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Behind the Scenes with Ron Howard | MARS

presented by Acura precision crafted
performance hello I’m Ron Howard I’m one
of the executive producers of Mars and
in fact I’m talking to you today from
the set of Mars the mini series any
story buddy name any true life adventure
is a story of courage and heroism and
Mars is as well but it’s not just the
getting there it’s building the base
it’s colonizing it it’s surviving we are
dramatizing what we think the experience
might be like but it’s not fiction it’s
all very much based on our research the
research and the science is guiding our
drama everything that is being scripted
is based upon the individuals who were
interviewing explaining to us what the
first explorers and colonizers to Mars
will most likely have to face you know
among the things that really make us
unique as human beings is our ability to
imagine to dream to consider the
possibility of living somewhere else
whether it’s on the other side of that
Valley or on another planet I hope that
our telling of this story of going to
Mars and colonizing Mars will stimulate
the people’s imaginations because I
think that will also open their mind to
this exciting possibility that is there
for this
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