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Justin Timberlake’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@jtimberlake)

impossible is not a fact it’s an opinion
impossible this potential you’re being
called weird or you’re being called
different or whatever the hell you’re
being called I’m here tonight to tell
you your critics do not count you know
when you’re a kid I think you try so
hard to fit in and when you get older
you realize that fitting in isn’t really
the thing that’s more interesting he’s
an American singer songwriter actor and
record producer his first two albums
sold over 10 million copies making him
one of the best-selling artists of the
decade his work has earned him numerous
accolades including nine Grammy Awards
and four Emmy Awards he’s Justin
Timberlake and here’s my take on his top
ten rules for success rule number one is
my personal favorite I make sure to
stick around all the way to the end for
some special bonus clips and as always
if Justin says something that really is
inspiring and motivated to you please
leave it in the comments below and put
quotes around it so other people can be
inspired as well
here’s maybe the greatest thing a teen
or anyone in this room and who’s
watching on the television at home can
learn from the champ these are words to
remember when anyone tries to tell you
to give up tell you to give in because
whatever you’re trying to do is
impossible the champ said this
impossible is just a word thrown around
by a small men who find it easier to
live in the world they’ve been given
than to explore the power they have to
change it impossible is not a fact it’s
an opinion impossible this potential
impossible is temporary impossible is
nothing graceful ever
so as a relatively new dad and a former
team I’m here to say you will make
along the way you will fall down I have
many times even I’ll lead it but what we
do after that fall is how we make
because impossible is nothing I
navigated your way here from those early
days in a way a lot of people haven’t
done successfully would you attribute
that to how did you get out of the game
what was the strategy as went solo I
don’t know they can bring out a lot of a
lot of courage and at the end of the day
you know that you’re getting the
opportunity to do what you love and
that’s just something that can’t be
taken for granted because it could be
different and where you tell yourself
that the more you the more you look
around and you go like isn’t this
amazing like isn’t this crazy versus on
focusing on some Swift outcome because I
have the ability to set unrealistic
expectations not a lot of people get to
say they have a job that they love and I
appreciate that feel so humbling and I
think you know just continue to love it
just continue to love it because then
you start focusing on like well you know
is this going to be successful you know
redefine what that means
I guess that thing I guess that’s what
I’m trying to do a 10 years ago a great
innovator named Steve Jobs gave one of
the most inspiring speeches ever at a
college commencement at the end Steve
Jobs quoted some powerful words he’d
seen as a young man that he wanted to
pass on those words were stay hungry
stay foolish now if any of you like
before saw some of the SNL stuff that
I’ve done you know I have no issue being
and anyone who’s ever had to deal with
me in person knows that I’m always
hungry literally and figuratively but
that looks crazy there’s no way I’m
eating what you guys just put on that
that looks like it’s been there for like
four hours I’m not I mean it looks it
looks good
anyway so out when I was a teenager I
read some words that I found extremely
powerful that I’ve been carrying with me
ever since and those words were from our
26 president of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt so just indulge me
for a second it is not the critic who
counts not the man who points out how
the strong man stumbles or where the
doer of Deeds could have done them
better the credit belongs to the man who
is actually in the arena whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood who
strives valiantly who airs who comes
short again and again because there is
no effort without error and shortcoming
but who does all always actually strive
to do the deeds who knows great
enthusiasms the great devotions who
spends himself in a worthy cause Who at
the best knows in the end the triumph of
high achievement and who at the worst if
he fails at least fails while daring
greatly so that his place shall never be
with those cold and timid souls who
neither know victory nor defeat
so if you’re a young person
like I used to be if you’re a young
person like I used to be and you’re at
home watching and you’re being called
weird you’re being called different or
whatever the hell you’re being called
I’m here tonight to tell you your
critics do not count their words will
fade you won’t stay foolish stay hungry
dream work hard and who knows maybe
someday you’ll find yourself standing on
a stage and maybe someday somebody will
be giving you an award calling you an
innovator but I also grew up watching
people like Paul McCartney you know and
and and what Michael did for performing
in general is that something that’s what
you’re talking about is like stage
performance on stage why we really fell
in love with Michael it was because he
he just like it wasn’t even about
captivating you like he did something to
your blood when he performed on stage um
but there was always a thing about him
on stage where you like you can’t touch
that yeah like you can’t you can’t
that’s what made it so that’s what made
it so grandiose mm-hmm and then you mix
that with people like Paul McCartney who
have you seen him racing off wow I’m so
much like 70 yeah I thought about the
Grammys when they did okay the guys like
70 any place for like three hours
stadiums any and it’s like you feel like
you’re in his living room and he the
only pause between songs is like so he
can put a different guitar on or you
know get down on the piano and he talks
to be has people laughing in the crowd
and and so when you think about those
two sides of being on stage that’s what
I grew up yeah idolizing so that’s
something that I’ve always wanted to
incorporate so when you go you know when
it’s about you know sound like senorita
mm-hmm it’s like I only want to play the
end of the song because this is the song
everybody can sing to each other and you
can feel like you know if there’s like a
black party all of a sudden uh-huh and
so those are always the two things that
I I’ll know that I was able to pick on
pick up
on when I was younger like those my
favorite too and they’re both on the
opposite ends of the spectrum when you
really break it down like that but those
are my two favorite things to do at a
show is to make people go like damn
yeah and then to make people go like you
know what I’m having fun yeah you know
like those two things service to others
is the rent you pay for your room here
on earth so be generous be kind be fair
it’s not just the right thing to do it’s
the good thing to do and I think we I
think we all can agree that with all the
tension in the world today that can
divide us we should be part of the
solution and not part of the problem and
you don’t you don’t have to make a
difference on a global stage you can
volunteer in your neighborhood or in
another neighborhood nearby where people
might look a little different from you
and they might teach you a thing or two
I meet a ton of people and have met a
ton of people along the way and my time
in the music industry which started when
I was very young and there’s the there
is the the sort of the malcolm gladwell
10,000 hours theory about you know
you’re not you can’t consider yourself
an expert in anything until you’ve had
sort of 10,000 hours at it and and Wow
while I you know I obviously I agree
with practice there’s many people that
spend that much time and and somehow
never get hurt I think T Bone can can
attest to that as well that you meet so
many different talented people along the
way that that for some reason or other
don’t get heard so i i’ve been in the
right place and met the wrong people
i’ve been in the wrong place and met the
right people and usually the second one
ends up being you know the thing that
can can can catapult i guess someone’s
career but i would i would argue that
and i think it’s happening more and more
that i think there’s a lot of analysis
now there’s a lot of like analytics on
what might be success in what might be
failure and i I think for for those of
us who kind of
spawn something out of an idea whether
it be you know a focusing or getting
beaten up in an alley or an idea for a
song or painting or what-have-you I
don’t know that that I would measure the
success or failure of it by how it’s
perceived because once it’s done it’s
just sort of out there and you have to
let it live in the ether I think the
ones that that I’ve come to know that
have had lasting success in any field
have been the ones that understand that
and can actually let it go and just
continue to be inspired the same way
that you were when you came up with the
idea for the movie or the song or the or
the painting or what have you so I think
that would probably be the most
important thing is to not get caught up
in the rat race of what might be
perceived a certain way the first real
seed of that was this song I had written
called gone it ended up on our third and
last album and it was the first song I
kind of cut by myself and then brought
it to the guys and included them so we
were having an A&R meeting for the third
NSYNC album at that time and and I said
well I have this other song but I
originally wrote it for Michael I
originally wrote that song for Michael
Jackson I just got word that it wasn’t
you know that they had to turn the song
down so we decided to cut it but it was
one of those songs where it felt a
little more personal to me because I had
written it for like biggest artists of
all time
I guess Michael did hear it and call me
on the phone and said he wanted to cut
the record but he wanted it to be a duet
between himself and I and I said well
it’s already out you know we’ve already
cut this song as an NSYNC record I’m on
the phone I’m literally punching myself
in the face because I said I can’t do
that could we do like NSYNC featuring
michael jackson or michael jackson
featuring and sync and he was very
absolute about the fact that he wanted
it to be a duet between himself and i
and i think it’s the first idea that i
ever got about doing something on my own
because it was the first time i’d ever
really felt the confidence to do it and
I knew that the music that I was
interested in and was writing at the
time was was was different than what we
had previously done and it felt like a
real departure I never told anybody that
Michael story the thing about life that
that if I could tell a young person is
everything that you get picked on or you
feel makes you weird is is essentially
what’s going to make you sexy as an
adult exactly you know because we go
I just you know I mean I I got a big
nose but I rock it no I seriously though
I you know everything you know when
you’re a kid I think you try so hard to
fit in and when you get older you
realize that fitting in isn’t really the
thing that’s more interesting you know
being your own person and being an
individual I would not be here if I
would have listened to the kids who told
me I was a terrible singer and I was a
sissy and you know other things that
they would say to me um you know it’s be
different be different I was fourteen
when when I was in NSYNC and we got a
record deal and we were going to travel
all over the world and I just remember
my mom always instilling those thoughts
in me that you know at the beginning of
the day we all put our pants on the same
way you know that that just like she
said don’t let what you do define who
you are
I’m just excited to be singing adjusting
some songs this is so cool Easy’s my
idol so biggest thing I said in my heart
I don’t wanna lose you now I’m looking
right at the other half of me it’s like
you’re my mirror oh my man stand back at
me cuz I don’t wanna lose your now I’m
sorry I’m looking right at the other
half of me as big as it is that in my
hood show me out of them now I’ll tell
you baby it was easy coming back into
you what’s up oh my god oh oh oh
two reflections and so on it’s like
you’re my mirror
Oh baby me don’t you look away don’t
look at him I was back there all along
yeah all right yeah get procede sounds
great I really need to be in the
oh my god meeting an icon while you’re
singing his song rocks loved him since I
was 11 so this is a really big deal to
me yeah derelict just like for the
sovereign well thank you Matt right just
very nice staying with other timber life
don’t cry get don’t cry don’t cry don’t
cry best moment in my life really
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because pradesh prakash
asked me to so if there’s a famous
entrepreneur that you want me to profile
next leave it down the comments below
and I’ll see what I can do
I’d also love to know what did Justin
say that was the most meaningful and
valuable to you what are you going to do
now in your business your life after
watching this video what result did it
have for you leave it in the comments
I’m gonna join in the discussion I also
want to give a shadow to Chrysostom i
but pronounce that ok thank you so much
for picking up a copy of my book it
really really really means a lot to me
so thank you guys so much for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love guys I’ll see you
it’s a good idea
why are you right next to me because
you’re the first god I’ve ever been
attracted to thank God I’m on a scout
normally a deal-breaker but I’m all
about spending my level tolerance
self-improvement excessive thank you hey
what do you think about dinner you mean
together whoa that’s a little forward
don’t you think but yeah if you’re
asking me out I accept I’d even consider
paying that’s really tanking I don’t
anything around how much longer
Gus must have a lot of confidence here
so what you see it’s back on the pitch
Jesus has hit some leg is for powered
looks like a sprinkler kids running
around you know too much about baseball
to be a lawyer it’s a long story
I’d like to hear it I don’t want to tell
perhaps out of two pretty big Internet
companies in spectacular fashion he’s
had a reputation with drugs also founded
the companies we don’t need him he’s
here he does own a watch from Sean
Parker do you do must be Eduardo and
Christie and Mark crazy me great to me
you guys don’t have anything in front of
you know Tori you’re wearing maybe life
can you put out some things
black of pork with that ginger confit
tuna tartare and the lobster claws that
are getting started
Christie what do you like to drink an
appletini great for those turn that
point on it was a Shana thought
the question was what did you talk about
and it took us through his episode with
Napster I didn’t want to spend my
twenties as a professional defender who
know the music industry doesn’t have a
sense of humor he tried to sell the
company to pay the 35 million they said
we owed in royalties but I guess to them
that was a little like selling a stolen
car to pay for the stolen gas so we said
screw it
declare bankruptcy and you need a name
for yourself and you are dry at Torrey
no good then he went on to his second
business venture which was an online
rolodex that he got thrown out off by
case equity and I wanted to do it nice
this time I put on a tie and I shine my
shoes but nobody wants to take orders
from a kid so let me tell you what
happens to a 20 year old otaku calm I’m
not a psychiatrist but why we got that
on the record not a psychiatrist but
what a psychiatrist would say that he
was paranoid they’ll hire private
detectives we’ll follow you day in
your target for high-priced escorts I
can’t prove it but I know they tapped my
phones whatever it is it’s gonna trip
you up you’ve done private behavior is a
relic of a time gone by somehow someway
you’ve managed to live your life like
the Dali Lama they’ll make up
because they don’t want you they want
your idea and they want you to say thank
you why you excuse me wipe your chin and
walk away that’s what happened to you
and delusional yes light they’ll be
payback in case I brought down the
record companies with Napster and
case’ll suffer for their sins – sorry
you didn’t bring down the record company
they won in court yeah I’m gonna buy a
Tower Records Eduardo
and he told the story after story about
life in Silicon Valley parties at
Stanford down la friends become
millionaires but mostly how mark had to
he had to come to California and then he
cut around to the Facebook so tell me
about your progress well we’re in 29
schools now we got over 75,000 mommy
about the strategy we use okay
for instance we wanted bailar in Texas
but Baylor already had a social network
on campus so instead of going right
after then we made a list of every
school within 100 miles of Facebook on
those campuses for seasonal Baylor kids
we’re seeing their friends on our site
we weren’t called a little bit coin that
smart Marco thanks that was my easy hey
you know what so the large moon forest I
say it’s time to start making money from
the Facebook but mark doesn’t want to
every dice who’s right
neither of you get the Facebook is cool
that’s what it’s got going for ya you
don’t want to ruin it with ads because
ads uncool exactly it’s like you’re
throwing the greatest party on campus
and someone saying it’s got to be over
by 11:00 that’s exactly you don’t even
know the important thing is yes how big
you can get how far I can go this is no
time to take your chips down million
dollars isn’t cool no it’s cool you
a billion dollars that shut everybody up
and that’s where you’re headed a billion
dollar valuation unless you take that
advice in which case you may as well
have come up with a chain of very
successful yogurt shops when you go
fishing you can catch a lot of fish or
you can catch a big fish you ever walk
into a guy’s done and see a picture of
him standing next to 14 trout no he’s
holding a three thousand pound Marlin
yep that’s a good enough okay but we all
know that morals don’t really wait
$3,000 right I’ve seen the big ones up
close no I haven’t but I don’t think the
guys holding em all in the size of a
Range Rover that would be a really big
fish a very strong guy you think we
might be getting with me plate I don’t
have a dog in this fight
I’m just a fan who came to say hi he
owned more after that dinner he picked
up the check he told mark they talk
again soon and he was gone but not
before he made his biggest contribution
to the company
drop the the just Facebook
I’m kidding
I got it good night wait come on friends
can still hang out and I don’t know
listen to music listen to music I’m
gonna kill Annie I can’t believe you
used to like them I didn’t like these
I do remember don’t try to compare us to
what has a bad little fat on the neck in
the bag you get something that you’re
never happy I’ll make it jump jump we’re
gonna shake your run cuz I’ll be kicking
this over there that you want jump how
high real hot cuz I’m pistol fly and
then somehow nobodies mess right there
quick good side out is we gonna get away
get away you kidding me these dudes were
da bomb everybody had your bubbles we
all want backwards baseball jerseys huh
I went as crisscross three years in a
row for Halloween both poor kid I’m not
proud of it hey I borrowed one of your
books I hope that’s okay
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