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Jeff Bezos’ BEST ADVICE – STOP Aiming for Work-Life ‘BALANCE’ – #MentorMeJeff

I don’t even like the phrase work-life

balance I think it’s misleading if

you’re giving great customer experience

there’s the only way to do that is with

what’s that believe nation it’s Evan my

one word is believe and I believe in you

I believe you have Michael Jordan level

talent at something and I want you to

find it embrace it and make your mark on

the world using it now inserted that

meant to me series to try to learn from

people who’ve done a lot more than us

and hopefully are spending a little bit

more time with them some of their

beliefs are mindsets the way of thinking

seeps into us to help us become the best

version of ourselves so today we’re

going to learn from one of the best Jeff

Bezos and his best advice on how to not


so let’s kick it off with rule number

one aim for work life harmony how do you

go about establishing that work-life

balance that everybody you know talks

about and thinks about you’ve got I mean

you live a big life right and how do you

how do you I get two answers in a lot I

get it I teach senior executive kind of

leadership classes at Amazon for our

most senior execs and I also teach or

not teach but I also speak to interns so

kind of all across the spectrum and I

get this question about work-life

balance all the time from from both ends

of the spectrum and the my view is I

don’t even like the phrase work-life

balance I think it’s misleading I like

the phrase work life harmony because I

know that if I am energized at work

happy at work feeling like I’m adding

value part of a team

whatever energizes you that makes me

better at home it makes me a better

husband a better father and likewise if

I’m happy at home it makes me a better

employee a better boss all the things

it’s not about it’s not primarily about

there may be crunch periods where it’s

about the number of hours in the week

but that that’s not the that’s not the

real thing usually it’s about do you

have energy and is this is your work

depriving you of energy or is your work

generating energy for you and you know

there are people everybody in this room

notice people you fall into these two

camps you’re in a meeting and the person

comes in the room

some people come into the meeting and

they add energy to the meeting other

people come into the meeting and the

whole meeting just deflates and those

people just they drain energy from the

meeting and you have to decide which was

those kinds of people you’re gonna be

are you gonna add energy same thing at

home and the same thing at home and it’s

so it’s a wheel it’s a cycle it’s a

flywheel it’s a circle it’s not a


because of balance that’s why that

metaphor is so dangerous because it

implies there’s a strict trade-off and

you could be out of work have all the

time for your family in the world but

really depressed and demoralized about

your work situation and your family

wouldn’t want to be anywhere near you

they would wish you would take a

vacation from them and so it’s not about

the number of hours not primarily I

suppose if you went crazy with you know

100 hours a week or something yeah that

right maybe there are limits and they

probably I’ve never had a problem and I

think it’s because both sides of my life

give me energy and that’s what I would

recommend that’s what I do recommend to

interns and xx rule number two is find

meaning I’m very proud of the culture

that we have at Amazon and you know it’s

a it’s a I think of it as a gold

standard culture for innovation and

pioneering work and the you know and the

people I work with these people who

they’re missionaries for what they do

they are you know you if you’re giving

great customer experience there’s the

only way to do that is with happy people

you can’t do it with a set of miserable

people you know watching the clock all

day so does that include work-life

balance and all those things yes but I

would I use I teach three leadership

classes a year at Amazon I’m a part of

it they’re bigger classes but I come in

and teach a session and I always talk

about work-life balance except I like to

use the phrase work life harmony rather

than balance because to me balance

implies a strict trade whereas I find

that when I am happy at work I come home

more energized I’m a better husband a

better dad and when I’m happy at home I

come in and the better boss and better

colleague and so that that it’s not you

could be out of work and we have tear

work-life balance you know even though

you’ve got all the time in the world

right you could just feel like oh my god

you know I’m miserable and you would be

draining energy and so you have to find

that harmony it’s a much better word and

I think for most people it’s about

meaning people want to know that they’re

doing something interesting and useful

and for us you know because of the

challenges that we have chosen for

ourselves we get to work in the future

and it’s super fun to work in the future

for the right kind of person there are

people I mean who you know we ours is an

environment that embraces a lot of

change we have to because the Internet

is changing the technologies that we use

are changing we operate at the

intersection of technology and retail

both of which are highly competitive

industries and but it’s really for

somebody who hated change you know I

imagine high tech would be a pretty bad

career it would be it would be very

tough you know and there are much more

stable industries and so they should

probably choose one of those more stable

industries with less change and they’d

probably be happier there I’d be that

industry would be tough for me so for

we’re not all the same and for me a job

that I don’t know like for me the job

that would be the heart of you like I

don’t know insurance claims adjuster or

something you know where I had the same

job every day and it didn’t change

frequently I would be heart I’d do it

but it would and I’d do it at a high

now I’ve got a really special bonus Jeff

Bezos clip on how to help others find

meaning but before that I want to know

what did you think of this video do you

agree with Jeff what are your thoughts

on work-life balance versus work life

harmony did what he say make sense or

not I would love to hear from you please

leave it down the comments below thank

you guys so much for watching I believe

in you I hope we continue to believe in

yourself and whatever your one word is

much love I’ll see you soon and enjoy

the second there’s a second thing about

your your work culture this program that

you that oh I learned about what we were

we are we are we’re doing this thing

we’ve been doing it for just over three

years now and we’re just in the process

of open sourcing it so I wanted to bring

it to your attention it’s it’s called

career choice and I’m I’m you know kind

of on the road that encouraging

companies especially bigger companies

fortune 1000 companies that have big

employee bases to come to Amazon learn

what we’ve learned and see if any of it

fits would fit into your company career

choice is for our fulfillment centers

and what we have done is we have put

together a training program that teaches

people in-demand careers in in-demand

fields where they can get high-paying

jobs could be airplane mechanic or

nursing or commercial truck driver

driving a big rig 18 wheelers which is a

very lucrative job and very expensive

it’s a anywhere from four to six

thousand dollars to go through the

training to get a license to do that so

we have it at Amazon a bunch of

entry-level people in our fulfillment

centers who for some of whom they’ll

stay with us and they’ll build a career

with us but for many of them it’s a

stepping stone on the way somewhere else

and what we want is for them to have a

choice so if they would rather be an

airplane mechanic and the key there are

a couple of key things one is you have

to prepay the tuition because it’s

really hard for people to even if you

were gonna reimburse them it’s hard in

many cases for entry-level employees to

pull together five or six thousand

dollars in a lump sum to pay for the

cost of this kind of training so you

prepay it we prepay it and then and then

what but and the thing that we didn’t do

at the very beginning but we’ve started

doing after about a year and that has

worked really well as we build the

classrooms in the fulfillment centers in

mainstream areas behind gigantic glass

walls and so all their co-workers walk

by every day and they see their

co-workers inside learning how to be

nurses and airplane mechanics and

commercial truck drivers

and they start thinking hey maybe I

should do that so it’s that putting the

classrooms right kind of on the plant

floor is a big learning for us and we

now have 7,000 people engaged in the

program we already have some some very

successful graduates who’ve come out the

pipeline at the end and in it and it

gives people I think it’s really good

for the company it’s great for the

employee but it’s really good for the

company because the last thing that any

enlightened company wants is for any

employee and their company to kind of

feel trapped in that job you want people

to have a choice if they want to be

there great but if they want to be a

nurse then help them do that so they can

go be a nurse the most important work

ever if you have to think of one word

that’s most important to you that sums

you Apple so it would be like a little

beacon they believe nation if you want

to know what the most important one word

is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey and Howard

Schultz I have a very special secret

video for you check the description for

details [Music]

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