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GUIDED VISUALIZATION EXERCISE – How to Perform Visualization Correctly

take a deep breath get yourself
comfortable whatever way you’re
comfortable you may want to do this with
eyes closed their eyes open whatever
I want you to visualize yourself driving
down the highway there’s a little
traffic it’s a sunny day summertime
beautiful and you’re just taking a nice
breath driving to an event that’s your
to speak at and as you get about 15
minutes out from the event you check
your watch look down that you’re
watching your mind you notice is 15
minutes away and all of a sudden you
begin to notice that the that traffic is
slowing down you get a phone call and
say that you don’t have to be there for
another hours so you’re excited so you
do the off-ramp you get on the off-ramp
and you stop by your home and imagine is
five years out from today on this day
five years out and every single one of
your dreams have come true five years
out as a matter of fact you’ve surpassed
all your dreams so I want you to think
of whatever that car is that you love
the car you’re driving is better than
that whatever that community that you’ve
wanted to live in you’ve surpassed that
one whatever that thing is that life
experience you want to have that you
call success oh you’re way past that
just keep seeing yourself for some of
you you may see a bank account balance I
want you to take that bank account
balance visualize whatever it is money
is just energy
my name is just energy visualize that
balance and your bank now I want you to
double it in your head
double it now I want you to drive your
car to the front gate of your home
and I want you to push in the code in
the front gate automatically opens and
then you drive another mile up to your
house I told you is better than you
imagined guys you drive a mile on your
property till you get to your front door
your big double door open you walk into
the home and whatever your home looks
like in its most beautiful pristine
place Tavor teen floors a spiral
staircase a beautiful chandelier you
smell lavender you smell chamomile you
spill you smell the beautiful aromas of
beautiful flowers you hear the music
your house is your sanctuary you hear
the waterfall that’s running in the
indoor pool over in the back corner you
hear the laughter of your family I want
you to hear the laughter of your family
the robust laughter of your family you
go into the dining room where there’s a
20-person table and everyone standing
around the table and enjoying each other
and the person who cooks the best in
your family they cook today it’s a good
day and your family gathers around the
table visualize your family sitting down
at the table and one by one they raise
their glass and to your surprise they
all begin to toast you they begin to
celebrate you for what you’ve done what
you started five years ago the person
that you stepped into five years ago in
Cancun the person that came home wasn’t
the same person you see and that person
began to do some really amazing things
inward and outward and life just began
to change and they are witnessing it and
they just want to celebrate you
they finished the toast and everyone
begins to eat and talk and you look down
at your watch look down at your watch
again and you realize that oh my god I’m
running late I got to get back on the
road and get to this speaking event so
you hop out of the room you run it out
to the car you jump in your car you
choose the convertible today again
and you get on the highway and as you’re
on the highway you’re driving up the
highway and you run into traffic again
now you’re really 15 minutes out and you
need to get there you hear that they’re
gonna be quite a few people you’re not
sure the number quite a few and you’re
getting frustrated fill yourself get
frustrated right now I want you to feel
that energy of being stuck in traffic of
being and then you stop and you think
wait a minute this just might be my
traffic jam they might be all going to
the same place that I’m going to yeah
you make your way through traffic and it
takes you 20 minutes you get there five
minutes late but no one cares they’re so
excited to see you you walk into a
stadium picture yourself walking onto
this big platform you walk on to the
stadium the room is silent you come to
the podium you look around there are
10,000 people there to see you to hear
you to touch you because of what you’ve
done who you’ve become the example
you’ve been see yourself guys see
yourself right there see yourself right
you can feel the energy of every single
person all 10,000 people you open up
your paper you get ready to say your
thank you and then before you can start
your speech and say another word person
number six thousand seven hundred and
eighty two way in the back they yell out
no thank you
and then person number four hundred and
sixty they yell out thank you
person number 56 in the front yells
thank you
person number seven thousand nine
hundred and fifty yells thank you and
then each person just begins to yell
thank you
thank you thank you for believing in
yourself again thank you
thank you for getting over your fear of
being brilliant thank you for picking up
the pieces again and again thank you ten
thousand people all say thank you to you
just breathe it in just breathe it in
breathe it in breathe it in
you stand on stage and you commit to
that room that you’re gonna lock every
single door in that stadium and you’re
gonna leave one door open and you’re
gonna hug every single person that came
to see you and you warned them we are
going to be here for a while and they’re
ok with that because they came just to
get close to you just to share your
oxygen and you stand by that door the
one to the side and that 68 year old man
comes to you and he bends down and he
hugs you and he says thank you for
letting me know I’m not too old to dream
again and follow behind him is that 16
year old girl who comes and she hugs you
and she says thank you for letting me
know that I count and behind her is that
44 year old woman who says thank you for
letting me know that I need to put
myself first now I’m behind her is that
35 year old man says thank you for
letting me know that I could feel out
loud I can let my joy out I can let my
tears out thank you for showing me what
freedom looks like and one by one ten
thousand people hug you and thank you
and on your way home at 3:30 in the
morning you realize that you never came
to deliver a speech you came to hear the
people they acknowledge you for being
courageous audacious non-negotiable and
unapologetic take a deep breath breathe
in your five-year future however you
want it to look feel your feet back on
the ground so your back against the
chair on the pillows wiggle your toes a
bit will go your hands a bit as you open your eyes
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