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6 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE from Oprah Winfrey | #MentorMeOprah

I love the theory of that there’s 10,000
hours behind anybody who ever gets to be
successful when you are synched up with
life life just gives to you not
everybody can be famous but everybody
can be great because greatness is
determined by service wanna soar get a
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s learn
from one of the best Oprah Winfrey and
some of her best life-changing advice
okay let’s kick it off with advice
number one earn success my biggest
frustration is not just with young women
my biggest frustration is also with
young men young people who think that
and I have a lot of this with my girls
in college they think that success is
supposed to happen like that yeah they
think that there isn’t a process to it
they think that they’re supposed to come
out of college and have their brand and
I recognize now that I am a brand but I
was resistant to being called a brand
for many years because I was like a
brand I’m not a brand I’m a person but
how I got to be a brand was not trying
to be a brand how I got to be a brand
was every day making choices that felt
like this is the right move now that’s
the right move and now that’s the next
right move the next right move and so my
frustration with young women and young
men is that they think it’s supposed to
happen like this and they don’t
understand that there’s a process to it
social media yes social media you did
not get to be editor of Vogue magazine
by not working and working and working
and working and working to get here I
love the theory of that there’s 10,000
hours behind anybody who ever gets to be
successful advice number two find a way
to serve number two you must find a way
to serve Martin Luther King
said that not everybody can be famous
but everybody can be great because
greatness is determined by service now
we live in a world where everybody wants
to be famous and where we admire people
for just being famous we think being
known brings us value the truth is all
of that will fade in time in three years
you won’t be able to name the Housewives
a banana the real truth is that service
and significance service and the
significance that you bring to your
service is that which is lasting so to
be able to whatever your occupation or
job or talent or gift is our honorees
today getting Doctorate degrees –
apparently opposite feels HIV and AIDS
and the spoken word but what they have
in common is service using the spoken
word in service to community and the
world using your knowledge and
information about HIV and AIDS and
medicine in service to the world and if
you look at all the most successful
people in the world whether they know it
or not they have that paradigm of
service everybody’s talking about Mark
Zuckerberg and IPO service jay-z rapid
service through the word to people
through song
for many years I was really just happy
to be on TV and people would stop and
say oh you on TV yeah I’m on TV I like
being on TV it’s a nice job and it was
about the time that I received my
honorary Doctorate from Spelman around
1993 so I don’t know if that had
something to do with it I thought of
myself as dr. Winfrey then I went back
and I took a long look at what it was I
was doing on on TV and made a decision
that I was no longer going to just be on
TV but I was going to use TV as a
platform as a force for good and not be
used by TV and I will tell you my
decision to make that significant change
in the way I operated on television
using television as a service changed my
career exponentially service through
medicine service through art using
whatever it is you produce your product
as a way of giving back to the world
when you shift the paradigm of whatever
it is you choose to do to service and
you bring significance to that success
will I promise you follow you service
and significance equals success that’s
number two advice number three align
yourself with your dreams life has
dreamed a dream for you and your your
goal your number one job is to figure
out what that dream is and align
yourself with the dream because the
dream cannot come to you unless you’re
willing to meet it energetically in the
same place so if your energy is off
which I say to my girls all the time
they could teach this class right now on
being and flow if you are not in
flow with God’s dream for you with
life’s dream for you if you are out of
order if you are out of sync it cannot
come to you it will not come because the
whole purpose of your life is to line
yourself up with the purpose and so if
you are operating in fear if you are
operating in jealousy jealousy will kill
you when you are synched up with life
life just gives to you it opens doors
it creates experiences it allows you to
meet people things show up you never
thought we’re gonna show up and you are
doing what is the purpose of your soul
being here advice number four just be
the beauty of my life Edward is that
from might say 30 to 33 on I figured out
how to be myself completely on
television and all these years I have
made a fortune really being myself this
huh so I’m never not me I’m never not
the person that you see you know there
are days when I am more open and warm
than others and one of the things that
actually caused me in 1991 to get my own
plane I was in the airport and I was
just minding my own business and a woman
came up and she said you’re not acting
like you do on TV
and I said what’s that she says well on
TV you’re hugging everybody you just
sitting here you’re not hugging away I’m
just sitting here man I’m just waiting
on the plane so if I’m in an airport I’m
not necessarily walking around hugging
people okay but I am I am just always
just myself advice number five put out
positivity reading Newton’s law third
law of motion which says for every
action there’s an equal and opposite
reaction was like a religious experience
for me I just understand me all my bells
and whistles and lights and dancing
emojis went off because I could see that
I’d experienced a little bit of that in
the color purple’ that beautiful line
where would be as miss Celie says
everything you try to do to me has
already done to you mmm that struck me
in particularly in the movie and I
understood that everybody’s actually
saying the same thing Newton saying the
same thing is Miss Seeley is saying the
same thing as what we in this country
and mean the other country is call the
Golden Rule that really what you put out
is coming back all the time and what
really struck me is that is not do unto
others as you would have them to unto
you it really is when you do it’s
already done because that’s law and
advice number six the last time before a
very special bonus clip is fill your if
I leave you with nothing else it’s just
know this for sure there is not one
thing that has ever happened to you not
one experience about one encounter not
one crisis not one joyful thing that
hasn’t happened just to make you better
and help you rise every single thing
you’re calling in whether you know it or
not when you figure out that you are
calling it in when you actually start
meditating or praying or doing or having
a spiritual practice which is the number
one thing you need if you want to be
successful in the world you need
something that gives back and nourishes
you regardless of what you call that you
need to you need to fill your cup so
that you can be so full your cup runneth
over and you have enough to give to
other people if you don’t fill your cup
you end up dried up you end up tired
exhausted and don’t have enough to give
it to other people you end up resentful
every time somebody asked you because
your cup is empty and now they want some
of yours
so your number one job your number one
job is to fill your cup and make
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from Oprah on how to relax that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for the three-point landing
questions time to move from just
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or in your
business and if you’re feeling bold
answer the questions in the comments
below here we go question number one how
can you serve others more number two
what will you do to fill your cup and
number three what’s one piece of
you say to your younger self oh honey
honey honey oh baby girl what the world
has in store for you first of all would
be relax it would be stop being afraid
and it would be everything’s going to be
alright no matter what you’re going to
be okay the most important work ever if
you had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be can like a little beacon
if you want more Oprah check out the top
ten rules video I made on her the link
is right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there become so skilled so
vigilant so flat-out fantastic at what you do
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