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7 Ways to Make MONEY from BOOK Deals and SPEAKING (in 2018) – #7Ways

you get to charge whatever you want you

make a lot more money we need to see

your powerful opinion come out in every

single piece of content people will

notice you will start to get speaking

what’s that believe nation it’s heaven

my one word is believe and I believe in

you I believe you have Michael Jordan

level talent at something and I want you

to find it embrace it and make a

difference using it so to help you on

your journey today I’m gonna talk about

the seven ways that you can make money

from book deals and speaking engagements

enjoy so this video is brought to you by

the workshop that I’m putting on in May

in Toronto I’m picking 15 people to help

them be a thought leader be an expert

and turn what you’ve got in here to go

out have a big impact and make money

doing it building your empire off of

your thoughts we have three spots left

where 80% sold out if anybody wants to

join check the link in the description

today I’m going to talk about the seven

different ways that you can make money

from book deals and speaking gigs it’s

off one of the things that get asked a

lot about I’m an expert I have ideas I

want to be a speaker I want to be an

author how do I make some money doing it

some covering it at my workshop in

Toronto but I’m gonna give you a sneak

peek here with a high-level overview of

my seven tips so here’s how this video

breaks down we number one is gonna apply

to both book deals and speaking gigs way

two three four is gonna be only about

books and wave five six seven are gonna

be only both speaking engagement because

they’re slightly different beasts


so way number one is gonna be have an

audience this sounds like a no-brainer

but you have to have an audience the

more you have an audience the more

people gonna care about you the more

comfort is gonna want to hire you to

speak and the more covers gonna work

with you to publish a book one of the

first things is gonna happen if you want

to publish a book whether use a

publisher or self publish and we’ll get

into the details later in this video is

what’s your audience

what’s your reach and they want to see

that you have reached not just on

YouTube or Instagram or Facebook or

Twitter but also direct access like

email addresses you will definitely get

asked how many email addresses do you

have because they want to see that you

can help promote the thing if you can

help promote the book if you can help

promote the speaking event you’re gonna

get paid a lot more than if you can’t if

you are counting on them to do

everything it’s gonna be a lot harder to

get the big-ticket deals and so listen

this is a long-term game you may not

have much of an audience right now

that’s okay but this is where the world

is going in this industry and so the

sooner you get out to start building in

your community you start building a

tie-in to fan base on the different

social platforms and collecting email

addresses the more it’s gonna set you up

for success success success success over

and over and over again so start

building your audience now ok let’s

start talking about the books way number

two is to use a publisher the reason to

use a publisher is one to get a little

bit more credibility if you’re just

getting started people may not know you

there’s still a little bit of a cachet

around having a book with a major

publisher my first book was with penguin

Random House so I can say I’m a penguin

Random House author I think the

credibility is slowly declining it

doesn’t mean as much as it used to

there’s a lot more ways to get notoriety

publicity awareness attention than just

having a book before a book used to be

the opening door to a lot of

opportunities now having my youtube

channel is an example is what I’m gonna

lead with much more than I have a book

with penguin Random House and so there’s

other ways to do it but it still gives

you more credibility you’re not gonna

make as much money with the publisher

they likely will not give you an advance

unless you have a big audience so I got

an advance from my publisher but most

people would not as a

I’m author until you’ve proven yourself

and so your first book expect not to

make a lot from the advance and not to

make much from the royalties either

you’re basically taking a shot that this

is going to work out and if it does sell

then your future books you’ll be able to

get advances on and it keeps increases

that you’re doing more sales but that

first one is a proof of concept and so

you’re not gonna make a lot of money but

you will get in bookstores you will get

attention recognition for having a major

publisher behind you so you need to

weigh the options what’s more important

to you making money or getting the book

with the brand name in the bookstores


wait number three is to get a literary

agent so a literary agent their job is

to find new authors and connect them to

publishers and so I got introduced to my

Lit agent through my regular agent and

she did a great job what she did was

she’ll look at the proposal so when

you’re creating a proposal for a a major

publishing company they want to see a

couple things they want to see they want

to know you they want to know your

mission they want to know what you

staying for they want to know why you’re

doing the thing that you’re doing they

want to know what your reach is how big

your audience is they also want to see

the outline for the book what’s the big

idea from this book it should be easy to

understand what the big idea from this

book is and they also want to see the

the chapter outline so how many chapters

are in the book how many pages is gonna

be roughly give or take and you know

what are the main points in each chapter

and then they also want to see a sample

chapter so not just the outline they

want to see the first chapter done they

want to get a sense to your writing

style they want to get a sense of is it

powerful is it meaningful is it

something that they want to be able to

go off and sell and so there’s a lot of

work and create a proposal for a

publisher so that’s where a lit agent

they take a commission take a cut of

what you end up selling your book for or

you know commissions coming in to take a

piece but they’re great because they can

help you one navigate the waters of

dealing with publishers and creating a

proposal that’s really gonna win because

you might only get one shot with a

publisher so she has a new author and if

your proposal sucks they likely won’t

want to look at it again unless you’ve

done something dramatic on your audience

to really build up notoriety around

yourself the second thing they do though

is he create a bidding war so I’m not

able to mention pricing but what my lit

agent basically did was put what five

different publishers against each other

and we had five calls in two days

and back-to-back-to-back and she creates

a bidding war where I ended up making a

lot more than the first offer from the

publisher because we pitted one

publisher against each other so just

like a good real estate agent I guess

would do try to create a bidding war

between different buyers if you’re

trying to sell a house and so getting on

board with the lit agent could really

help you the way in you can you can

google you can find them you can reach

out most of these people are

individually on Twitter as well as you

know professionally the brain being on

Twitter you can find them at trade shows

events you can look for referrals

introductions you can find them on

LinkedIn there’s a lot of paths in and

the more of that work that you’ve done

up front

the more you thought about the proposal

remember the key sections that I talked

about what are you doing what’s the why

what’s the mission what’s the book about

what’s what’s the chapter overviews what

is your reach all of that stuff the more

you’ve already thought that through and

the less they have to help you the more

likely you’re gonna get a yes if they

see opportunities in what you’re



wait number four is to self-published so

I self-published my second book the top

ten rose to success I wanted to try both

so first one your one word paying a

random house second one I use create

space in Amazon to sell publish you get

to charge whatever you want you make a

lot more money especially off the

digital downloads then you do when you

go with a publisher it’s a lot harder to

get into the bookstores it probably

won’t happen so it depends on what

you’re trying to do you are

self-publishing just with Amazon’s you

don’t have a brand name behind you you

won’t be in the book store so if your

goal is to walk into a store and and see

your thing there it’s a possibility but

it’s really really really hard to get in

but you’ll be able to make a lot more

money and it’s a hundred percent on you

to be able to sell now publishers do a

little bit of work to help you they try

to line up a little bit of media and

some of their contacts but don’t expect

the publishers to do a lot these days

it’s really up to the author

anyway to sell which is why they really

care about your audience so it just

comes down to how much are you trying to

get money versus how much you’re trying

to get exposure and if money is your

primary goal and you want speed and you

want total control editorial control

everything control cover everything then

sub publishing is the way to go let’s

move on to speaking now let’s get some

speaking gigs way number five you need

to have a powerful opinion this is the

start if you want to get hired to be a

speaker then you need to stand for

something what is your message you can’t

just be a photocopy of somebody else

what are you staying for you need to

speak with authority on that topic you

need to be a subject matter expert and

you have to have an opinion that is

different and so the more that you could

tie it to a specific niche and the more

that you can tie it to current events

and what’s happening in the world today

and give your two cents on it and spin

it in a way that makes sense for an

audience a certain demographic not

everybody I get hired to come and speak

to people who want to be entrepreneurs

I’m not gonna go off and speak to people

who want to be truck drivers right so I

know my niche I know what I’m good at

and that’s what you need to define for

yourself so who is your audience and

what is the powerful opinion that you

have that is different from everybody

else what is the perspective and then

start sharing that content we need to

see your powerful opinion come out and

every single piece of content that you

are making across all of your platforms


way number six is film talking head

videos talking head is basically like

this I’m a talking head is not a ton of

fancy editing everything that we’re

talking about is coming from here you

guys are not tuning in because of the

effects that we have or the splashy

music we’ve got going on that all helps

but really you’re coming here to

understand what’s in my head and

hopefully have a knowledge transfer that

helps you get to where you want to go

and so making talking head videos if you

want to be a speaker is one of the best

ways to become a speaker I get all of my

speaking gig opportunities from my

YouTube channel they see me talking they

like my powerful opinion they want me to

come and keynote an event that is going

on and more and more and more and more

that’s where people are getting their

gigs from creating speaking videos on

YouTube there’s an expression in the

speaking world that

if you want to speak more you need to

speak more that the more you speak the

more people see you even if you’re

speaking for free doesn’t mean you have

to the YouTube videos you could be going

out in the world and speaking for free

you know YouTube just gives you a much

greater audience a bigger platform and

people like it they see you they come

back they subscribe they watch more

videos they tell their friends they

share your content it gets picked up

somewhere a friend of a friend of a

friend and that person hires you to come

and speak and so the more practice you

get speaking one it makes you better

period so if you how many videos have I

made on my channel five six thousand

videos you get better at something after

you practice at five six thousand times

so you will just naturally get better

the quantity leads to the quality and

you increase your chances that somebody

is going to see your thing and pick it

up and want to tell their friend and

eventually hire you to come and speak at

their event so I’ll be looking at how do

I make talking head videos this is this

this is not that hard to make because

they’re not coming to you for your

over-the-top editing they’re not coming

to you for your animation skills it

doesn’t have to take a hundred hours to

make you know a three-minute film it’s

you talking from the top of your head

you can get your phone out mine is not

here I’m using a webcam here right now I

have a channel 1.2 1.3 million

subscribers that I’m still using a

webcam for a lot of my videos my my

editor is not super happy always about

that but we fixed the zoom the auto

focus issue so that’s fantastic get your

phone out start filming yourself just

stabilize it right put it on a shelf or

get a tripod and just start making

videos if you have a powerful opinion

and you know what you’re talking about

you can add value if you could transfer

that knowledge and change the feeling of

emotion that you’re feeling to the

people who are watching that video

that’s when you start to win and that’s

when people want to hire you to comment

if that’s your industry I would say a

video a day a video every single day you

talking about something I’d be looking

at you know 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 minutes in

that range so something’s happening in

the news or something is upsetting you

or you know you met a client and you’re

telling a story

start with your powerful opinion then

start breaking down what the advice

should be give a story right

tell the story tell me the lesson from

her and then tell me what I should be

doing right that’s that’s a video every

day of the week right at least five

times a week weekdays at least get that

going out you should be able to come up

with those things if you want to be a

speaker you have to learn to be able to

speak you have to learn people that

access stories and bring them in and so

if you’re not able to do that you need

the practice

you need to practice to get better and

so don’t worry about the editing just go

and be able to make seven eight nine ten

minute video five times a week that

should be your media priority and way

number seven is to film speaking videos

so every time you get a speaking gig you

want to make sure that it is filmed

ideally from the venue themselves it’s a

hopefully bigger venue they have a film

crew they have somebody doing it that

you can then take that footage and sign

like if you get an agreement I would

always try to put that in because it’s

usually not in the agreement that you

get a copy of the video so try to write

that into the agreement if possible it’s

not always possible sometimes it’s a

private event and they don’t want to

share it but always ask for it just in

case if they are not filming it try to

find a way to film it bring your own

tripod bring your cell phone bring a


have somebody film it try to not to have

super shaky invest in a microphone

there’s a zoom microphone you can buy

it’s like a hundred bucks where you can

you put the microphone on and it just

clips here it doesn’t have to tie into

the phone it’s worth doing what you want

to do is have more content on your

channel of you speaking not just a

talking head video like this but you

onstage the more people see you on stage

the more twigs in their head oh this

person is a speaker I wonder if they

should come and speak at my next event

or I know my friend is putting on that

event they should really look at this

video and so ideally every single time

that you actually get a speaking gig

whether it’s paid or free you have some

video format of it that you can then

upload it to your YouTube channel if you

want to be a speaker you need to have a

YouTube channel it’s great to have

Instagram and do one minute videos and

it’s great to have Twitter and do four

to five second videos but you need to

have a youtube channel and you need to

be uploading long-form Khan

you need to be showing yourself speaking

and showing the talking head videos as

well you do that consistently over and

over and over again and you actually

have a powerful opinion you actually

have a message to share people will

notice you will start to get speaking

gigs so those are my seven ways on how

to make money from book deals and

speaking gigs I would love to know what

did you think which one was the most

interesting that you’re gonna now try to

apply in your life your business leave

it down the comments below did I miss an

8 9 10 that you want to add to the list

let me know leave it down there and for

those of you coming to Toronto I can’t

wait to see you three more spots check

out the link in the description come

sign up I want to work with you one on

one I want to help you take that what

that is in here and explode it onto the

world in a powerful way that helps make

you money thank you guys so much for

watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one word is much love I’ll

see you soon if you had to think of one

word that’s most important to you that

sums you Apple that would be collect a

little beacon pay believe nation if you

want to know what the most important one

word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey and Howard

Schultz I have a very special secret

video for you check the description for details

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