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How to build a MOVEMENT – #AskEvan

how can you build a movement I’m gonna
answer that question in today’s episode
of ask Evan
so Risa got a question from one of my
youtube viewers love you guys Shahrukh
Hasan who wrote in to say Evan love your
content thank you
1q how can someone build start of social
brain movement like yours any tips
insights things does it fantastic
question I love building movements and I
love helping other people build
movements I have a movement program that
people can check out if you want and I’m
going to share three tips to help you
start yours
number one is stand for something if you
look at any movement whether it’s a
social media movement or traceback the
history and look at every single
movement its to accomplish some goal to
stand for something important people
need to rally behind something right
Martin Luther King built a movement
around equality I’m building a movement
around believe right it’s here on the
wall what are you stand for you know I
want people to believe in themselves to
believe in their dreams to believe that
whatever they want to accomplish is
possible that’s what this whole channel
is about that’s what my movement is all
about what is yours
what are you staying for how are you
going to spire people what’s the better
world that you want to create you know
what’s missing in this world right now
that that upsets you what’s the better
one that you want to create and how can
you rally people around that if you
don’t have a core cause a core belief a
core one word then it’s hard to get
people to be attracted to you so what do
you stand for
number two is be consistent this is a
huge thing on social media a lot of
people they’re like I want to get
started on social I’m gonna start
posting and go crazy and and whether
it’s writing the blog post every day or
posting Twitter 10 times a day or trying
to make youtube videos and posting one a
day and they create a schedule that is
unsustainable at the start because you
go all-in and you don’t see immediate
results you get discouraged burnout and
you stop where the key to building a
movement is consistent action over time
so it’s figuring out your mess
and then how do you deliver that message
in the medium that makes sense for you
and your skills and your talents so if
you’re great on camera do video with
YouTube if you’re great at writing you
can do blog posts or Twitter if you’re
great at you know doing things on
Facebook and that’s where you want to go
all in on great like pick the mediums
that best fit your style but be
consistent so start off slower set off
once a week and then get more regular
just make sure that it’s a consistent
schedule that people can tune into and
expect results from because the movement
takes time to build it always is gonna
happen a lot slower then you think it’s
gonna happen
it’s almost always slower than your
worst case scenario right you think like
yours best case here’s likely and here’s
worst case be prepared for being worse
than your worst case scenario and be
consistent my videos have taken off but
I’ve been doing it for years and I’ve
built an audience over that time
everything my social media my Twitter my
youtube my Facebook is all built over
time and you want to make sure you have
a consistent schedule that people can
look forward to that you’re not
overloading at the start and that people
can expect to get some results and
number three is support people start
reaching out beyond just the stuff that
you’re posting on your own channels
that’s broadcasting and start looking
for people who are suffering who you can
help so for example there’s a number of
YouTube channels that I watch and
whenever I see a comment of somebody who
needs a little bit of an injection of
belief I’ll comment on that video and
I’ll share it and I’ll I’ll inject
belief into that person even though it’s
not my video because people my main goal
is for people to to to believe in
themselves and feel inspired and to want
to take action and sometimes just that
one little comment from somebody makes a
difference and yes they will likely
check out my channel and subscribe and
now join my movement and it helps to as
a recruitment tool I guess for the move
when you’re trying to build but more
importantly it’s about spreading
goodness right spreading your message
and so whatever that is there’s people
who are afflicted by it around the world
and you can step in and start
helping them and start helping them kind
of get out of that hole and moving
towards the life that they want because
it’s the same path that you’re on as
well so start supporting people so
remember the stand for something be
consistent and support people and of
course belief so my question for you
guys today is I want to know how
consistent are you on social media in
posting content and pick a channel
YouTube Facebook Twitter whatever it is
how consists in are you what’s your
schedule share in the comments below I’m
curious to find out thank you so much
for watching
continue to believe and I’ll see you
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