentional practice every single day
intentional practice and review every
single day it’s how you become elite
it’s how you win if you did that simple
thing every single day it will transform
your business and transform your life
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day I want
to know what do you want to be elite
level at let me know put in the comments
my daily practice is to refine my
intention that the biggest weeds that we
all get is an I intention so when I say
intention I mean my current intention is
to use everything I’ve been given
everything that I have in the service of
others so I want to use the following
that I have to help people I want to use
the money that I have to help people I
want to use the network that I have to
help people but every day that intention
which is a beautiful little plant that’s
growing gets weeds around it no do it
for the money right just do it for the
fame do it for the followers do it for
this all these weeds are like going
around my real intention every day every
day that’s a weed a weed is the
intention that you don’t want and the
problem is sometimes you’ve let it grow
so much the weed looks like the plan
right the weed looks like your intention
and you start believing it’s the same
thing so for me my daily practice is
going back in reflecting on what is my
voice right now in my head what am I
saying to myself and I’m hearing make
that deal it makes a lot of money do
this do that do this more followers fame
all that stuff and I’m cutting it down
I’m cutting that weed every day and
you’ve got to do it every day because
the more you’re surrounded by that
energy right the more it’s going to keep
creeping in like a creeper weed if you
want more Oprah check out the
life-changing advice from Oprah Winfrey
video that I did the link is right there
next to me I think you really enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there I love the theory of that there’s
10,000 hours behind anybody who ever gets to be successful
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