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“DON’T Make EXCUSES!” – Mel Robbins (@melrobbins) – Top 10 Rules

too many of you are reading to feel like

you deserve to make six figures it’s

about the action if you don’t listen to

any feedback at all guys you’re never

gonna improve you’re not gonna ever do

anything new so note feedback means

nothing new I’m about to change your

life because this piece of research

need motivation watch atop tenant

believe nation what’s up at seven my one

word is believe and I believe in you I

believe you have an amazing gift inside

you that I want to see exploded onto the

world so let’s get your motivation to

attend and get you believing in you grab

a snack and chew in today’s lessons from

a woman who went from being a career

defense attorney to becoming a

best-selling author public speaker and

one of the most popular commentators on

CNN he’s Mel Robbins and here’s my take

on her top ten rules a success vol 4

alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one take action too many of you

are sitting around waiting to feel ready

you can still move forward when you’re

not ready too many of you are waiting to

feel like you deserve to make six

figures it’s about the action your mind

your history your past you will always

have a million excuses not to do it not

to feel like it not to believe in

yourself they’re all the only thing that

matters in your life and your business

is the actions that you’re taking and

then more consistently that you take

action the faster you will start to

believe in yourself because you will see

proof that you are not the kind of

person that sits around and feels

unworthy that you’re not a victim that

sits by and get sucked into other

people’s stuff that you’re not that kind

of person so it won’t make sense to

believe it anymore but it starts with

action I believe in all of you and I

believe in your ability to get it done

but it’s going to be up to you who is

the problem yeah who is the solution

that’s right don’t we feeling that it’s

the biggest mistake you could possibly

make it remember that you’re smart

remember that you know what to do and

just get it done

rule number two share your ideas with

the world I’ve been in the media

business for ten years when I tell you

that things have changed 1000% let me

just give you an example my first media

deal I was signed by ABC that’s right

ABC the big dog crazy syndicated shows I

was signed by them to do a talk show

deal now do you know what that meant

there was some executive that was

looking out over the sea of talent they

were meeting with agents they were

picking people they were doubting you

and then guess what if they did pick you

they owned everything they told you what

to do Oprah’s uh Nenana Lee the game was

gatekeepers a few media players a sea of

competition total scarcity now what is

it today holy it’s unbelievable

if you have an iPhone you can have a


if you have an idea and you’re willing

to put it out there and you’re willing

to start sharing yourself on social

media you have a syndication platform

there is no one doubting you except for

you and that’s why I’m sitting here

imploring you I’m telling you right now

if you have a business if you have

aspirations if you have a dream the

single biggest opportunity in front of

you is to put it out on social media to

start talking about the things that

interest you to start sharing your ideas

sharing and documenting what you’re up


I guarantee you you start doing that and

you’re gonna start amassing an audience

that you had no idea was out there dying

to connect with you to learn from you

and to grow with you rule number three

get feedback I gave a speech yesterday

in Dallas after the speech it was a big

audience of people in financial services

a guy dressed to the nines and like one

of these super slick suits comes up to

me he says hey Mel you know really loved

the five-second rule do you mind if I

give you some feedback feedback ah don’t

you hate getting feedback and then when

people actually preface it by saying can

I give you some feedback I don’t know

about you but literally my butt’s like

it just cannot and it I immediately go

on edge but here’s the thing about

feedback you have to take it you have to

take it it is critical critical critical

critical so I want to tell you number

one what the guy said to me my reaction

and then I want to give you my

philosophy about feedback because what

the guy said to me was so valuable and

it was also really hard for me to hear

Here I am

after the speech were surrounded by a

big group of people he walks up to me

and says when it’s his turn in the line

can I give you some feedback

I immediately tense up and this is what

he says Mel I love the concept of the

five-second rule super cool idea can’t

wait to try it okay now comes the punch

in the gut he said you called it stupid

so many times during the speech it was


doesn’t that sound terrible that word

and he said I could tell that you were

doing it on purpose he’s right in fact

you called it stupid so many times and

yet you have these insanely power

examples of how people are using it you

came off as defensive when he said this

to me I’m literally you know how you

feel like you’re shrinking in life or

you’re like standing and your full size

and then all of a sudden somebody says

some you’re like I just want to

disappear right now and the reason why I

was such a zinger is he was right he was

absolutely right you see I do call the

five-second rule stupid because I’m in

front of so many analytical audiences

I’m in front of skeptics all the time

and so I use it as a pre-emptive way to

disappear the biggest push back on the

five-second rule which is on its face it

sounds so stupid and so simple there’s

no way it could be so powerful the

problem is I’ve gotten lazy and I say it

too much he’s a hundred percent right

and by hearing that feedback I can make

a really simple tweak to my speech I can

call it stupid once or twice in the very

beginning and then I can transition to

calling it something that’s very simple

and powerful now that’s gonna help me

reach more people with the five-second

rule and here’s what I want to say about

feedback feedback is intense to receive

it really is because you are exposing

yourself to critical opinions it will

make you feel very vulnerable the way

that I handle feedback and process it

I’m very clear about the things that I

will receive feedback on and I’m very

clear about the things that I will not

receive feedback on and the reason why

is if you don’t listen to any feedback

at all guys you’re never gonna improve

you’re not gonna ever do anything new so

no feedback means nothing new if you

listen to everything that everybody says

in terms of feedback if you allow

everybody to weigh in on everything it’s

gonna become so paralyzing that you will

do nothing new so the key with feedback

is knowing yourself and knowing what you

actually accept feedback on and knowing

what you don’t accept feedback on wheel

number four use the progress principle

my life changed a couple years ago when

I discovered something called the

progress principle it is a principle

that was written about in the Harvard

Business Review it’s based on a

tremendous amount of research done by a

professor over there and what she

determined is that

people that feel happy and successful

and fulfilled by their lives and work

they all have one thing in common they

feel as though they’re making progress

on something that matters so I read this

little bit of research and I started

applying it to my life and what I do as

stupid as it sounds it really works I

don’t focus on balancing everything I

focus on just making sure that I make

progress on one thing a day that’s right

you heard me one thing a day that

matters to me now if I can make progress

on one thing a day that matters to me

then I can let go and let the rest of my

day get hijacked by kids by spouse by

phone calls by emails by social media by

all kinds of things that come up and

tend to hijack your day when you’re a

busy person when you have a family when

you’re married when you got a lot going

on and so by focusing on one thing a day

I feel the sense of control in the sense

of progress that science tells us will

make you happy and make you feel more

confident and actually make you more

effective at getting things done it also

frees me up to be more present with my

kids number five be authentic so many of

us have this perfectionism gene and the

reason why we’re perfectionists is we’re

trying to insulate ourselves from

criticism that if you get it perfect no

one will give you feedback if you get it

right nobody’s going to criticize you if

you do it perfect then no one will be

able to attack you and the problem with

that and that’s just another side of the

same coin

which is the fear of disappointing

people you’re managing not disappointing

people not by lying and not by being

codependent but by actually trying to be

a perfectionist so that nobody

criticizes you so let me tell you a

story about the fear of disappointing

people in my own life because this is

the biggest trigger in my life I mean it

goes back to being in fourth grade right

it’s there and this is another thing I

have to remind myself of this everybody

every single day you cannot remove the

things that trigger you you can’t if

you’ve been doing a pattern since fourth


there will be things for the rest of

your life that will trigger that pattern

to come up but you can always choose not

to repeat the pattern so you’ll be

triggered and be afraid that you’re

gonna disappoint somebody that’s real

that’s normal it’s natural it’s part of

being a human being

I think it’s interwove and into every

relationship where you love somebody but

you don’t have to behave the way that

you always behaved when you’re nervous

about disappointing somebody let me give

you a dumb story you ready when my

husband and I got married my father gave

us this really incredible gift he gave

us an antique pool table I grew up in

Muskegon Michigan where Brunswick was

founded and my dad has a hobby of going

to garage sales and estate sales and

buying old dilapidated pool tables and

then he restores them so when Chris and

I got married he bought us an old

dilapidated pool table from the same era

as our house which is the 1870s he

restored the whole thing and then

recently he and I rented a u-haul and we

drove this sucker from Muskegon Michigan

to Boston Massachusetts my dad and I

took a road trip get there and we

assemble the pool table in what used to

be our playroom fast forward three or

four years the speaking business takes

off my business starts to grow we have

people that work for us and my kids are

older we don’t need a playroom we need

an office the pool table is in the

middle of this thing for the first two

years of having the office we kept the

pool table there why because I didn’t

want my dad to be disappointed because I

love him now he visits our house twice a

year for two or three days with my mom

and I kept this thing occupying 1/3 of

our office for two years and then I

realized I’m being ridiculous I’m being

absolutely ridiculous now here’s the

thing will he be disappointed if I take

the pool table down absolutely

definitely they’re always going to be

things that you do decisions that you

have to make in your life in your

business for your family that will

disappoint other people it’s unavoidable

but the fact that he’s going to be


should never be the reason that I don’t

do some

that is aligned with my values now let’s

take it a step further when you make a

decision that is likely going to

disappoint people or that does still

make the decision because it’s your life

there’s nothing worse than when you

start to rob your future and your life

and your happiness because you’re so

focused on other people however if you

love people you can still take care of

them when you make that decision so let

me go back to the example of the pool

table so I knew I was gonna take it down

I knew my father was gonna be

disappointed I was disappointed I don’t

have a big house so I don’t eat you know

I don’t have the room for a huge pool

table I don’t have a finished basement

like a lot of people I don’t have like a

cool garage game room thing like I just

don’t happen I called him first and said

I need to talk to you about something

you know the pool table I love the pool

table dad my business is growing so much

I actually need an office and oh great

it’ll be great in the office and I’m

like wow yeah would accept I have you

know through four people showing up but

we got to put some desks in there for

now even with that why you could put a

piece of plywood and they could work on

the pool table and then they could do

the thing and then the thing and now my

heart is racing because I don’t want to

disappoint my dad and now he’s fighting

for the and I had to just say for me

dad here’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna

hire professional movers in the pool

table business to disassemble this with

love and care we were gonna store it

beautifully when I either get a

full-time office off-site or I build a

barn or I build a different house this

will have its own beautiful room

dedicated to you so we had this

beautiful conversation now was he


absolutely when they come to the house

and visit which they just did and they

walk into the office do I feel a pang

you better believe I do it doesn’t

matter that’s all normal I still need to

make the decisions that I need to make

and the difference what’s changed is how

I relate to that fear so instead of what

I would do in the past is I would make a

decision that doesn’t serve me I’d leave

the pool table and then I’d be all about

it I’d leave the pool table as a way to

make my dad happy but it makes me


to leave it there because I need the

space right and then I’d be kind of a No

and then he’d come and I’d fake play

pool because I kind of want to write you

know you know what I’m saying like we do

all this but that’s not real and what

I’ve been able to do for myself in some

instances when I sketch it is to hit it

head-on and to be authentic and to still

take care of people and what I’ve also

come to learn is that people can be

disappointed in you and they still love

you you know you’re never gonna get

around this everybody in your family is

going to be disappointed with you

probably wants a day probably and you

have the ability to retrain how you

respond to that trigger that rises up in

you where you start to fear that you’re

disappointing somebody and the answer

really is make the decision that’s

aligned with your values and the thing

that supports you and then take care of

the person by being honest and

straightforward about it dealing with

their disappointment head-on because

that’s really the adult thing to do and

that’s what you do when you love

somebody the way we’ve all been handling

it myself included is manipulation lying

resentment withholding and that doesn’t

serve anybody rule number six deal with

procrastination I’m about to change your

life because this piece of research

changed mine procrastination has nothing

to do with work the people that write to

us the most that struggle with

procrastinating PhD students engineers

entrepreneurs people that have a lot on

their plate that have a lot of things

that they need to juggle and that are

analytical and thinkers by nature

procrastination is a form of stress

bingo and it makes you a fat doesn’t it

yeah how many of you can relate to that

she said that what’s stressing her out

is she wants to retire she hasn’t saved

up enough money what’s really stressing

you out is finances and money and the

fear that you have what happens when you

struggle with procrastinating and thank

you for being so honest there’s if it

stresses you out maybe you feel the same

way and we felt that way I know exactly

what you’re talking about you carry

around this dark cloud because you don’t

think you’re gonna make it you’re

stressed about money all the time or

maybe your mom’s health is declining and

it really stresses you out or maybe your

best friends are going through a divorce

or you’re going through a divorce and

that really stresses you out and so you

walk around with this big-ass thing on

your shoulders all the time and then you

walk into work and you sit down and

you’ve got a list of phone calls to make

which requires your prefrontal cortex

and your prefrontal cortex looks at the

list and it’s like oh my god you want me

to make 15 phone calls I’ve been worried

about the money all day can we just look

at cat videos I need a break

and next thing you know two hours is

gone you’ve been online shopping even

looking at cat videos and then of course

you look at the 15 phone calls you’re

like I didn’t make him I didn’t make him

I didn’t make the research on

procrastination is undeniable it’s black

and white

number one all of you that procrastinate

procrastination is not the issue it’s

stress you’re procrastinating to give

yourself a little break at work it’s

sort of like taking a smoking break

almost you know you’re just taking a

break so number one because you’re all

stressed out and procrastinators are

very hard on yourselves this is gonna

sound super stupid but you got to

forgive yourself you have got to

actually have a talk with yourself where

you feel yourself starting procrastinate

you go look you know I really screwed up

I know I’m in a mess financially I

forgive myself I’m just gonna do the

best that I can you have to address the

thing that’s underneath it so that’s

self-awareness of knowing oh my god

here’s that stress again about finances

screwing me over and preventing me from

doing the small things that will

actually fix my finances second thing

that you’re gonna do procrastination is

a habit right you get triggered by

stress the habit is to procrastinate so

when you get triggered by

stress your new habit is oh there’s my

stress again I’m gonna actually tell

myself okay you’ve done the best you can

it’s okay we’re gonna do a little bit

today you’re gonna create what we call

starting ritual a starting ritual is

something that pushes you to start the

best one on the planet the five-second

rule so you’ve said okay there’s my

stress again I forgive myself

now we’re gonna five four three two one

I want you to only work for five minutes

that’s it five minutes make phone calls

for five minutes here’s what we know

based on the research 80% of you will

keep going the trick is starting you see

I want to break the connection between

the trigger which is stress and the

response which is procrastination and

whenever you feel stressed which is

normal you have a choice here’s that gap

in five seconds flat

the habit of procrastinating and beating

yourself up will take over or you can

close the gap five four three two one

and you can make a different choice I’m

just gonna get started I’m just gonna be

okay with where I’m at and I’m just

gonna get started got it good

rule number seven don’t stay stuck I

want to address my comments to those of

you that have learned the five-second

rule you’ve tried the countdown five

four three two one and it’s not working

I gotta level with you the five-second

rule always works it’s backed by science

and hit is helped change the lives of

millions of people the problem is not

the rule the problem is you actually

don’t want to change I’m dead serious I

want I want you to just stop and think

about that for a minute for people who

try to count down but then don’t

actually push themselves forward for

those of you that that are struggling

with self-doubt struggling to get up on

time struggling to make the calls to

grow your business struggling to stay

motivated you know about the five-second

rule but you don’t use it there’s a

simple reason why you’re not using it

you don’t want to change look change is

hard I get it if you’re gonna change

anything about your life you’re gonna

have to face the unknown you’re gonna

have to step out of your comfort zone

you’re gonna have to try something new

you’re gonna have to risk rejection and

judgement it’s scary

I get it that’s why most people never

change so if you’re like Leanne

and you’ve got all the tools at your

disposal but you still are stuck the

reason why you’re stuck is you don’t

want to change yet so stop complaining

about the tools and go inward and

actually examine what are you afraid of

seriously what do you get out of staying

stuck what do you get from staying heavy

what do you get from not making the

money that you want what do you get from

dating a string of losers

you get safety I don’t know you you get

the ability to complain are you the one

that’s constantly dominating all your

friendships cuz you’re constantly

griping about how bad your life is I

don’t know what you’re getting out of it

but you’re getting something the moment

you decide that you’re sick and tired of


the moment that you decide that you are

so ready to change the five-second rule

this puppy right here the five four

three two one it’ll be there and it’ll

work and look when you start deciding

that it’s time to change you may have to

use five four three two one five

thousand times a day for weeks on end

because you’re pushing through

self-doubt and you’re pushing through

procrastination and you’re pushing

through resignation and you’re pushing

through fear over and over and over and

over and over and over and over again

and then what’s going to happen and I

see this happening around the world I

know that it works we have proof that it

works if you use five four three two one

and you push through everything that’s

stopping you right now because you this

is your year this is the moment that

you’re gonna change at some point

something’s going to click and the

momentum is gonna kick in and suddenly

change isn’t gonna be scary

change is gonna be what’s happening rule

number eight don’t waste your life

worrying worrying about things that

could go wrong and staying in that space


mine’s my ability to solve it to be

present and it robs me of my full

thinking capacity if you catch yourself

chronically worrying it means you have a

habit and it will very much lead to

anxiety there is a direct correlation

between your habit of worrying and then

that becoming anxiety so worry is a baby

anxiety is the big sister because

anxiety just means that the bad thoughts

are now manifesting as physical symptoms

in your body your stomach hurts your

throat is tight or sweating your heart

races and a panic attack is when your

mind gets concerned because your body

state is agitated so it takes over and

gets you out of whatever situation and

so you want to go to war against your

habit of worrying use your worries as a

squeak signal that there’s something to

fix or pay attention to but do not under

any circumstances allow yourself to

become the kind of person that wastes

your precious life time sitting there

spinning cycles it’s like washing the

same load of laundry over and over and

over again it’s a total waste of time

and it will erode your happiness and it

will make you ineffective at getting the

things that you want your life rule

number nine break the negative pattern I

know that everybody’s problem comes down

to one pattern you’re repeating that you

can’t see and that pattern is getting

triggered by something that happened in

your past that left you with this

emotional scar and so for me the thing

that I always always always have to deal

with and myself is the fear of

disappointing somebody so if I’m in a

situation where I start to feel that

it’s an old trigger and so when you

finally have a word that describes in a

visceral way this thing you hate about

yourself or this thing that triggers you

or whatever it may be

that’s where the power comes because now

you can name the thing that was once

controlling you and so if you can

identify first of all the pattern you

keep repeating that makes you miserable

or doesn’t serve you or makes you lose

your power or has your go numb

then you can start to go back and say

well where did I where did I first start

doing this and what was the experience

that triggered it because that’s the

root of the problem right there and when

you expose all of that the trigger and

the emotional button like my I’m afraid

of disappointing people I’m afraid of

disappointing people I’m not worthy I’m

not worthy

you know I’m pissed off that I that this

is happening to me now you have the

ability to change it forever annual

number ten the last one before some very

special bonus clips also my personal

favorite have a good evening routine is

very simple completed the day and leave

no tasks that I have to finish in the

morning it’s that that’s it and so it’s

not necessarily that I have a specific

order but there are particular things

that I do number one totally syndicates

so that means pack their lunches it

means get the backpacks raised and

school season and get them by the door

it means if there’s any forms that need

to be filled out or printed and or

anything else that they are printed they

are ready to go so kids are handled

second thing I love the kitchen clean I

don’t ever want to wake up in the

morning and walk in there and see crap

that I have to do

I don’t want dishes in the sink I don’t

want things on the counter and so I make

sure that the kitchen is clean that the

counters are cleared off and that there

is no nothing I need to do in the

kitchen because it will distract me in

the morning I would feel the guilt I

would feel obligated to get that done

third thing that I do is I try to set

out the stuff for breakfast and the

reason why I do that is because my kids

will wake up at various times and so if

I’ve got that things set up

I’ve just bought myself a couple more

minutes of quiet in the morning before

the parade of children come running down

the stairs starving and wanting

breakfast the other thing that I do is I

go to my computer and I

out the day calendar for the day ahead

and then I take that printout and I take

my notebook that has all of my travel

and kind of everything that’s laid out

for the business that I run and my

speaking schedule and stuff relating to

the kids and I move it all to the

kitchen now why penguins I’m doing this

so that when I leave my bedroom in the

morning and I walk into the kitchen to

have 30 minutes of quiet time for myself

to get focused and plan my priorities

everything set it’s all been handled

there’s no thinking involved it’s

amazing then once that’s all handled I

turn off all the lights and off the

front door when I walk into my bedroom

the very first thing that I do

I accept my alarm and then I plug my

phone in in my closet that is the single

now I’ve got a great bonus clip from Mel

that is around start stop and continue

but before that I want to know what did

you learn from Mel today she’s got such

a great message so many nuggets of

wisdom and you can apply I want to know

how are you going to apply this somehow

to your life into your business don’t

just watch another video make a

commitment to improve leave it down the

comments below I’m really curious to

find out thank you guys so much for

watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one word is much love I’ll

see you soon

hey guys I’ve got this game that I just

learned for my friend Scott here’s how

it works

think about 2018 and then declare what

you’re gonna stop doing where you’re

gonna start doing and what you’re gonna

continue doing here’s mine I’m gonna

stop saying yes to any phone call any

meeting or any business deal that

doesn’t fully excite me I’m gonna start

a daily spiritual practice right now I

kind of do spirituality light so 2018

gonna start a daily spiritual practice

and I am gonna continue becoming an even

more prolific creator working on a new

book about anxiety we’re releasing the

five second journal and more videos are

coming your way so what are you gonna

stop start and continue in 2018 the most

important work ever if you had to think

of one word that’s most important to you

that sums you Apple so it would be like

a little beacon table Ignatian if you

want to know what the most important one

word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey and Howard

Schultz I have a very special secret

video for you check the description for

details [Music]

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