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Advice for Becoming a Recognized Speaker – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and in today’s
video I wanted to answer a question from
what our readers Christopher who is a
budding speaker in leadership and
business and wanted to get my opinions
on how we could get more well known as a
speaker so Christopher I would advise
you to start at the start so look for
any opportunities you can find to speak
even if you’re not getting paid for so
look for a charity groups looking for
student groups look for business groups
let them know who you’re about and try
to get more practice speaking it’ll do
two things for you one it’ll start
building momentum so you’ll see then
there’s there’s a track record building
you can say you’ve spoken at all these
different events and second it will help
you become a better speaker it’ll help
you hone your message you’ll do the find
out what you’re really good at and what
what parts of your message resonate
really well with your audience so it’ll
make your presentation a lot better so
when you go after paid gigs you have a
better product to go ahead and pitch
them the next thing I advise you to do
is get on youtube if you’re really good
at speaking and you can touch an
audience you’re covering a really
popular topic in leadership get on
youtube and start spreading your message
so previous videos it could be through a
question-and-answer format like I’m
doing right now or it could just be you
on screen speaking away talking about
whatever topic you’re really passionate
about but if you get on YouTube
opportunities will start to open up for
you as people can see you you basically
want to try to get as much exposure as
possible if somebody finds your video
really likes it you’re likely to email
you or pick up the phone and call you if
you leave your phone number and so
opportunities will come if you have
really good content to share a little
bit about what I did my story when I was
first started speaking I partnered up
with a non-profit group and they were
targeting entrepreneurs and I offered
for free to come and do a couple
chops and the first way I did I think
we’ve had four people come out to so not
a great turnout but then the next one we
had six and then 10 and then 20 and
pretty soon we’re filling rooms and you
have people coming back and then telling
their friends and you have a series
going and you start to generate a lot of
excitement we were able to make
partnerships with major corporations and
banks were able to get part of it and
help sponsor it so that all led from a
tiny little workshop series that I
started with a non-profit and it grew
from there so get started that’s the
core message one final thing that you
all you want to do is create a really
good about me page so hopefully have a
website on there you want to showcase
all the stuff that you’ve done you can
put your YouTube videos you can put all
the different workshops that you’ve done
the different organizations if you’ve
been in the media put all that stuff
there as well so that if a potential
customer lands on your site and they
have an opportunity they see if hey this
guy has done a lot of great stuff I want
to get in touch with members you want to
make it really easy for somebody to say
yes I want a higher Christopher so I
hope that helped please give the video a
thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and
I’d also love to hear your thoughts and
feedback if you want to leave a comment
below and stay tuned for the next
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