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Top 10 Crazy Donald Trump Moments (Quickie)

I am officially running my no game is
Trump the game from that game both
inside and out you take a look at her
she’s a slob she talks like a like a
truck driver she doesn’t have her facts
she’ll say anything that comes to her
mind oh you dirty boy oh you know what
summer you’re fired
but I don’t want to do that Brent you’re
fired I don’t approve of bullying to the
people on the mini estate that is my
degrees honorary degree certificate not
wanted what no excuse me
I really believe there’s a birth
certificate why look she’s smiling why
doesn’t he show his birth certificate
and you know what I wish you would part
of the beauty of me is that I’m very
rich I will not be running for president
as much as I’d like to
please welcome the second worst tragedy
ever to hit New York City
ladies and gentlemen Donald J Trump
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