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Top 10 Signs You SUCK at a Video Game

if you’re doing these things it may

explain why you can’t get good welcome

to and today we’ll be

counting down our picks for the top ten

signs you suck at a videogame before we

begin we publish new videos every day so

be sure to subscribe for more great

content for this list we’ll be looking

at the common behaviors people display

when they’re unskilled at a video game

number ten you don’t accept your

failures humbly be an all man you really

lost a lot of composure all over yet see

this blood cross ooh whoa we all fail

sometimes it’s just part of life and

video games but how we handle things

when we fail says a lot about our

character oftentimes people are too

proud to admit their mistakes or examine

their failing objectively and besides

being a good way to ruin your enjoyment

of the game it also doesn’t help you

improve and besides video game

consequences are a lot more forgiving

than real life

the fact that they’re just games means

we don’t have to get wrapped up and

appearing our best absolutely terrible

thing player doesn’t have any actual

strategy just rush forward to keep

jumping for free cuz Uranus no anti-air

number nine your friends resort to

dictating your loadout all right Jimmy

are using the mp40 of the 44 sniper

rifle snipe what gym are you play Harry

other to you up snipe and Carrington

okay saboteur saboteur I’m gonna kill

you for real when playing a game we all

choose what sorts of weapons and

equipment to use customization can be

part of the fun however some things are

naturally better to use than others if

you need to be told which are the best

ones chances are you’re not as

knowledgeable as your friend who’s

telling you what’s good in other cases

many of us get a bit overly enthusiastic

in our use of some items particularly

explosives or vehicles this can often

lead to killing ourselves or our own

teammates and to their frustration with

us and or they’re placing a moratorium

good shooting net number eight you rage

quit early and blames of the game

oh great so I’m dead now fine I’m

sticking a stupid game anyway anger and

frustration with video games can be

quite common and walking away from a

game in frustration or rage quitting is

often a result of bad game design or

steep difficulty spikes still when you

get easily angered and give up after

only a short time it may not be the game

that’s to blame but you instead many

gamers are reluctant to admit their

shortcomings especially when they’re

playing with others so it’s easier to

blame the game rather than find fault in

themselves but like we said earlier

self-awareness can help improve our

skills it’s fun why do they make that if

you can’t even win then why didn’t want

my wanting to see what my dad has number

lots of games feature missions quests

and other objectives that the player

must complete in order to advance or to

obtain rewards if you find yourself

frequently failing these or else being

unclear on what you’re supposed to do

you may suck maybe you simply need more


or maybe you failed to listen to the

directions from the NPC who told you in

a long boring text box or maybe you

charge in half-cocked and get everyone

killed like an idiot regardless of the

reason you screw up recognizing the

pattern is the first step to getting



number six you keep getting booted off

while playing an online game it’s not

unheard of to be booted from a server

for using offensive language or for bad

behavior however sometimes people will

boot you because they think you suck and

that their team would be better off with

someone else while it’s a crappy thing

to do it can be an indicator of how good

or bad at a game you are finding people

of a comparable skill level to play with

can be tough particularly if you don’t

know your teammates personally number


you resort to trash-talking there are

plenty of trash talkers online some of

them are good-natured about it some of

them are trolls and others use it as a

way to compensate for their own

shortcomings when you’re backed into a

corner in the game or losing

consistently you might feel like the

only way to get one up on your opponent

is to insult them still when you resort

to verbal abuse instead of letting your

actions speak for themselves it may be

number four you blame your mistakes on

we’ve all known or have beat one of

these people right you’re playing a game

with someone and you mess up or lose but

instead of owning up to it you say that

you’re not familiar with the controller

or that you didn’t respond when you

press the button granted some

controllers are unintuitive or cheaply

made and prone to malfunction but not

all of them are and the excuses one

easily seen through especially when used

repeatedly number three you tend to

repeat the same mistakes over and over

video games can be difficult there’s no

doubt about that but many times there

are players who seem to keep making the

same mistakes time after time besides

being one definition of insanity

repeating the same actions and expecting

a different outcome won’t help you

develop your gaming skills while some

games are linear enough that repetition

seems inevitable you can always switch

up your approach and barring that the

best thing to do is try to determine

what you did wrong and how to improve

the next time good advice for gamers and

with how convenient and instant many

things are nowadays it’s understandable

that many gamers are impatient when

playing games

however rushing into things can often

lead to failure and several of our prior

entries often stem from letting

impatience get the better of you earning

through a level or charging into a new

room may seem like a good idea but the

unexpected challenges and occasionally

literally pitfalls are usually what get

you and caution is often what separates

the pros from the noobs as the infamous

Leroy Jenkins showed us all it’s better

to look before you leap ready guys oh my

god he just ran in number one you’re

tutorials are meant to be a player’s

introduction to the game giving them the

basics like the controls and or

explaining the setting it’s generally

meant to ease the players into the game

by giving them something simple and easy

to understand although some tutorials do

a bad job of conveying the controls and

the objectives they’re generally made so

easy a child can do them so when you

struggle on the tutorial that’s

generally a pretty clear indicator that

you suck at video games or at least the

one you’re playing oh my god you could

die do you agree with our picks check

out these other great clips from

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