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How To Find BALANCE In LIFE – #BelieveLife

good morning believe nation its Evan my
one word is believe I believe in you and
I want to see that thing you’ve got
inside you explode out into the universe
to have a big impact instead I’ll help
you on your journey today we’re gonna
learn how to find balance in life rule
number four is my personal favorite and
I’d love to know which one you guys like
the best and as always guys as you’re
watching if you hear something that
really resonates with you please leave
it down the comments below and put
quotes around it so other people can be
inspired and when you write it down it’s
much more likely to stick with yourself
as well enjoy
Renee or they are GCT people who meet
you may know me from entry to the curve
amenity how could you give a mission
without Olivia
well you’re the I do the Boogaloo
Alamosaurus Yasuda Suho wanna learn
about some cotton the party hardigan’s
oh yeah ambien john lucas r GG r GG r GG
r GJ no cognitive psychology me a mini
entire generation generation for even
tell italian the solution solution that
ellen a daughter Callie
she said she found me and what to the to
me another chance I would have feet hung
down was he the jewelry Kimiko that she
saw by the shore certainly de to
tamashiro union dollar paid him Millia
she’s eligible Shuford privatization
magic Kanagawa Mentos kingdom well the
manatee home she soon will have drawn
to achieve a good work-life balance you
must ensure that you are setting goals
to cover the three most important areas
of your life these goals must stay in
harmony with one another and not be
contradictory this is a wheel must be
perfectly balanced to rotate smoothly
your life must be in balance as well for
you to feel happy and effective there
are three types of different goals that
you must set in order to achieve
personal development and balance the
first types of goals you need our
business career and financial goals
these are the tangible measurable things
that you want to achieve as a result of
your efforts at work these are the what
that you want to accomplish in life
the second types of goals you need are
your personal and family and health
goals in reality these are the most
important goals of all in determining
your happiness and well-being these are
called the WHI goals because they are
the reasons why you want to achieve your
business career and financial goals in
the first place they are your true aim
and purpose in life many people become
so involved with their work and careers
and their financial goals that they lose
sight of the reasons why they wanted
financial success in the first place
they get their priorities mixed up as a
result their lives get out of balance
they start to feel stressed and driven
sometimes they become angry and
frustrated they need to get their goals
back in the right order of priority and
realized that achieving work and
financial goals are the means to the end
of enjoying family and personal goals
they are not the ends in themselves the
third types of goals you require are
your professional growth and personal
development goals these are the how
goals goal-setting
learning and practicing new skills and
behaviors are how you achieve the what
in order to enjoy the why by working on
yourself you become the kind of person
who is capable of achieving your
business career and financial goals as a
result you can achieve and enjoy your
personal family and health goals
faster and easier by working on all
three types of goals simultaneously you
will keep your life in balance and
continue moving upward and onward the
thing that you have to do is immediately
remove distractions most people aren’t
out of balance they’re in distraction
it’s not that there’s a lack of bounce
that’s available to them it’s that
they’re watching hours of television or
hours of content that doesn’t add value
to their life doesn’t like this video I
hope is adding value it’s giving you
content instruction for what to do a lot
of folks spend time just looking at
lifestyle magazines or you know people
magazines or watching you know silly
news that has nothing to do with
anything but gossip and tripe and
scandal and that’s not going to help you
ever achieve balance get rid of those
things that aren’t adding value to your
life and you start to realize wow I got
another three hours to play with the day
matter of fact did you know that the
average American watches four hours of
television a day now you might not watch
four hours of television day but let’s
say you consume four hours of media
between Facebook and Twitter and
Instagram or Pinterest between the
television between magazines between all
this random stuff that you pay attention
to if you didn’t consume that and you
got let’s say four hours of the day back
that would change everything that four
hours a day over the average adult
lifespan is 13 years 24/7 if you got
back more than a decade of your time
would it be worth it well then all you
would have to do is get rid of more
distraction each year of your life each
week of your life each day of your life
I really look at it very close to each
day and I go what could distract me and
I’m aware of when I’m in distraction
because that time going to distraction
is stealing from opportunity or joy or
balance in all these other areas I’m
basically programmed from 6 a.m. to
yeah there’s not a single day Monday
through Friday that I get home outside
of this time University Jewish Alex
right at home before 11 p.m. I don’t
like my waiter like one of extremities
Monday through Friday I’m not Saturday
something all and I get on the phone and
we now start taking six seven weeks of
vacation which is our go-to so we
figured out we hacked but that’s just
positive indicating there’s no I can’t
give that advice to other people where
I’m getting caught as me show my
daughter’s have five Xan over the last
two so here we go to the – chapter right
that ballet recital that she she’s got
the NBC and then she wants to be in
front of people
he’s going to be into you know they’re
starting to become real people like I
was like I mean the beginning is easy
for me because I’m super non-existent
my kid something is about to happen
11:37 to me and we have every kind of
Brotherly fatherly relationship and that
my bro like my sister always talks about
like how she spent every minute with him
verbally 0 to 4 and then I got involved
he was gone
and so I’m now already starting to think
about what’s gonna be my new hat
I have privatized my health recently
only for the last 75 days I perfectly
had work out every day I have a
full-time employee to babysit me that’s
how I hacked it you know it’s it’s
obnoxious and I hate saying it out loud
because it makes me eat me but
I was gonna take care of my health so
that’s but killing you keep happy I
thought was the busiest eyeball time
there wasn’t a minute to spare you know
90 days ago and now I’m working out an
hour every single day somehow and so
clearly it’s manageable and so really
answer is effort it’s you know I really
think it’s effort and then being
flexible back to like I said to you
earlier on the product stuff like not a
counter pleasure I react that gene makes
me food entrepreneurs also make me a
happy guy because I’m able to turn on a
dime in this airplane this is not
working anymore he should he’s playing
field hockey and has no cycles and I
have to be at two o’clock in the
afternoon sometimes and so I have to
change the way I work I think balance is
really important but I think it looks
different for different people I think
you need to understand what is balance
for you as an example I remember
listening to an audio series by Tony
Robbins and I love Tony Robbins and he
was going through right down your list
of goals and talked about you know if
you want to be a painter write down I
want to make this painting or I want to
write this masterpiece or I want to
create this poem or make this sculpture
and because he was so excited into it
like yeah I want to make a painting I
want to make a masterpiece I want to
create a sculpture and it started
building up my list of things that I
wanted to do kind of outside of just a
business world and then when I looked at
it I realized I don’t actually really
want to do those things and I got kind
of externally motivated by Tony in that
moment but it’s not really what balance
means to me and so I think it’s super
important not to just look at somebody
else’s life but to do a regular audit I
think one of the most important things
that you can do as a human being is do a
quarterly audit of your life and see
where are you spending your time and
does that match to the goals that you’re
trying to accomplish so if you’re
feeling like you’re working too hard
then what are the other activities that
you’re doing how much time are you
spending and doing that quarterly audit
because your life will always change and
your goals and your priorities will
change my schedule changes at least once
a month but in a major way probably once
a quarter where I need to adjust my
priorities based on how I’m evolving as
human being some things I just don’t
care about anymore I’m still spending
time on sand
eliminate those some things I need to
spend more time on that I’m drawn
towards and so I need to factor that in
and put it in my calendar I can tell
what your priorities are by looking at
your calendar and so if there’s
something that you think is really
important if you’re trying to find more
balance if you’re trying to work harder
you want to make sure these priorities
get done schedule it into your calendar
both the personal things and the
business things and stick to it if you
do that then you’ll be able to build the
life that you want to leave before I
went back to work after my year at home
I sat down and I wrote out a detailed
step-by-step description of the ideal
balance day that I aspired to and it
went like this
wake up well-rested
after a good night’s sleep have sex walk
the dog have breakfast with my wife and
children have sex again drive the kids
to school on the way to the office do
three hours work play sport with a
friend at lunch time do another three
hours work meet some mates in the pub
for an early evening drink drive home
for the dinner with my wife and kids
meditate for half an hour have sex
walk the dog have sex again go to bed
how often do you think I had that day
we need to be realistic you can’t do it
all in one day we need to elongate the
time frame upon which we judge the
balance in our life that we need to
elongate it without falling into the
trap of the I’ll have a life when I
retire when my kids have left home meant
work my wife has divorced me my health
is failing
I’ve got no mates or interests left a
day is too short after I retire is too
long it’s got to be a middle way we need
to approach balance in a balanced way a
friends came to see me last year she
doesn’t mind me telling the story a
friend came to see me last year and said
no I read your book and I realized that
my life is completely out of balance
it’s totally dominated by work I work 10
hours a day
I commute two hours a day all my
relationships have failed there’s
nothing in my life apart from my work so
I’ve decided to get a grip and sort it
out so I joined the June
now I don’t mean to mock but being a fit
10 hour a day office rat isn’t more
balanced it’s more fit
lovely though physical exercise maybe
there are other paths to life that the
intellectual side there’s the emotional
side there’s the spiritual side and to
be balanced I believe we have to attend
to all of those areas not just do 50
stomach crunches now that can be
daunting because people say bloody hell
mate I haven’t got time to get fit you
want me to get a church and call my
I understand I truly understand how that
can be daunting but an incident that
happened a couple of years ago gave me a
new perspective my wife who is somewhere
in the audience today called me up at
the office and say no I do it you need
to pick our youngest Harry from school
she had to be somewhere else with but
other three children’s that evening so I
left work an hour early that afternoon
and picked Harry up at the school gates
we walk down to the local park messed
around on the swings play some silly
games I then walked him up the hill to
the local cafe and we shared the pizza
forty then walk down the hill to our
home and I gave him his bath and put him
in his Batman pajamas
I then read him a chapter of Roald
Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach I
didn’t put him to bed
tuck to me and gave me kisses forehead
and said goodnight mate and walked out
of his bedroom as I was walking out of
his bedroom you say dad yes mate he went
down this has been the best day of my
life ever I haven’t done anything I
haven’t taken to Disney World a boy on
the PlayStation now my point is the
small things matter being more balanced
doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your
life with the smallest investment in the
right places you can radically
transform the quality of your
relationships and the quality of your
life moreover I think it can transform
society because if enough people do it
we can change society’s definition of
success away from the moronically
simplistic notion that the person with
the most money when he dies wins to a
more thoughtful and balanced definition
of what a life well-lived looks like and
that I think is an idea worth spreading
thank you guys so much for watching I
hope you enjoyed I love to know what do
you think of this video what did you
take home that you were going to
immediately apply somehow into your life
for your business please leave it down
the comments below I would love to hear
from you I also want to give a quick
shout-out to Aniela F Whitney Miller
anula thank you so much I’m picking up a
copy of my book your one word and
posting about it on your Linkedin I
really really really appreciate the
support and I’m so glad you enjoyed the
read thank you guys again for watching
have an amazing day I believe in you
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
I’ll see you soon
it’s time to set some boundaries and
stop saying yes to everything and this
is the point where Brennan says people
say to me well Brendon you don’t you
don’t understand my yeah I can’t say no
to these projects I can’t say no to the
meetings I I can’t say no to these
things I can’t protect my time I I can’t
do these things as an example at work
because you know my boss wouldn’t like
that and I was go hey there’s probably a
lot of things your boss doesn’t like
about you already so who cares is it one
extra thing your boss might not like
about you and you start setting
boundaries at least it’s protecting your
sanity set the boundaries start saying
no to people and no apologize for it
just be real about say you know what I’m
sorry I can’t do that because I’ve
previously agreed to these other things
sorry I can’t do that because I have
this I must go do I have this email
response in my life that I send out to
people I always good to use requests
Brendon can you do this can do this and
they’re always last-minute requests so I
write to them I say you know what thank
you so much for thinking me I’m sorry I
can’t participate the reality is that I
have projects and priorities that have
been scheduled for months and some of
them for years and I can’t drop those
off or cut in line for you because your
last-minute requests because that would
be unfair to the other people who were
thoughtful and scheduled a long time in
advance I know this is important to you
but unfortunately I’ve already scheduled
unable to participate I wish you all the
Brendon no apologies sometimes you have
to learn to say no because where you
said yes in too many areas that’s all
these hours you’re handing out right
that’s what I want you think about all
your yeses to other people those are
ours and the more hours you hand out the
less balance you feel so at some point
you have to stop handing out so many
hours to people now at this point you
might be thinking but you understand my
life is out of balance because I just
had recently had kids or I recently got
sick or this recent thing blew up in my
business and everything’s crazy and to
those times all you can do is
to do your best and allow yourself to
struggle for a little while but have the
intention to get back to balance that’s
where people get jaded is they struggled
for so long but never had the intention
or the goal or the ideas or the
structure or the ability to say no or
get rid of distraction and so they gave
away their balance and never tried to
return to it sometimes life takes away
our balance you know if many of you know
I had a brain injury in 2011 and when I
had that brain injury it took me out of
balance for a year and a half but every
day I was working back towards getting
more balance in my life and it just has
to be a desire and I don’t make it light
it’s hard it’s a struggle but you
deserve to give yourself that permission
to start saying no to start protecting
your time so that you can move back in
two more hours and with more hours then
you can be more judicious about where
you spend your time – getting back a
little bit more that balance you might
not be able to get all of it but you’ll
get more of it back here’s the key to
achieving work-life balance choose to
manage your time choosing to manage your
time effectively is the starting point
of overcoming previous programming and
eliminating mental blocks – time
management you must decide right here
and now to become an expert in time
management in order to improve your
quality of life so your aim should be to
manage your time so well that people
admire you and look to you as a role
model for their own work habits think
about that so here are four tips for
time management that will help you to
achieve a work-life balance and improve
your quality of life number one use the
power of positive affirmations positive
affirmations or what they call positive
self-talk are commands that you pass
from your conscious mind to your
subconscious mind that you either say
out loud or say to yourself with emotion
and enthusiasm to drive the words into
your subconscious mind sort of like a
piledriver it’s sort of like instructing
yourself to follow new operating
begin by repeating positive affirmations
over and over to yourself such as I am
excellent at time management I am
excellent at time management or I
already have a balanced work in life
my favorite time management affirmation
is I use my time well I used my time
well I use my time well just say that
over and over when you repeat positive
affirmations over and over they are
eventually accepted by your subconscious
mind as commands just like you’ve
programmed it and then you’ll find that
your external behaviors on the outside
will start to reflect your new internal
programming we say as within so without
now tip number two in managing your time
and achieving work-life balance if there
is such a thing is to visualize your
time management skills mental pictures
almost immediately influence your
subconscious mind so begin to see
yourself as well organized and efficient
and effective in time management we say
mentally fake it before you make it so
recall and recreate memories and
pictures of yourself when you were
performing at your best and getting
through enormous amounts of work through
positive affirmations you can create a
picture of the upcoming event and see it
unfolding perfectly in every respect see
yourself is calm positive happy and in
complete control see the other people
doing and saying exactly which would
want them to do if the situation was
perfect play this picture of yourself
over and over again on the screen of
your mind tip number three is take
action based on your visualizations
now that you have concentrated on and
visualized what your day and your future
will look like with proper time
management it’s time for you to put it
into action
you do this by working the entire time
you’re at work when you walk into the
office you should work the entire time
you’re there be pleasant and friendly to
your co-workers but get to work right
away and work until you’re finished
Peter Drucker says that if you spend
more than 10% of your time socializing
your time is out of control now by doing
this going straight to work you’ll get
on top of your work and will walk away
feeling accomplished at the end of your
day when you don’t have lingering tasks
to worry about since you will have
worked as hard as you could have during
your time in the office you’ll be left
with plenty of quality time to spend
with your friends and family after work
if you had to think of one word that’s
most important to you that sums you
Apple that would be like a little beacon
pay believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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