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E adesso che succede?

and now that it happens mountains that happens
this news of trump shocked
really, above all, the world
technological that the world I see
let’s say more closely
I saw for example the web summit and yesterday
in lisbon which one of the most events
there were all the big techs
American speakers that bellin looked like
the loot only lacked the band
black on the arm and for the rest we were a
place dave mcclure which is one of the
most famous investors in five hundred
starters etcetera etc. with his
nice classic sandal on the stage has
sbruzzato saying here we have to get up
we can stand on our feet
allow people like this
Trump’s assailant becomes president
from a certain point of view you are excellent
this is great that silicon valley ad
example take note of what is
success and take note of the fact that ad
example the facebook platform lo
we said another video can not
think about setting up a business
favoring the most shared news
compared to real news, look at that
when the break sit happened, they have me
filled with mail also worried too
probably in good faith asking me
mountains to you that you live in england
now that you will do
I get up my video breakfast
corsettina the same as before
what should apologize I’ll do you
an example in total ping pong for
anything in the world obviously they are
change over the years a thousand rules but
completely a sport turned yes
it arrived at 21 and now we arrive at
11 was fighting in five services each
now he had the ball 2 button
smaller and you played a ball more
great service but you have to keep
the other hand in front to mask
now you have to remove it for a few years
it has changed completely every time
there has been one of these changes of
important rules imagined that a
tennis near games more with the ball
so play with the soccer ball
other sport
every time there were those who have
said and now what will happen
world champion became the last
of the blowjobs
you know what happened to the strong ones
first they are strong now and those are scarce
first they are scarce now you are both
accustomed number one to reason in the
long trump period in ten years
there is no mica break you in ten
years 15 years twenty years and stories of the
if you get used to thinking about it for a long time
you know that the presidents change the coins
they turn the countries change name
if you have your own setting at
setting regardless of na sense sorry
put someone else in the hands of the
own high work destiny less than the
politicians or idiots on duty and
the number 2 will be the one you set
the architecture of how you want to work with
how you want to live
sure that they will change some things in
based on that makes decisions
specifications but the general picture does not
change if tomorrow such as England
theresa may decide that all those
which are called marco are Italian
they pay 80 percent of taxes they come
marked with fire in reasoned forces
on changing country
a specific decision is like saying
apple everyone says now that there is trump
they will close the fairies in the cook call everyone
how many calls a hundred others
Companies say the collection and lord knows
good what it is
now we move we all new
zelanda then we see donald if he wants
negotiate or not our stay
here and under what conditions
try to predict you will evaluate that
adjust according to what happens
all these political changes
peaceful are a great big game
Politics is a great game
of the business but do not have an impact for
they can not have a real impact on
what you decide to do with yours
business pork scoop cela break you have
some reason then I’m going to do the
tesco cashier arrived trump e
then apple starts producing e
electric heaters reasoning is
clear instead that if there are
crazy upsets war joly
then the situation changes if tomorrow
renzi decides to attack brighton with i
Italian fighter bombers is a mess
she who can make the video say
sorry if the noise was a moment
and I’ll be back at once for a look
see if they have bombarded the garage
it is clear that you must reinvent yourself but the
much bigger problem than yours
heck 6 in war must survive
that the problem is like saying trante
immigrants even if trampa tightens
on the immigrants there will be people in
unless it can enter the states
united but agree with me that theirs
problem is much bigger upstream
much bigger than anything else it is
another totally speech is which
it will be the impact of a guy like trump
at the white house is like saying 20 years of
berlusconi and berlusconismo in italy
they have had an impact on culture
Italian yes or no other than if they have it
had and similarly trump with i
which will have an impact on the
culture and society when there are
these changes my personal
philosophy then each one’s own currency
everything how to behave mine
personal philosophy and less mcenroe
more bourque less exaltations when the
things are good and desperation when the
things go wrong or change that not you
the wait if things go well ok not
I get too excited and if things go wrong
ok I do not despair too much the line anymore
quiet less mac i was more borg
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