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Does it Have to Take 10,000 HOURS to Earn SUCCESS? | Oprah Winfrey | #Entspresso

I love the theory of that there’s 10,000
hours behind anybody who ever gets to be
successful I think a giant company
should come in and question me
I think a giant company should come in
with a team of 400 people with video
editors and research teams that will put
me the shame and crush me learn before
you earn and it’s never too late to do
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up bleep nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message earn success over
to you Oprah Winfrey also if you want to
know what Oprah and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check on my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below I have paid
attention to my life because I
understand that my life just like your
life is always speaking to you their
real work is to figure out where your
power base is
my biggest frustration is not just with
young women my biggest frustration is
also with young men young people who
think that and I have a lot of this with
my girls in college they think that
success is supposed to happen like the
addicts yeah they think that there isn’t
a process to it they think that they’re
supposed to come out of college and have
their brand and I recognize now that I
am a brand but I was resistant to being
called a brand for many years because I
was like no brand I’m not a brand um I’m
a person but how I got to be a brand was
not trying to be a brand how I had to be
a brand was every day making choices
that felt like this is the right move
now that’s the right move and now that’s
the next right move the next right move
and so my frustration with young women
and young men is that they think it’s
supposed to happen like this and they
don’t understand that there’s a process
to it social media you did not get to be
editor of Vogue magazine by not working
and working and working and working and
working to get here
I love the theory of that there’s 10,000
hours behind anybody who ever gets to be
successful you don’t need to be good you
just need to be early it doesn’t have to
take 10,000 hours to build a brand
anymore now it may take 10,000 hours to
get world-class at something and may
take 10,000 hours to really master your
craft and be among the best in the world
but if you want to build a brand if you
want to have success the world has
changed you don’t need to be the best in
your industry anymore
if you are early so here’s what I mean
if you are new to a platform if you are
new to YouTube if you were one of the
first on YouTube one of the first on
Instagram in terms of being a content
creator you don’t have to be actually
that good to start getting a lot of
attention because the people who have
put in the work to be good the people
who have put in the 10,000 plus hours to
be world-class at their thing they’re
not coming into the new platform there’s
a lot of new attention there there’s a
lot of new users there but the people
who are great are usually the dinosaurs
and they are the slowest moving people
on the planet and so they will take
forever to adopt YouTube they will take
forever to adopt Instagram they will
take forever to adopt whatever the next
thing is out there and so if you get
there faster if you get there before
them there’s a captive audience waiting
for any kind of information ideally
you’re both great and early but most
people aren’t and you can build the
brain and have a lot of success by just
being early so here’s a quick example of
a youtube friend of mine who had success
being a vlogger and he had his vlog and
is having a lot of success and building
a growing and every year new subscribers
and new brand deals and new monetization
paths and more revenue and building
building building and then recently it
plateaued and now it’s not just plateau
and it’s starting to decline it’s like
what’s happening why am I losing why am
I not having the success that I used to
have I was so good I still feel like I’m
good what happened
the problem was people like Jake Paul
came in people like Logan Paul came in
vloggers actually got pretty good now
whether you love Jake and Logan Paul or
not as a different issue but they’re
great at what they do and they’ve taken
over the daily vlogging world and it’s
made other vloggers suffer and the
problem was for my friend that he was
never actually good he was never
actually good at his thing he was just
early he was maybe good within the realm
of everybody else who was doing it but
they were all suck too he was the best
of the people who sucked he was never
actually good and news flash when every
celebrity gets into daily vlogging when
Will Smith gets in the daily vlogging
when the rock gets into daily vlogging
it’s gonna put pressure on the Jake
Paul’s of the world it’s gonna put
pressure on everybody else has been
doing the daily vlogs they have to raise
their game and actually get amazing or
they’ll get squeezed out of the market
because they were never actually very
good I look at what I do with my channel
I don’t think my channel should exist I
don’t think my channel should exist I
think CNN should have done what I’m
doing I think the Economist should have
done what I’m doing I think some big
giant company should have done what I’m
doing and I think they could crush me
I think a giant company should come in
and crush me I think a giant company
should come in with a team of 400 people
with video editors and research teams
that will put me to shame and crush me
the problem is they’re slow
they’re moving really slow and so the
game that I’m facing is the game that
I’m playing is I need to get so good
that when they come in I’m ready I need
to get so good at what I’m doing now
that when CNN comes and wants to take me
on I’m ready but it comes from me
thinking that I still suck I’m still
just early I am still just early at what
I’m doing I’m not actually that amazing
now a couple that was thinking that I’m
amazing so I live in both worlds
I think that’s healthy but I’m not that
good I’m not that good and I need to get
good so that when my real competition
comes in I’m ready so here is a three
step process to actually start winning
number one what do you want to get great
at not just chasing some opportunity not
just trying to get rich like what do you
actually want to get great at do you
want to be a great speaker do you want
to help move people like what do you
want to be great at what is the thing
inside you that you want to get great at
as a skill that you take forever because
me being able to speak in front of a
camera is not just helpful for YouTube
right when YouTube goes away and become
something else that is taking
everybody’s attention my ability to be
able to speak in front of the camera
will serve me forever
the Paul Brothers came out of nowhere
nowhere because they were all in on vine
right and then vine shut down and then
they destroyed YouTube and within a year
they had blown up where other people
took years and years and years to get to
anywhere close to their size and so
whatever skill you learned you could
take wherever you go that’s what I’m
after what do you want to be great at
what is the skill that you want to learn
that will serve you forever that you
want to be great at that’s step number
one step number two is find the
opportunity look at where you can be
early and start getting attention so if
you want to host a new show trying to
get in and be on CNN and be on ABC and
be on wherever it is is really hard like
that’s just a crazy game where the
opportunity is not worth it the hours of
effort for the minimal results are not
worth it you should be hosting your own
show you
be hosting a YouTube show you should be
hosting the Instagram live show you
should be hosting a Facebook live show
like you should be hosting your own show
and it’s your chance to win and get
attention and stand out so we have our
skill right step number one what is the
skill that you want to be great at and
now we’re looking for the opportunity
within that skill that you want to be
great at while you’re practicing while
you’re learning while you’re honing your
you’re still out producing you’re
looking for the best opportunity to win
right now using that skill and you could
start to win even though you’re not very
good at it yet and then set number three
is get great before they catch you right
what what am i doing right now with my
business I’m trying to get great before
CNN comes in and stomps me I’m trying to
get great because that that’s coming
right and so whatever opportunity you’re
looking at then you focus on getting
great right you’re finding something
that you love doing the skill you want
to hone your then picking an opportunity
that is underserved that is early that
there’s an audience for but the the
people who are actually great at it
aren’t coming into it like if Oprah went
into podcasting she would crush it
because she’s the greatest interviewer
of all time she would crush every single
podcast but because she’s not interested
in podcasting and she may never get into
podcasting that allows podcasters to win
even though they are not Oprah Winfrey
level talented at asking questions and
they better get there because if Oprah
wants to come in she’ll crush everybody
so that’s it you need to get great at it
but in the meantime you’re not waiting
you’re not taking 10,000 hours working
for somebody else doing really crappy
jobs slowly working your way up the
machine you have an opportunity to win
now and continue to hone your craft to
get great so you can win forever so step
one identify what you want to be great
at step two look for the opportunity
that you can crush in right now not when
you have 10,000 hours of practice and in
step three go get great before the great
people actually come into your industry
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
that I think you’re going to enjoy but
before that question the day I want to
know what your answer is to question one
what do you want to be great at let me
find a situation where you can be in the
room with masters of a craft and that
could just be deal making it could be
joining a small company say a fewer than
50 people where you simply get to
observe one of the principles
negotiating in an industry that you
don’t even care anything about all right
it could be waste management and you
want to go into high tech but if you sit
in a room with someone who’s an absolute
pro at crafting deals negotiating
getting past know those skills and maybe
those relationships start to snowball
all right and this is what scott adams
the creator and Dilbert would call
systems thinking’s instead of being
wedded to the outcome of a given job you
are accumulating skills and
relationships that transcend that job
okay and if you choose your environments
well because as I’ve said before and as
people like drew the CEO of Dropbox as a
friend have said you’re the average of
the five people you associate with most
all right so if you take just a few
years have the patience a few years to
really develop core competencies that
allow you to craft your own reality and
life negotiation deal-making getting
past know etc learning how to pitch how
to get someone’s attention in 30 seconds
so that you can then create the desire
and ultimately ask for some type of
action once you develop those then you
can really just create the map for the
next decade in the next several decades
so that would be it it would be learned
before you earn and it’s never too late
to do that so I don’t care if you’re
coming out of college coming at high
school 30 40 whatever it is
systems thinking focus on the skills and
relationships first and then you can
just create a blank check for how much
money you want to make if that is your
goal if you want more Oprah check out
the biggest life lessons video I made on
her the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe I’ll see
you there I used to fear hearing the term who do you think you are
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